913 research outputs found

    On the transient behavior of frictional melt during seismic slip

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    In a recent work on the problem of sliding surfaces under the presence of frictional melt (applying in particular to earthquake fault dynamics), we derived from first principles an expression for the steady state friction compatible with experimental observations. Building on the expressions of heat and mass balance obtained in the above study for this particular case of Stefan problem (phase transition with a migrating boundary) we propose here an extension providing the full time-dependent solution (including the weakening transient after pervasive melting has started, the effect of eventual steps in velocity and the final decelerating phase). A system of coupled equations is derived and solved numerically. The resulting transient friction and wear evolution yield a satisfactory fit (1) with experiments performed under variable sliding velocities (0.9-2 m/s) and different normal stresses (0.5-20 MPa) for various rock types and (2) with estimates of slip weakening obtained from observations on ancient seismogenic faults that host pseudotachylite (solidified melt). The model allows to extrapolate the experimentally observed frictional behavior to large normal stresses representative of the seismogenic Earth crust (up to 200 MPa), high slip rates (up to 9 m/s) and cases where melt extrusion is negligible. Though weakening distance and peak stress vary widely, the net breakdown energy appears to be essentially independent of either slip velocity and normal stress. In addition, the response to earthquake-like slip can be simulated, showing a rapid friction recovery when slip rate drops. We discuss the properties of energy dissipation, transient duration, velocity weakening, restrengthening in the decelerating final slip phase and the implications for earthquake source dynamics

    Separation of the glycerol-biodiesel phases in an ethyl transesterification synthetic route using water

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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Biodiesel is obtained by the transesterification of vegetable oil (or fat) and alcohol, with methanol being the most used alcohol. Methanol can be replaced by ethanol; however, this alcohol acts as a surfactant in the reaction mixture, promoting a stable dispersion of the glycerol in biodiesel, which hinders the separation of the glycerol-biodiesel phases. In this study, it was found that the addition of 1% v/v water relative to the total volume of the reaction mixture expedites the separation of the phases by interrupting the emulsifying action of ethanol with an immediate separation of glycerol from biodiesel. The characterization of the produced biodiesels was performed using hydrogen nuclear magnetic resonance (H-1 NMR) and gas chromatography (GC). H-1 NMR indicated a 96.9% conversion of triglycerides to biodiesel. The fatty acid compositions of the synthesized ethyl and methyl biodiesels determined using GC are essentially the same.Biodiesel is obtained by the transesterification of vegetable oil (or fat) and alcohol, with methanol being the most used alcohol. Methanol can be replaced by ethanolhowever, this alcohol acts as a surfactant in the reaction mixture, promoting a stabl26917451750FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)sem informaçãosem informaçãoThe authors are grateful to Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, CNPq, for financial suppor

    From slow to fast faulting: recent challenges in earthquake fault mechanics

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    Faults—thin zones of highly localized shear deformation in the Earth—accommodate strain on a momentous range of dimensions (millimetres to hundreds of kilometres for major plate boundaries) and of time intervals (from fractions of seconds during earthquake slip, to years of slow, aseismic slip and millions of years of intermittent activity). Traditionally, brittle faults have been distinguished from shear zones which deform by crystal plasticity (e.g. mylonites). However such brittle/plastic distinction becomes blurred when considering (i) deep earthquakes that happen under conditions of pressure and temperature where minerals are clearly in the plastic deformation regime (a clue for seismologists over several decades) and (ii) the extreme dynamic stress drop occurring during seismic slip acceleration on faults, requiring efficient weakening mechanisms. High strain rates (more than 104 s−1) are accommodated within paper-thin layers (principal slip zone), where co-seismic frictional heating triggers non-brittle weakening mechanisms. In addition, (iii) pervasive off-fault damage is observed, introducing energy sinks which are not accounted for by traditional frictional models. These observations challenge our traditional understanding of friction (rate-and-state laws), anelastic deformation (creep and flow of crystalline materials) and the scientific consensus on fault operation. This article is part of the themed issue ‘Faulting, friction and weakening: from slow to fast motion’

    Frictional melting of peridotite and seismic slip

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    The evolution of the frictional strength along a fault at seismic slip rates (about 1 m/s) is a key factor controlling earthquake mechanics. At mantle depths, friction-induced melting and melt lubrication may influence earthquake slip and seismological data. We report on laboratory experiments designed to investigate dynamic fault strength and frictional melting processes in mantle rocks. We performed 20 experiments with Balmuccia peridotite in a high-velocity rotary shear apparatus and cylindrical samples (21.8 mm in diameter) over a wide range of normal stresses (5.4–16.1 MPa), slip rates (0.23–1.14 m/s), and displacements (1.5–71 m). During the experiments, shear stress evolved with cumulative displacement in five main stages (stages 1–5). In stage 1 (first strengthening), the coefficient of friction m increased up to 0.4–0.7 (first peak in friction). In stage 2 (abrupt firstweakening), m decreased to about 0.25–0.40. In stage 3 (gradual second strengthening), shear stress increased toward a second peak in friction (m = 0.30–0.40). In stage 4 (gradual second weakening), the shear stress decreased toward a steady state value (stage 5) with m = 0.15. Stages 1 and 2 are of too short duration to be investigated in detail with the current experimental configuration. By interrupting the experiments during stages 3, 4, and 5, microstructural (Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope) and geochemical (Electron Probe Micro-Analyzer and Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy) analysis of the slipping zone suggest that second strengthening (stage 3) is associated with the production of a grain-supported melt-poor layer, while second weakening (stage 4) and steady state (stage 5) are associated with the formation of a continuous melt-rich layer with an estimated temperature up to 1780 C. Microstructures formed during the experiments were very similar to those found in natural ultramafic pseudotachylytes. By performing experiments at different normal stresses and slip rates, (1) the ‘‘thermal’’ (as it includes the thermally activated first and second weakening) slip distance to achieve steady state from the first peak in strength decreased with increasing normal stress and slip rate and (2) the steady state shear stress slightly increased with increasing normal stress and, for a given normal stress, decreased with increasing slip rate. The ratio of shear stress versus normal stress was about 0.15, well below the typical friction coefficient of rocks (0.6–0.8). The dependence of steady state shear stress with normal stress was described by means of a constitutive equation for melt lubrication. The presence of microstructures similar to those found in natural pseudotachylytes and the determination of a constitutive equation that describes the experimental data allows extrapolation of the experimental observations to natural conditions and to the study of rupture dynamics in mantle rocks

    Simple Methods via Mid-IR or H NMR Spectroscopy for the Determination of the Iodine Value of Vegetable Oils

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    Two methods for determining the iodine value in vegetable oils are described. One employs mid-infrared (mid-IR) spectroscopy and the other uses hydrogen nuclear magnetic resonance ( 1 H NMR). The determination of the iodine value is based on either the transmittance intensity of mid-IR signals or on the 1 H NMR signal integration and multivariate calibration. Both of the methods showed adequate coefficients of determination (r 2 = 0.9974 and 0.9978, respectively) when compared to Wijs method, which is recommended by the norm EN 14111. A statistical comparison between the results from the proposed methods and from Wijs method shows that both instrumental methods offer equivalent results and greater precisions compared to Wijs method. The regressions obtained from the constructed models were considered statistically significant and useful for making predictions. The proposed methods present several advantages compared to Wijs method because they significantly reduce analysis time, reagent consumption and waste generation. Furthermore, an analyst can choose between the mid-IR or 1 H NMR to determine the iodine value

    Magnetic-field-induced Luttinger liquid

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    It is shown that a strong magnetic field applied to a bulk metal induces a Luttinger-liquid phase. This phase is characterized by the zero-bias anomaly in tunneling: the tunneling conductance scales as a power-law of voltage or temperature. The tunneling exponent increases with the magnetic field as BlnB. The zero-bias anomaly is most pronounced for tunneling with the field applied perpendicular to the plane of the tunneling junction.Comment: a reference added, minor typos correcte