438 research outputs found

    A model for tumor suppression using H-1 parvovirus.

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    FRA-1 protein overexpression is a feature of hyperplastic and neoplastic breast disorders

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    BACKGROUND: Fos-related antigen 1 (FRA-1) is an immediate early gene encoding a member of AP-1 family of transcription factors involved in cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, and other biological processes. fra-1 gene overexpression has an important role in the process of cellular transformation, and our previous studies suggest FRA-1 protein detection as a useful tool for the diagnosis of thyroid neoplasias. Here we investigate the expression of the FRA-1 protein in benign and malignant breast tissues by immunohistochemistry, Western blot, RT-PCR and qPCR analysis, to evaluate its possible help in the diagnosis and prognosis of breast neoplastic diseases. METHODS: We investigate the expression of the FRA-1 protein in 70 breast carcinomas and 30 benign breast diseases by immunohistochemistry, Western blot, RT-PCR and qPCR analysis. RESULTS: FRA-1 protein was present in all of the carcinoma samples with an intense staining in the nucleus. Positive staining was also found in most of fibroadenomas, but in this case the staining was present both in the nucleus and cytoplasm, and the number of positive cells was lower than in carcinomas. Similar results were obtained from the analysis of breast hyperplasias, with no differences in FRA-1 expression level between typical and atypical breast lesions; however the FRA-1 protein localization is mainly nuclear in the atypical hyperplasias. In situ breast carcinomas showed a pattern of FRA-1 protein expression very similar to that observed in atypical hyperplasias. Conversely, no FRA-1 protein was detectable in 6 normal breast tissue samples used as controls. RT-PCR and qPCR analysis confirmed these results. Similar results were obtained analysing FRA-1 expression in fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) samples. CONCLUSION: The data shown here suggest that FRA-1 expression, including its intracellular localization, may be considered a useful marker for hyperplastic and neoplastic proliferative breast disorders

    Therapeutic potential of HIV protease-activable CASP3

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    Development of a therapeutic application of CASP3/caspase 3/CPP32, an executor of apoptosis, has been challenging because regulation of its activation is complicated. This study aimed to inhibit cancer cell growth and human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) propagation through a CASP3 mutant, CASP3*, activable by HIV-1-encoded aspartate protease. Active CASP3* was delivered to leukemic cells using a protein transduction vehicle, the lentivirus-like nanoparticle (LENA), which should contain thousands of CASP3*-Gag protein molecules and release the activated CASP3* into the target cell cytoplasm. CASP3*-LENA induced apoptosis in various types of leukemic cells. In addition to being effective against leukemic cells, constitutive expression of CASP3* restricted HIV-1 propagation in SUP-T1 cells. The attenuation of HIV-1 replication in SUP-T1/CASP3* cells was attributed to the elimination of HIV-1-infected cells by apoptosis. These data suggest that CASP3* has therapeutic potential against both lymphoid malignancies and HIV-1 infection

    Unique reporter-based sensor platforms to monitor signalling in cells

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    Introduction: In recent years much progress has been made in the development of tools for systems biology to study the levels of mRNA and protein, and their interactions within cells. However, few multiplexed methodologies are available to study cell signalling directly at the transcription factor level. <p/>Methods: Here we describe a sensitive, plasmid-based RNA reporter methodology to study transcription factor activation in mammalian cells, and apply this technology to profiling 60 transcription factors in parallel. The methodology uses two robust and easily accessible detection platforms; quantitative real-time PCR for quantitative analysis and DNA microarrays for parallel, higher throughput analysis. <p/>Findings: We test the specificity of the detection platforms with ten inducers and independently validate the transcription factor activation. <p/>Conclusions: We report a methodology for the multiplexed study of transcription factor activation in mammalian cells that is direct and not theoretically limited by the number of available reporters

    A bovine lymphosarcoma cell line infected with theileria annulata exhibits an irreversible reconfiguration of host cell gene expression

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    Theileria annulata, an intracellular parasite of bovine lymphoid cells, induces substantial phenotypic alterations to its host cell including continuous proliferation, cytoskeletal changes and resistance to apoptosis. While parasite induced modulation of host cell signal transduction pathways and NFΞΊB activation are established, there remains considerable speculation on the complexities of the parasite directed control mechanisms that govern these radical changes to the host cell. Our objectives in this study were to provide a comprehensive analysis of the global changes to host cell gene expression with emphasis on those that result from direct intervention by the parasite. By using comparative microarray analysis of an uninfected bovine cell line and its Theileria infected counterpart, in conjunction with use of the specific parasitacidal agent, buparvaquone, we have identified a large number of host cell gene expression changes that result from parasite infection. Our results indicate that the viable parasite can irreversibly modify the transformed phenotype of a bovine cell line. Fifty percent of genes with altered expression failed to show a reversible response to parasite death, a possible contributing factor to initiation of host cell apoptosis. The genes that did show an early predicted response to loss of parasite viability highlighted a sub-group of genes that are likely to be under direct control by parasite infection. Network and pathway analysis demonstrated that this sub-group is significantly enriched for genes involved in regulation of chromatin modification and gene expression. The results provide evidence that the Theileria parasite has the regulatory capacity to generate widespread change to host cell gene expression in a complex and largely irreversible manner

    The Function of Heterodimeric AP-1 Comprised of c-Jun and c-Fos in Activin Mediated Spemann Organizer Gene Expression

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    BACKGROUND:Activator protein-1 (AP-1) is a mediator of BMP or FGF signaling during Xenopus embryogenesis. However, specific role of AP-1 in activin signaling has not been elucidated during vertebrate development. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:We provide new evidence showing that overexpression of heterodimeric AP-1 comprised of c-jun and c-fos (AP-1(c-Jun/c-Fos)) induces the expression of BMP-antagonizing organizer genes (noggin, chordin and goosecoid) that were normally expressed by high dose of activin. AP-1(c-Jun/c-Fos) enhanced the promoter activities of organizer genes but reduced that of PV.1, a BMP4-response gene. A loss of function study clearly demonstrated that AP-1(c-Jun/c-Fos) is required for the activin-induced organizer and neural gene expression. Moreover, physical interaction of AP-1(c-Jun/c-Fos) and Smad3 cooperatively enhanced the transcriptional activity of goosecoid via direct binding on this promoter. Interestingly, Smad3 mutants at c-Jun binding site failed in regulation of organizer genes, indicating that these physical interactions are specifically necessary for the expression of organizer genes. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:AP-1(c-Jun/c-Fos) plays a specific role in organizer gene expression in downstream of activin signal during early Xenopus embryogenesis

    Curcumin induces the apoptosis of human monocytic leukemia THP-1 cells via the activation of JNK/ERK Pathways

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Curcumin is a principal compound of turmeric, commonly used to treat tumors and other diseases. However, its anti-cancer activity in human acute monocytic leukemia THP-1 cells is not clear. This study aimed to study the anti-cancer effect and action of curcumin on THP-1 cells.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>THP-1 parental cells and PMA-treated THP-1 cells, were used as <it>in vitro </it>models to evaluate the anti-cancer effect and mechanism of curcumin. Apoptosis and its mechanism were evaluated by WST-1, flow cytometry and Western blotting. MAPK inhibitors were used to further confirm the molecular mechanism of curcumin-induced THP-1 cell apoptosis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Curcumin induced cell apoptosis of THP-1 cells as shown by cell viability, cell cycle analysis and caspase activity. Curcumin significantly increased the phosphorylation of ERK, JNK and their downstream molecules (c-Jun and Jun B). Inhibitor of JNK and ERK reduced the pro-apoptotic effect of curcumin on THP-1 cells as evidenced by caspase activity and the activation of ERK/JNK/Jun cascades. On the contrary, the pro-apoptotic effect of curcumin was abolished in the differentiated THP-1 cells mediated by PMA.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study demonstrates that curcumin can induce the THP-1 cell apoptosis through the activation of JNK/ERK/AP1 pathways. Besides, our data suggest its novel use as an anti-tumor agent in acute monocytic leukemia.</p

    Suppression of AP1 Transcription Factor Function in Keratinocyte Suppresses Differentiation

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    Our previous study shows that inhibiting activator protein one (AP1) transcription factor function in murine epidermis, using dominant-negative c-jun (TAM67), increases cell proliferation and delays differentiation. To understand the mechanism of action, we compare TAM67 impact in mouse epidermis and in cultured normal human keratinocytes. We show that TAM67 localizes in the nucleus where it forms TAM67 homodimers that competitively interact with AP1 transcription factor DNA binding sites to reduce endogenous jun and fos factor binding. Involucrin is a marker of keratinocyte differentiation that is expressed in the suprabasal epidermis and this expression requires AP1 factor interaction at the AP1-5 site in the promoter. TAM67 interacts competitively at this site to reduce involucrin expression. TAM67 also reduces endogenous c-jun, junB and junD mRNA and protein level. Studies with c-jun promoter suggest that this is due to reduced transcription of the c-jun gene. We propose that TAM67 suppresses keratinocyte differentiation by interfering with endogenous AP1 factor binding to regulator elements in differentiation-associated target genes, and by reducing endogenous c-jun factor expression

    The p53 codon 72 proline allele is endowed with enhanced cell-death inducing potential in cancer cells exposed to hypoxia

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    The preferential retention of the arginine allele at the p53 codon 72 locus is commonly observed in tumours from arginine/proline heterozygotes. Considering that cancer cells are harboured in a hypoxic environment in vivo, we here tested the hypothesis that the p53 codon 72 proline allele confers a survival disadvantage in presence of hypoxia. Here, we show that the transient transfection of the proline allele in p53 null cancer cells exposed to low oxygen tension or to the hypoxia-mimetic drug Desferoxamine induces a higher amount of cell death than the arginine allele. Accordingly, proline allele transiently transfected cell lines express lower levels of hypoxia pro-survival genes (HIF-1Ξ±, carbonic anhydrase IX, vascular endothelial growth factor, heme oxygenase-I, hepatocyte growth factor receptor, vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2), compared to those transiently transfected with the arginine allele. Further, we report that the exposure of the arginine/proline heterozygote MCF-7 breast cancer cell line to cytotoxic concentration of Desferoxamine for several weeks, gives raise to hypoxia-resistant clones, carrying the arginine, but not the proline allele. These data indicate that the p53 codon 72 proline allele is less permissive for the growth of cancer cells in a hypoxic environment, and suggest that the preferential retention of the arginine allele in the tumour tissues of arginine/proline heterozygous patients may depend upon its lowered capacity to induce cell death in a hypoxic tumour environment
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