28 research outputs found

    Perception and Attitude Towards Data Cooking: A Perspective of LIS Research Scholars

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    This paper aims to present the results of a study on fundamental and hidden factors of research ethics or plagiarism and also its significant aspects like data falsification, fabrication, data cooking, gifted authorship, neglected authorship and other factors. It investigated the perception of research scholars towards such activities. Findings of the study revealed that almost all research scholars of Library and information science are partially aware of the research ethics and need some more counselling on this ethical education. They actively support that such activities are unethical and may cause harm to society. The present study is an original study because there is no survey kind of study on research misconduct in the field of library and information science which can bring the real perception of the research scholars of library and information science

    Case control study of supervised and unsupervised medical abortion in first trimester of pregnancy

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    Background: The MTP act of India 1971 provides for the termination of pregnancy up to 20 weeks of gestation, by a registered medical practitioner, provided all the prerequisites are fulfilled. The objective of this study was to conduct case control study of supervised and unsupervised medical abortion in first trimester of pregnancy.Methods: A case control study was conducted with two groups of patients with period of gestation <9 weeks. Case group consist of 30 patients presenting to emergency department with unsupervised intake of medical abortion pill. Control group consist of 30 patients presenting to family planning outpatient department want medical abortion pill under supervision. The main outcome variables were comparison of success rate, failure rate, complications like pain, fever, heavy bleeding, shock, requirement of blood transfusion. Interventions required were compared in both the groups in terms of medical management, surgical evacuation and laparotomy.Results: In our study, the success rate achieved in terms of complete abortion was 66.7% in the supervised and 13.3% in the unsupervised group with (p value <0.001). The complication rate was 60% in the supervised group in contrast to 93.3% in the unsupervised group. 56.7% patients in unsupervised group required blood transfusion which was nil in supervised groups. 71.4% patients in the supervised group did not require intervention. In the unsupervised group, 13.8% required medical management, 65.5% required surgical evacuation and 6.7% had to undergo laparotomy for ectopic pregnancy.Conclusions: In present study we conclude that first trimester medical abortion under supervision is more effective, safe and convenient as compared to unsupervised medical abortion. We recommend that government must stop over the counter sell of medical abortion pills

    Perception and Attitude Towards Data Cooking: A Perspective of LIS Research Scholars

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    This paper aims to present the results of a study on fundamental and hidden factors of research ethics or plagiarism and also its significant aspects like data falsification, fabrication, data cooking, gifted authorship, neglected authorship and other factors. It investigated the perception of research scholars towards such activities. Findings of the study revealed that almost all research scholars of Library and information science are partially aware of the research ethics and need some more counselling on this ethical education. They actively support that such activities are unethical and may cause harm to society. The present study is an original study because there is no survey kind of study on research misconduct in the field of library and information science which can bring the real perception of the research scholars of library and information science

    Ruptured caesarean scar ectopic pregnancy: a rare case report

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    Caesarean scar pregnancy is a rare type of ectopic pregnancy. Little is known about its incidence and natural history. With increasing incidence of caesarean section worldwide, more and more cases are diagnosed and reported.  We report a case of caesarean scar site ruptured ectopic pregnancy presented to emergency department with hypovolemic shock. Decision for emergency laparotomy was taken on the basis of clinical findings and ultrasonography. Hemoperitoneum of 2 litres with scar site rupture ectopic was seen. Evacuation of products along with repair of uterus in 2 layers with bilateral tubal ligation was done. It is the rarest kind of ectopic pregnancy and may lead to severe life threatening complications such as uterine rupture and severe hemorrhage or may have adverse effect on future fertility.

    Circular Gene Mapping of Identified AMR Genes in Multi-Drug Resistant Escherichia coli Isolated from Potable Water

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    Background: Escherichia coli is a Gram-negative & facultative anaerobe bacterium ubiquitously found in all environments. It is a waterborne and foodborne pathogen associated with many diarrhoea and GI tract diseases inclusive of UTIs in humans. The rise in the number of bacteria resistant to antimicrobial drugs has a major impact on disease control efforts. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria can be found in a variety of water sources. As a result, the objective of the current study is to construct a circular AMR gene map based on the assessment of the antibiotic susceptibility profiling of E. coli isolated from twenty various potable water sources. Methodology: Escherichia coli was isolated by using IS 5887 (Part-1) 1976. The antibiotic susceptibility was assessed using the Agar Well Diffusion Assay against ten therapeutically significant antibiotics. AMR genes were identified by using Comprehensive Antibiotic Resistance Database (CARD). The whole genome sequencing was also used to construct circular AMR gene map using Proksee tool. Results: Our research clearly shows that the E. coli isolates are resistant to antibiotics. The most resistant drugs for isolated E. coli. were found to be azithromycin, ampicillin, and metronidazole, to which every isolate showed 100% resistance. Out of 20 water sources, 13 E. coli isolates showed 100% susceptibility to ciprofloxacin, doxycycline, and meropenem and 100% resistance to azithromycin, ampicillin, and metronidazole. Tetracycline and norfloxacin showed intermediate susceptibility in 78% of Escherichia coli species. 15% of the isolates in the research were sensitive to cefixime, and 38% to co-trimoxazole. A circular gene map was created using identified 59 AMR genes, including those that encode antibiotic efflux pumps for small multidrug resistance (SMR), ATP binding cassette (ABC) antibiotic efflux pumps, and resistant nodulation cell division (RND) antibiotic efflux pumps etc. Conclusion: Antibiotic overuse and misuse have caused microorganisms to become less susceptible and more resistant. As a result, treating bacterial and other infections with antibiotics is no longer as effective. The present investigation assessed the antibiotic susceptibility profiles of ten commonly given antibiotics against isolates of Escherichia coli spp. Among the other medications, ciprofloxacin and meropenem were found to be 100% vulnerable to Escherichia coli spp. Unlike meropenem and ciprofloxacin, which were the most promising antibiotics, metronidazole, ampicillin, and azithromycin were determined to be the most failed antibiotics since they were ineffective against all discovered isolated strains

    Early transcriptome profile of goat peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) infected with peste des petits ruminant's vaccine virus (Sungri/96) revealed induction of antiviral response in an interferon independent manner

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    Sungri/96 vaccine strain is considered the most potent vaccine providing long-term immunity against peste des petits ruminants (PPR) in India. Previous studies in our laboratory highlighted induction of robust antiviral response in an interferon independent manner at 48 h and 120 h post infection (p.i.). However, immune response at the earliest time point 6 h p.i. (time taken to complete one PPRV life cycle), in PBMCs infected with Sungri/96 vaccine virus has not been investigated. This study was taken up to understand the global gene expression profiling of goat PBMCs after Sungri/96 PPRV vaccine strain infection at 6 h post infection (p.i.). A total of 1926 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified with 616 - upregulated and 1310 - downregulated. TLR7/TLR3, IRF7/IRF1, ISG20, IFIT1/IFIT2, IFITM3, IL27 and TREX1 were identified as key immune sensors and antiviral candidate genes. Interestingly, type I interferons (IFNα/β) were not differentially expressed at this time point as well. TREX1, an exonuclease which inhibits type I interferons at the early stage of virus infection was found to be highly upregulated. IL27, an important antiviral host immune factor was significantly upregulated. ISG20, an antiviral interferon induced gene with exonuclease activity specific to ssRNA viruses was highly expressed. Functional profiling of DEGs showed significant enrichment of immune system processes with 233 genes indicating initiation of immune defense response in host cells. Protein interaction network showed important innate immune molecules in the immune network with high connectivity. The study highlights important immune and antiviral genes at the earliest time point

    Comparative and temporal transcriptome analysis of peste des petits ruminants virus infected goat peripheral blood mononuclear cells

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    Peste des petits ruminanats virus (PPRV), a morbillivirus causes an acute, highly contagious disease – peste des petits ruminants (PPR), affecting goats and sheep. Sungri/96 vaccine strain is widely used for mass vaccination programs in India against PPR and is considered the most potent vaccine providing long-term immunity. However, occurrence of outbreaks due to emerging PPR viruses may be a challenge. In this study, the temporal dynamics of immune response in goat peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) infected with Sungri/96 vaccine virus was investigated by transcriptome analysis. Infected goat PBMCs at 48 h and 120 h post infection revealed 2540 and 2000 differentially expressed genes (DEGs), respectively, on comparison with respective controls. Comparison of the infected samples revealed 1416 DEGs to be altered across time points. Functional analysis of DEGs reflected enrichment of TLR signaling pathways, innate immune response, inflammatory response, positive regulation of signal transduction and cytokine production. The upregulation of innate immune genes during early phase (between 2-5 days) viz. interferon regulatory factors (IRFs), tripartite motifs (TRIM) and several interferon stimulated genes (ISGs) in infected PBMCs and interactome analysis indicated induction of broad-spectrum anti-viral state. Several Transcription factors – IRF3, FOXO3 and SP1 that govern immune regulatory pathways were identified to co-regulate the DEGs. The results from this study, highlighted the involvement of both innate and adaptive immune systems with the enrichment of complement cascade observed at 120 h p.i., suggestive of a link between innate and adaptive immune response. Based on the transcriptome analysis and qRT-PCR validation, an in vitro mechanism for the induction of ISGs by IRFs in an interferon independent manner to trigger a robust immune response was predicted in PPRV infection

    Dysregulated miRNAome and Proteome of PPRV Infected Goat PBMCs Reveal a Coordinated Immune Response

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    In this study, the miRNAome and proteome of virulent Peste des petits ruminants virus (PPRV) infected goat peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were analyzed. The identified differentially expressed miRNAs (DEmiRNAs) were found to govern genes that modulate immune response based on the proteome data. The top 10 significantly enriched immune response processes were found to be governed by 98 genes. The top 10 DEmiRNAs governing these 98 genes were identified based on the number of genes governed by them. Out of these 10 DEmiRNAs, 7 were upregulated, and 3 were downregulated. These include miR-664, miR-2311, miR-2897, miR-484, miR-2440, miR-3533, miR-574, miR-210, miR-21-5p, and miR-30. miR-664 and miR-484 with proviral and antiviral activities, respectively, were upregulated in PPRV infected PBMCs. miR-210 that inhibits apoptosis was downregulated. miR-21-5p that decreases the sensitivity of cells to the antiviral activity of IFNs and miR-30b that inhibits antigen processing and presentation by primary macrophages were downregulated, indicative of a strong host response to PPRV infection. miR-21-5p was found to be inhibited on IPA upstream regulatory analysis of RNA-sequencing data. This miRNA that was also highly downregulated and was found to govern 16 immune response genes in the proteome data was selected for functional validation vis-a-vis TGFBR2 (TGF-beta receptor type-2). TGFBR2 that regulates cell differentiation and is involved in several immune response pathways was found to be governed by most of the identified immune modulating DEmiRNAs. The decreased luciferase activity in Dual Luciferase Reporter Assay indicated specific binding of miR-21-5p and miR-484 to their target thus establishing specific binding of the miRNAs to their targets.This is the first report on the miRNAome and proteome of virulent PPRV infected goat PBMCs

    Local Allergic Reaction to Ocular Chloramphenicol Ointment: A Diagnosis by High Index of Clinical Suspicion

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    Chloramphenicol is a widely used topical ointment applied routinely for ocular and periorbital infections due to its wide spectrum of anti-bacterial activity. Local delayed hypersensitivity reaction to chloramphenicol is a well reported but uncommon adverse effect, and has been reported to be mismanaged initially as an infective cellulitis [1]. Hereby, we are reporting a case of local hypersensitivity reaction to chloramphenicol after ocular use for adenexal infection, which was diagnosed with high index of suspicion without any clinical test, and was managed timely and successfully.Case HistoryA 38-year-old man presented to out-patient department with painless swelling around both eyes of 24 hours duration. Onset of swelling was sudden, and started around 48 hours after application of chloramphenicol ointment for stye. There was no history of fever and any drug allergy. Patient also gave the history of recurrent stye in both eyes and the chloramphenicol ointment was prescribed for the sameby a general physician in a government hospital about two months back. Patient used the same ointment pack, which was opened about two months back.</p

    TTPA: a two tiers PSO architecture for dimensionality reduction

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