166 research outputs found

    Multiple-electron losses of highly charged ions colliding with neutral atoms

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    We present calculations of the total and m-fold electron-loss cross sections using the DEPOSIT code for highly charged U(q+) ions (q=10,31,33) colliding with Ne and Ar targets at projectile energies E=1.4 and 3.5 MeV/u. Typical examples of the deposited energy T(b) and m-fold ionization probabilities Pm(b) used for the cross-section calculations as a function of the impact parameter b are given. Calculated m-fold electron-loss cross sections are in a good agreement with available experimental data. Although the projectile charge is rather high, a contribution of multiple-electron loss cross sections to the total electron-loss cross sections is high: about 65% for the cases mentioned.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Symmetric eikonal model for projectile-electron excitation and loss in relativistic ion-atom collisions

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    At impact energies ∼>1 \stackrel{>}{\sim}1 GeV/u the projectile-electron excitation and loss occurring in collisions between highly charged ions and neutral atoms is already strongly influenced by the presence of atomic electrons. In order to treat these processes in collisions with heavy atoms we generalize the symmetric eikonal model, used earlier for considerations of electron transitions in ion-atom collisions within the scope of a three-body Coulomb problem. We show that at asymptotically high collision energies this model leads to an exact transition amplitude and is very well suited to describe the projectile-electron excitation and loss at energies above a few GeV/u. In particular, by considering a number of examples we demonstrate advantages of this model over the first Born approximation at impact energies ∼1\sim 1--30 GeV/u, which are of special interest for atomic physics experiments at the future GSI facilities.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Charge-exchange collisions in interpenetrating laser-produced magnesium plasmas

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    Abstract Charge-exchange collisions are one of the effective pumping methods for soft X-ray lasers. Experiments are performed to investigate charge-exchange collisions between highly charged Mg ions in colliding laser-produced magnesium plasmas. Pinhole photography and XUV spectroscopy are used as diagnostic tools. Spectroscopic studies show selective population of n ϭ 3 levels of Mg IX ions, which results in enhancement of respective line intensities. Theoretical calculations also give a large cross section as high as 10 Ϫ15 cm 2 for these charge-exchange collisions when the relative velocities of the colliding ions are of the order of 10 7 cm s Ϫ1 . XUV pinhole pictures are taken in early stages, which give more insight into the expansion dynamics of the colliding magnesium plasmas

    Quantum-mechanical calculation of Stark widths of Ne VII n=3, Δn=0\Delta n=0 transitions

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    The Stark widths of the Ne VII 2s3s-2s3p singlet and triplet lines are calculated in the impact approximation using quantum-mechanical Convergent Close-Coupling and Coulomb-Born-Exchange approximations. It is shown that the contribution from inelastic collisions to the line widths exceeds the elastic width contribution by about an order of magnitude. Comparison with the line widths measured in a hot dense plasma of a gas-liner pinch indicates a significant difference which may be naturally explained by non-thermal Doppler effects from persistent implosion velocities or turbulence developed during the pinch implosion. Contributions to the line width from different partial waves and types of interactions are discussed as well.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures; accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Ionization of highly charged relativistic ions by neutral atoms and ions

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    Ionization of highly charged relativistic ions by neutral atoms and ions is considered. Numerical results of recently developed computer codes based on the relativistic Born and the equivalent-photon approximations are presented. The ionization of the outer shells dominate. For the outer projectile electron shells, which give the main contribution to the process, the non-relativistic Schr\"odinger wave functions can be used. The formulae for the non-relativistic reduction of the Dirac matrix-elements are obtained for ionization of electrons with arbitrary quantum numbers nn and â„“\ell.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure
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