745 research outputs found

    Multistability of a Josephson parametric amplifier coupled to a mechanical resonator

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    We study the dynamics of Josephson Parametric Amplifier (JPA) coupled to a mechanical oscillator, as realised with a dc Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID) with an embedded movable arm. We analyse this system in the regime when the frequency of the mechanical oscillator is comparable in magnitude with the plasma oscillation of the SQUID. When the nano-mechanical resonator is driven, it strongly affects the dynamics of the JPA. We show that this coupling can considerably modify the dynamics of JPA and induce its multistability rather than common bistability. This analysis is relevant if one considers a JPA for detection of mechanical motion.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Marketing aspects of image formation and investment attractiveness of territories and enterprises

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    Purpose: The article identifies the differences between Ukraine and Poland in the image formation of the territory and investment attractiveness. Design/Methodology/Approach: A territorial-oriented approach is being introduced in Poland (an approach taking into account local conditions), which implies emphasis on a combination of investments and an integrated territorial approach, providing emphasis on activities that contribute to development. Findings: The regions of Ukraine are characterized by different levels of investment volume due to the differences in competitive advantages. In contradistinction from Ukraine, the competitive advantages of the territories provide a high level of investment attractiveness in Poland; they are integrated, and are generally based on advanced infrastructure (digital, business, transport), high-tech industries, advanced business services, economic zones, academic centers. Practical Implications: The conducted research makes it possible to identify several basic features of image formation and investment attractiveness of territories. Originality/Value: The basic key difference concerns the competence of countries’ integration of formed competitive advantages of the territory. The specified competence is traced in Poland, while in Ukraine the absence of this competence leads to underutilization of the regions’ potential.peer-reviewe

    Legal interpretation of the constitution and the laws of Ukraine by the constitutional court of Ukraine

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    У статті досліджено повноваження Конституційного Суду України у сфері тлумачення Конституції і законів України. Проаналізовано поняття, види, суб’єкти та об’єкти тлумачення. Автором визначено правову природу рішень Конституційного Суду України щодо офіційного тлумачення Конституції та законів України.The article deals with the investigation of the powers of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in the interpretation of the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine. The notion, types, subjects and objects of the interpretation have been analyzed. The legal nature of the decisions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine as to the legal interpretation of the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine is determined

    Муніципальне право : робоча навчальна програма

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    Робоча навчальна програма курсу містить тематичні плани лекцій, семінарських занять, завдання до самостійної роботи, тематику контрольних, а також перелік навчально-методичної літератури. Видання рекомендоване студентам 4-го курсу денної форми навчання

    Legal nature of the interpretative acts of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine

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    У статті наведені результати наукового аналізу правової природи інтерпретаційних актів Конституційного Суду України. Автором досліджено особливості інтерпретаційних актів Конституційного Суду України.This article deals with the results of scientific analysis of the legal nature of interpretative acts of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine. The peculiarities of interpretative acts of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine are investigated. It is defined that interpretative acts of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine occupy a particular place in the system of legal acts, as they share the characteristics of both interpretative and normative acts. When interpreting the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine they reveal their true content and form a single constitutional understanding of the law. It is indicated that normative nature of a legal act does not mean that it belongs to normative legal acts. Interpretative acts belong to the acts of normative character, as they contain norms of interpretation, but not new legal rules. It is determined that the legal force of interpretative acts comes out of the legal status of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine and reveals its peculiarities. Interpretative acts, which are adopted by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine are obligatory to be fulfilled on the territory of Ukraine, they are final and cannot be appealed, non-fulfilment of the decisions leads to the responsibility before the law. The accent is put on the fact that none of the laws presupposes a norm about the responsibility for non-fulfilment of the decisions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine. The functioning of the interpretative legal acts in time, space and as to the scope of persons is viewed. The author concludes that the acts function during the validity period of the legal norm they interpret. Though, the functioning of the interpretative legal acts depends on the following conditions: if the normative legal act is cancelled, consequently the act of its official interpretation loses its force; if a new normative legal act contains norms similar to those contained in the previous act, the principles of the interpretative act dealing with these norms preserve their force; if in a new normative legal act the norm was changed or completed but preserves the terms and principles used in the previous edition, the explanations of the principles and terms in the act of official interpretation which are present in a new edition, preserve their force. It is determined that the functioning of the interpretative legal acts is extended to the territory, defined in the powers given to the subject with the purpose to officially interpret legal norms. Interpretative acts are obligatory for persons that are under the jurisdiction force of the subject that issued that act. Interpretative acts of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, which cancel or lessen the person’s responsibility, have retroactive effect in time

    Конституційно-процесуальне право : робоча навчальна програма

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    Робоча навчальна програма курсу містить тематичні плани лекцій, семінарських занять, завдання до самостійної роботи, тематику контрольних, а також перелік навчально-методичної літератури. Видання рекомендоване студентам 4-го курсу денної форми навчання

    The constitutional control over the constitution of Ukraine alteration procedure

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    У статті досліджено діяльність Конституційного Суду України, як органу судового конституційного контролю за додержанням процедури внесення змін до Конституції України. Обгрунтовано необхідність наступного судового конституційного контролю щодо закону про внесення змін до Конституції України. Визначено правову природу законів про внесення змін до Конституції України.The article deals with the activity of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine as the body of constitutional control over the Constitution of Ukraine alteration procedure. Theneed for the further judicial review of constitutionality as to the Law of the Constitution of Ukraine alteration is demonstrated. The legal nature of the laws of the Constitution of Ukraine alteration is determined