253 research outputs found

    Solute uptake into B. divergens and P. falciparum infected erythrocytes: same theme but different mechanisms

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    Plasmodium falciparum and Babesia divergens are parasites of the same phylogeny apicomplexa and they invade and replicate in the human erythrocytes. Both the parasites differently modify the host cell membrane during and after infection, providing an excellent example of parallel but distinct adaptations of the parasites to survive in the RBC. During invasion of the host erythrocyte, the parasite targets specific entry sites on the RBCs membrane, which is also the initial step in the biogenesis of the parasitophorous vacuole (PV). The parasitophorous vacuolar membrane (PVM) surrounds the parasite and thus P. falciparum remains surrounded by the vacuolar membrane for most of the parasite’s development. On the other hand in B. divergens, vacuolar membrane fate is unclear, owing to the lack of suitable markers. The electron microscopic studies suggest the disintegration of the PVM in the later stages of parasite maturation. As the differentiated erythrocyte does not endocytose or phagocytose, events leading to the formation of the PVM, in particular the contribution of the erythrocyte membrane (RBCM) are unknown. In order to understand better the internalization of RBCM proteins by parasites, we wanted to determine whether the lipid rafts, which are concentrated patches of lipids and proteins on the erythrocyte membrane, play any such role as specific entry site´ in the biogenesis of PV and also determine whether both parasites respectively internalize the same type of lipids/proteins or not. Recent work has shown that there is no internalization of major RBCM proteins, but the proteins which were found internalized are comparatively present in low abundance in the RBCM and are associated with the lipid rafts. In this work I used B. divergens and also P. falciparum infected erythrocytes to do a comparative investigation of the host cell lipids/proteins, whether they are included or excluded in PV. As a result (i) we found that both parasites recruit and exclude the same set of proteins. (ii) we used cholera toxin B subunit which binds to the ganglioside GM1, to follow the fate of this lipid raft associated glycophingolipid during PVM formation and disintegration. (iii) we observed that GM1 remains in the vicinity of P. falciparum during maturation but disappears from the vicinity of B. divergens as the parasite matures, consistent with a disintegration of the PVM. In conclusion, it appears that there is similarity between the early events in the PVM formation in both the parasites. All the biochemical pathways are dependent on the balance of the transport mechanisms and counteractions like the import of extracellular metabolites, export of the intracellular metabolites and proper waste disposal of unused metabolites. Thus the second part of my work was focused on the increased permeability of the host cell membrane after infection and appearance of new permeability pathways (NPP) in the infected erythrocyte. The erythrocyte which is save heaven´ for the parasite have limited resources and metabolism, that the parasite can use. The intracellular parasite is far more active inside the erythrocyte than outside cell. After invasion the small metabolically active merozoite stage of each genus (Plasmodium and Babesia) grows rapidly into other developmental stages (ring form and trophozoite form) inside the erythrocyte and thereby synthesizing DNA, RNA, proteins and lipids in large amounts. In order to fulfil all the essential requirements, the growing parasite induces changes in the membrane permeability of the erythrocyte and takes up solutes from the extracellular media via NPP. One among the other important amino acids required by the parasite is L-glutamate. The main aim of my work was to observe and characterize the transport of L- glutamate into B. divergens infected erythrocytes, and compare it with P. falciparum infected erythrocytes. As it is known that P. falciparum infected erythrocytes have both low- and high-affinity (EAAT3) glutamate transporter activated. The transport system present in B. divergens infected erythrocytes is unclear, therefore it is interesting to know the details of transport mechanism and see if it is parasite specific mechanism. Like P. falciparum, after infection of erythrocytes, B. divergens also induces the uptake of several solutes which are not taken up by non-infected erythrocytes. We found that B. divergens infected erythrocytes show uptake of glutamate via a low-affinity transport system. The other important characteristics of the glutamate transport observed was Na+-independency, non-saturability and non-stereo selectivity. There was also enhanced uptake of glutamate in the presence of choline. In conclusion, it appears that both parasites induce different mechanisms or transport systems for glutamate uptake and also the activation of the transport system is parasite specific

    Plan de exportación de marca El Caballo a Alemania: moda para 50+

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    El fabricante de ropa Creaciones Nicolás ha estado en problemas durante las últimas dos décadas, y parte de la razón de esta situación es su dependencia sobre las ventas nacionales que componen más de 90% de las ventas totales. Esta dependencia absoluta al mercado nacional ha impedido su crecimiento. Este trabajo es un intento de re-imaginar un poco su marca clave, prepararla para la exportación, encontrar el mercado apropiado y al final llevarlo a sus clientes finales. La empresa tiene una especialidad en fabricación de ropa en tallas grandes y para las formas de todas las edades, además tiene un conocimiento y experiencia en fabricación de ropa de personas mayores de 50 años. Teniendo en cuenta estas fortalezas el trabajo intenta buscar el mercado adecuada para la marca. El trabajo es un plan de exportación para su marca clave El Caballo al mercado Alemán.Máster en Comercio Exterio

    Knowledge and attitude towards contraceptive methods for spacing and decision making factors regarding its use in postpartum women

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    Background: Though the permanent methods have been successful in our country the spacing methods lag behind and unwanted unplanned pregnancies continue to be high. This study was undertaken to explore the knowledge level, attitude and the factors influencing the potential use of spacing contraception among recently delivered women.Methods: This cross sectional study was carried out in a teaching institution using a structured questionnaire among recently delivered women willing to participate in the study.Results: Among the 404 women studied 74% were primipara. The level of awareness about spacing contraception was 70% though only 30% knew the correct use. The most frequent source of information was social circle and friends. Two thirds of women felt the need for spacing but 65.8% were not willing to adopt any modern method for fear of side effects and want of husband approval. Bivariate analysis showed that prenatal counselling (X2=41.33 P<0.001) and higher education (X2=16.6 P<0.001) were significant predictors of knowledge about spacing contraception. On bivariate analysis prenatal counselling (X2=3.83p<0.05) and prior discussion with husbands (X2=17.4 P=0.001) emerged to be the most significant predictors of positive attitude towards contraception. On multivariate analysis prior discussion with husband emerged as the most significant factor to predict the likely use of contraception for spacing (Adjusted OR-2.8; 95%CI 1.6-5.1).Conclusions: Prenatal counselling detailing about the contraceptive methods and doing away with the myths and involving husbands in these sessions would be important strategies to improve the effective use of spacing contraception among recently delivered women

    Bioactivity evaluation of least explored traditionally acclaimed medicinally potent herb Nanorrhinum ramosissimum(Wall.) Betsche

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    Present study analysed the therapeutic potential of traditionally acclaimed medicinal herb Nanorrhinum ramosissimum, using plant parts extracted with different solvents (10 mg/mL). Shoot extracts exhibited comparatively better antimicrobial properties, in comparison to root extracts. Total phenolic content was estimated, to ascertain its dependency on antioxidant properties of plant extracts. Antioxidant assay revealed promising results in comparison to IC50 value of standard ascorbic acid (52.2±0.07 µg/mL), for methanolic extracts of shoot (61.07±0.53 µg/mL and 64.33±0.33 µg/mL) and root (76.705±0.12 µg/mL and 89.73±0.28 µg/ mL) for in vivo and in vitro regenerants respectively. Correlation coefficient R2 values ranged between 0.90-0.95, indicating a positive correlation between phenolic contents and antioxidant activity. Plant extracts were also able to inhibit DNA oxidative damage again indicating their antioxidative potential. Antidiabetic potential was confirmed by alpha amylase inhibition assay where shoot methanolic extracts (invivo, in vitro) exhibited the best IC50 values (54.42±0.16 µg/mL, 66.09±0.12 µg/mL) in comparison to standard metformin (41.92±0.08 µg/mL). Ethanolic extracts of roots (in vitro, invivo) exhibited the relative IC50 values (88.97±0.32µg/mL,96.63±0.44 µg/mL) indicating that shoot parts had a better alpha amylase inhibition property; thus proving the herb’s bioactive potential and its prospective therapeutic source for curing various ailments

    Need of premarital care

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    Background: Marriage is considered a remarkable event in an individual’s life. It provides people with a sense of belonging, support, security and responsibility. We put so much of efforts to find a good match for our younger and loved ones but we forget to match the most important wealth of our life “Health”. This study aimed to know the knowledge, attitude and practice of the population through a structured questionnaire.Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted using a self-administered questionnaire which was distributed to 110 males and 110 females attending Medicine and Gynae OPD at Safdarjung hospital, New Delhi. Participants were questioned according to the self administered questionnaire and their answers were evaluated.Results: Only 11% of males new of premarital counseling and none of the females were aware of premarital care. Contraception knowledge was also poor among females as 7% females new only I-Pill as the method of contraception. After knowing the importance of premarital counseling and screening 92% males and 52 % females agreed for premarital counseling and screening.Conclusions: Marriage provides people with a sense of belonging, support, security and responsibility. Premarital care nurtures it and fill its “Neev” with the goodness of health. Therefore, it is recommended that premarital care is important before every marriage for the happy and healthy family ahead

    Optimized outcome of pregnancy in a woman with Glanzmann thrombasthenia with multidisciplinary approach

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    Glanzmann thrombasthenia (GT), an autosomal recessive disorder of defective platelet aggregation due to abnormalities of platelet receptor GPIIb/IIIa, can result in complication of bleeding during pregnancy. We report multidisciplinary management of a case with optimized outcome. 23 years old short statured (142 cm) primigravida was referred for contracted pelvis at term in labour. She was diagnosed with GT at 12 years of age during evaluation of gum bleeding, easy bruising, and prolonged post traumatic bleeding. She was born of a second-degree consanguineous marriage. At admission she was hemodynamically stable but moderately pale. Her hemoglobin was 8.7 g%, with 4.6 lacs platelets and clotting time of 15 minutes. Multidisciplinary team of hematologist, transfusionist and anesthetist was activated. Arranging single donor platelets in a short notice was challenging. Emergency cesarean section under general anesthesia was performed after transfusing two units packed red blood cell and 2 single donor platelets to deliver an alive male baby of 3.3 kg. Hemostasis was secured with cautery and ligatures. Tranexamic acid infusion and sublingual misoprostol was given prophylactically. she was transfused another 4 random donor platelets during operation and postoperatively. The case details will be presented. GT have normal to high platelet counts though they are normal morphologically, they are dysfunctional. This fact needs to be recognized and referred early to equipped centres. We used component transfusion, active management of third stage and tranexamic acid for optimizing outcome due to haemorrhage. At present, there is lack of consensus regarding optimum treatment of post-partum hemorrhage in patients with GT

    Electrostatic Ion-cyclotron Wave Excitation by a Gyrating Ion Beam in a Magnetized Plasma Containing Heavy Positive Ions

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    671-677In the present paper, we have developed a theoretical model of cylindrical magnetized plasma column consisting of electrons, ions & heavy positive ion species. A gyrating ion beam of potassium having radius ~1.5 cm and energy 10eV is launched through one end of the cylinder parallel to the static magnetic field and the electrostatic ion cyclotron wave is assumed to propagate nearly perpendicular to the magnetic field. The presence of heavy positive ions in the collisionless magnetized plasma decreases the critical drift for the excitation of EIC waves and hence the injected beam drives the electrostatic ion cyclotron (EIC) waves to instability through Cerenkov interaction. Therefore, the plasma is observed to contains two excited EIC wave modes; a (light positive) ion mode and a (heavy positive) ion mode. The frequencies and growth rates for both the positive unstable modes are worked out using fluid theory for the typical existing experimental parameters which are found to increase with the increase in ion beam energy and beam density. It is also observed that the unstable wave frequency and growth rate for both the modes increases with the increase in relative ion concentration of and heavy positive ions respectively. Magnetic field is also one of the important factors which influence the plasma instabilities appreciably. As the magnetic field increases, the frequency of both the ion modes increases linearly

    Magnetic and luminescent multifunctional nanohybrid: Fe3O4@CaF2:Tb3+: A facile synthesis and characterization

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    31-35In the present study, bi-functional hybrid nanomaterial has been synthesized and characterized via facile method and characterized. The synthesized nanomaterial shows both magnetic and luminescent properties which are confirmed by VSM (vibrating sample magnetometer), UV-Vis spectra and the photoluminescence emission spectra. For the magnetic phase, i.e., nanocrystalline magnetite, Fe3O4 is used as the core which is then functionalized using polyethylene glycol (PEG) and for the luminescent phase, polyethylenimine (PEI) functionalized CaF2 doped with Tb3+is used as the emitter. Wherein, both PEG and PEI serve the dual purpose of functionalization as well as stabilization by steric repulsion. The structure and morphology of the synthesized bifunctional hybrid nanomaterial are studied with the help of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray powder diffraction

    Magnetic and luminescent multifunctional nanohybrid: Fe3O4@CaF2:Tb3+: A facile synthesis and characterization

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    In the present study, bi-functional hybrid nanomaterial has been synthesized and characterized via facile method and characterized. The synthesized nanomaterial shows both magnetic and luminescent properties which are confirmed by VSM (vibrating sample magnetometer), UV-Vis spectra and the photoluminescence emission spectra. For the magnetic phase, i.e., nanocrystalline magnetite, Fe3O4 is used as the core which is then functionalized using polyethylene glycol (PEG) and for the luminescent phase, polyethylenimine (PEI) functionalized CaF2 doped with Tb3+is used as the emitter. Wherein, both PEG and PEI serve the dual purpose of functionalization as well as stabilization by steric repulsion. The structure and morphology of the synthesized bifunctional hybrid nanomaterial are studied with the help of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray powder diffraction

    Electrostatic Ion-cyclotron Wave Excitation by a Gyrating Ion Beam in a Magnetized Plasma Containing Heavy Positive Ions

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    In the present paper, we have developed a theoretical model of cylindrical magnetized plasma column consisting of electrons, ions & heavy positive   ion species. A gyrating ion beam of potassium having radius ~1.5 cm and energy 10eV is launched through one end of the cylinder parallel to the static magnetic field and the electrostatic ion cyclotron wave is assumed to propagate nearly perpendicular to the magnetic field. The presence of heavy positive ions in the collisionless magnetized plasma decreases the critical drift for the excitation of EIC waves and hence the injected beam drives the electrostatic ion cyclotron (EIC) waves to instability through Cerenkov interaction. Therefore, the plasma is observed to contains two excited EIC wave modes; a (light positive) ion mode and a (heavy positive) ion mode. The frequencies and growth rates for both the positive unstable modes are worked out using fluid theory for the typical existing experimental parameters which are found to increase with the increase in ion beam energy and beam density. It is also observed that the unstable wave frequency and growth rate for both the modes increases with the increase in relative ion concentration of and heavy  positive ions respectively. Magnetic field is also one of the important factors which influence the plasma instabilities appreciably. As the magnetic field increases, the frequency of both the ion modes increases linearly