141 research outputs found

    Shifting The Screen Input Area On A Handheld Device For Accessibility

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    A system and method are disclosed to automatically detect with which hand the user is holding a mobile device, and then automatically shift the device input/screen area for optimal accessibility. The orientation sensor or gyro (if present) in the mobile handheld device is used to detect the asymmetry of the human hand and the angle at which a given hand holds a device. The controls that are customized for the user’s handedness could be any kind of button controls, or menus, popup boxes etc. The device using the method could be any handheld touchscreen device with screen controls such as a smartphone or a tablet. Advantages of the system and method include better user experience due to automatic shifting of the appropriate screen input area to the side of the device that is easiest for the thumb to reach

    Synchronizing Closed Captioning With Dialogue

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    Systems and methods are disclosed for synchronizing closed captioning with dialogue in a video. The synchronization may be carried out in a couple of ways, the first involving having the user adjust the CC forward or backward in video time to sync. The second method includes an automatic rendering application that may use voice-to-text to match up the CC segments to display them simultaneously. Synchronization of closed captioning with dialogue may assist hearing impaired users who depend on CC to gain meaning from videos

    Device-Specific Keywords To Invoke Control Settings

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    A system and method are disclosed for providing access to a menu of options via voice control. The user intending to control a device accesses the device or appliance using a specific voice command. The command may be a generic keyword that can be applied to the assistant located on any device, for example, Appliance Control . Alternatively, device-specific keywords could also be used. On receiving the command, the device assistant shows menu options to the user. The user may voice further keywords to select the desired menu option, after which the assistant sets the option. Advantages of the system and method include easier control for visual or mobility impaired persons

    Noise Cancellation For Tv Output

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    A system and method are disclosed to cancel noise other than speech in a TV. The method uses technology used in noise cancelling headphones to cancel noise delivered with dialogue through the TV\u27s audio output. The system includes electronics, placed between the TV’s audio signal and the speakers, to sense the audio content and generate a fingerprint of the noise, noting the frequency and amplitude of the incoming wave. The system then creates a new wave that is 180 degrees out of phase with the waves associated with the noise, to cancel the noise out. The cancelling feature may be used for content rendered (decoded) by the TV itself or audio input to the TV from HDMI, analog audio in, etc. The system may apply the filtering function very selectively to automatically highlight voice frequencies

    Display For Cataracts - High Contrast Content

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    A system and method are disclosed to improve visibility of content on a TV display. The method includes increasing parameters, such as brightness and contrast, and magnifying the most active part of a display. The system provides access to settings that would enable a user to adjust the parameters. The system may automatically magnify the most active part of the display by recognizing where most of the action is taking place with motion vectors and I-macroblocks. Alternatively, the viewer may switch to various predetermined blocks, which enables the viewers to back-out and then back-in to certain video scenes as needed. Advantages of the system and method include improved user experience for visually impaired viewers

    Displaying Closed Captioning On A Separate Device From Display

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    A device and system for placing closed captioning (CC) on a separate device than the original rendering device or screen is disclosed. Accordingly, the system may override the placement of CC by the content provider. The system includes an original rendering device and an external display that is connected to the original rendering device via USB or wirelessly through WI-FI or Bluetooth. In another implementation, the external device may use audio clips to sync-up with the video to display CC. Alternatively, the external device may also sync up to the program, and retrieve and display CC from a web server. The advantages of this system are full visibility to the video on screen as the CC does not overlay what is being shown. Also CC could be selectively viewed by anyone having an external display device or a handheld screen that could be synchronized with the rendering device

    Displaying Closed Captioning Using Speech-To-Text

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    A system and method for providing synchronized Closed Captioning (CC) for live programming is disclosed herein. The method includes providing CC by speech-to-text conversion of the live content followed by synchronization of the CC with the dialogue to be displayed in a device. The speech-to-text conversion may be run in real-time or non-real time. The system provides annotations for different speakers and background music. The live content may also be stored on a video recorder, such as a set-top box, and processed offline. Similarly, a web stream may be recorded and processed offline. Alternatively, it may also be possible to enter the URL of the content into a processing website which will add CC to the video. The disclosed system and method provide for synchronized CC for live broadcasts and for user-generated content delivered over the internet for the hearing-impaired

    Dynamically Placing Closed Captioning Outside Rendered Video

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    A system and method are disclosed to dynamically place closed captioning (CC) outside of a rendered video. When the user plays a video with CC on the system, the system overrides the placement of captioning by the content provider and instead renders it within a letterbox on the display screen. The letterbox may be placed above, below, to the left or right of the active video. The active video may be moved from the center of the screen to accommodate a designated area in which closed captioning is placed. The advantage of the disclosed system is that the user may view video content with CC, without it interfering with the content of the video

    Accessibility Remote Control For The Visually Impaired

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    A system and method are disclosed to enable the visually impaired to easily access and control a remote. The system includes a remote control device with proximity or touch detecting sensors on the keys. When a user tries to access the remote, the sensors on the keys sense the user’s finger approaching a key. The system sends an announcement identifying the key which is likely to be pressed by the user. The user further proceeds to press the key if the selection is what they intended. Otherwise, the user proceeds to select another key. The system helps visually impaired users control appliances with ease

    Age-dependent expression of VEGFR2 in deep brain arteries in small vessel disease, CADASIL, and healthy brains

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    Vascular myocytes are central to brain aging. Small vessel disease (SVD; arteriolosclerosis) is a widespread cause of lacunar stroke and vascular dementia, and is characterised by fibrosis and depletion of vascular myocytes in small penetrating arteries. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is associated with brain aging, and VEGFR2 is a potent determinant of cell fate. Here, we tested whether VEGFR2 in vascular myocytes is associated with older age and SVD in human brain. VEGFR2 immunolabelling in deep grey matter was assessed in older people with or without moderate-severe SVD, or in younger people without brain pathology or with a monogenic form of SVD (CADASIL). All cases were without Alzheimer’s disease pathology. Myocyte VEGFR2 was associated with increasing age (p=0.0026) but not with SVD pathology or with sclerotic index or blood vessel density. We conclude that VEGFR2 is consistently expressed in small artery myocytes of older people, and may mediate effects of VEGF on brain vascular aging
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