11 research outputs found

    Self-monitored motives for smoking among college students.

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    Employing Modular Polyketide Synthase Ketoreductases as Biocatalysts in the Preparative Chemoenzymatic Syntheses of Diketide Chiral Building Blocks

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    SummaryChiral building blocks are valuable intermediates in the syntheses of natural products and pharmaceuticals. A scalable chemoenzymatic route to chiral diketides has been developed that includes the general synthesis of α-substituted, β-ketoacyl N-acetylcysteamine thioesters followed by a biocatalytic cycle in which a glucose-fueled NADPH-regeneration system drives reductions catalyzed by isolated modular polyketide synthase (PKS) ketoreductases (KRs). To identify KRs that operate as active, stereospecific biocatalysts, 11 isolated KRs were incubated with 5 diketides and their products were analyzed by chiral chromatography. KRs that naturally reduce small polyketide intermediates were the most active and stereospecific toward the panel of diketides. Several biocatalytic reactions were scaled up to yield more than 100 mg of product. These syntheses demonstrate the ability of PKS enzymes to economically and greenly generate diverse chiral building blocks on a preparative scale

    Theory, Experiment and Computer Simulation of the Electrostatic Potential at Crystal/Electrolyte Interfaces

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    In this feature article we discuss recent advances and challenges in measuring, analyzing and interpreting the electrostatic potential development at crystal/electrolyte interfaces. We highlight progress toward fundamental understanding of historically difficult aspects, including point of zero potential estimation for single faces of single crystals, the non-equilibrium pH titration hysteresis loop, and the origin of nonlinearities in the titration response. It has been already reported that the electrostatic potential is strongly affected by many second order type phenomena such as: surface heterogeneity, (sub)surface transformations, charge transfer reactions, and additional potential jumps at crystal face edges and/or Schottky barriers. Single-crystal electrode potentials seem particularly sensitive to these phenomena, which makes interpretation of experimental observations complicated. We hope that recent theory developments in our research group including an analytical model of titration hysteresis, a perturbative surface potential expansion, and a new surface complexation model that incorporates charge transfer processes will help experimental data analysis, and provide unique insights into the electrostatic response of nonpolarizable single-crystal electrodes

    Structural Studies of an A2-Type Modular Polyketide Synthase Ketoreductase Reveal Features Controlling α‑Substituent Stereochemistry

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    Modular polyketide synthase ketoreductases often set two stereocenters when reducing intermediates in the biosynthesis of a complex polyketide. Here we report the 2.55-Å resolution structure of an A2-type ketoreductase from the 11th module of the amphotericin polyketide synthase that sets a combination of l-α-methyl and l-β-hydroxyl stereochemistries and represents the final catalytically competent ketoreductase type to be structurally elucidated. Through structure-guided mutagenesis a double mutant of an A1-type ketoreductase was generated that functions as an A2-type ketoreductase on a diketide substrate analogue, setting an α-alkyl substituent in an l-orientation rather than in the d-orientation set by the unmutated ketoreductase. When the activity of the double mutant was examined in the context of an engineered triketide lactone synthase, the anticipated triketide lactone was not produced even though the ketoreductase-containing module still reduced the diketide substrate analogue as expected. These findings suggest that re-engineered ketoreductases may be catalytically outcompeted within engineered polyketide synthase assembly lines