123 research outputs found

    Ontology Based Approach for Services Information Discovery using Hybrid Self Adaptive Semantic Focused Crawler

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    Focused crawling is aimed at specifically searching out pages that are relevant to a predefined set of topics. Since ontology is an all around framed information representation, ontology based focused crawling methodologies have come into exploration. Crawling is one of the essential systems for building information stockpiles. The reason for semantic focused crawler is naturally finding, commenting and ordering the administration data with the Semantic Web advances. Here, a framework of a hybrid self-adaptive semantic focused crawler – HSASF crawler, with the inspiration driving viably discovering, and sorting out administration organization information over the Internet, by considering the three essential issues has been displayed. A semi-supervised system has been planned with the inspiration driving subsequently selecting the ideal limit values for each idea, while considering the optimal performance without considering the constraint of the preparation of data set. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15072

    Effect of textile softeners on BTCA treated cotton fabric

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    96-101The effect of two softeners (Sapamine® OC and Ultratex® ASG) on physical properties of BTCA finished cotton fabric has been studied. Bleached cotton fabrics are treated with 1, 2, 3, 4-butane tetracarboxylic acid (BTCA) followed by finishing with a cationic and a silicone softener by conventional pad-dry-cure method. Properties, such as crease recovery angle, absorbency, whiteness index, tensile strength, moisture regain, surface morphology and crystallinity of the finished fabrics, have been evaluated. The crease recovery angle of the finished fabrics increases from 154° to 257° after treatment with BTCA and further increases to 266° after BTCA+silicone softener based finishing. The absorbency of cationic softener finished fabric is found to be higher than that of silicone softener finished fabrics. Tensile strength reduces after BTCA finishing by more than 50%, and about 17% softeners is recovered. Scanning electron microscope images show smooth ridges and surface characteristics of cotton fibres in BTCA treated samples as well as deposition of softener on the fibre surface in cationic and silicone softener finished fabrics

    Effect of textile softeners on BTCA treated cotton fabric

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    The effect of two softeners (Sapamine® OC and Ultratex® ASG) on physical properties of BTCA finished cotton fabrichas been studied. Bleached cotton fabrics are treated with 1, 2, 3, 4-butane tetracarboxylic acid (BTCA) followed byfinishing with a cationic and a silicone softener by conventional pad-dry-cure method. Properties, such as crease recoveryangle, absorbency, whiteness index, tensile strength, moisture regain, surface morphology and crystallinity of the finishedfabrics, have been evaluated. The crease recovery angle of the finished fabrics increases from 154° to 257° after treatmentwith BTCA and further increases to 266° after BTCA+silicone softener based finishing. The absorbency of cationic softenerfinished fabric is found to be higher than that of silicone softener finished fabrics. Tensile strength reduces after BTCAfinishing by more than 50%, and about 17% softeners is recovered. Scanning electron microscope images show smoothridges and surface characteristics of cotton fibres in BTCA treated samples as well as deposition of softener on the fibresurface in cationic and silicone softener finished fabrics

    Understanding concept of Alcohol Addiction: Mechanism, Repercussion and Management

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    Forensic medication and toxicology is branch which manages the investigation of toxin and its treating measure. Forensic medication is considered as Agadtantra and Vidhivyadyak in Ayurveda. Alcohol is treated as toxin (neurotoxic cerebral inebriant poison) when burn-through substantially more portion and as medication in restricted portion. In the present time liquor fixation is normal, the vast majority of youth and understudy dependent on liquor yet additionally the matured individual getting dependent on it because of the present pressure full way of life for example instructive pressure, family stress and occupation stress that is the reason they dependent on liquor for bogus unwinding or joy. Liquor utilization impacts on both the amount and nature of human existence, it has ramifications for wellbeing and prosperity. Roughly 90% of consumed alcohol is oxidized in the liver, hurt reason to liver which prompts cirrhosis of liver which is hopeless. Inordinate admission of liquor, individual is such a great amount under its impact that, he lets completely go over his intellectual capacities, he can't play out the obligations on which he is locked in at specific time, and he might be wellspring of risk to himself or the others. This survey article manages how the fixation happens control of the typical individual, how alcohol perniciously follows up on the body, what impact of liquor produce on each arrangement of the body, how much amount of liquor end up being lethal for an individual, what present moment and long haul impact of liquor enslavement, its complexities readdiction procedures and substantially more, this articles presume that the wellbeing dangerous impact of liquor habit and significant of its ideal administrations

    Heart Disease Prediction System

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    It might have happened many times that you need doctors to facilitate instantly, however, they’re not always available, or sometimes it’s all about the formalities before checkin thanks for some reason. This project is based on the Web Application for Online Consultancy for people all around the world. This WebApp allows us to consult ourselves while sitting at our home. Here we propose a system that enables users to urge instant direction on their health problems through an associate intelligent health care system. Nowadays, health diseases are increasing day by day due to lifestyle, hereditary. Each individual has different values for Blood pressure, Cholesterol, and Pulse rate. This project comprises different classification techniques used for predicting the risk level of each person based on Age, Gender, Blood pressure, Cholesterol, Pulse rate, etc. The system analyzes the symptoms provided by the user as input and predicts the occurrence of the disease as an output. Disease Prediction is done by implementing six algorithm techniques such as KNN, Decision Tree, Logistic Regression and Random Forest, SVM, Artificial Neural Network with 1 hidden layer. This project also provides an intuition on EDA. Further, the web platform is composed of predicting the health risk of the user, providing the users with necessary suggestions depending on their health conditions

    Nocardiosis: Clinical and Pathological Aspects

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    Oral antifungal: the safety and efficacy of oral itraconazole in dermatophytosis

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    Background: The systemic antifungals like Griseofulvin, Itraconazole, Terbinafine, Ketoconazole and Fluconazole are widely used for superficial fungal infection. Hepatotoxicity with oral antifungals is well established fact. The rate of transient asymptomatic changes in liver function tests accounts for about 0.5 - 10% of all patients treated with systemic antifungals. Clinical hepatic toxicity is seen less frequently. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of oral Itraconazole on hepatic function and it’s efficacy in patients with extensive dermatophytosis.Methods: The total of 524 patients with extensive dermatophytosis were included in our study which was conducted in a tertiary care hospital in Navi Mumbai.Results: Itraconazole, a systemic antifungal agent is efficiently used in treatment of superficial and deep mycoses. It inhibits fungal cytochrome P450 dependent enzyme and thus impaires conversion of lanosterol to ergosterol. Adverse reactions to itraconazole includes drug reactions, gastrointestinal upset, headache, dizziness, thrombocytopenia, gynecomastia, reversible edema of extremities and metabolic side effects like hypokalemia, and hypertriglyceridemia. The level of hepatic transaminases increases in about 1%-5% of patients who have received continuous therapy with systemic itraconazole. Clinical hepatitis rarely occurs in patients and, recovery generally ensues with the cessation of medication.Conclusions: The baseline and post treatment liver function test is important to monitor if patient is on higher dose and longer duration of itraconazole therapy. The screening for high risk patients like poor liver function test, history of alcoholism, history of liver disease should be taken before stating the therapy

    Accuracy Optimization of Centrality Score Based Community Detection

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    Various concepts can be represented as a graph or the network. The network representation helps to characterize the varied relations between a set of objects by taking each object as a vertex and the interaction between them as an edge. Different systems can be modelled and analyzed in terms of graph theory. Community structure is a property that seems to be common to many networks. The division of the some objects into groups within which the connections or relations are dense, and the connections with other objects are sparser. Various research and data points proves that many real world networks has these communities or groups or the modules that are sub graphs with more edges connecting the vertices of the same group and comparatively fewer links joining the outside vertices. The groups or the communities exhibit the topological relations between the elements of the underlying system and the functional entities. The proposed approach is to exploit the global as well as local information about the network topologies. The authors propose a hybrid strategy to use the edge centrality property of the edges to find out the communities and use local moving heuristic to increase the modularity index of those communities. Such communities can be relevantly efficient and accurate to some applications. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15073

    Is fumigation enough for air conditioning units in operation theatres and Intensive care units?

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    Background:Strict asepsis is necessary in operating theatres (OT) and intensive care units (ICU) as the patients undergo invasive procedures. The filters of contaminated air conditioning (AC) units provide a niche for proliferation of fungi and production of fungal spores.Methods: The routine procedure for maintenance of sterile atmosphere in our hospital, i.e. fumigation and mopping walls with disinfectants often fail to address these fungal spores of the AC filters. We therefore carried out a surveillance of the ACs in ICUs and OTs to find the level of contamination with fungal spores and also to improvise on intervention strategies to tackle the problem. Over 3 months period, 34 ACs from 7 OTs and 2 ICUs were screened by taking 2 swabs from each AC which were then tested for the presence of fungal spores as per standard methods.Results: The contamination rate was 88.2% before fumigation and 76.9% after fumigation. The fungal spore contamination rate was reduced to 20% (1 out of 5 ACs) after servicing of the ACs was done. Aspergillus spp. was the most common fungal isolate.Conclusion: Based on the observations, we recommend regular servicing of the ACs as well as wet mopping of the ducts with sporicidal solution at regular intervals.

    Effect of different mercerization techniques on tactile comfort of cotton fabric

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    The effect of different mercerization techniques on tactile comfort properties of woven cotton fabric has been studied.Desized, scoured and bleached cotton fabrics are subjected to four different mercerization treatments at two levels oftemperature (20C and 65C) under two different conditions (tension and slack). Non-mercerized fabric is served as control.Results show that mercerization treatments improve the tensile strength of cotton fabrics owing to reduced fibre crystallinityafter mercerization. Highest increase in tensile strength is observed in case of hot mercerization in slack condition. Increasein low-stress mechanical properties, such as tensile energy, bending rigidity and shear rigidity values, indicates higherstiffness/toughness of mercerized fabrics. This is further reflected in their high Koshi (stiffness/firmness), low Sofutosa(softness) and medium Fukurami (fullness) values. However, mercerization causes significant decrease in frictionalcoefficient and surface roughness, and results in improved total hand value (THV). Total hand values range from 3 to 3.61;with highest being presented by fabric mercerized under hot and slack conditions. High hand value indicates fair suitabilityof this fabric in wear comfort
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