301 research outputs found

    On the inversion of the density gradient at the fringe of the convection zone

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    Introduction. It is well known that the total pressure and the temperature increase as one goes inward from the surface to the center of a star. That the density, on the other hand, does not necessarily increase with depth below the surface was pointed out by Hoyle and Schwarzschild (1955) and was borne out quite clearly by the numerical integrations of the solar surface layers by Faulkner, Griffiths, and Hoyle (1963). The question was raised by Tayler and Gough (1963) as to whether the density gradient inversion was real or whether it was due to the particular model of convection adopted by Faulkner et al. It is the purpose of this note to show that the inversion is indeed genuine and results from the steep temperature gradient that exists in the outermost layers of the convection zone where convection is not fully efficient and carries only a fraction (<1/2) of the total energy flux. Also, the electron pressure-temperature plane can be divided into regions where dp/dT is negative and positive. The dividing line depends, in an insensitive manner, on the assumed model and efficiency of convection. In the case of the sun it is the hydrogen ionization at about 10^4 °K that causes the opacity to go up sharply and as a result the temperature gradient steepens there by inverting the density gradient. The inversion necessarily results in a Rayleigh-Taylor instability

    Who Discovered the Hoyle Level?

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    The prediction of Hoyle that the nucleus of 12C must have a resonance at 7.62MeV was the trigger to the Anthropic Principle. We review the history of the discovery of this level and investigate to what extent this was a genuine prediction

    Why a New Code for Novae Evolution and Mass Transfer in Binaries?

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    One of the most interesting problems in Cataclysmic Variables is the long time scale evolution. This problem appears in long time evolution, which is also very important in the search for the progenitor of SN Ia. The classical approach to overcome this problem in the simulation of novae evolution is to assume: (1) A constant in time, rate of mass transfer. (2) The mass transfer rate that does not vary throughout the life time of the nova, even when many eruptions are considered. Here we show that these assumptions are valid only for a single thermonuclear flash and such a calculation cannot be the basis for extrapolation of the behavior over many flashes. In particular, such calculation cannot be used to predict under what conditions an accreting WD may reach the Chandrasekhar mass and collapse. We report on a new code to attack this problem. The basic idea is to create two parallel processes, one calculating the mass losing star and the other the accreting white dwarf. The two processes communicate continuously with each other and follow the time depended mass loss

    A Porosity-Length Formalism for Photon-Tiring-Limited Mass Loss from Stars Above the Eddington Limit

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    We examine radiatively driven mass loss from stars near and above the Eddington limit (Ledd). We begin by reviewing the instabilities that are expected to form extensive structure near Ledd. We investigate how this "porosity" can reduce the effective coupling between the matter and radiation. Introducing a new "porosity-length'' formalism, we derive a simple scaling for the reduced effective opacity, and use this to derive an associated scaling for the porosity-moderated, continuum-driven mass loss rate from stars that formally exceed Ledd. For a simple super-Eddington model with a single porosity length that is assumed to be on the order of the gravitational scale height, the overall mass loss is similar to that derived in previous porosity work. This is much higher than is typical of line-driven winds, but is still only a few percent of the photon tiring limit--for which the luminosity becomes insufficient to carry the flow out of the gravitational potential. To obtain still stronger mass loss that approaches observationally inferred values near this limit, we introduce a power-law-porosity model in which the associated structure has a broad range of scales. We show that the mass loss rate can be enhanced by a factor that increases with the Eddington parameter Gamma, such that for moderately large Gamma (> 3-4), mass loss rates could approach the photon tiring limit. Together with the ability to drive quite fast outflow speeds, the derived mass loss could explain the large inferred mass loss and flow speeds of giant outbursts in eta Carinae and other LBV stars.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Ap

    Oscillatory instability of radiative shocks with multiple cooling processes

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    The stand-off shock formed in the accretion flow on to a stationary wall, such as the surface of a white dwarf, may be thermally unstable, depending on the cooling processes which dominate the post-shock flow. Some processes lead to instability, while others tend to stabilize the shock. We consider competition between the destabilizing influence of thermal bremsstrahlung cooling, and a stabilizing process which is a power law in density and temperature. Cyclotron cooling and processes which are of order 1, 3/2 and 2 in density are considered. The relative efficiency and power-law indices of the second mechanism are varied, and particular effects on the stability properties and frequencies of oscillation modes are examined

    The analysis of spectra of novae taken near maximum

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    A project to analyze ultraviolet spectra of novae obtained at or near maximum optical light is presented. These spectra are characterized by a relatively cool continuum with superimposed permitted emission lines from ions such as Fe II, Mg II, and Si II. Spectra obtained late in the outburst show only emission lines from highly ionized species and in many cases these are forbidden lines. The ultraviolet data will be used with calculations of spherical, expanding, stellar atmospheres for novae to determine elemental abundances by spectral line synthesis. This method is extremely sensitive to the abundances and completely independent of the nebular analyses usually used to obtain novae abundances

    Observations and simulations of recurrent novae: U Sco and V394 CrA

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    Observations and analysis of the Aug. 1987 outburst of the recurrent nova V394 CrA are presented. This nova is extremely fast and its outburst characteristics closely resemble those of the recurrent nova U Sco. Hydrodynamic simulations of the outbursts of recurrent novae were performed. Results as applied to the outbursts of V394 CrA and U Sco are summarized

    Accretion-disc model spectra for dwarf-nova stars

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    Radiation from accretion discs in cataclysmic variable stars (CVs) provides fundamental information about the properties of these close binary systems and about the physics of accretion in general. The detailed diagnostics of accretion disc structure can be achieved by including in its description all the relevant heating and cooling physical mechanism, in particular the convective energy transport that, although dominant at temperatures less than about 10 000 K, is usually not taken into account when calculating spectra of accretion discs. We constructed a radiative transfer code coupled with a code determining the disc's hydrostatic vertical structure. We have obtained for the first time model spectra of cold, convective accretion discs. As expected, these spectra are mostly flat in the optical wavelengths with no contribution from the UV, which in quiescence must be emitted by the white dwarf. The disc structures obtained with our radiative-transfer code compare well with the solutions of equations used to describe the dwarf-nova outburst cycle according to the thermal-viscous disc instability model thus allowing the two to be combined. Our code allows calculating the spectral evolution of dwarf nova stars through their whole outburst cycle, providing a new tool for testing models of accretion discs in cataclysmic variables. We show that convection plays an important role in determining the vertical disc structure and substantially affects emitted spectra when, as often the case, it is effective at optical depths tau ~ 1. The emergent spectrum is independent of the parameters of the convection model.(Abstract shortened)Comment: Astronomy & Astrophysics in press. Deeply revised version. Corrected OP data taken into account. New figures (except for Figs. 1 & 2

    The Mystery of the Missing Boundary Layer

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    The question of the nature of the ultraviolet and X-ray radiation field of cataclysmic binaries is addressed. The spectrum and luminosity of this radiation are important in determining the mass transfer rate and energy budget of the system and in studies of the ejecta surrounding novae. In many systems, the soft X-ray luminosity is ~ 102-104 times weaker than predicted by simple accretion models. We discuss several possible solutions to this discrepancy. The most likely are either that the optical luminosity of a typical old nova is produced partly by reprocessed ultraviolet light from the white dwarf, or that the boundary layer, where accreted matter settles onto the white dwarf is both larger and more complicated than predicted by existing accretion disk models. The solution to this problem is of fundamental importance to accretion disk theory and will have implications for the study of most aspects of these systems, including models of the nova outburst itself