524 research outputs found

    The Master Well Owner Network: Volunteers Educating Pennsylvania Well Owners

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    The Master Well Owner Network (MWON) was created to expand the capacity of Penn State Extension by training volunteers who would provide education to rural residents about private water system management. Eight workshops were conducted throughout Pennsylvania, and 243 volunteers representing 55 of 67 counties in Pennsylvania successfully completed the training. MWON volunteer reports have been very positive, with education provided directly to over 7,000 Pennsylvania residents and another 29,000 educated through the mass media. MWON\u27s successes in Pennsylvania may serve as a model for other states that wish to increase outreach to the private water system education audience

    Distance Education of Pennsylvania Pond Owners

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    Pennsylvania pond owners represent a large audience with a great need for educational programming and assistance. Penn State Extension attempted to reach this audience via a pond management program delivered by satellite. Evaluations by both program attendees and Extension professionals demonstrated that the program was successful. However, attendee respondents indicated that they wanted more in-depth information over a shorter time frame. A relatively small proportion (10%) of attendees did not favor satellite delivery. This level of dissatisfaction is quite low and may be improved by focusing on shorter, more focused satellite programs and by providing videotapes of satellite programs

    Soil Chemical Response to Experimental Acidification Treatments

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    One of the conclusions reached during the Congressionally mandated National Acid Precipitation Program (NAPAP) was that, compared to ozone and other stress factors, the direct effects of acidic deposition on forest health and productivity were likely to be relatively minor. However, the report also concluded “the possibility of long-term (several decades) adverse effects on some soils appears realistic” (Barnard et al. 1990). Possible mechanisms for these long-term effects include: (1) accelerated leaching of base cations from soils and foliage, (2) increased mobilization of aluminum (Al) and other metals such as manganese (Mn), (3) inhibition of soil biological processes, including organic matter decomposition, and (4) increased bioavailability of nitrogen (N)

    Effects of Filter Strips on Habitat Use and Home Range of Northern Bobwhites on Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge

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    Lack of breeding habitat for northern bobwhites (Colinus virginianus) on agricultural landscapes is a factor that limits populations. Therefore, we examined how the addition of filter strips around crop fields and along crop field drainage ditches impacted northern bobwhites. Our study focused on habitat use, home range and brood-rearing range of bobwhites, from April through September I 993-94. Two farms on Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge were sub-divided into filter strip (FS) and non-filter strip (NFS) sections. More bobwhites were found on FS sections than on NFS sections based on flush counts (4.3x more on FS areas: P = 0.02). We used log-linear analysis to examine the distribution of telemetry locations (n = 1796) of radio-marked bobwhites (n = 218) across 5, 4.6m bands parallel to drainage ditches. Bobwhite locations were skewed towards ditches, particularly on FS sections before soybeans matured to a size that was sufficient to provide canopy cover for bobwhites. Bobwhites captured on FS sections had significantly smaller breeding season ranges than those captured on NFS sections (P = 0.001). Adult and sub-adult breeding season (May-Aug) ranges (n = 23) averaged 32 ha (SE = 26) and 182 ha (SE = 41) on FS and NFS sections, respectively. Brood ranges to 14 days (n = 9) ranged from 0.8 ha to 2.2 ha depending on habitat and calculation method. Presence of filter strips shifted habitat use patterns, especially during spring and early summer, and improved crop fields as habitat for breeding bobwhites

    Expression profiles for macrophage alternative activation genes in AD and in mouse models of AD.

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    BACKGROUND: Microglia are associated with neuritic plaques in Alzheimer disease (AD) and serve as a primary component of the innate immune response in the brain. Neuritic plaques are fibrous deposits composed of the amyloid beta-peptide fragments (Abeta) of the amyloid precursor protein (APP). Numerous studies have shown that the immune cells in the vicinity of amyloid deposits in AD express mRNA and proteins for pro-inflammatory cytokines, leading to the hypothesis that microglia demonstrate classical (Th-1) immune activation in AD. Nonetheless, the complex role of microglial activation has yet to be fully explored since recent studies show that peripheral macrophages enter an "alternative" activation state. METHODS: To study alternative activation of microglia, we used quantitative RT-PCR to identify genes associated with alternative activation in microglia, including arginase I (AGI), mannose receptor (MRC1), found in inflammatory zone 1 (FIZZ1), and chitinase 3-like 3 (YM1). RESULTS: Our findings confirmed that treatment of microglia with anti-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-4 and IL-13 induces a gene profile typical of alternative activation similar to that previously observed in peripheral macrophages. We then used this gene expression profile to examine two mouse models of AD, the APPsw (Tg-2576) and Tg-SwDI, models for amyloid deposition and for cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) respectively. AGI, MRC1 and YM1 mRNA levels were significantly increased in the Tg-2576 mouse brains compared to age-matched controls while TNFalpha and NOS2 mRNA levels, genes commonly associated with classical activation, increased or did not change, respectively. Only TNFalpha mRNA increased in the Tg-SwDI mouse brain. Alternative activation genes were also identified in brain samples from individuals with AD and were compared to age-matched control individuals. In AD brain, mRNAs for TNFalpha, AGI, MRC1 and the chitinase-3 like 1 and 2 genes (CHI3L1; CHI3L2) were significantly increased while NOS2 and IL-1beta mRNAs were unchanged. CONCLUSION: Immune cells within the brain display gene profiles that suggest heterogeneous, functional phenotypes that range from a pro-inflammatory, classical activation state to an alternative activation state involved in repair and extracellular matrix remodeling. Our data suggest that innate immune cells in AD may exhibit a hybrid activation state that includes characteristics of classical and alternative activation

    Terrestrial Liming As a Restoration Technique for Acidified Forest Ecosystems

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    We studied the effects of liming on soils and forest songbirds as well as vegetation and calcium-rich invertebrate prey variables that were predicted to link birds to changes in soil conditions. We observed increases in soil pH, calcium, and magnesium, as well as in songbird abundances in response to lime application, with continuing increases through five years after liming. We observed an overall increase in snail abundance on limed sites, but an initial peak of a 23 fold increase three years after liming was reduced to an 11 fold increase five years after liming. We observed an increase in forb ground cover on limed sites, but liming had no effect on millipede abundance or other vegetation measures. Of the variables we measured, snail abundance was the most likely mechanism for the response in bird abundances. Because we observed continued benefits of liming up to five years post treatment, we concluded that liming is a very promising technique for restoring forest ecosystems impacted by acidic deposition

    Personal Finance: An Interdisciplinary Profession

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    This commentary recommends that financial counseling and planning research, education, and practice be framed as an interdisciplinary profession called personal finance. Authors summarize the history of the profession and key theories providing the conceptual foundation. In order for the emerging profession of personal finance to achieve significant visibility and gain maturity, professionals must reach consensus on definining collective scholarship. Readers are encouraged to engage in the dialogue and comment on the call to action by contacting the lead author

    Vegetation and Acidification

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    In this chapter, the impact of watershed acidification treatments on WS3 at the Fernow Experimental Forest (FEF) and at WS9 on vegetation is presented and summarized in a comprehensive way for the first time. WS7 is used as a vegetative reference basin for WS3, while untreated plots within WS9 are used as a vegetative reference for WS9. Bioindicators of acidification impacts that will be considered include several measures of tree and stand growth rates, foliar chemistry, bolewood chemistry, and herbaceous species composition and diversity. These studies enhance our understanding of the inter-relationships of changes in soil conditions caused by the acidification treatment and the condition of forest vegetation

    The effects of inspiratory muscle training in older adults

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    Purpose: Declining inspiratory muscle function and structure and systemic low-level inflammation and oxidative stress may contribute to morbidity and mortality during normal ageing. Therefore, we examined the effects of inspiratory muscle training (IMT) in older adults on inspiratory muscle function and structure and systemic inflammation and oxidative stress, and re-examined the reported positive effects of IMT on respiratory muscle strength, inspiratory muscle endurance, spirometry, exercise performance, physical activity levels (PAL) and quality of life (QoL). Methods: Thirty-four healthy older adults (68 ± 3 years) with normal spirometry, respiratory muscle strength and physical fitness were divided equally into a pressure-threshold IMT or sham-hypoxic placebo group. Before and after an 8 week intervention, measurements were taken for dynamic inspiratory muscle function and inspiratory muscle endurance using a weighted plunger pressure-threshold loading device, diaphragm thickness using B-mode ultrasonography, plasma cytokine concentrations using immunoassays, DNA damage levels in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) using Comet Assays, spirometry, maximal mouth pressures, exercise performance using a six minute walk test, PAL using a questionnaire and accelerometry, and QoL using a questionnaire