515 research outputs found

    A quantum light-emitting diode for the standard telecom window around 1,550 nm.

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    Single photons and entangled photon pairs are a key resource of many quantum secure communication and quantum computation protocols, and non-Poissonian sources emitting in the low-loss wavelength region around 1,550 nm are essential for the development of fibre-based quantum network infrastructure. However, reaching this wavelength window has been challenging for semiconductor-based quantum light sources. Here we show that quantum dot devices based on indium phosphide are capable of electrically injected single photon emission in this wavelength region. Using the biexciton cascade mechanism, they also produce entangled photons with a fidelity of 87 ± 4%, sufficient for the application of one-way error correction protocols. The material system further allows for entangled photon generation up to an operating temperature of 93 K. Our quantum photon source can be directly integrated with existing long distance quantum communication and cryptography systems, and provides a promising material platform for developing future quantum network hardware

    Universal growth scheme for quantum dots with low fine-Structure splitting at various emission wavelengths

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    Efficient sources of individual pairs of entangled photons are required for quantum networks to operate using fibre optic infrastructure. Entangled light can be generated by quantum dots (QDs) with naturally small fine-structure-splitting (FSS) between exciton eigenstates. Moreover, QDs can be engineered to emit at standard telecom wavelengths. To achieve sufficient signal intensity for applications, QDs have been incorporated into 1D optical microcavities. However, combining these properties in a single device has so far proved elusive. Here, we introduce a growth strategy to realise QDs with small FSS in the conventional telecom band, and within an optical cavity. Our approach employs droplet-epitaxy of InAs quantum dots on (001) substrates. We show the scheme improves the symmetry of the dots by 72%. Furthermore, our technique is universal, and produces low FSS QDs by molecular beam epitaxy on GaAs emitting at ~900nm, and metal-organic vapour phase epitaxy on InP emitting at 1550 nm, with mean FSS 4x smaller than for Stranski-Krastanow QDs

    Local host-dependent persistence of the entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema carpocapsae used to control the large pine weevil Hylobius abietis

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    Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) applied inundatively to suppress insect pests are more likely to persist and establish in stable agroecosystems than in annual crops. We investigated a system of intermediate stability: three stumps harbouring the large pine weevil (Hylobius abietis L.; Coleoptera: Curculionidae), a major European forestry pest. We tested whether persistence of EPN Steinernema carpocapsae Weiser (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae) applied around stumps is maintained by recycling of EPN through pine weevils developing within stumps. Steinernema carpocapsae was detected in soil around and under the bark of treated tree stumps up to two years, but not 4–5 years after application. Differences in nematode presence between sites were better explained by tree species (pine or spruce) than soil type (mineral or peat). Presence of S. carpocapsae in soil was positively correlated with the number of H. abietis emerging from untreated stumps the previous year, which was greater for pine stumps than spruce stumps

    Presynaptic partner selection during retinal circuit reassembly varies with timing of neuronal regeneration in vivo

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    Whether neurons can restore their original connectivity patterns during circuit repair is unclear. Taking advantage of the regenerative capacity of zebrafish retina, we show here the remarkable specificity by which surviving neurons reassemble their connectivity upon regeneration of their major input. H3 horizontal cells (HCs) normally avoid red and green cones, and prefer ultraviolet over blue cones. Upon ablation of the major (ultraviolet) input, H3 HCs do not immediately increase connectivity with other cone types. Instead, H3 dendrites retract and re-extend to contact new ultraviolet cones. But, if regeneration is delayed or absent, blue-cone synaptogenesis increases and ectopic synapses are made with red and green cones. Thus, cues directing synapse specificity can be maintained following input loss, but only within a limited time period. Further, we postulate that signals from the major input that shape the H3 HC's wiring pattern during development persist to restrict miswiring after damage

    Epidemic space

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    The aim of this article is to highlight the importance of 'spatiality' in understanding the materialization of risk society and cultivation of risk sensibilities. More specifically it provides a cultural analysis of pathogen virulence (as a social phenomenon) by means of tracing and mapping the spatial flows that operate in the uncharted zones between the microphysics of infection and the macrophysics of epidemics. It will be argued that epidemic space consists of three types of forces: the vector, the index and the vortex. It will draw on Latour's Actor Network Theory to argue that epidemic space is geared towards instability when the vortex (of expanding associations and concerns) displaces the index (of finding a single cause)

    Abdominal functional electrical stimulation to improve respiratory function after spinal cord injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Objectives: Abdominal functional electrical stimulation (abdominal FES) is the application of a train of electrical pulses to the abdominal muscles, causing them to contract. Abdominal FES has been used as a neuroprosthesis to acutely augment respiratory function and as a rehabilitation tool to achieve a chronic increase in respiratory function after abdominal FES training, primarily focusing on patients with spinal cord injury (SCI). This study aimed to review the evidence surrounding the use of abdominal FES to improve respiratory function in both an acute and chronic manner after SCI. Settings: A systematic search was performed on PubMed, with studies included if they applied abdominal FES to improve respiratory function in patients with SCI. Methods: Fourteen studies met the inclusion criteria (10 acute and 4 chronic). Low participant numbers and heterogeneity across studies reduced the power of the meta-analysis. Despite this, abdominal FES was found to cause a significant acute improvement in cough peak flow, whereas forced exhaled volume in 1 s approached significance. A significant chronic increase in unassisted vital capacity, forced vital capacity and peak expiratory flow was found after abdominal FES training compared with baseline. Conclusions: This systematic review suggests that abdominal FES is an effective technique for improving respiratory function in both an acute and chronic manner after SCI. However, further randomised controlled trials, with larger participant numbers and standardised protocols, are needed to fully establish the clinical efficacy of this technique

    Quantum teleportation using coherent emission from telecom C-band quantum dots

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    A practical way to link separate nodes in quantum networks is to send photons over the standard telecom fibre network. This requires sub-Poissonian photon sources in the telecom wavelength band around 1550 nm, where the photon coherence time has to be sufficient to enable the many interference-based technologies at the heart of quantum networks. Here, we show that droplet epitaxy InAs/InP quantum dots emitting in the telecom C-band can provide photons with coherence times exceeding 1 ns even under non-resonant excitation, more than a factor two longer than values reported for shorter wavelength quantum dots under similar conditions. We demonstrate that these coherence times enable near-optimal interference with a C-band laser qubit, with visibilities only limited by the quantum dot multiphoton emission. Using entangled photons, we further show teleportation of such qubits in six different bases with average fidelity reaching 88.3±\pm4%. Beyond direct applications in long-distance quantum communication, the high degree of coherence in these quantum dots is promising for future spin based telecom quantum network applications

    On-demand semiconductor single-photon source with near-unity indistinguishability

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    Single photon sources based on semiconductor quantum dots offer distinct advantages for quantum information, including a scalable solid-state platform, ultrabrightness, and interconnectivity with matter qubits. A key prerequisite for their use in optical quantum computing and solid-state networks is a high level of efficiency and indistinguishability. Pulsed resonance fluorescence (RF) has been anticipated as the optimum condition for the deterministic generation of high-quality photons with vanishing effects of dephasing. Here, we generate pulsed RF single photons on demand from a single, microcavity-embedded quantum dot under s-shell excitation with 3-ps laser pulses. The pi-pulse excited RF photons have less than 0.3% background contributions and a vanishing two-photon emission probability. Non-postselective Hong-Ou-Mandel interference between two successively emitted photons is observed with a visibility of 0.97(2), comparable to trapped atoms and ions. Two single photons are further used to implement a high-fidelity quantum controlled-NOT gate.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure
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