399 research outputs found

    Massarina ingoldiana, a new ascomycete from freshwater habitats

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    A Species of Massarina (Pleosporales) was found on woody debris in aquatic habitats in several countries. This new species is characterized by its transversely septate ascospores that are surrounded by a large, gelatinous sheath. The pattern of ascospore appendage enlargement is very similar to that of another freshwater ascomycete, Pleospora scirpicola.published_or_final_versio

    Competitive interaction between two aquatic hyphomycete species and increase in leaf litter breakdown

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    Aquatic hyphomycete species produce large numbers of conidia which rapidly colonize the leaf litter that falls into rivers during autumn. Our objective was to understand how a species which produces many fewer conidia than another in laboratory conditions can nevertheless be codominant in a natural setting. In microcosm studies with two pioneer dominant species, Flagellospora curvula and Tetrachaetum elegans, inoculated on alder leaves, we first verified that the ratio of the conidium production of both species (6 to 7:1) was inverse to that of individual conidial masses (1:7) as previously described. Calculating the percentage of leaf mass loss that corresponds to 1 mg of conidial mass produced, the combination of the two species produced 2.9-fold more loss than the mean of each species. By contrast, the reproductive biomasses of F. curvula and T. elegans were 5.2- and 2.6-fold lower, respectively. As a result, the conidium production of F. curvula in the combination was only 3.2-fold that of T. elegans instead of 6- to 7-fold in pure culture. In a mixed culture of the two species, T. elegans conidia had a high germination potential (>90%) whereas the proportion of germinated F. curvula conidia was only 50%. Moreover, T. elegans reduced the area on which F. curvula could grow on poor and rich solid media. These results indicate that the dominance of F. curvula conidia in the river may be partly controlled by T. elegans and suggest that a negative interaction between microfungi may have a positive effect on the ecosystem functioning

    DNA barcoding reveals the coral “laboratory-rat”, Stylophora pistillata encompasses multiple identities

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    Stylophora pistillata is a widely used coral “lab-rat” species with highly variable morphology and a broad biogeographic range (Red Sea to western central Pacific). Here we show, by analysing Cytochorme Oxidase I sequences, from 241 samples across this range, that this taxon in fact comprises four deeply divergent clades corresponding to the Pacific-Western Australia, Chagos-Madagascar-South Africa, Gulf of Aden-Zanzibar-Madagascar, and Red Sea-Persian/Arabian Gulf-Kenya. On the basis of the fossil record of Stylophora, these four clades diverged from one another 51.5-29.6 Mya, i.e., long before the closure of the Tethyan connection between the tropical Indo-West Pacific and Atlantic in the early Miocene (16–24 Mya) and should be recognised as four distinct species. These findings have implications for comparative ecological and/or physiological studies carried out using Stylophora pistillata as a model species, and highlight the fact that phenotypic plasticity, thought to be common in scleractinian corals, can mask significant genetic variation

    Mitochondrial and nuclear genes suggest that stony corals are monophyletic but most families of stony corals are not (Order Scleractinia, Class Anthozoa, Phylum Cnidaria)

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    Modern hard corals (Class Hexacorallia; Order Scleractinia) are widely studied because of their fundamental role in reef building and their superb fossil record extending back to the Triassic. Nevertheless, interpretations of their evolutionary relationships have been in flux for over a decade. Recent analyses undermine the legitimacy of traditional suborders, families and genera, and suggest that a non-skeletal sister clade (Order Corallimorpharia) might be imbedded within the stony corals. However, these studies either sampled a relatively limited array of taxa or assembled trees from heterogeneous data sets. Here we provide a more comprehensive analysis of Scleractinia (127 species, 75 genera, 17 families) and various outgroups, based on two mitochondrial genes (cytochrome oxidase I, cytochrome b), with analyses of nuclear genes (Ăźtubulin, ribosomal DNA) of a subset of taxa to test unexpected relationships. Eleven of 16 families were found to be polyphyletic. Strikingly, over one third of all families as conventionally defined contain representatives from the highly divergent "robust" and "complex" clades. However, the recent suggestion that corallimorpharians are true corals that have lost their skeletons was not upheld. Relationships were supported not only by mitochondrial and nuclear genes, but also often by morphological characters which had been ignored or never noted previously. The concordance of molecular characters and more carefully examined morphological characters suggests a future of greater taxonomic stability, as well as the potential to trace the evolutionary history of this ecologically important group using fossils

    Annulatascus nilensis sp. nov., a new freshwater ascomycete from the River Nile, Egypt

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    Annulatascus nilensis sp. nov., from freshwater habitats in Egypt, is described, illustrated and compared to other species in the genus. Phylogenetic analyses of its LSU rDNA sequence with similar fungi placed the new species in the genus Annulatascus (Annulatascaceae, Sordariomycetidae incertae sedis). Annulatascus nilensis is characterized by immersed ascomata with an ascomatal neck oriented horizontally to the substrate surface, asci with a long, narrow stalk and massive bipartite apical ring, and 5–11-septate, hyaline ascospores surrounded by a large irregular, granular sheath that is not seen in water


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    One hundred and five generic types of Pleosporales are described and illustrated. A brief introduction and detailed history with short notes on morphology, molecular phylogeny as well as a general conclusion of each genus are provided. For those genera where the type or a representative specimen is unavailable, a brief note is given. Altogether 174 genera of Pleosporales are treated. Phaeotrichaceae as well as Kriegeriella, Zeuctomorpha and Muroia are excluded from Pleosporales. Based on the multigene phylogenetic analysis, the suborder Massarineae is emended to accommodate five families, viz. Lentitheciaceae, Massarinaceae, Montagnulaceae, Morosphaeriaceae and Trematosphaeriaceae

    Cross-translational studies in human and Drosophila identify markers of sleep loss

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    Inadequate sleep has become endemic, which imposes a substantial burden for public health and safety. At present, there are no objective tests to determine if an individual has gone without sleep for an extended period of time. Here we describe a novel approach that takes advantage of the evolutionary conservation of sleep to identify markers of sleep loss. To begin, we demonstrate that IL-6 is increased in rats following chronic total sleep deprivation and in humans following 30 h of waking. Discovery experiments were then conducted on saliva taken from sleep-deprived human subjects to identify candidate markers. Given the relationship between sleep and immunity, we used Human Inflammation Low Density Arrays to screen saliva for novel markers of sleep deprivation. Integrin αM (ITGAM) and Anaxin A3 (AnxA3) were significantly elevated following 30 h of sleep loss. To confirm these results, we used QPCR to evaluate ITGAM and AnxA3 in independent samples collected after 24 h of waking; both transcripts were increased. The behavior of these markers was then evaluated further using the power of Drosophila genetics as a cost-effective means to determine whether the marker is associated with vulnerability to sleep loss or other confounding factors (e.g., stress). Transcript profiling in flies indicated that the Drosophila homologues of ITGAM were not predictive of sleep loss. Thus, we examined transcript levels of additional members of the integrin family in flies. Only transcript levels of scab, the Drosophila homologue of Integrin α5 (ITGA5), were associated with vulnerability to extended waking. Since ITGA5 was not included on the Low Density Array, we returned to human samples and found that ITGA5 transcript levels were increased following sleep deprivation. These cross-translational data indicate that fly and human discovery experiments are mutually reinforcing and can be used interchangeably to identify candidate biomarkers of sleep loss

    Outer membrane protein size and LPS O-antigen define protective antibody targeting to the Salmonella surface

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    Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) O-antigen (O-Ag) is known to limit antibody binding to surface antigens, although the relationship between antibody, O-Ag and other outer-membrane antigens is poorly understood. Here we report, immunization with the trimeric porin OmpD from Salmonella Typhimurium (STmOmpD) protects against infection. Atomistic molecular dynamics simulations indicate this is because OmpD trimers generate footprints within the O-Ag layer sufficiently sized for a single IgG Fab to access. While STmOmpD differs from its orthologue in S. Enteritidis (SEn) by a single amino-acid residue, immunization with STmOmpD confers minimal protection to SEn. This is due to the OmpD-O-Ag interplay restricting IgG binding, with the pairing of OmpD with its native O-Ag being essential for optimal protection after immunization. Thus, both the chemical and physical structure of O-Ag are key for the presentation of specific epitopes within proteinaceous surface-antigens. This enhances combinatorial antigenic diversity in Gram-negative bacteria, while reducing associated fitness costs

    Double hadron leptoproduction in the nuclear medium

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    First measurement of double-hadron production in deep-inelastic scattering has been measured with the HERMES spectrometer at HERA using a 27.6 GeV positron beam with deuterium, nitrogen, krypton and xenon targets. The influence of the nuclear medium on the ratio of double-hadron to single-hadron yields has been investigated. Nuclear effects are clearly observed but with substantially smaller magnitude and reduced AA-dependence compared to previously measured single-hadron multiplicity ratios. The data are in fair agreement with models based on partonic or pre-hadronic energy loss, while they seem to rule out a pure absorptive treatment of the final state interactions. Thus, the double-hadron ratio provides an additional tool for studying modifications of hadronization in nuclear matter

    Anatomy of a microearthquake sequence on an active normal fault

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    The analysis of similar earthquakes, such as events in a seismic sequence, is an effective tool with which to monitor and study source processes and to understand the mechanical and dynamic states of active fault systems. We are observing seismicity that is primarily concentrated in very limited regions along the 1980 Irpinia earthquake fault zone in Southern Italy, which is a complex system characterised by extensional stress regime. These zones of weakness produce repeated earthquakes and swarm-like microearthquake sequences, which are concentrated in a few specific zones of the fault system. In this study, we focused on a sequence that occurred along the main fault segment of the 1980 Irpinia earthquake to understand its characteristics and its relation to the loading-unloading mechanisms of the fault system
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