174 research outputs found

    A Test Of The Effects Of Leadership Style And Task Feedback On Self-efficacy, Performance Quality And Attitudes

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    The present study examined the effect of three leadership styles (i.e., charismatic, structuring and considerate) and three feedback conditions (i.e., internal inspection, external inspection and no feedback) on individual performance on a manufacturing task and on attitudes towards the task and the leader.;One hundred and forty eight graduate business students were randomly assigned to one of three leadership conditions and one of three feedback conditions. They then participated in an exercise which required them to build four electrical wiring harnesses and complete a series of questionnaires. The questionnaires measured their self-efficacy before each trial and their attitude towards the task and the leader after the last trial.;Repeated measures multivariate analysis of covariance indicated that both internally- and externally-generated feedback produced significantly greater product quality over time than did no feedback. A significant interaction effect between leadership style and task feedback revealed that the quality of the products made by participants in the charismatic leadership condition was sustained even in the absence of task feedback. When self-efficacy was added to the multivariate analysis of covariance as a second covariate, the significant interaction effect between leadership style and task feedback became nonsignificant. This indicates that self-efficacy mediates this relationship.;Multivariate analysis of covariance also indicated that leadership style affected participants\u27 attitude towards the task such that those in the charismatic leadership groups found the task to be more significant than those in either the structuring or considerate leadership groups. Leadership style also affected participants\u27 attitude towards the leader such that those in the structuring leadership condition reported less liking for the leader than participants in either the charismatic or considerate condition

    Modulation of Leukocyte Infiltration and Phenotype in Microporous Tissue Engineering Scaffolds via Vector Induced Il-10 Expression

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    Biomaterial scaffolds are central to many tissue engineering strategies as they create a space for tissue growth and provide a support for cell adhesion and migration. However, biomaterial implantation results in unavoidable injury resulting in an inflammatory response, which can impair integration with the host and tissue regeneration. Toward the goal of reducing inflammation, we investigated the hypothesis that a lentiviral gene therapy-based approach to localized and sustained IL-10 expression at a scaffold could modulate the number, relative proportions, and cytokine production of infiltrating leukocyte populations. Flow cytometry was used to quantify infiltration of six leukocyte populations for 21 days following implantation of PLG scaffolds into intraperitoneal fat. Leukocytes with innate immune functions (i.e., macrophages, dendritic cells, neutrophils) were most prevalent at early time points, while T lymphocytes became prevalent by day 14. Reporter gene delivery indicated that transgene expression persisted at the scaffold for up to 28 days and macrophages were the most common leukocyte transduced, while transduced dendritic cells expressed the greatest levels of transgene. IL-10 delivery decreased leukocyte infiltration by 50% relative to controls, increased macrophage IL-10 expression, and decreased macrophage, dendritic cell, and CD4 T cell IFN-γ expression. Thus, IL-10 gene delivery significantly decreased inflammation following scaffold implant into the intraperitoneal fat, in part by modulating cytokine expression of infiltrating leukocytes

    Mesenchymal stem cell therapy in hypertrophic and keloid scars.

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    Funder: University of CambridgeScars are the normal outcome of wound repair and involve a co-ordinated inflammatory and fibrotic process. When a scar does not resolve, uncontrolled chronic inflammation can persist and elicits excessive scarring that leads to a range of abnormal phenotypes such as hypertrophic and keloid scars. These pathologies result in significant impairment of quality of life over a long period of time. Existing treatment options are generally unsatisfactory, and there is mounting interest in innovative cell-based therapies. Despite the interest in mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), there is yet to be a human clinical trial that investigates the potential of MSCs in treating abnormal scarring. A synthesis of existing evidence of animal studies may therefore provide insight into the barriers to human application. The aim of this PRISMA systematic review was to evaluate the effectiveness of MSC transplantation in the treatment of hypertrophic and keloid scars in in vivo models. A total of 11 case-control studies were identified that treated a total of 156 subjects with MSCs or MSC-conditioned media. Ten studies assessed hypertrophic scars, and one looked at keloid scars. All studies evaluated scars in terms of macroscopic and histological appearances and most incorporated immunohistochemistry. The included studies all found improvements in the above outcomes with MSC or MSC-conditioned media without complications. The studies reviewed support a role for MSC therapy in treating scars that needs further exploration. The transferability of these findings to humans is limited by factors such as the reliability and validity of the disease model, the need to identify the optimal MSC cell source, and the outcome measures employed

    Children\u27s Sleep during COVID-19: How Sleep Influences Surviving and Thriving in Families

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    Objective The COVID-19 pandemic has the potential to disrupt the lives of families and may have implications for children with existing sleep problems. As such, we aimed to: (1) characterize sleep changes during the COVID-19 pandemic in children who had previously been identified as having sleep problems, (2) identify factors contributing to sleep changes due to COVID-19 safety measures, and (3) understand parents and children s needs to support sleep during the pandemic. Methods Eighty-five Canadian parents with children aged 4 14 years participated in this explanatory sequential, mixed-methods study using an online survey of children s and parents sleep, with a subset of 16 parents, selected based on changes in their children s sleep, participating in semi-structured interviews. Families had previously participated in the Better Nights, Better Days (BNBD) randomized controlled trial. Results While some parents perceived their child s sleep quality improved during the COVID-19 pandemic (14.1%, n 12), many parents perceived their child s sleep had worsened (40.0%, n 34). Parents attributed children s worsened sleep to increased screen time, anxiety, and decreased exercise. Findings from semi-structured interviews highlighted the effect of disrupted routines on sleep and stress, and that stress reciprocally influenced children s and parents sleep. Conclusions The sleep of many Canadian children was affected by the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, with the disruption of routines influencing children s sleep. eHealth interventions, such as BNBD with modifications that address the COVID-19 context, could help families address these challenges

    Whole Genome Deep Sequencing of HIV-1 Reveals the Impact of Early Minor Variants Upon Immune Recognition During Acute Infection

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    Deep sequencing technologies have the potential to transform the study of highly variable viral pathogens by providing a rapid and cost-effective approach to sensitively characterize rapidly evolving viral quasispecies. Here, we report on a high-throughput whole HIV-1 genome deep sequencing platform that combines 454 pyrosequencing with novel assembly and variant detection algorithms. In one subject we combined these genetic data with detailed immunological analyses to comprehensively evaluate viral evolution and immune escape during the acute phase of HIV-1 infection. The majority of early, low frequency mutations represented viral adaptation to host CD8+ T cell responses, evidence of strong immune selection pressure occurring during the early decline from peak viremia. CD8+ T cell responses capable of recognizing these low frequency escape variants coincided with the selection and evolution of more effective secondary HLA-anchor escape mutations. Frequent, and in some cases rapid, reversion of transmitted mutations was also observed across the viral genome. When located within restricted CD8 epitopes these low frequency reverting mutations were sufficient to prime de novo responses to these epitopes, again illustrating the capacity of the immune response to recognize and respond to low frequency variants. More importantly, rapid viral escape from the most immunodominant CD8+ T cell responses coincided with plateauing of the initial viral load decline in this subject, suggestive of a potential link between maintenance of effective, dominant CD8 responses and the degree of early viremia reduction. We conclude that the early control of HIV-1 replication by immunodominant CD8+ T cell responses may be substantially influenced by rapid, low frequency viral adaptations not detected by conventional sequencing approaches, which warrants further investigation. These data support the critical need for vaccine-induced CD8+ T cell responses to target more highly constrained regions of the virus in order to ensure the maintenance of immunodominant CD8 responses and the sustained decline of early viremia

    Selection of Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhi Genes Involved during Interaction with Human Macrophages by Screening of a Transposon Mutant Library

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    The human-adapted Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (S. Typhi) causes a systemic infection known as typhoid fever. This disease relies on the ability of the bacterium to survive within macrophages. In order to identify genes involved during interaction with macrophages, a pool of approximately 105 transposon mutants of S. Typhi was subjected to three serial passages of 24 hours through human macrophages. Mutants recovered from infected macrophages (output) were compared to the initial pool (input) and those significantly underrepresented resulted in the identification of 130 genes encoding for cell membrane components, fimbriae, flagella, regulatory processes, pathogenesis, and many genes of unknown function. Defined deletions in 28 genes or gene clusters were created and mutants were evaluated in competitive and individual infection assays for uptake and intracellular survival during interaction with human macrophages. Overall, 26 mutants had defects in the competitive assay and 14 mutants had defects in the individual assay. Twelve mutants had defects in both assays, including acrA, exbDB, flhCD, fliC, gppA, mlc, pgtE, typA, waaQGP, SPI-4, STY1867-68, and STY2346. The complementation of several mutants by expression of plasmid-borne wild-type genes or gene clusters reversed defects, confirming that the phenotypic impairments within macrophages were gene-specific. In this study, 35 novel phenotypes of either uptake or intracellular survival in macrophages were associated with Salmonella genes. Moreover, these results reveal several genes encoding molecular mechanisms not previously known to be involved in systemic infection by human-adapted typhoidal Salmonella that will need to be elucidated

    Orally Administered P22 Phage Tailspike Protein Reduces Salmonella Colonization in Chickens: Prospects of a Novel Therapy against Bacterial Infections

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    One of the major causes of morbidity and mortality in man and economically important animals is bacterial infections of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The emergence of difficult-to-treat infections, primarily caused by antibiotic resistant bacteria, demands for alternatives to antibiotic therapy. Currently, one of the emerging therapeutic alternatives is the use of lytic bacteriophages. In an effort to exploit the target specificity and therapeutic potential of bacteriophages, we examined the utility of bacteriophage tailspike proteins (Tsps). Among the best-characterized Tsps is that from the Podoviridae P22 bacteriophage, which recognizes the lipopolysaccharides of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. In this study, we utilized a truncated, functionally equivalent version of the P22 tailspike protein, P22sTsp, as a prototype to demonstrate the therapeutic potential of Tsps in the GI tract of chickens. Bacterial agglutination assays showed that P22sTsp was capable of agglutinating S. Typhimurium at levels similar to antibodies and incubating the Tsp with chicken GI fluids showed no proteolytic activity against the Tsp. Testing P22sTsp against the three major GI proteases showed that P22sTsp was resistant to trypsin and partially to chymotrypsin, but sensitive to pepsin. However, in formulated form for oral administration, P22sTsp was resistant to all three proteases. When administered orally to chickens, P22sTsp significantly reduced Salmonella colonization in the gut and its further penetration into internal organs. In in vitro assays, P22sTsp effectively retarded Salmonella motility, a factor implicated in bacterial colonization and invasion, suggesting that the in vivo decolonization ability of P22sTsp may, at least in part, be due to its ability to interfere with motility… Our findings show promise in terms of opening novel Tsp-based oral therapeutic approaches against bacterial infections in production animals and potentially in humans

    Addressing Cancer Disparities via Community Network Mobilization and Intersectoral Partnerships: A Social Network Analysis

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    Community mobilization and collaboration among diverse partners are vital components of the effort to reduce and eliminate cancer disparities in the United States. We studied the development and impact of intersectoral connections among the members of the Massachusetts Community Network for Cancer Education, Research, and Training (MassCONECT). As one of the Community Network Program sites funded by the National Cancer Institute, this infrastructure-building initiative utilized principles of Community-based Participatory Research (CBPR) to unite community coalitions, researchers, policymakers, and other important stakeholders to address cancer disparities in three Massachusetts communities: Boston, Lawrence, and Worcester. We conducted a cross-sectional, sociometric network analysis four years after the network was formed. A total of 38 of 55 members participated in the study (69% response rate). Over four years of collaboration, the number of intersectoral connections reported by members (intersectoral out-degree) increased, as did the extent to which such connections were reported reciprocally (intersectoral reciprocity). We assessed relationships between these markers of intersectoral collaboration and three intermediate outcomes in the effort to reduce and eliminate cancer disparities: delivery of community activities, policy engagement, and grants/publications. We found a positive and statistically significant relationship between intersectoral out-degree and community activities and policy engagement (the relationship was borderline significant for grants/publications). We found a positive and statistically significant relationship between intersectoral reciprocity and community activities and grants/publications (the relationship was borderline significant for policy engagement). The study suggests that intersectoral connections may be important drivers of diverse intermediate outcomes in the effort to reduce and eliminate cancer disparities. The findings support investment in infrastructure-building and intersectoral mobilization in addressing disparities and highlight the benefits of using CBPR approaches for such work
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