540 research outputs found

    Design of tapered polarization splitter based on EC-CHFs by full-vectorial FE-BPM using coordinate transformation

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    We propose and design a tapered polarization splitter (PS) using the single-polarization property of an elliptical-hole core circular-hole holey fiber (EC-CHF). It is reported that polarization splitting without any crosstalk is enabled using the PS with EC-CHF. In this paper, we show that the mode coupling is enhanced with a tapered PS structure, and the full waveguide separation at the input and output ends can be simultaneously realized. We also propose a full-vectorial finite element beam propagation method using coordinate transformation to efficiently analyze a waveguide whose structure varies along the longitudinal direction. In this approach, computational accuracy and efficiency are greatly improved. (C) 2020 Optical Society of Americ

    Aberrantly methylated genes in human papillary thyroid cancer and their association with BRAF/RAS mutation

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    Cancer arises through accumulation of epigenetic and genetic alteration. Aberrant promoter methylation is a common epigenetic mechanism of gene silencing in cancer cells. We here performed genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation of promoter regions by Infinium HumanMethylation27 BeadChip, using 14 clinical papillary thyroid cancer samples and 10 normal thyroid samples. Among the 14 papillary cancer cases, 11 showed frequent aberrant methylation, but the other three cases showed no aberrant methylation at all. Distribution of the hypermethylation among cancer samples was non-random, which implied existence of a subset of preferentially methylated papillary thyroid cancer. Among 25 frequently methylated genes, methylation status of six genes (HIST1H3J, POU4F2, SHOX2, PHKG2, TLX3, HOXA7) was validated quantitatively by pyrosequencing. Epigenetic silencing of these genes in methylated papillary thyroid cancer cell lines was confirmed by gene re-expression following treatment with 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine and trichostatin A, and detected by real-time RT-PCR. Methylation of these six genes was validated by analysis of additional 20 papillary thyroid cancer and 10 normal samples. Among the 34 cancer samples in total, 26 cancer samples with preferential methylation were significantly associated with mutation of BRAF/RAS oncogene (P = 0.04, Fisher's exact test). Thus, we identified new genes with frequent epigenetic hypermethylation in papillary thyroid cancer, two subsets of either preferentially methylated or hardly methylated papillary thyroid cancer, with a concomitant occurrence of oncogene mutation and gene methylation. These hypermethylated genes may constitute potential biomarkers for papillary thyroid cancer

    サーモグラフィーによる体表面温度の測定 3.体表面温度の回復率と末消血流量との相関

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    The body surface peripheral circulation in 12 cases, including 9 patients with diabetes mellitus who were suffering coldness, numbness or pain in their feet, and 3 healthy volunteers was examined using Laser-Doppler blood flowmetry. At the same time, the body surface temperature was estimated by thermography. Thermographic results were analyzed quantitatively by calculating a recovery ratio as : Recovery ratio = [Total counts of thermography(Pixels) over temperature (T) after cold loading] ÷ [Initial counts over T before cold loading] x 100(%). The recovery ratio and the blood flow were correlated, r=0.68, p<O.01. The peripheral circulation of 16 patients with diabetes mellitus was observed at three different conditions including, l)placed at room temperature at 20℃for 15 min, 2) submerged and warmed for 5 min in a hot bath at 36℃(i.e. hot loading), and 3) submerged and cooled for 5 min in a water bath at 20℃ (i.e. cold loading). Three different baseline temperatures, 26℃, 27℃ and 28 ℃, were used in processing the thermographic results into pictures. The highest correlation (r=0.59, p=0.0002) was obtained under the condition of cold loading using a baseline temperature limitation of27℃.The difference ratio (%) of blood flow was calculated as the blood flow at cold loading divided by the blood flow at hot loading in these 16 patients. The difference ratio of the blood flow and the recovery ratio of thermography were correlated, r=0.46, p<O.OOO1. We found a strong correlation between the results of Laser-Doppler blood flowmetry and one of thermographic methods used to monitor peripheral circulation in patients with diabetes mellitus. Cold loading using a baseline temperature limitation of 27℃ were recommended for further examinations. Patients with low blood flow as well as with large differences in their peripheral circulation between cold loading and hot loading had severe coldness in their body surface temperature. We showed the usefulness of the results of thermography, when quantified by picture processing using computer software, in relation with the results of Laser-Doppler blood flowmetry.末梢神経障害を有する糖尿病患者の末梢循環障害の程度を数量的に検討する目的で、下肢に冷感ならびにしびれ感または疼痛を訴える糖尿病患者9症例と健常ボランティア3例の計12例(平均年齢59歳)についてサーモグラフィーを用いて体表面温度を測定した。更に,サーモグラフィーで得られた結果と末梢皮膚血流量をレーザードプラー血流計を用いて測定して得られた結果と比較した。サーモグラフィーによる測定で得られた結果は回復率として数量化して表示された。回復率の算出方法は回復率= [冷水負荷後の特定温度27℃以 上の体表面温度のサーモグラフィーのPixelの総数]÷ [冷水負荷前の特定温度27℃以上の体表面温度のサーモグラフィーのPixelの総数]×100%で求めた。レーザードプラ-血流計を用いて測定して得られた末梢血流量は左右それぞれ5カ所,計10カ所の測定値の平均で表示した。その結果,末梢皮膚温度の回復率と末梢皮膚の血流量との問には正の相関関係(r=0.68,p<0.01)が認められた。次に,末梢皮膚血流量について,室温20℃安静15分後,温水36℃浸水負荷10分後,冷水20℃浸水負荷30分後の異なる3条件について、またサーモグラフィーで得られた結果を,画像処理の過程で用いられた,26℃,27℃,28℃の3つの異なる特定温度との関連について検討を行なった。対象は,下肢に冷感ならびにしびれ感または疼痛を訴える糖尿病患者16症例(平均年齢69歳,平均HbAIC9.6%)について測定した。その結果,末梢皮膚 血流量は冷水20℃浸水負荷30分後に測定して得られた結果と,回復率は特定温度27℃で画像処理して得られた結果とが最も相関が高い(r=0.59,p=0.0002)ことが示された。`次に,相関が高い条件は,室温20℃安静15分後に血流量を測定した場合(r=0.483,p=0.0002)であった。そして温 水36℃浸水負荷10分後に測定して得られた結果とが最も相関関係が低い結果となった。更に,冷水20℃浸水負荷30分後に測定して得られた結果を温水36℃浸水負荷10分後に測定して得られた結果で割った比を%で表示したところ回復率とこの比との間には正の相関関係(r=0.46,p<0.0001)が認められた。このことから,温水36℃負荷時と,冷水20℃負荷時との差が大きい患者 において末梢皮膚温度の低下が著しいことが示された。これまで悲観血的に測定されてきたサーモグラフィーによる末梢循環の数量的評価の試みは,レーザー血流計による結果と組み合わせることで,両者の間に正の相関関係が示されたことにより,今後,数量化された客観的評価を可能にした

    サーモグラフィーによる体表面温度の測定 2.温水負荷の効果

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    The body surface temperature of 41 patients suffering coldness, numbness or pain in their feet was examined using thermography. Thermographic results were analyzed quantitatively by calculating a recovery ratio as: Recovery ratio =[Total counts of thermography (Pixels) over temperature (T) after cold loading] ÷ [Initial counts over T before cold loading] x 100(%). Three different baseline temperatures, 26℃. 27℃ and 28℃, were used in processing the thermographic results into pictures. The recovery ratio was susceptible to temperature, and we recommend a baseline temperature limitation of 27℃ for clinical study. A bi-modal distribution of recovery ratio was observed in 18 patients with diabetes mellitus. One group (6 subjects) had high recovery ratio between 80%-100%, and another group (10 subjects) had a low recovery ratio between 0%-19%. The results of thermography were also influenced by weather. To reduce the effect of outside temperature, we used pre-loading with hot water at 36℃ for 5 min (hot loading). A large difference in recovery ratio between presence and absence of hot loading was observed in 6 of the 30 subjects. The difference was over-estimated in more than 20% of recovery ratio without hot loading as compared with hot loading in these 6 subjects. The effect of drugs on peripheral circulation, such as beraprost sodium and sarpogrelate hydrochloride, was clear and quantified using thermography under these conditions of hot loading.下肢に冷感ならびにしびれ感または疼痛を訴える患者41症例についてサーモグラフィーを用いて体表面温度を測定した。測定で得られた結果は回復率として数量化して表示された。回復率の算出方法は回復率=[冷水負荷後の特定温度T℃以上の体表面温度のサーモグラフィーのPixelの総数]÷[温水負荷前の特定温度T℃以上の体表面温度のサーモグラフィーのPixelの総数]× 100%で求めた。サーモグラフィーで得られた結果と画像処理の過程で用いられた,26℃,27℃,28℃の3つの異なる特定温度T℃ との関連について検討を行なった。その結果,回復率は特定温度T℃に影響を受けやすいことが明らかとなった。下肢の体表面温度の低い臨床症例においては27℃の条件が適当と考えられた。前述の41症例中の18症例の糖尿病患者について検討を行なった。そのサーモグラフィーの結果は,比較的回復率の高い(80%~100%)群の6症例と比較的回復率の低い(0%~19%)群の10症例の2群に別れた。わずかに残り2症例が20%から79%の間であった。下肢の症状が気温の低い時期に出親しやすいためにサーモグラフィーの検査を冬期に行なう必要性が高まった。しかし,天候の影響を受けやすいために冷水負荷前の測定領域の下肢が冷えすぎているために20℃の室温に15分間の安静時間では体表面温度が十分に暖まることが出来ず,27℃以上の領域として測定範囲全体を観察できない 問題に直面した。この間温点を解決する手段として36℃の温水に5分間下肢を入れて暖める温水負荷を加えることにした。そこで, 温水負荷を行なった症例30症例について,温水負荷を行なう前(室温)の回復率と温水負荷を行なった後の回復率について比較検討を行なったところ,20%にあたる6症例において温水負荷を行なわなかった場合に20%以上の回復率の過剰評価が認めら れた。温水負荷を行なうことにより年間を通じて天候の影響を最小限にすることが可能となり,この結果,長期間の内服薬の末梢循環に及ぼす影響の測 定を行なった場合に,季節の影響を最小限にしてサーモグラフィーにより回復率を用いて数値化された測定結果を検討することが可能となった。具体的に末梢循環の改善に薬効が有ると言われている薬剤であるベラプロストおよびサルポグレラートを3ヵ月間内服した場合の前後のサーモグラフィーで得られた回復率について検討を行なった。その結果はベラプロストにおいては,6.9%から41.9%に上昇または回復率の6.1倍の上昇を認めた。サルポグレラートにおいては,1.9%から17.3%に上昇または回復率の9.1倍の上昇を認めた。以上より,温水負荷を加えたサーモグラフィーの測定結果の数値化は下肢に症状の有る患者の末梢循環の評価ならびに薬効の評価の比較に有用であることが表わされた

    Cyclooxygenase Regulates Angiogenesis Induced by Colon Cancer Cells

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    AbstractTo explore the role of cyclooxygenase (COX) in endothelial cell migration and angiogenesis, we have used two in vitro model systems involving coculture of endothelial cells with colon carcinoma cells. COX-2-overexpressing cells produce prostaglandins, proangiogenic factors, and stimulate both endothelial migration and tube formation, while control cells have little activity. The effect is inhibited by antibodies to combinations of angiogenic factors, by NS-398 (a selective COX-2 inhibitor), and by aspirin. NS-398 does not inhibit production of angiogenic factors or angiogenesis induced by COX-2-negative cells. Treatment of endothelial cells with aspirin or a COX-1 antisense oligonucleotide inhibits COX-1 activity/expression and suppresses tube formation. Cyclooxygenase regulates colon carcinoma-induced angiogenesis by two mechanisms: COX-2 can modulate production of angiogenic factors by colon cancer cells, while COX-1 regulates angiogenesis in endothelial cells

    Fundamental modeling of vehicle power network system using VHDL-AMS

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    The vehicle system is a multi-domain system that requires many branches of science and engineering. Therefore the development of the vehicle system requires the use of design methodologies that utilize simulations, which have grown increasingly sophisticated in recent years. This paper describes how VHDL-AMS was used to model the powertrain, alternator and battery system that are the basic elements of the vehicle power network system, and examines the simulation results with the aim of realizing a system simulation whose scope covers the entire vehicle.2010 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM 2010) : Pisa, Italy, 2010.06.14-2010.06.1


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    The purpose of this study is the effect of partial cold-loading on whole body peripheral circulation. The body surface peripheral circulation in 24 cases (25 years old to 86 years old, the average was 64.3 years) who were suffering coldness, numbness or pain in their feet was examined using Laser-Doppler blood flowmetry. The peripheral circulation at the base of the 2nd toe of the right foot was estimated after the foot was submerged and cooled for 5 min in a water bath at 20°C (i. e. cold-loading). At the same time, the distant body surface peripheral circulation was estimated at the base of the 2nd finger of the right hand. Simultaneous observations were made of blood flow, blood mass and blood velocity. The peripheral blood flow of the upper limbs at a room temperature of 20°C (pre-loading) was 5.00 ml/min 100 9 tissue on average. The average blood rnass was 287 and the average blood velocity was 0.516. On the other hand, the average peripheral blood flow of the lower limbs was 2.23, the average blood mass was 149 and the average blood velocity was 0.574. This result shows that the blood flow and blood mass of the upper limbs were more than in the lower limbs. The average blood flow at the upper limbs decreased to 3.69 from 5.00 (or at 26.2% ) when the lower limbs were submerged and cooled for 5 min in a water bath at 20°C (i. e. cold-loading). On the other hand, blood flow of the lower limb was 1.51 m l under a condition of cold-loading, and decreased 32.3% from 2.23. Blood mass of the upper limb was 241 on average and decreased 16.0% from 287. Blood mass of the lower limb was 113 on average and decreased 24.2% from 149. There was no difference between blood velocity of the upper limb under the conditions of room temperature at 20°C (0.516) and cold-loading (0.501). However, blood velocity of the lower limb increased to 0.642 from 0.574. After the end of cold loading, there was some tendency for blood flow, blood rnass and blood velocity to return to the amount at pre-loading. Twenty minutes after the end of cold-loading, blood flow increased to 5.74 (14.8% ) compared with pre-loading (5.00). However, blood flow of the lower limb remained at only 83.9% (1.87) of the amount at pre-loading (2.23). These results show that partial cold-loading of the lower limb had a quantitative effect on the distant peripheral circulation. The speculated mechanism of this phenomenon is that it to protects against loosing body heat from the body surface under the conditions of local cold-loading. Our body has defense mechanisms to decrease whole body peripheral circulation to protect against loosing body heat.局所寒冷負荷の全身の末梢循環に及ぼす影響について検討する目的で,下肢の20℃冷水負荷時における上肢末梢循環の変化をレーザードプラー血流計を用いて数量的に測定し検討を行なった。症例は,下肢に冷え症,しびれ感を有した25歳から86歳までの24症例(平均年齢64.3歳)であった。下肢,上肢の末梢循環を20℃冷水負荷時に,末梢血流量,血液量,血流速度について観察した。上肢の末梢血流量は20℃室内安静時平均5.00mβ/min/100g tissue,血液量は287,血流速度は0.516であった。下肢は血流量2.23,血液量は149,血流速度は0.574であった。上肢の血流量,血液量ともに下肢より多いことが示された。しかし同一症例における上肢と下肢との間の血流量,血液量,血流速度に相関関係は認めなかった。下肢の20℃ 冷水負荷中の上肢の血流量は平均3.69で有意に低下(26.2%)した。下肢はその間1.51で有意に低下(32.3%)した。上肢の血液量は平均241で有意に低下(16.0%)した。下肢はその間113で有 意に低下(24.2%)した。上肢の血流速度は平均0.501で不変であった。下肢はその間0.642で有意に増加(11.8%)した。冷水負荷直後よりそれぞれ負荷前に復帰する傾向を示した。負荷後20分では上肢の血流量は平均5.74で負荷前値に比べて増加(14.8%)傾向を示した。下肢は1.87で負荷前値に比べて低値(83.9%)に留まる傾向にあった。下肢の冷水負荷は上肢の末梢循環にも影響を及ぼすことが数量的に示された。局所の寒冷負荷による体温の低下を防ぐために反射的に全身の皮膚の末梢循環量を低下させていることが示された

    A Study on Topology Optimization of Optical Circuits Consisting of Multi-Materials

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    A topology optimization method can be used to find out the optical waveguide structures which have the desired transmission characteristics. Using the function expansion method, we can avoid the problem of a gray area, which means that some areas having intermediate refractive index between those of usable materials appear in a design region. However, so far, topology optimization has mainly been studied for structures consisting of two isotropic materials. In this paper, we study the applicability of topology optimization to structures which include three or more materials, and demonstrate the optimal design of a waveguide crossing

    Non-invasive study for peripheral circulation in patients with diabetes mellitus

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    The purpose of this study is to establish a new, non - invasive diagnostic technique for peripheral circulation in patients with diabetes mellitus in the early stage of arteriosclerosis obliterans (ASO) as one of the complications of diabetes mellitus. We observed peripheral circulation quantitatively by thermography and Laser- Doppler blood flowmetry. The body surface peripheral circulation in 27 patients with diabetes mellitus, including 14 males and 13 females with a mean age of 67.4 years (range from 51-82 years), and with a mean hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C) 019.5% (range from 6.8%-13.0%), and who were suffering coldness, numbness or pain in their feet, was examined using thermography and Laser- Doppler blood flowmetry. Thermographic results were analyzed quantitatively by calculating a recovery ratio as : Recovery ratio= [Total counts of thermography (Pixels) over temperature (T) after cold -loading] + [Initial counts over T after hot-loading] Xl00 (%). Results of recovery ratios for 27 cases were 0% - 93.5%, and the average was 34.0%. At the same time, the blood flow after cold -loading was 0.91 - 5. 36ml/min/lOOg tissue and the average was 2.04ml/min/l00g tissue. We found that the recovery ratio and the blood flow were correlated (r=O. 634, p<O. 0001). The recovery ratio for males was 28.4% and that of females was 39.9%, and there was a tendency for the recovery ratio of females to be higher than males, however, this was not statistically significant. There was a correlation between the recovery ratio and age (r=O.187, p < 0.0001), although, the correlation was low. There was also a slight correlation between the recovery ratio and HbA1C (r=0.041, p<O.OOl). On the other hand, the blood flow of males was 2. 03ml/min/lOOg tissue and that of females was 2.05. There was a tendency for the recovery ratio of females to be higher than males. however. the correlation was not significant. There was a correlation between blood flow and age (r=O. 110, p<0 . 0001) , however, the correlation was low. There was also a slight negative correlation between blood flow and HbA1C (r=-0.179, p<O.OOOl). The ratio of the blood flow after cold -loading at 20t divided by the blood flow after hot -loading at 36 C was 38.1 %-122%, and the average was 80.6%. There was correlation between this ratio and the recovery ratio (r=0.502, p<O.OOOl). The case of the peripheral blood flow recovered immediately to the amount of the hot-loading or access amount of hot-loading after cold-loading, and had a high recovery ratio of thermography. This might mean that the cooled body surface was warmed by overcirculation of blood flow to keep body temperature at 30C in the mean of homeostasis. We showed that thermography and Laser- Doppler blood flowmetry were useful for non - invasive study to separate patients with poor peripheral circulation. We recommend that these methods for evaluation of further treatment, such as with Prostaglandin E1, on peripheral circulation in patients with diabetes mellitus and ASO.糖尿病患者における閉塞性動脈硬化症の合併を早期に診断,予知,予防する目的で末梢循環障害の程度を非侵襲的にかつ客観的に測定することを試みた。非侵襲的測定方法としてサーモグラフィーとレ-ザードップラー血流計を同時に用い,得られた結果を数量化した。症例は,下肢に冷え症,しびれ感,下肢痛を有した51歳から82歳までの 27症例(平均年齢67.4歳)であった。性別は,男性14例,女性13例,HbA1Cは6.8%-13.0%,辛均9.5%であった。サーモグラフィーで得られた結果は回復率として数量化して表示された。回復率の算出方法は回復率-【20℃冷水負荷後の27℃以上の体表面温度のサーモグラフィーの画素(pixel)の総数】÷【36℃の温水負荷後の27℃以上の体表面温度のサーモグラフィーのPixelの総数】×100%で求めた。 サ-モグラフィーにより測定された回復率は0%-93.5%の範囲にあった。平均は34.0%であった。レーザードップラー血流計により20℃冷水負荷後に測定された血流量は0.91-5.36ml/min/100g tissueの範囲にあった。平均は2.04mi/min/100g tissueであった。得られたサーモグラフィーの回復率とレ-ザードップラ-血流計の血流量との間には正の相関関係を認めた(p<0.0001,r=0.634)0 36℃の温水負荷後に測定された血流量とサーモグラフィーの回復率との間には20℃冷水負 荷後同様に相関関係(p-0.0002,r=0.483)を認めたが,相関係数は20℃冷水負荷後に比較して低値であった。性別と回復率との間には男性28%,女性40%で女性の方が回復率が高い傾向にあったが,2群間に有意差を認めなっかた。年齢と回復率の間には正の相関関係(p<0.0001,r=0.187)を認めたが相関係数は低値であった。HbA1Cと回復率との間には正の相関関係(p<0.001,r=0.041)を認めたが相関係数は低値であった。一方,性別と血流量との間には男性2.03,女性2.05ml/min/100g tissueで女性の方が血流量が多い傾向にあったが,2群間に有意差を認めなかった。年齢と血流量との間には正の相関関係(p<0.0001,r=0.110)を認めたが相関係数は低値であった。HbA1Cと血涜量との間には負の相関関係(p<0.0001,r=-0.179)を認めたが相関係数は低値であった。36℃温水負荷時の血流量を100%とした時の20℃冷水負荷時の血流量の割合を求めたところ38.1%~122%の範囲にあった。 平均は80.6%であった。冷水負荷後の血流量の温水負荷時との比と回復率との間には正の相関関係を認めた(p<0.0001,r=0.502)。このことは,末梢血流量が冷水負荷後,速やかに冷水負荷前値に回復するか,あるいはさらに前値よりも上回って増加する症例においては末梢皮膚温度の回復率が高いことが示された。 糖尿病患者における末梢循環障害の程度をサーモグラフィーとレーザ-ドップラー血流計を同時に用い非侵襲的にかつ客観的に測定することが可能であった。今後,両者の併用は糖尿病患者における閉塞性動脈硬化症の合併の早期診断,予知,予防に役立つことのみならず,末梢循環障害の程度に応じた治療とその効果について定量的な評価に有用な方法と考えられた