1,639 research outputs found

    Autonomous support for microorganism research in space

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    A preliminary design for performing on orbit, autonomous research on microorganisms and cultured cells/tissues is presented. An understanding of gravity and its effects on cells is crucial for space exploration as well as for terrestrial applications. The payload is designed to be compatible with the Commercial Experiment Transporter (COMET) launch vehicle, an orbiter middeck locker interface, and with Space Station Freedom. Uplink/downlink capabilities and sample return through controlled reentry are available for all carriers. Autonomous testing activities are preprogrammed with in-flight reprogrammability. Sensors for monitoring temperature, pH, light, gravity levels, vibrations, and radiation are provided for environmental regulation and experimental data collection. Additional experimental data acquisition includes optical density measurement, microscopy, video, and film photography. On-board full data storage capabilities are provided. A fluid transfer mechanism is utilized for inoculation, sampling, and nutrient replenishment of experiment cultures. In addition to payload design, representative experiments were developed to ensure scientific objectives remained compatible with hardware capabilities. The project is defined to provide biological data pertinent to extended duration crewed space flight including crew health issues and development of a Controlled Ecological Life Support System (CELSS). In addition, opportunities are opened for investigations leading to commercial applications of space, such as pharmaceutical development, modeling of terrestrial diseases, and material processing

    Cumulus cloud venting of mixed layer ozone

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    Observations are presented which substantiate the hypothesis that significant vertical exchange of ozone and aerosols occurs between the mixed layer and the free troposphere during cumulus cloud convective activity. The experiments utilized the airborne Ultra-Violet Differential Absorption Lidar (UV-DIAL) system. This system provides simultaneous range resolved ozone concentration and aerosol backscatter profiles with high spatial resolution. Evening transects were obtained in the downwind area where the air mass had been advected. Space-height analyses for the evening flight show the cloud debris as patterns of ozone typically in excess of the ambient free tropospheric background. This ozone excess was approximately the value of the concentration difference between the mixed layer and free troposphere determined from independent vertical soundings made by another aircraft in the afternoon

    Autonomous support for microorganism research in space

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    A preliminary design for performing on-orbit, autonomous research on microorganisms and cultured cells/tissues is presented. An understanding of gravity and its effects on cells is crucial for space exploration as well as for terrestrial applications. The payload is designed to be compatible with the COMmercial Experiment Transported (COMET) launch vehicle, an orbiter middeck locker interface, and with Space Station Freedom. Uplink/downlink capabilities and sample return through controlled reentry are available for all carriers. Autonomous testing activities are preprogrammed with inflight reprogrammability. Sensors for monitoring temperature, pH, light, gravity levels, vibration, and radiation are provided for environmental regulation and experimental data collection. Additional experiment data acquisition includes optical density measurement, microscopy, video, and file photography. Onboard full data storage capabilities are provided. A fluid transfer mechanism is utilized for inoculation, sampling, and nutrient replenishment of experiment cultures. In addition to payload design, representative experiments were developed to ensure scientific objectives remained compatible with hardware capabilities. The project is defined to provide biological data pertinent to extended duration crewed space flight including crew health issues and development of a Controlled Ecological Life Support System (CELSS). In addition, opportunities are opened for investigations leading to commercial applications of space, such as pharmaceutical development, modeling of terrestrial diseases, and material processing

    Application of powder metallurgy techniques to produce improved bearing elements for liquid rocket engines

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    The objective was to apply powder metallurgy techniques for the production of improved bearing elements, specifically balls and races, for advanced cryogenic turbopump bearings. The materials and fabrication techniques evaluated were judged on the basis of their ability to improve fatigue life, wear resistance, and corrosion resistance of Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME) propellant bearings over the currently used 440C. An extensive list of candidate bearing alloys in five different categories was considered: tool/die steels, through hardened stainless steels, cobalt-base alloys, and gear steels. Testing of alloys for final consideration included hardness, rolling contact fatigue, cross cylinder wear, elevated temperature wear, room and cryogenic fracture toughness, stress corrosion cracking, and five-ball (rolling-sliding element) testing. Results of the program indicated two alloys that showed promise for improved bearing elements. These alloys were MRC-2001 and X-405. 57mm bearings were fabricated from the MRC-2001 alloy for further actual hardware rig testing by NASA-MSFC

    HFF-DeepSpace photometric catalogs of the 12 Hubble frontier fields, clusters, and parallels : photometry, photometric redshifts, and stellar masses

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    We present Hubble multi-wavelength photometric catalogs, including (up to) 17 filters with the Advanced Camera for Surveys and Wide Field Camera 3 from the ultra-violet to near-infrared for the Hubble Frontier Fields and associated parallels. We have constructed homogeneous photometric catalogs for all six clusters and their parallels. To further expand these data catalogs, we have added ultra-deep KS-band imaging at 2.2. mu m from the Very Large Telescope HAWK-I and Keck-I MOSFIRE instruments. We also add post-cryogenic Spitzer imaging at 3.6 and 4.5. mu m with the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC), as well as archival IRAC 5.8 and 8.0. mu m imaging when available. We introduce the public release of the multi-wavelength (0.2-8 mu m) photometric catalogs, and we describe the unique steps applied for the construction of these catalogs. Particular emphasis is given to the source detection band, the contamination of light from the bright cluster galaxies (bCGs), and intra-cluster light (ICL). In addition to the photometric catalogs, we provide catalogs of photometric redshifts and stellar population properties. Furthermore, this includes all the images used in the construction of the catalogs, including the combined models of bCGs and ICL, the residual images, segmentation maps, and more. These catalogs are a robust data set of the Hubble Frontier Fields and will be an important aid in designing future surveys, as well as planning follow-up programs with current and future observatories to answer key questions remaining about first light, reionization, the assembly of galaxies, and many more topics, most notably by identifying high-redshift sources to target

    Evaluation of multi-season convection-permitting atmosphere – mixed-layer ocean simulations of the Maritime Continent

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    A multi-season convection-permitting regional climate simulation of the Maritime Continent (MC) using the Met Office Unified Model (MetUM) with 2.2 km grid spacing is presented and evaluated. The simulations pioneer the use of atmosphere–ocean coupling with the multi-column K profile parametrisation (KPP) mixed-layer ocean model in atmospheric convection-permitting climate simulations. Comparisons are made against a convection-parametrised simulation in which it is nested and which in turn derives boundary conditions from the ERA5 reanalysis. This paper describes the configuration, performance of the mean state and variability in the two simulations compared against observational datasets. The models have both minor sea surface temperature (SST) and wet precipitation biases. The diurnal cycle, representation of equatorial waves, and relationship between SST and precipitation are all improved in the convection-permitting model compared to the convection-parametrised model. The Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO) is present in both models with a faster-than-observed propagation speed. However, it is unclear whether fidelity of the MJO simulation is inherent to the model or whether it predominantly arises from the forcing at the boundaries.</p

    Selectively Cross-Linked Tetra-PEG Hydrogels Provide Control over Mechanical Strength with Minimal Impact on Diffusivity.

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    Synthetic hydrogels formed from poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) are widely used to study how cells interact with their extracellular matrix. These in vivo-like 3D environments provide a basis for tissue engineering and cell therapies but also for research into fundamental biological questions and disease modeling. The physical properties of PEG hydrogels can be modulated to provide mechanical cues to encapsulated cells; however, the impact of changing hydrogel stiffness on the diffusivity of solutes to and from encapsulated cells has received only limited attention. This is particularly true in selectively cross-linked "tetra-PEG" hydrogels, whose design limits network inhomogeneities. Here, we used a combination of theoretical calculations, predictive modeling, and experimental measurements of hydrogel swelling, rheological behavior, and diffusion kinetics to characterize tetra-PEG hydrogels' permissiveness to the diffusion of molecules of biologically relevant size as we changed polymer concentration, and thus hydrogel mechanical strength. Our models predict that hydrogel mesh size has little effect on the diffusivity of model molecules and instead predicts that diffusion rates are more highly dependent on solute size. Indeed, our model predicts that changes in hydrogel mesh size only begin to have a non-negligible impact on the concentration of a solute that diffuses out of hydrogels for the smallest mesh sizes and largest diffusing solutes. Experimental measurements characterizing the diffusion of fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labeled dextran molecules of known size aligned well with modeling predictions and suggest that doubling the polymer concentration from 2.5% (w/v) to 5% produces stiffer gels with faster gelling kinetics without affecting the diffusivity of solutes of biologically relevant size but that 10% hydrogels can slow their diffusion. Our findings provide confidence that the stiffness of tetra-PEG hydrogels can be modulated over a physiological range without significantly impacting the transport rates of solutes to and from encapsulated cells
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