9 research outputs found

    A Phenomenological Study of Beautypreneurs, Theirs Financial Competence Journey

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    This study aimed to explain the issues of entrepreneurship and financial competence that exist in Beautypreneurs. This research chooses the qualitative approach using a phenomenological study, which involves in-depth interviews with six Beautypreneurs who are active in building businesses and developing their financial competencies. This phenomenological study is developed based on four main categories, namely are 1. Socio-economic problems, 2. work-life balance, 3. financial knowledge, 4. self-improvement. This study suggests that, firstly, Beautypreneurs have a discursive learning pattern when developing their financial competencies. The second thing, this study found that the personal resilience they try to build based on the cognitive deepening process obtained from the crisis, so these Beautypereneurs needed high mentoring by the mentor who understood the Financial knowledge. Third, they see investation as the best way to develop their financial literac

    Penerapan Prinsip Pari Passu Pro Rata Parte Terhadap Kreditor Konkuren Dalam Pemberesan Boedal Pailit Ditinjau Dari Undang-Undang Nomor 37 Tahun 2004 Tentang Kepailitan Dan Penundaan Kewajiban Pembayaran Utang (Studi Kasus Putusan : No. 16/PDT-SUS/Pailit/2015/PN.NIAGA JKT.PST)

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    A. Nama Mahasiswa : Shinta Eliana Sinaga B. Nomor Induk Mahasiswa : 17.400.500.75 C. Judul Skripsi : Penerapan Prinsip Pari Passu Pro Rata Parte Terhadap Kreditor Konkuren Dalam Pemberesan Boedal Pailit Ditinjau Dari Undang-undang Nomor 37 Tahun 2004 Tentang Kepailitan dan Penundaan Kewajiban Pembayaran Utang D. Program Kekhususan : Hukum Ekonomi E. Jumlah Halaman : 96 Halaman F. Daftar Acuan : Buku, Undang-undang, Internet G. Kata Kunci : Pailit, Prinsip H. Ringkasan Isi: Kepailitan terjadi karena debitor tidak dapat menyelesaikan atau membayar utangnya kepada para kreditornya. Terdapat tiga jenis kreditor dalam kepailitan, yaitu: Kreditor Preferen, Kreditor Separatis, dan Kreditor Konkuren. Tiga kreditor tersebut masing-masing memiliki kedudukan yang berbeda-beda. Prinsip yang menjadi pedoman bagi para Kreditor Konkuren, yaitu prinsip paritas creditorium dan prinsip pari passu pro rata parte. Prinsip paritas creditorium menentukan adanya kesetaraan kedudukan para kreditor. Prinsip pari passu pro rata parte menentukan bahwa seluruh harta kekayaan debitor menjadi jaminan bersama-sama terhadap para kreditornya dan hasilnya dibagikan secara proporsional. Penulis tertarik meneliti penulisan ini karena berdasarkan Undang-undang Nomor 37 Tahun 2004 tentang Kepailitan apakah pembagian yang diterima kreditor konkuren selama ini sudah dapat dikatakan adil atau tidak. I. Dosen Pembimbing : 1. Dr. Bernard Nainggolan, S.H., M.H 2. Dr. Jimmy Simanjuntak, S.H., M.H./ A. Name : Shinta Eliana Sinaga B. Student ID Number : 17.400.500.75 C. Title : Penerapan Prinsip Pari Passu Pro Rata Parte Terhadap Kreditor Konkuren Dalam Pemberesan Boedal Pailit Ditinjau Dari Undang-undang Nomor 37 Tahun 2004 Tentang Kepailitan dan Penundaan Kewajiban Pembayaran Utang D. Study Program : Hukum Ekonomi E. Page Number : 103 Pages F. Reference List : Book, Internet, The Article Of Law G. Keyword : Bankruptcy, principles. H. Summary : Bankruptcy occurs because the debtor is unable to settle or pay his debts to his creditors. There are three types of creditors in bankruptcy, namely: PreferentIal Creditors, Separatist Creditors, and Konkuren Creditors. The three creditors each have different positions. The principles that become guidelines for the Creditors Konkuren, namely the principle of parity of creditorium and the principle of pari passu pro rata parte. The principle of creditorium parity determines the equality of par position. The author is interested in researching this because based on Law Number 37 of 2004 concerning Bankruptcy, whether the distribution received by concurrent creditors so far can be said to be fair or not. Academic Supervisor : 1. Dr. Bernard Nainggolan, S.H., M.H 2. Dr. Jimmy Simanjuntak, S.H., M.

    The Effect of Work Discipline and Work Ethics on Employee Performance at the Cibeunying Kidul District Office

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    Human resources influence the progress of an agency in carrying out its activities to achieve its goals. Employees are human resources who are in an agency. To provide an increase in the quality of work of employees in an agency by paying attention to work discipline and work ethic of employees. In this paper, research was carried out in the Cibeunying Kidul District Office, Bandung City, where the performance of employees in that office was still relatively low because there were still several employees whose performance targets were not achieved. The purpose of this study is to obtain results from an analysis of the influence of work discipline and work ethic on the work quality of the Cibeunying Kidul District Office, Bandung City. This research uses quantitative techniques through a descriptive approach. The method of taking samples uses saturated sampling and collecting data is done through observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The population and sample in this study are the entire workforces of the Cibeunying Kidul District Office, Bandung City, totaling 57 employees. The data analysis technique used is validity testing, reliability testing, classical assumption testing, and multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study found that work discipline has a partial effect on employee performance, while work ethic does not affect the work quality of the Cibeunying Kidul District Office, Bandung City. As well as discipline and work ethic simultaneously influence the quality of work of the Cibeunying Kidul District Office, Bandung Cit


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    The phenomenon of decreasing taxes received has made the government's attention. In order to reduce the tax burden paid, there are several ways that taxpayers can, through tax avoidance or tax expansion. Corporations that carry out their operational activities in the territory of Indonesia are required to pay their tax burden to the state. A significant tax burden will reduce the profit received by the corporation. This study aimed to detect the effect of company size, fixed asset intensity, profitability, and thin capitalization. The population in this study was the manufacturing sector engaged in the basic and chemical industries. A total of 41 companies with 123 data were used in this study. The data used was obtained through the Indonesia Stock Exchange website. The data analysis technique was the panel data regression model, which was processed using the program eviews version 12. The results showed that company size did not affect tax avoidance, while fixed asset intensity, profitability, and thin capitalization had a negative effect on tax avoidance practices

    Kontribusi perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use dan perceived security terhadap behavioral intention to use aplikasi JAKET

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    The development of the use of information technology in various fields provides added value to society in an advanced development process. The existence of the use of information technology has entered all sectors, especially when it has penetrated the transportation sector. The success of technology acceptance is reflected in the user's ability to apply this technology in their daily lives without encountering several obstacles. The substance of this study is to determine the effect of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived security on the behavioral intention to use the JAKET application. The sample in this study amounted to 120 respondents who were determined by convenience sampling approach. Data analysis using the SPSS application by displaying the results of data processing through test research instruments with validity and reliability, multiple regression analysis, the coefficient of determination, and hypothesis testing. The research results prove that only perceived ease of use and perceived security have a significant effect on behavioral intention to use. As for the effect of perceived usefulness on behavioral intention to use, the results are not significant

    A Contrastive Analysis between English and Indonesian Adjectives in Report Text

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    A Contrastive Analysis between English and Indonesian Adjective Clause is the focus of this work. Analyzing adjective clause and pointing out similarities and differences between English and Indonesian adjective clause are the study's main goals. This investigation is qualitative. The researchers started by gathering information from books on English and Indonesian grammar. Second, the researchers located them on all different kinds of adjective clauses. The collected and categorized data were finally examined. According to the analysis's findings, there were all different kinds of adjective clauses. The researchers were able to identify the similarities and differences in the data after analysis. Based on functional distinctions, whose, which, and that are employed in sentences in English but not in Indonesia


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    Potensi wisata adalah segala sesuatu yang dimiliki oleh daerah tujuan wisata, dan merupakan daya tarik agar orang-orang mau datang berkunjung ke tempat tersebut . Desa memiliki banyak sekali potensi yang masih belum dimanfaatkan atau belum diolah secara baik, terutama pada sektor wisata. Setiap desa memiliki potensi yang kadang masyarakat sekitarnya sendiri pun belum melihat potensi tersebut. Dengan adanya kegiatan KKN-T Mandiri di Desa Sanggu, Mahasiswa(i) KKN berusaha membantu mengoptimalkan potensi wisata Desa Sanggu dengan mempromosikan wisata. Desa Sanggu merupakan salah satu desa yang terletak di Kecamatan Dusun Selatan, Kabupaten Barito Selatan. Meskipun Desa Sanggu dikenal sebagai desa wisata yang ada di Kabupaten Barito Selatan, namun tingkat pengembangan dan promosi wisata masih kurang maksimal. Adapun tujuan dilakukan promosi potensi wisata desa adalah untuk mengenalkan wisata desa ke publik secara luas. Metode pelaksanaan program kerja ini dilakukan dengan pembutan video, brosur, dan media sosial. Kegiatan program kerja ini berjanlan dengan lancar dan mendapat antusias masyarakat Desa Sangg