8 research outputs found

    Trollius austrosibiricus (Ranunculaceae), a new species from South Siberia

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    Trolliusaustrosibiricus Erst & Luferov, sp. nov., a new species from Russian South Siberia is described and illustrated. This new species is endemic to Western and Central Siberia. Morphologically, it is close to the East Asian species T.chinensis and T.macropetalus. However, it differs from the aforementioned species due to the morphology of the rhizomes, aerial shoots, sepals and petals. This species is also distinguished from T.asiaticus, which is widespread in Russia (Western and Eastern Siberia), Mongolia, China, north-eastern Kazakhstan and in the northeast of the European part of Russia, in having a smaller number of sepals, longer persistent styles and petals longer than sepals. In addition, an identification key for all Russian species is given and all species have been discussed

    In vitro Propagation of Dianthus mainensis, an Endemic Plant from the West Sayan (North Asia)

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    The method of preservation and in vitro propagation of rare species Dianthus mainensis was offered. Seeds were used as starting material for in vitro propagation. Explants were cultured on MS medium supplemented with BAP and NAA. The greatest number of shoots was obtained when supplementing 3 μM BAP (5.5 shoots per an explant). This medium provided direct morphogenesis without appearance of somaclonal variants. Rooting of shoots in vitro observed when using half strength MS medium without growth regulators. Regenerants of Dianthus mainensis were successfully adapted and transferred to the experimental field

    Contribution to the flora of Asian and European countries: new national and regional vascular plant records, 6

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    The paper presents new records for 10 vascular plant species from three Asian and four European countries. Of this number, three species (Panicum capillare, Stipa macroglossa, Tribulus longipetalus) are reported from Tajikistan, two (Calamagrostis emodensis, Calamagrostis lahulensis) from Myanmar, two (Euphorbia taurinensis, Origanum vulgare var. megastachyum) from Poland, one (Sagina apetala) from Uzbekistan, one (Orobanche ritro) from Ukraine and Russia, and one (Leontodon saxatilis) from the Czech Republic. Eight of these taxa are new to the flora of different Asian and European countries; and two, very rare but recently spreading species, namely Leontodon saxatilis and Euphorbia taurinensis, were reported from the Czech Republic and Poland, respectively. Four of the taxa presented (Euphorbia taurinensis, Panicum capillare, Sagina apetala and Tribulus longipetalus) should be regarded as alien to the studied areas, intensively spreading or even invasive, whereas the other six are native elements given for the first time from the countries. In each of the species, synonyms, the general distribution, habitat preferences and habitats occupied in the particular country, taxonomy with remarks on recognition and differentiating the species from the most similar occurring in particular country as well as a list of localities of examined species occurring in a given country, often far from the previously known areas, were presented. In the case of Stipa macroglossa a lectotype for the species was designated in the present paper. Illustrations for Stipa macroglossa and Orobanche ritro were also provided

    Two new species and four new records of Aquilegia (Ranunculaceae) from China

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    Two new species, Aquilegia xinjiangensis and A. hebeica from northern China, are here described and illustrated. Additionally four species, A. amurensis, A. flabellata, A. kamelinii and A. vicaria are recorded for the country for the first time. The identification key and diagnostic characters of all Aquilegia representatives from China including the newly described and recorded species are provided and discussed

    Two new species and four new records of Aquilegia (Ranunculaceae) from China

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    Two new species, Aquilegia xinjiangensis and A. hebeica from northern China, are here described and illustrated. Additionally four species, A. amurensis, A. flabellata, A. kamelinii and A. vicaria are recorded for the country for the first time. The identification key and diagnostic characters of all Aquilegia representatives from China including the newly described and recorded species are provided and discussed

    Contribution to the flora of Asian and European countries: new national and regional vascular plant records, 6

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    The paper presents new records for 10 vascular plant species from three Asian and four European countries. Of this number, three species (Panicum capillare, Stipa macroglossa, Tribulus longipetalus) are reported from Tajikistan, two (Calamagrostis emodensis, Calamagrostis lahulensis) from Myanmar, two (Euphorbia taurinensis, Origanum vulgare var. megastachyum) from Poland, one (Sagina apetala) from Uzbekistan, one (Orobanche ritro) from Ukraine and Russia, and one (Leontodon saxatilis) from the Czech Republic. Eight of these taxa are new to the flora of different Asian and European countries; and two, very rare but recently spreading species, namely Leontodon saxatilis and Euphorbia taurinensis, were reported from the Czech Republic and Poland, respectively. Four of the taxa presented (Euphorbia taurinensis, Panicum capillare, Sagina apetala and Tribulus longipetalus) should be regarded as alien to the studied areas, intensively spreading or even invasive, whereas the other six are native elements given for the first time from the countries. In each of the species, synonyms, the general distribution, habitat preferences and habitats occupied in the particular country, taxonomy with remarks on recognition and differentiating the species from the most similar occurring in particular country as well as a list of localities of examined species occurring in a given country, often far from the previously known areas, were presented. In the case of Stipa macroglossa a lectotype for the species was designated in the present paper. Illustrations for Stipa macroglossa and Orobanche ritro were also provided

    Contribution to the flora of Asian and European countries: new national and regional vascular plant records, 6

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    The paper presents new records for 28 vascular plant species from 14 Eurasian countries. Five taxa (Catabrosa capusii, Poa albertii, Poa intricata, Poa pseudoaltaica, Poa sergievskajae) are reported from Kazakhstan, three (Ranunculus pseudomonophyllus, Ranunculus smirnovii, Ranunculus turczaninovii) from Mongolia, three (Panicum barbipulvinatum, Stipa eriocaulis, Tragopogon pratensis subsp. minor) from Poland, three (Euphorbia subtilis, Corydalis grubovii, Thymus callieri) from Russia, two (Atriplex ornata, Corispermum dutreuilii) from Afghanistan, two (Orobanche grenieri, Ranunculus mongolicus) from Kyrgyzstan, two (Erigeron annuus, Sternbergia lutea) from Tajikistan, two (Orobanche baumanniorum, Orobanche kotschyi) from Turkey, one (Polygonum subaphyllum) from China, one (Orobanche bartlingii) from Georgia, one (Rubus slavonicus) from Germany, one (Cenchrus spinifex) from Montenegro, one (Rubus canadensis) from Slovenia and one (Bolboschoenus yagara) from Switzerland. For each species, synonyms, general distribution, habitat preferences, taxonomy with remarks on recognition and differentiation of the species from the most similar taxa occurring in a given country as well as a list of recorded localities (often far from the previously known areas) are presented

    Contribution to the flora of Asian and European countries : new national and regional vascular plant records, 6

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    The paper presents new records for 28 vascular plant species from 14 Eurasian countries. Five taxa (Catabrosa capusii, Poa albertii, Poa intricata, Poa pseudoaltaica, Poa sergievskajae) are reported from Kazakhstan, three (Ranunculus pseudomonophyllus, Ranunculus smirnovii, Ranunculus turczaninovii) from Mongolia, three (Panicum barbipulvinatum, Stipa eriocaulis, Tragopogon pratensis subsp. minor) from Poland, three (Euphorbia subtilis, Corydalis grubovii, Thymus callieri) from Russia, two (Atriplex ornata, Corispermum dutreuilii) from Afghanistan, two (Orobanche grenieri, Ranunculus mongolicus) from Kyrgyzstan, two (Erigeron annuus, Sternbergia lutea) from Tajikistan, two (Orobanche baumanniorum, Orobanche kotschyi) from Turkey, one (Polygonum subaphyllum) from China, one (Orobanche bartlingii) from Georgia, one (Rubus slavonicus) from Germany, one (Cenchrus spinifex) from Montenegro, one (Rubus canadensis) from Slovenia and one (Bolboschoenus yagara) from Switzerland. For each species, synonyms, general distribution, habitat preferences, taxonomy with remarks on recognition and differentiation of the species from the most similar taxa occurring in a given country as well as a list of recorded localities (often far from the previously known areas) are presented