275 research outputs found

    Spectral-optical Properties of Nutrient Coated Optical Fibers for Glioma Cells Growth Orientation

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    This study is based on the approach of guiding randomly proliferated deep lying brain tumor cells to the external surface where they could be registered and therapeutically affected. Optical fibers coated with nutrient medium (agar) act like neuro-scaffold for tumor cells growth orientation. Research of neuro-scaffold spectral-optical properties was carried out by photodiagnostics method using the model sample: the brain tissue phantom with aluminum phthalocyanine photosensitizer addition. Such neuroscaffolds conduct and allow obtaining optical signal from the deep with high accuracy, comparable to direct measurement ”in contact” with the tissue, that will provide multiple phototheranostics and monitoring of processes occurring in the brain probed area. Keywords: Optical fibers, neuro-scaffold, photodiagnostics (PD), agar (C14H24O9), aluminum phthalocyanine (AlPc

    Magnetic field in Le Monnier Bay according to data of Lunokhod 2

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    Results of the first traverse measurement of the magnetic field on the surface of the moon are analyzed. The mean value of the magnetic field in the portion of Le Monnier Bay investigated is estimated at 20 to 30 gammas. An anomaly of the field was disclosed, which is confined to craters that exceed 50 meters in size

    Electroencephalographic Intercentral Interaction as a Reflection of Normal and Pathological Human Brain Activity

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    The authors summarized EEG findings and defined the nature of the intercentral EEG relationships in different functional states in healthy subjects and patients with organic cerebral pathology, based on a coherence analysis. Similar EEG characteristics in healthy individuals were identified: an anterior-posterior gradient of average coherence levels, the type of cortical-subcortical relationships in anterior cerebral structures. Right- and left-handed individuals showed frequent and regional differences in EEG coherence, which mainly reflected specificity of intracortical relationships. Development and regression of pathology in right-and left-handed individuals with organic brain lesions were thought to be caused by these differences. Lesions of regulatory structures (diencephalic, brain stem and limbic structures) provoked a more diffused kind of changes of intercentral relationships, in contrast to cortical pathology. These changes tended to reciprocate. The dynamic nature of intercentral relationships and their interhemispheric differences was revealed when changing functional states of the brain (increase and decrease of functional level) in healthy individuals and patients with organic cerebral pathology in the process of conscious and psychic activity restoration. Changing activity predominance of certain regulatory structures was considered one of the most important factors determining the dynamic nature of EEG coherenceLos autores resumen los resultados de las investigaciones de las relaciones intercentrales de EEG de personas sanas en distintos estados funcionales y de enfermos con lesiones orgánicas del SNC, mediante análisis de coherencia. Se revelan características semejantes de la estructura de relaciones de EEG de personas sanas: la gradiente anterior-posterior de niveles medios de coherencia, el carácter de la interacción cortical-subcortical de las secciones anteriores de los hemisferios. A su vez, se detectan diferencias de frecuencia y regionales en la coherencia de EEG en diestros y zurdos, que reflejan mayoritariamente la especificidad de la interacción intracortical. Se cree que estas diferencias causan la especificidad del desarrollo y la regresión de los estados patológicos de diestros y zurdos en lesiones cerebrales orgánicas. Se señala que en las lesiones de formaciones reguladoras (diencefálicas, troncales, límbicas) Provocan unos cambios de las relaciones intercentrales más difusos que en casos de patología cortical. Estos cambios tienden a la reciprocidad. Se revela el carácter dinámico de las relaciones intercentrales y sus diferencias interhemisféricas en los cambios de los estados funcionales del cerebro (incremento, disminución del nivel de funcionamiento) en personas sanas así como en la recuperación de la conciencia y la actividad psíquica en enfermos con patología cerebral orgánica. Uno de los factores que determina el carácter dinámico del cambio de la coherencia del EEG es el cambio del predominio de la actividad de ciertas estructuras reguladoras

    Computer Modelling System Application for Catalytic Reforming Unit Work Optimisation

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    Catalytic reforming of naphtha is one of the most important processes for high octane gasoline manufacture and aromatic hydrocarbons production. The application of computer modelling system “Catalyst's Control” for monitoring of catalytic reforming unit of Achinsk oil-refinery is stated. The mathematical model-based system takes into account the physical and chemical mechanisms of hydrocarbon mixture conversion reaction as well as the catalyst deactivation. The models created can be used for optimization and prediction of operating parameters (octane number, reactors outlet temperature and yield) of the reforming process. It is shown, that the work on the optimal activity allows increasing product output with a constant level of production costs, and get the information about Pt-Re catalyst work efficiency

    Magnetic field and plasma inside and outside of the Martian magnetosphere

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    Simultaneous magnetic and plasma measurements, carried out by wide angle plasma detectors in the Mars environment, are compared in order to identify regions with significantly different physical properties. Magnetograms and ion spectra indicate changes in the magnetopause and magnetosphere of Mars that are associated with the dynamic pressure effect of the solar wind

    Modern technologies of teaching philological disciplines in higher education institutions

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    The purpose of the study is the justification and development of technologies of the disciplinary and local levels for studying courses in the literary cycle in the conditions of a modular ballroom-learning system. General scientific methods, empirical, praximetric, prognostic methods were used. The practical significance of the article includes the development and determination of the effectiveness of the methods of applying modern technologies for teaching literature in universities. As a result, the essence of multimedia (electronic) technology, several varieties of interactive and design technologies for teaching literary disciplines are determined, their choice is justified. It is proved that these pedagogical technologies provide high-quality learning outcomes. Key words: pedagogical technology, disciplinary level technologies, local level technologies, multimedia technology, electronic teaching aids, conceptualization technology for the training course and block material presentation, interactive technology, project technology

    The Modern World Landscape of Data Science Online Education

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    Data science as an emerging branch of applied knowledge and a new field of study is showing a strong momentum. Besides, the corresponding sphere of educational research is actively developing. At the same time, most of the scientific publications are aimed at studying specific issues related to the content of the programs and their methodological support. The wider context and especially the international perspective are lacking for the necessary attention of researchers.In this regard, the purpose of our study was to summarize and systematize information about training programs in the field of data science presented on online platforms of the main macro-regions – America, Europe and Asia. For this purpose, we found out what elements the corpus of data science training programs consists of, as well as how courses are distributed on educational platforms by countries, organizational providers, level of education and duration of study. Based on the data obtained, we conducted a comparative interregional study of educational programs presented on online platforms.The findings made it possible to draw conclusions about the specifics of the global landscape of data science online education, as well as to determine the specifics of the Russian segment and to formulate recommendations for solving significant problems of the domestic economy using data science online education

    Features of low-temperature storage of streptomyces strains - producers of glycosidaz inhibitors

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    The aim of the work is to study the inhibitory activity of the Streptomyces lucensis VKPM Ac-1743 and Streptomyces violaceus VKPM Ac-1734 strains stored at –18 °C in a 15 % glycerol solution and in a 0.9 % sodium chloride solution.The object of the study was the actinomycete strains of S. lucensis VKPM Ac-1743 and S. violaceus VKPM Ac-1734 producers of glycosidase inhibitor, which is a micro-ingredient for creating products with a low glycemic index. The storage time was nine months. Bookmark storage was performed by flushing with a taped agar starchcontaining environment of Capek. For comparison, we studied the properties of cultures stored at +4 °C without cryoprotectant.Deep cultivation of Streptomyces strains was carried out in a periodic manner on a medium containing corn starch hydrolyzate under the Multitron incubator shaker (INFORS,Switzerland).Inhibitory activity was determined in inactivated native solutions by a colorimetric method with respect to pancreatic α-amylase, a test glycosidase involved in carbohydrate metabolism, and whose activity was chosen as a criterion for assessing the hypoglycemic action of the inhibitor. The proteinase activity of the inactivated native solution was determined by a modified method using a casein substrate.The experimental data were processed using the methods of mathematical statistics and Excel XP programs.As a result of the research, it was established that the actinomycete strains of S. lucensis and S. violaceus, the producers of glycosidase inhibitors, can maintain inhibitory activity during low-temperature storage for nine months.For the S. lucensis actinomycete strain, stored in a 15 % glycerol solution at – 18 °C, the maximum inhibitory activity is 48 hours in the biotechnological process and is (3686 ± 300) IU/cm3 native solution, and for the violaceus strain – (3150 ± 200) IU/cm³ of the native solution, respectively.For the strain of actinomycete S. lucensis, stored in 0.9 % sodium chloride solution at a temperature of – 18 °C, the maximum inhibitory activity accounts for 72 h of the biotechnological process and is (2600 ± 200) IU/cm³ of the native solution, and for the strain S. violaceus the maximum inhibitory activity accounts for 24 hours of the biotechnological process and is (3530 ± 200) IU/cm³ of the native solution.At a storage temperature of +4 °C, the inhibitory activity for the strain of actinomycete S. lucensis is (560 ± 20) IU/cm³ of native solution, and for the strain of S. violaceus – (1747 ± 100) IU/cm³ of native solution, respectively. On the basis of the data obtained, it can be concluded that a temperature of –18 °C is preferred for long-term storage.During the cultivation of Streptomyces strains, proteinase activity ranged from (0,012 ± 0,001) U/cm³ to (0,072 ± 0,002) U/cm³.The obtained data can be applied in further studies to develop conditions for long-term storage of collection crops.The aim of the work is to study the inhibitory activity of the Streptomyces lucensis VKPM Ac-1743 and Streptomyces violaceus VKPM Ac-1734 strains stored at –18 °C in a 15 % glycerol solution and in a 0.9 % sodium chloride solution.The object of the study was the actinomycete strains of S. lucensis VKPM Ac-1743 and S. violaceus VKPM Ac-1734 producers of glycosidase inhibitor, which is a micro-ingredient for creating products with a low glycemic index. The storage time was nine months. Bookmark storage was performed by flushing with a taped agar starchcontaining environment of Capek. For comparison, we studied the properties of cultures stored at +4 °C without cryoprotectant.Deep cultivation of Streptomyces strains was carried out in a periodic manner on a medium containing corn starch hydrolyzate under the Multitron incubator shaker (INFORS,Switzerland).Inhibitory activity was determined in inactivated native solutions by a colorimetric method with respect to pancreatic α-amylase, a test glycosidase involved in carbohydrate metabolism, and whose activity was chosen as a criterion for assessing the hypoglycemic action of the inhibitor. The proteinase activity of the inactivated native solution was determined by a modified method using a casein substrate.The experimental data were processed using the methods of mathematical statistics and Excel XP programs.As a result of the research, it was established that the actinomycete strains of S. lucensis and S. violaceus, the producers of glycosidase inhibitors, can maintain inhibitory activity during low-temperature storage for nine months.For the S. lucensis actinomycete strain, stored in a 15 % glycerol solution at – 18 °C, the maximum inhibitory activity is 48 hours in the biotechnological process and is (3686 ± 300) IU/cm3 native solution, and for the violaceus strain – (3150 ± 200) IU/cm³ of the native solution, respectively.For the strain of actinomycete S. lucensis, stored in 0.9 % sodium chloride solution at a temperature of – 18 °C, the maximum inhibitory activity accounts for 72 h of the biotechnological process and is (2600 ± 200) IU/cm³ of the native solution, and for the strain S. violaceus the maximum inhibitory activity accounts for 24 hours of the biotechnological process and is (3530 ± 200) IU/cm³ of the native solution.At a storage temperature of +4 °C, the inhibitory activity for the strain of actinomycete S. lucensis is (560 ± 20) IU/cm³ of native solution, and for the strain of S. violaceus – (1747 ± 100) IU/cm³ of native solution, respectively. On the basis of the data obtained, it can be concluded that a temperature of –18 °C is preferred for long-term storage.During the cultivation of Streptomyces strains, proteinase activity ranged from (0,012 ± 0,001) U/cm³ to (0,072 ± 0,002) U/cm³.The obtained data can be applied in further studies to develop conditions for long-term storage of collection crops

    Beta-glucans from biomass of plant and microbial origin

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    The aim of the present study is to explore the transformation of (1→3)(1→4)-β-D-glucans of rye biomass by Aspergills niger and accumulation of (1→3)(1→6)-β-D-glucans in the microbial cell wall.Biomass from rye grain was obtained as a result of enzymatic hydrolysis of grain grinding of Omsk region of non-standard quality with grain impurity content of 45 ± 2 % by preparations (1→4)-β-glucanolytic, (1→3)-β-glucanolytic, (1→4)-xylanolytic and (1→4)-amylolytic action. Fermentation of hydrolysates, sucrosemineral and molasses medium by A. niger was carried out by a batch process under aerobic conditions. Determined the content of β-glucans, amino-nitrogen, glucose, disaccharides in grinding grain rye, rye biomass, the biomass of A. niger, the supernatants by colorimetric methods. Determination of chitin in biomass and qualitative determination of chitosan in supernatants of hydrolysates was carried out using chitosan sulfate sample and subsequent microscopy.The results of the research showed that (1→3)(1→4)-β-D-glucans in grain grinding are 10.2 ± 0.2 % in terms of dry matter, which exceeds the content of polysaccharide in the grain of standard quality by 1.5 – 3 times. In rye biomass revealed their smaller amount, 6.4 ± 0.5 %, apparently, due to the action of (1→4)and (1→3)-β-glucanase, (1→4)-xylanase and (1→4)-amylase. In microbial mass A. niger content of (1→3)(1→6)-β-Dglucans were at the level of 21.7 ± 0.7 %.On the basis of the obtained results, it was concluded that it is possible to use rye grain of non-standard quality, with a high content of grain impurities and a low proportion of starch polysaccharides, as a source of β-glucancontaining substrate for biosynthesis (1→3)(1→6)-β-D-glucans by A. niger having advantages over (1→3) (1→4)-β-D-glucans of plant origin. They are functionally more active and have a wide range of applications, namely as food additives in the manufacture of a wide range of products: for the enrichment of fibers, increasing the shelf life of products due to its water-binding properties, as thickeners, emulsifying and fat-reducing microingredients, stabilizers of creamy emulsions, textureformers, flavor enhancers.The aim of the present study is to explore the transformation of (1→3)(1→4)-β-D-glucans of rye biomass by Aspergills niger and accumulation of (1→3)(1→6)-β-D-glucans in the microbial cell wall.Biomass from rye grain was obtained as a result of enzymatic hydrolysis of grain grinding of Omsk region of non-standard quality with grain impurity content of 45 ± 2 % by preparations (1→4)-β-glucanolytic, (1→3)-β-glucanolytic, (1→4)-xylanolytic and (1→4)-amylolytic action. Fermentation of hydrolysates, sucrosemineral and molasses medium by A. niger was carried out by a batch process under aerobic conditions. Determined the content of β-glucans, amino-nitrogen, glucose, disaccharides in grinding grain rye, rye biomass, the biomass of A. niger, the supernatants by colorimetric methods. Determination of chitin in biomass and qualitative determination of chitosan in supernatants of hydrolysates was carried out using chitosan sulfate sample and subsequent microscopy.The results of the research showed that (1→3)(1→4)-β-D-glucans in grain grinding are 10.2 ± 0.2 % in terms of dry matter, which exceeds the content of polysaccharide in the grain of standard quality by 1.5 – 3 times. In rye biomass revealed their smaller amount, 6.4 ± 0.5 %, apparently, due to the action of (1→4)and (1→3)-β-glucanase, (1→4)-xylanase and (1→4)-amylase. In microbial mass A. niger content of (1→3)(1→6)-β-Dglucans were at the level of 21.7 ± 0.7 %.On the basis of the obtained results, it was concluded that it is possible to use rye grain of non-standard quality, with a high content of grain impurities and a low proportion of starch polysaccharides, as a source of β-glucancontaining substrate for biosynthesis (1→3)(1→6)-β-D-glucans by A. niger having advantages over (1→3) (1→4)-β-D-glucans of plant origin. They are functionally more active and have a wide range of applications, namely as food additives in the manufacture of a wide range of products: for the enrichment of fibers, increasing the shelf life of products due to its water-binding properties, as thickeners, emulsifying and fat-reducing microingredients, stabilizers of creamy emulsions, textureformers, flavor enhancers