2,098 research outputs found

    Investigating the Relationship Between Spatial Skills and Computer Science

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    The relationship between spatial skills training and computer science learning is unclear. Reported experiments provide tantalising, though not convincing, evidence that training a programming student's spatial skills may accelerate the development of their programming skills. Given the well-documented challenge of learning to program, such acceleration would be welcomed. Despite the experimental results, no attempt has been made to develop a model of how a linkage between spatial skills and computer science ability might operate, hampering the development of a sound research programme to investigate the issue further. This paper surveys the literature on spatial skills and investigates the various underlying cognitive skills involved. It poses a theoretical model for the relationship between computer science ability and spatial skills, exploring ways in which the cognitive processes involved in each overlap, and hence may influence one another. An experiment shows that spatial skills typically increase as the level of academic achievement in computer science increases. Overall, this work provides a substantial foundation for, and encouragement to develop, a major research programme investigating precisely how spatial skills training influences computer science learning, and hence whether computer science education could be significantly improved

    Factors Influencing Attrition and Retention of Female Students in the College of Engineering

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    The purpose of the study was to explore experiences of female undergraduates in the College of Engineering at the University of Maine with an eye toward attrition and retention issues. A total of 152 engineering students were included in this study (n=93 women; n=59 men). Specifically, this study investigated what differences and similarities exist between male and female engineering majors in terms of: family background, choosing to major in engineering, high school academic performance, college academic performance, use of college academic services, perception of support, participation in outside activities, perception of their academic ability and experience, and perception of impact of their gender. These findings offer some insight into what might be helpful in the recruitment of female students to major in engineering and provides a basis for understanding retention issues for females in the engineering program

    Indirect Gag Orders and the Doctrine of Prior Restraint

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    Systematic Review: Coping and Supports of Family Caregivers for Adults with Serious Mental Illness

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    Caring for a loved one with serious mental illness is a challenging role to be in. The purpose of this systematic literature review is to integrate the current literature which values the viewpoint of the caregiver regarding their own strength perspective of discovering what coping skills and support systems they have found to be beneficial. The studies included in the review were peer reviewed empirical, qualitative and quantitative studies, representing several countries and age groups. Inclusionary terms for this study included: “chronic mental illness” or “mental illness”, some version of the word caregiver, family, related, adapt, cope and long-term. Exclusionary terms included race and dementia. Common themes of strength found in the research included: educating the caregiver about the illness, the behaviors and prognosis, creating partnerships with the loved one and treatment team, finding acceptance of the illness and life situation, living situation effects, the importance of the caregiver caring for and finding support for themselves, finding a new life purpose and planning for the future. Future research would benefit from further evaluating disseminating educational materials, guidelines for development of support groups, training for peer mentoring and future planning into areas of the world that are more rural or limited in availability of services

    Cloning and characterization of a new human collagen locus

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    The Ethical Use of Evidence in Public Address Events

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    As we enter the decade of the \u2790s and round the corner heading toward the 21st century, American appear to be more concerned than ever about the issue of ethics. This continued interest in studying moral behavior has lead to the development of more explicit codes of conduct in business, professional, and educational settings. In keeping with this interest, the forensic community has continued to consider the ethical standards that should be established for use of evidence in public address events

    A Meta-Analytic Review of Studies Examining the Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse in Women

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    Childhood sexual abuse is a prevalent problem that impacts adult women and the mental health professionals who treat them. Decades of studies have been conducted examining the impact of childhood sexual abuse in order to be better able to treat clients with this history. Yet, few clear guidelines have resulted from these activities. In order to gain a clearer picture of this research, a meta-analysis was conducted on 41 published studies to describe the nature of the problem, the subjects involved in these studies, the measures used to determine effect, and the impact of eight variables that potentially mediate the effect of childhood sexual abuse. The results of this meta-analysis show that authors use different definitions, sample from different populations, report different demographic data, and use different measures of outcome. Typical studies use definitions based on the relationship of the victim to the perpetrator and difference between victim and perpetrator in age. While many reviewers discuss the potential impact and importance of several demographic variables, including age, educational level, and marital status, few studies in this meta-analysis included this information. Subjects are typically mental health clients or students; however, some studies did a:tempt to use a random sample from the general population. Most studies used a life-history interview or questionnaire in order to obtain demographic data and information about the nature of the sexual abuse. Most studies also utilized an objective measure of outcome, typically a measure of psychopathology; however, few studies used the same tool. It was concluded that there is evidence to indicate a negative effect of sexual abuse in women. However, this evidence is not overwhelming. Also, it was concluded that in order to increase the level of understanding in this area, it is imperative to begin to standardize a protocol for this research. A standardized protocol would include a clearly stated definition of childhood sexual abuse, clearly stated demographic information, and clearly reported use of outcome measures and the outcomes. Standardization would enable researchers to replicate studies and compare results, processes which are invaluable to increase scientific understanding of the long-term effects of sexual abuse in adult women

    Systematic Review: Coping and Supports of Family Caregivers for Adults with Serious Mental Illness

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    Caring for a loved one with serious mental illness is a challenging role to be in. The purpose of this systematic literature review is to integrate the current literature which values the viewpoint of the caregiver regarding their own strength perspective of discovering what coping skills and support systems they have found to be beneficial. The studies included in the review were peer reviewed empirical, qualitative and quantitative studies, representing several countries and age groups. Inclusionary terms for this study included: chronic mental illness or mental illness , some version of the word caregiver, family, related, adapt, cope and long-term. Exclusionary terms included race and dementia. Common themes of strength found in the research included: educating the caregiver about the illness, the behaviors and prognosis, creating partnerships with the loved one and treatment team, finding acceptance of the illness and life situation, living situation effects, the importance of the caregiver caring for and finding support for themselves, finding a new life purpose and planning for the future. Future research would benefit from further evaluating disseminating educational materials, guidelines for development of support groups, training for peer mentoring and future planning into areas of the world that are more rural or limited in availability of services

    Studies of Regolithic Vestan Samples: Brecciated Eucrites and Howardites

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    Brecciated eucrites and howardites represent samples of the regolith of asteroid 4 Vesta. As such, they are a valuable source of data for understanding the products of surface alteration. Two different processes are investigated here: impact mixing of comminuted rocks to produce regolith samples, and formation of glasses in the regolith. Chapter 1 describes four newly discovered eucrite breccias: three presumably paired meteorites, all named NWA 6105, and NWA 6106. For each meteorite, major- and minor-element compositions of minerals were determined using the electron microprobe. Pyroxene Fe-Mn co-variations and bulk-rock oxygen isotope compositions confirm their classification as eucrites. Variations in mineral compositions and textures are attributed to differences in clast types present (i.e., basaltic or cumulate eucrite). The pyroxene compositions support the hypothesis that samples NWA 6105,1; 6105,2; and 6105,3 are paired polymict eucritic breccias, whereas sample NWA 6106 is a monomict basaltic eucritic breccia. Two-pyroxene geothermometry yields temperatures too low for igneous crystallization. The variation in temperatures among samples suggests that metamorphism occurred prior to brecciation. Chapter 2 is an investigation of glasses in eight howardites, with the aim of distinguishing their origins as impact melt or pyroclastic. Although theoretical calculations predict that pyroclastic eruptions could have taken place on Vesta, the occurrence of pyroclastic glasses in HED meteorites has never been documented. This study involved petrographic examination of textures, electron microprobe analysis of major and minor elements, and LA-ICP-MS analysis for selected trace elements. Previously documented textural and compositional differences between lunar impact melt and pyroclastic glasses partly guided this study. This work yielded no positive identification of pyroclastic glasses. The most likely explanations are that pyroclastic glasses never formed, either because Vesta contains insufficient volatiles to have powered explosive eruptions, or because eruptive conditions produced optically dense fire-fountains which produced deposits that accumulated in lava ponds. The impact-melt glasses were grouped (K-rich, low-alkali, and Ca-rich) based on compositions. The K-rich group is postulated to result from impacts into previously unsampled, feldspar-rich lithologies, while the low-alkali and Ca-rich glasses are the result of impacts onto known HED lithologies though the latter formed from a preferential melting of plagioclase

    Ethical Considerations for Forensics Educators

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    In 1984, the Ethics of Advocacy Committee at the National Developmental Conference on Forensics defined forensics as primarily an educational activity. In addition, that same Committee defined ethical behavior as that which promotes the educational goals of the activity while unethical behavior hinders such educational goals (Parson, 1984, p. 14). With this educational perspective as the focus of this discussion, I will posit three specific ethical responsibilities to which I believe forensic educators should aspire. While these ethical responsibilities do not dictate specific policy, they do provide an educationally-based philosophy from which specific ethical policy may be formed
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