496 research outputs found

    Ecological and geographical confinement of rare medicinal plants of forest flora of the Kuznetski Alatau in need of protection

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    The subject of the study was rare medicinal plants of the forest flora of the Kuznetski Alatau. The species used in officinal, folk and homeopathic medicine were listed as medicinal plants. The list of rare medicinal plants of forest flora of the Kuznetski Alatau in need of protection is recommended on the basis of field research conducted by the author. There are 12 species in the list. The method of regular embedding of key areas and a network of expeditionary routes were used in order to select field data, which enables a reliable estimation of the floristic richness of forest flora of the studied region. Identification of rare species was based on their occurrence and abundance. The basis for ecological and geographical analysis was the assignment of each species by the confinement of its belt and zone to a particular ecological-geographical group. The basis of chronological analysis was assigning each species to a specific geographical group according to a character of areal. The distribution within the Kuznetski Alatau inside geobotanical districts is shown for each species. Endemic and relicts are indicated. Nemoral elements, which are rare in the forests of the Kuznetski Alatau, are attributed to relicts of coniferous-deciduous forests. A complex coenotic character of the studied spectrum of flora, due to substantial participation of species, confined to light coniferous, deciduous and dark coniferous forests, was found. However, the proportion of species of dark coniferous plant communities is considerably inferior to the participation of species associated with cenoses of coniferous and deciduous forests. These exact species are more plastic coenotically and environmentally and they represent the majority of additional, natural mountainous and additional mountainous species

    Настойчивость и инициативность: системно-функциональный подход

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    The article discusses the main provisions of the system-functional approach in the disclosure of such volitional qualities as initiative and persistence. They proved that persistence and initiative in personality structure are the most important components of personality. The key elements to the disclosure of personality volitional traits are its instrumental and semantic characteristics, including dynamic, emotional, regulatory, and reflective-evaluative component.El artículo analiza las principales disposiciones del enfoque funcional del sistema en la divulgación de cualidades volitivas como la iniciativa y la persistencia. Probaron que la persistencia y la iniciativa en la estructura de la personalidad son los componentes más importantes de la personalidad. Los elementos clave para la revelación de los rasgos volitivos de la personalidad son sus características instrumentales y semánticas, que incluyen el componente dinámico, emocional, regulador y reflexivo-evaluativo. В статье рассматриваются основные положения системно-функционального подхода в раскрытии таких волевых качеств как инициативность и настойчивость. Доказывается, что в структуре личности настойчивость и инициативность являются важнейшими компонентами личности. Ключевыми в раскрытии волевых черт личности являются ее инструментально-смысловые характеристики, включающие динамический, эмоциональный, регуляторный, рефлексивно-оценочный компоненты

    Some universal limits for nonhomogeneous birth and death processes

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    In this paper we consider nonhomogeneous birth and death processes (BDP) with periodic rates. Two important parameters are studied, which are helpful to describe a nonhomogeneous BDP X = X(t), t≥ 0: the limiting mean value (namely, the mean length of the queue at a given time t) and the double mean (i.e. the mean length of the queue for the whole duration of the BDP). We find conditions of existence of the means and determine bounds for their values, involving also the truncated BDP XN. Finally we present some examples where these bounds are used in order to approximate the double mean

    Особенности активационных процессов коры головного мозга при олигоменорее у подростков

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    The article presents the data on the epidemiology of menstrual cycle disorders of Krasnoyarsk teenagers. The increase in the frequency of oligomenorrhea, indicating worsening of functional disorders of the reproductive system, has been revealed. Due to the possible relation between oligomenorrhea development and disruption of activation processes of cerebral cortex, the dynamic measurement of omega-potential of cerebral hemispheres was conducted. The study was carried out in a group of female patients before the hormone therapy and after its completion. It was revealed that the basic values of the omega-potential of the girls with oligomenorrhea are characterized with its increase, indicating a high level of mental stress. The results have revealed the dependence of normalization of the activation processes of the cerebral cortex and the option of hormonal correction of oligomenorrhea.В статье приводятся данные по эпидемиологии нарушения менструального цикла подростков г. Красноярска. Выявлено увеличение частоты олигоменореи, что свидетельствует об усугублении функциональных расстройств репродуктивной системы. В связи с возможной зависимостью развития олигоменореи и нарушением активационных процессов коры головного мозга проведено динамическое измерение омега-потенциала полушарий мозга. Исследование проведено в группе пациенток до начала гормональной терапии и после ее окончания. Выявлено, что базовые значения омега-потенциала у девушек с олигоменореей характеризуются его повышением, что свидетельствует о высоком уровне психического напряжения. Выявлена зависимость нормализации активационных процессов коры головного мозга и варианта гормональной коррекции олигоменореи

    Development of internal control methodology by using statistical methods of variability assessment of material flow business processes

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    Variability or instability is one of the key features of any process, including business processes of material flow internal control. Variability is a characteristic of all natural systems and technical processes. The objects which properties can be characterized via certain parameters arise at the output of any process. The article discloses the feasibility of using the statistical methods in the internal control system of business entities; in this case the focus is on the method of identifying the causes of variability using control charts of various types (Shewhart control charts) as a prime tool. The view points regarding variability of famous academic economists who researched the business process management issues are also considered. Authors’ classification of business process variation on types of material flow internal control with the allocation of controlled and uncontrolled variation is taken as the basis of the proposed application. The method of using control charts in estimating the efficiency of material flow internal control business processes is described in detail.peer-reviewe

    On the formation of skills of speech at the research and practical conference in foreign (English) language on the professional subject of bachelors and masters of non-language universities

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    At the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science of National Research Tomsk State University, annually for twenty years a scientific and practical student conference is held. The main purpose of this conference is to provide an opportunity for future specialists to implement the skills and abilities of practical language skills in situations of foreign language professional and scientific communication, namely to make reports in a foreign language, to discuss topics related to the scientific work of the conference participants. Teachers of the department of the English language of natural science and physics and mathematics faculties take an active part in organizing the conference; prepare bachelors and masters for presentation with reports in English. The article considers the method of training bachelors and masters to speak with their project in English at a research and practical conference in a non-language university and the role of the English language teacher in the developing of skills of speech at the conference at each stage of preparation. Many years method of preparing students to speak at a research and practical conference in a foreign language (English) at this Institute shows positive results. Students adequately present their scientific reports, showing a confident knowledge of English as a means of professional communication, thereby increasing the motivation for further improvement of English language for professional purposes

    On Stability For Nonstationary M/M/N/N + R Queue

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    We consider nonstationary M/M/N/N + R queueing model and obtain the first bounds of stability

    Time perspective and significance of life events in adolescence

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    This article presents the results of a study of the relationship between the time perspective and themes of significant life events in adolescence. The study involved 1,394 boys and girls aged 14 to 23 years. It was revealed that there is an age-related multidirectional dynamics in the representation of the following periods: “studying at school”, “vocational training”, “professional autonomy”, “future”, “open present”. For example, modern youth associate “learning at school” positively with entertainment and negatively with study and work in the past and with communication and contacts in the future. The period of “professional training” is associated with all significant events in their lives except for events related to entertainment in the future. The period of “professional autonomy” is associated with events aimed at business (including both professional activity and study) both in the past and in the future. All important events in the present depend on the desire to possess some qualities, properties, skills. And at the same time, the significance of communication and entertainment in the past and the importance of entertainment and specific activities (educational and professional) in the future are associated with this desire. The results of the study may be of interest for the organization of work with high school students and students on the formation of a time perspective of the future


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    Purpose. The article is devoted to various methods of informal assessment and their potential for developing students’ reflective skills. The authors analyze different theories and approaches to reflective learning in order to design tools for enhancing students’ reflective abilities. Methodology. The data obtained through the research are evaluated and interpreted on the basis of the descriptive approach. The authors also adopt the reflective-activity approach for designing a set of reflective statements. Results. The authors study the main features of informal assessment, compare and contrast them with the forms of formal assessment pointing out that new approaches to assessment such as Learning Oriented Assessment (LOA) should be adopted in order to promote learning, motivate students and encourage their autonomy. Special attention is given to feedback as an LOA component, which correlates with the concept of reflective learning. The authors analyze various theories of reflective learning and design a system of reflective statement, which could be used as a means of practical development of students’ reflective abilities. Practical implications. The results of the research can be applied in teaching practice of various disciplines at higher educational establishments

    Innovation impact analysis model in the education system (on the example of regional innovative projects)

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    © 2017. This paper elaborates an innovation impact model based on the analysis of the design of innovative projects' competitions ("single customers" (linearity) - "partnerships" (complexity)), and innovative projects' objectives in relation to changes in education features ("conforming" - "transforming"). It presents expert criticism of the innovation impact analysis model and innovation classifications in the process of approbation of the model, indicating the imperfection of the model in terms of considering the "power" of the impact of innovative projects on education features