1,573 research outputs found

    Continuous Transition of Defect Configuration in a Deformed Liquid Crystal Film

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    We investigate energetically favorable configurations of point disclinations in nematic films having a bump geometry. Gradual expansion in the bump width {\Delta} gives rise to a sudden shift in the stable position of the disclinations from the top to the skirt of the bump. The positional shift observed across a threshold {\Delta}th obeys a power law function of |{\Delta}-{\Delta}th|, indicating a new class of continuous phase transition that governs the defect configuration in curved nematic films.Comment: 8pages, 3figure

    Anomalous phase shift in a twisted quantum loop

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    Coherent motion of electrons in a twisted quantum ring is considered to explore the effect of torsion inherent to the ring. Internal torsion of the ring composed of helical atomic configuration yields a non-trivial quantum phase shift in the electrons' eigenstates. This torsion-induced phase shift causes novel kinds of persistent current flow and an Aharonov-Bohm like conductance oscillation. The two phenomena can occur even when no magnetic flux penetrates inside the twisted ring, thus being in complete contrast with the counterparts observed in untwisted rings.Comment: 13 paes, 5 figure

    Flux-free conductance modulation in a helical Aharonov-Bohm interferometer

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    A novel conductance oscillation in a twisted quantum ring composed of a helical atomic configuration is theoretically predicted. Internal torsion of the ring is found to cause a quantum phase shift in the wavefunction that describes the electron's motion along the ring. The resulting conductance oscillation is free from magnetic flux penetrating inside the ring, which is in complete contrast with the ordinary Aharonov-Bohm effect observed in untwisted quantum rings.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Analisis Penerimaan Teknologi dan Kesuksesan Aplikasi ULA Pada Pelaku UMKM di Surabaya Menggunakan Metode UTAUT dan Delone & Mclean

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    Perubahan perilaku masyarakat pada situs belanja online dapat menjadi sarana bagi UMKM (Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah) dalam mengadopsi teknologi dalam memenuhi kebutuhan konsumennya dan mempermudah bisnisnya. Salah satu e-commerce yang memberikan kemudahan bagi UMKM dengan memanfaatkan teknologi adalah hadirnya aplikasi ULA (Untung Lancar Aman). Namun dalam pengembangan sebuah aplikasi tentunya banyak inovasi yang perlu ditingkatkan. Untuk menghasilkan teknologi informasi yang baik perlu adanya sebuah evaluasi sistem untuk meningkatkan kinerja dari sistem tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan penggabungan dua model yakni Delone & McLean dan UTAUT. Penggunaan dua model ini untuk mengetahui respon dan perspektif keberhasilan dan penerimaan terhadap suatu sistem jika diterapkan pada pengguna aplikasi ULA yang merupakan pelaku UMKM di Kota Surabaya. Jenis pendekatan pada penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan penyebaran kuesioner secara online dan offline sebanyak 110 responden yang diolah dengan software SmartPLS. Berdasarkan olah data, didapatkan hasil 5 hipotesis diterima yakni variabel information quality dan service quality yang berpengaruh posistif dan signifikan pada behavioral intention, variabel information quality yang berpengaruh positif dan signifikan pada user satisfaction. Behavioral intention dan user satisfaction memiliki pengaruh  positif dan signifikan pada net benefits. Selain itu 6 hipotesis ditolak, diharapkan dapat dilakukan evaluasi sistem untuk dapat membangun prospek bisnis perusahaan pada masa mendatang

    The volume of Gaussian states by information geometry

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    We formulate the problem of determining the volume of the set of Gaussian physical states in the framework of information geometry. That is, by considering phase space probability distributions parametrized by the covariances and supplying this resulting statistical manifold with the Fisher-Rao metric. We then evaluate the volume of classical, quantum and quantum entangled states for two-mode systems showing chains of strict inclusion

    As bad as it gets: Well being deprivation of sexually trafficked women

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    The International Organization for Migration has collected data on trafficked individuals. The aim of this paper is to use the sub-sample of sexually exploited women in order to explore the relationship between their well being deprivation, their personal characteristics, and their working locations. We use the theoretical framework of the capability approach to conceptualize well being deprivation and we estimate a MIMIC (Multiple Indicators Multiple Causes) model. The utilized indicators measure abuse, freedom of movement, and access to medical care. This model also allows us to estimate the effects of some covariates on this measure of well being

    Novel scaling behavior of the Ising model on curved surfaces

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    We demonstrate the nontrivial scaling behavior of Ising models defined on (i) a donut-shaped surface and (ii) a curved surface with a constant negative curvature. By performing Monte Carlo simulations, we find that the former model has two distinct critical temperatures at which both the specific heat C(T)C(T) and magnetic susceptibility χ(T)\chi(T) show sharp peaks.The critical exponents associated with the two critical temperatures are evaluated by the finite-size scaling analysis; the result reveals that the values of these exponents vary depending on the temperature range under consideration. In the case of the latter model, it is found that static and dynamic critical exponents deviate from those of the Ising model on a flat plane; this is a direct consequence of the constant negative curvature of the underlying surface.Comment: 11 pages 5 figure

    Exacerbation of Diabetic Control by Large Amount of Sports Drink in Baseball Athlete with Detail Investigation

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    Authors have continued clinical practice and research of low carbohydrate diet (LCD). The case is 62-year-old men with obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). For social/sport history, he worked as an administration manager of a large hospital and has been baseball player during 15-62 years old. Regarding medical history, he was on LCD with 96kg and HbA1c 6.0% in 2020. He participated many ballgames March-September 2021. He took oral rehydration solution (ORS) (Pokari Sweat, Otsuka Pharmaceutical) 1000ml/day during Mar-June in rather mild climate, and sports drink solution (SDS) (Body Mainte, Otsuka Pharmaceutical) 2000-3000ml/day during Jul-Sept in severe hot weather. He developed thirsty, polydipsia, polyuria, and fatigue and weight loss in Sept and HbA1c was 14.0%. Treatments started immediately by super-LCD, in which taken food in three meals a day was completely taken pictures by recording diet method. The analyzed carbohydrate amount was 40-90g per day, and LCD meal was effective. Just after LCD was started, blood glucose was normalized soon. HbA1c values were decreased to 10.3% in October and 7.8% in November. Consequently, this case had successful and satisfactory clinical improvement by LCD. Some discussion was described concerning LCD, hydration, ORS, SDS, adequate relationship with sports and so on

    Nature of a Strongly-Lensed Submillimeter Galaxy SMM J14011+0252

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    We have carried out near-infrared JHK spectroscopy of a gravitationally lensed submillimeter galaxy SMM J14011+0252 at z=2.565, using OHS and CISCO on the Subaru telescope. This object consists of two optical components, J1 and J2, which are lensed by the cluster Abell 1835. J1 suffers additional strong lensing by a foreground galaxy at z=0.25 in the cluster. The rest-optical H-alpha, H-beta, and [O II]3727 lines are detected in both J1 and J2, and [N II]6548,6583 lines are also detected in J1. A diagnosis of emission-line ratios shows that the excitation source of J1 is stellar origin, consistent with previous X-ray observations. The continua of J1 and J2 show breaks at rest 4000A, indicating relatively young age. Combined with optical photometry, we have carried out model spectrum fitting of J2 and find that it is a very young (~50 Myr) galaxy of rather small mass (~10e8 M_sol) which suffers some amount of dust extinction. A new gravitational lensing model is constructed to assess both magnification factor and contamination from the lensing galaxy of the component J1, using HST-F702W image. We have found that J1 suffers strong lensing with magnification of ~30, and its stellar mass is estimated to be < 10e9 M_sol. These results suggest that SMM J14011+0252 is a major merger system at high redshift that undergoes intense star formation, but not a formation site of a giant elliptical. Still having plenty of gas, it will transform most of the gas into stars and will evolve into a galaxy of < 10e10 M_sol. Therefore, this system is possibly an ancestor of a less massive galaxy such as a mid-sized elliptical or a spiral at the present.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomical Journa

    Corner Transfer Matrix Renormalization Group Method Applied to the Ising Model on the Hyperbolic Plane

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    Critical behavior of the Ising model is investigated at the center of large scale finite size systems, where the lattice is represented as the tiling of pentagons. The system is on the hyperbolic plane, and the recursive structure of the lattice makes it possible to apply the corner transfer matrix renormalization group method. From the calculated nearest neighbor spin correlation function and the spontaneous magnetization, it is concluded that the phase transition of this model is mean-field like. One parameter deformation of the corner Hamiltonian on the hyperbolic plane is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure