3,635 research outputs found

    Processing of basalt fiber production waste

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    The production of mineral rock wool forms a large proportion of off-test waste products. In addition to the cost of their production, there are costs for processing and utilization, such as transportation, disposal and preservation. Besides, wastes have harmful effect on the environment. This necessitates research aimed to study the stress-related characteristics of materials, their recyclability and use in the production of heat-saving product

    Simplified method of linking raster image points of Earth remote sensing satellites to geographical coordinates

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    In article the simplified method of definition of a binding pixels raster picture to geographical coordinates in multichannel satellite imageries of the remote sensing (RS) of Earth is described. It is assumed that the picture is a rectangular raster with dimensions of the coating area on the surface of the Earth within the limits of the first hundred kilometers, obtained when the direction of shooting is deviated from nadir within the limits of the first degrees. At the same time the corner points of the screen have reference to geographical coordinates of sufficient accuracy. It is required to bind each raster pixel to a point on the Earth's surface, that is, to constrain the column and row of the raster pixel to the geographical latitude and longitude of the corresponding point. This paper proposes a simplified universal method, without some of the disadvantages inherent in standard methods of solving the problem. It is based on considering the geometric features raster and the area of the Earth surface covers it

    Determination of Radius of Curvature for Teeth With Cycloid Profile

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    In the article the geometric determination of curvature radius is considered for teeth with cycloid profile. The equations are obtained for the determination of a radius of curvature with point coordinates of a cycloid profile. The conditions of convexo-concavity of a teeth profile are defined for transmission with intermediate rollers


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    In a diversified agro-industrial complex structure of the Voronezh region there are more than 200 enterprises of food and processing industry. However, due to the growth disparity in prices for agricultural and industrial products, the collapse of a single process has been a sharp decline in the production of final products of agribusiness. In the conditions of Russia's accession to the WTO and the growth in this regard competition in the market of raw materials and finished products, problems of high relevance of search for effective strategies for the development of the food industry. The emphasis of these reforms should be a priori biased towards the crea tion of favorable conditions for the formation of optimal institutional innovation structures and prospects of development of the national agro-food system at all levels. In this regard, the formation of institutional models of integration in the agricultural sector, we regard the system approach, where the newly created integrated structure is defined as a social institution, characterized by composition, structure, objectives, functions, internal and external bounding box defined inputs and outputs. Under these conditions, there is a need to develop partnerships and coo peration between enterprises of the technological chain of the final product agribusiness, finds its expression in a variety of forms, one of which is the formation of clusters, creating the conditions for effective interaction of producers of raw materials and finished products, research and educational institutions, service infrastructure of organizations and representatives of other areas to ensure. However, the analysis showed that, across a variety of alternative strategies for the development of the food industry, the most optimal in today's economic conditions appear to integration strategies that involve the union of disparate market participants on the principles of economic integr ation, which results in a synergy by eliminating irrational mediation

    Государственные стандартные образцы состава и свойств нефтепродуктов

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    The article focuses on the approved types of CRM for petroleum products composition and properties, their producers, theoretical and actual need for CRM. The tests supply analysis of petroleum products main types by CRM was carried out.Приведены сведения об утвержденных типах государственных стандартных образцов (ГСО) состава и свойств нефтепродуктов, их производителях, теоретическая и фактическая потребность в ГСО. Проведен анализ обеспеченности испытаний основных видов нефтепродуктов стандартными образцами

    Decentralized control of a group of quadrocopters using the molecular dynamics method

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    The development of artificial intelligence systems based on various principles, including anthropomorphic and nature-like systems, as well as progress in the construction of quadrocopters for various purposes, made relevant the practical application of these tools for the effective monitoring of underlying surfaces by groups of such devices. The solution of this problem is associated with the effective control of them in conditions of passive and active interference that impedes the fulfillment of missions, as well as with the problem of reconfiguring their construction in case of fail. The model obtained in the work and the calculations made it possible to conclude that the use of the following approach in the future will allow the creation of a self-government system by an independent group of quadrocopters, capable of performing various missions without control from the Earth under conditions of active and passive interference, as well as with permanent failure of quadrocopters

    Low-Temperature Operation of AlFaN Single-Quantum-Well Light-Emitting Diodes with Deep Ultraviolet Emission at 285 nm

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    We present a study of the electrical and optical characteristics of 285 nm emission deep ultraviolet light-emitting diodes(LED) at temperatures from 10 to 300 K. At low bias, our data show the tunneling carrier transport to be the dominant conduction mechanism. The room-temperature performance is shown to be limited mostly by poor electron confinement in the active region and a pronounced deep level assisted recombination but not by the hole injection into the active region. At temperatures below 100 K, the electroluminescence peak intensity increases by more than one order of magnitude indicating that with a proper device design and improved material quality, milliwatt power 285 nm LED are viable

    Renovation method of restoring well productivity using wavefields

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    A stagewise theoretical substantiation of the renovation vibrowave method of influencing the near-wellbore zone of reservoir for restoring well productivity is presented. The area of treatment by the proposed method covers the reservoir with a heterogeneous permeability with fractures formed by fracking. In this method a decrease in concentration of colmatants occurs due to a change in direction of contaminants migration. Under the influence of pressure pulses, they move deep into the reservoir and disperse through the proppant pack. The results of mathematical modelling of the propagation of pressure wave and velocity wave and the calculations of particles entrainment in wave motion are presented

    Роль налога на имущество организаций в структуре налоговых поступлений в разрезе регионов и видов экономической деятельности

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    The subject of the study is the revenues from the corporate property tax in the context of types of economic activity and regions. The purpose of the study is to determine the role of corporate property tax in the structure of tax revenues in terms of economic activity to identify areas for potential growth of revenues from this tax and determine the fiscal and economic consequences of the transition to the cadastral valuation of real estate with the appropriate development of proposals to improve the taxation of real estate. The relevance of the research is due to the fact that the article is devoted to a little researched topic — analysis of property taxation in the Russian Federation in the economic activity context. The main method of research is the calculation of indicators characterizing the structure and dynamics of the corporate property tax and other property taxes, analysis and synthesis of the obtained results and their inter-sectoral comparison. As a result, a comprehensive view of the situation with the tax on the property of organizations in the context of economic activity is presented, which serves as a basis for finding bottlenecks in this part, identifying the factors that hinder the expansion of property taxation and other promising areas for research in this area. The interpretation of the obtained results in terms of the role of corporate property tax and other property taxes at different levels of the budget system should be attributed to the main conclusions. The cross-section allowed us to identify points for the potential growth of tax revenues from the corporate property tax in terms of objects, for which the tax base is the cadastral value.Предметом исследования являются поступления по налогу на имущество организаций в разрезе видов экономической деятельности и регионов. Цель работы — определение роли налога на имущество организаций в структуре налоговых поступлений в разрезе видов экономической деятельности для выявления направлений потенциального роста поступлений по этому налогу и определения фискальных и экономических последствий перехода к кадастровой оценке недвижимости с соответствующей разработкой предложений по совершенствованию налогообложения объектов недвижимости. Актуальность работы обусловлена малоисследованной тематикой в России — анализу имущественного налогообложения в отраслевом разрезе. Основным методом исследования является расчет показателей, характеризующих структуру и динамику налога на имущество организаций и других имущественных налогов, анализ и синтез полученных результатов и их межотраслевое сравнение. В результате представлен комплексный взгляд на ситуацию с налогом на имущество организаций в разрезе отраслей, что служит основой для нахождения узких мест в этой части, выявления факторов, препятствующих расширению имущественного налогообложения и других перспективных направлений для исследования в этой области. К основным выводам следует отнести интерпретацию полученных результатов в части роли налога на имущество организаций и других имущественных налогов на разных уровнях бюджетной системы. Отраслевой разрез позволил определить точки для потенциального роста налоговых поступлений по налогу на имущество организаций в части объектов, для которых налоговой базой является кадастровая стоимость