86 research outputs found


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    The Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic has changed many things, including public services. All levels of government are adapting to the new normal so that public services do not stop completely or are temporarily suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Public services at the village government level have also changed. Lambangsari Village Government, Bekasi Regency, also innovated administrative services for the community. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced the village government to innovate so that public services can continue. This study aims to describe the innovation and satisfaction of the people of Lambangsari Village with public services in the village. This research uses a quantitative descriptive method with a Likert scale (Rensis Likert) as a measuring tool for the level of public satisfaction and a qualitative method to describe the administrative innovations carried out. Literature reviews, documentation, interviews, and questionnaires all served as data collection methods. The results of the study revealed that the government of Lambangsari Village carried out public service innovations in the form of mobile administration services and ball pick-up administration services. The level of community satisfaction with public services during the COVID-19 pandemic was good. Even so, the service innovations carried out did not have a significant impact on satisfaction. The community prefers conventional services by coming directly to the village office.Pandemi Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) telah mengubah banyak hal, termasuk pelayanan publik. Semua jenjang pemerintahan beradaptasi dengan kenormalan baru agar pelayanan publik tidak berhenti total atau diberhentikan sementara gegara pandemi COVID-19. Pelayanan publik di tingkat pemerintahan desa juga berubah. Pemerintah Desa Lambangsari, Kabupaten Bekasi, juga melakukan inovasi pelayanan administrasi kepada masyarakat. Pandemi COVID-19 memaksa Pemerintah Desa melakukan inovasi agar pelayanan publik tetap berlangsung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan inovasi dan kepuasan masyarakat Desa Lambangsari terhadap pelayanan publik di desa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan Skala Likert (Rensis Likert) sebagai alat ukur tingkat kepuasan publik dan metode kualitatif untuk mendeskripsikan inovasi administrasi yang dilakukan. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara studi literatur, dokumentasi, wawancara dan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan Pemerintah Desa Lambangsari melakukan inovasi pelayanan publik berupa pelayanan administrasi keliling dan pelayanan administrasi jemput bola. Tingkat kepuasan masyarakat pada pelayanan publik pada masa Pandemi COVID-19 bernilai baik. Meski begitu, inovasi pelayanan yang dilakukan ternyata tidak signifikan berdampak pada nilai kepuasan tersebut. Masyarakat lebih  memilih layanan konvensional dengan datang langsung ke kantor desa


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    In driving, especially two-wheelers, safety is prioritized. The advancement of transportation systems through companies that have online applications opens up quite high opportunities for the young workforce as additional jobs or main jobs. The purpose of this study is about the relationship between safe riding and the behavior of online motorcycle taxi drivers a how the company's supervision mechanism for the implementation of safe riding of online motorcycle taxi drivers in Bekasi City. By using quantitative and qualitative types of research with a descriptive approach which will be carried out in February – July 2022. The study sample totaled 206 from both users and riders. Variables were examined knowledge about safety riding, safety riding attitudes, safety riding actions wards online motorcycle taxi drivers, and supervision mechanisms by companies on the implementation of safety riding. Monitoring of motorists through notifications located on the driving speed limit rider application and complaints from users through the application against the assessment of the driver's behavior or reprimanding directly by the user. Data collection on riders and users by online questionnaires (google form) and interviews. The results found that the riders already knew about safe riding but there were still those who did not comply. Meanwhile, from the consumer side, they expect to drive comfortably and safely.Dalam berkendara terutama roda dua yang diutamakan keselamatan. Semakin majunya sistem transportasi melalui perusahaan yang memiliki aplikasi online membuka peluang yang cukup tinggi bagi tenaga kerja muda sebagai pekerjaan tambahan atau pekerjaan utama. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah tentang hubungan safety riding dengan perilaku pengendara ojek online serta bagaimana mekanisme pengawasan perusahaan terhadap pelaksanaan safety riding pengendara ojek online di Kota Bekasi. Dengan menggunakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari – Juli 2022. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 206 baik dari pengguna maupun pengendara. Variabel diteliti pengetahuan tentang safety riding, sikap safety riding, tindakan safety riding terhadap pengendara ojek online dan mekanisme pengawasan oleh perusahaan terhadap pelaksanaan safety riding. Pemantauan atau pengawasan terhadap pengendara melalui notifikasi yang berada pada aplikasi pengendara batas kecepatan berkendara dan pengaduan dari pengguna melalui aplikasi terhadap penilaian perilaku pengendara atau menegur secara langsung oleh pengguna. Pengumpulan data pada pengendara dan pengguna secara kuesioner online (google form) dan wawancara. Hasilnya ditemukan bahwa para pengendara sudah mengetahui mengenai safety riding, namun masih ada juga yang tidak mematuhinya. Sedangkan dari sisi konsumen mengharapkan berkendara dengan nyaman dan aman


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    The implementation of village head election regulations in Wonorejo Village, Sumbergempol Subdistrict, Tulungagung Regency, compared to the New Order period showed a number of positive steps. Free elections occur with the high public participation, direct elections with the principle of one man one vote. The juridical, sociological and cultural impact of the election dispute in the village head in Wonorejo Village, Sumbergempol Subdistrict, Tulungagung Regency, was that violence exploded when the defeated candidates for the village head vent their disappointment. The result is a personal grudge that continues to be carried out, as well as hostility between supporters who are actually neighbors. Another striking color in the elections is money politics to buy votes. The steps to resolve the dispute in Wonorejo Village, Sumbergempol Subdistrict, Tulungagung Regency, are the first, re-counting of votes and ending in re-election. Secondly, in order to appear unsuspecting BPD as a village consultative body forms a third party as a mediator and supervisor. Third, there is a strict escort from the police at all stages of the election. The fourth, documents were transferred to the Surabaya Administrative Court as a form of claim for revoking the Tulungagung Regent Decree in the determination of the Wonorejo village head election


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    The traditional ceremony perang bangkat is one proof of the diversity of cultures that exist in Banyuwangi. This traditional gathering held in the bride on Osing tribes, but not all gathering brides use perang Bangkat Ceremony. War Bangkat used when the bride is the eldest and youngest child in his family. The idea is if the groom is the eldest son of a family and is married to the youngest daughter of another family have to do ceremonies perang bangkat, and vice versa. Modernization, gradually get rid of this custom. Evidenced by the younger generation prefers the simple wedding ceremony and westernized


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    Merujuk ke Piagam Madinah, secara eksplisit tertulis nama beberapa golongan dan beberapa suku. Nampaknya, Rasulullah sangat mengetahui tentang keadaan dan politik setiap kelompok tersebut. Nabi Muhammad SAW dapat menepatkan diri sebagai pemimpin Madinah di tengah-tengah berbagai suku yang mengamininya sebagai pemimpin masyarakat. Islam ditanamkan oleh beliau sebagai satu kesatuan Agama dan Politik Rasulullah berhasil menciptakan satu bangsa di bawah satu naungan kepemimpinan, suatu perwujudan dari gagasan besar berupa prinsip kehidupan nasional Arabia, dan beliau mampu menjadikan Islam sebagai agama yang menghasilkan rekonsiliasi

    Implementasi Pembatasan Akses Sosial Media Menggunakan Layer 7 Protocol Pada Perangkat Mikrotik DI SMK IDN

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    : SMK IDN Borading School is one of the schools in Bogor Regency that has national standards. This school has a very broad environment. In addition, this school also has a fairly good internet network. This can be seen by the breadth of the internet network that almost covers the entire school environment. At SMK IDN, the main problem is the use of internet network data by students to play games and social media during study hours, so it takes a system that is capable of being a protection so that users cannot use the internet to play games and social media during study hours. . Based on this, this study aims to test the implementation of social media access restrictions using the layer 7 protocol feature on a network with Mikrotik devices at SMK IDN. In general, this study shows the success of blocking several social media applications such as youtube, instagram and tiktok. So when social media like the one above can be blocked learning in class will be very conducive where students will always pay attention to the teacher who is delivering material and students will not be able to steal opportunity to access social media in class
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