4 research outputs found

    Forms and teaching methods in the system of continuing professional education

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    The search for innovative forms and teaching methods is highly significant in the context of continuing education, since the competitiveness of modern teachers depends on the quality of the continuing education process. The purpose of the article is to analyze the experience of using innovative forms and methods in the system of advanced training and professional retraining of students. The article presents the experience of organizing the work of students using modern forms and methods of advanced training. The implementation of video conferencing allows students to learn advanced professional experience, exchange relevant information, ask leading experts questions of interest and receive recommendations. Training activities contribute to the intensification of the learning process. It is aimed both at mastering the cognitive component of the information transmitted by the teacher, and the formation of new professional models of behavior that meet modern requirements for the implementation of pedagogical activity. Mental maps are a means of logical structuring of information and are aimed at its operational development. Project activities allow students to build professional competence, find new innovative ways to solve problems, assess the feasibility and effectiveness of project ideas

    Use of open electronic courses in educational activity

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    The use of open electronic courses is a relatively new tendency in education and it is not yet fully discovered by researchers. With its introduction a change in the structure of the educational system happens. Therefore, the article studies the specifics of the introduction of online courses, including requirements to them, as well as factors that slow down their active development. Due to it, the following methods of investigation were used as: analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction. As an example, Kozma Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University - Minin University was used. Based on the study of the "Regulations on the use of open courses in the educational activities of Minin University", it was noted, in addition to the functions of the coordination group on open education, that for the trainee at the end of the course, in the case of unsatisfactory result, the possibility of the recalculation is established. This paragraph is used not by every university. In the article we make a conclusion that open courses are a new qualitative step in the development of world education, but online courses would be much more effective as narrow-minded, adult-oriented, and deeply motivated for learning. Taken as the basis of research, Minin University showed that the university is ready for the implementation of online courses. It is one of the few universities that actively use open courses in Russia.peer-reviewe

    Forms and teaching methods in the system of continuing professional education

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    The search for innovative forms and teaching methods is highly significant in the context of continuing education, since the competitiveness of modern teachers depends on the quality of the continuing education process. The purpose of the article is to analyze the experience of using innovative forms and methods in the system of advanced training and professional retraining of students. The article presents the experience of organizing the work of students using modern forms and methods of advanced training. The implementation of video conferencing allows students to learn advanced professional experience, exchange relevant information, ask leading experts questions of interest and receive recommendations. Training activities contribute to the intensification of the learning process. It is aimed both at mastering the cognitive component of the information transmitted by the teacher, and the formation of new professional models of behavior that meet modern requirements for the implementation of pedagogical activity. Mental maps are a means of logical structuring of information and are aimed at its operational development. Project activities allow students to build professional competence, find new innovative ways to solve problems, assess the feasibility and effectiveness of project ideas.La b煤squeda de formas y m茅todos de ense帽anza innovadores es muy significativa en el contexto de la educaci贸n continua, ya que la competitividad de los docentes modernos depende de la calidad del proceso de educaci贸n continua. El prop贸sito del art铆culo es analizar la experiencia de utilizar formas y m茅todos innovadores en el sistema de formaci贸n avanzada y reciclaje profesional de los estudiantes. El art铆culo presenta la experiencia de organizar el trabajo de los estudiantes utilizando formas y m茅todos modernos de formaci贸n avanzada. La implementaci贸n de la videoconferencia permite a los estudiantes adquirir experiencia profesional avanzada, intercambiar informaci贸n relevante, hacer preguntas de inter茅s a los principales expertos y recibir recomendaciones. Las actividades de formaci贸n contribuyen a la intensificaci贸n del proceso de aprendizaje. Tiene como objetivo tanto el dominio del componente cognitivo de la informaci贸n que transmite el docente, como la formaci贸n de nuevos modelos profesionales de conducta que cumplan con los requisitos modernos para la implementaci贸n de la actividad pedag贸gica. Los mapas mentales son un medio de estructuraci贸n l贸gica de la informaci贸n y est谩n dirigidos a su desarrollo operativo. Las actividades de proyectos permiten a los estudiantes desarrollar competencias profesionales, encontrar nuevas formas innovadoras de resolver problemas, evaluar la viabilidad y eficacia de las ideas de proyectos