277 research outputs found

    Asymmetric Phenotypes of Sterile Hybrid Males From Reciprocal Crosses Between Species of the Anopheles gambiae Complex

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    Haldaneā€™s rule of speciation states that sterility or inviability affects the heterogametic sex of inter-species hybrids. Darwinā€™s corollary to Haldaneā€™s rule implies that there are asymmetric phenotypes in inter-species hybrids from reciprocal crosses. Studying the phenotypes of F1 hybrids among closely related species of malaria mosquitoes can assist researchers in identifying the genetic factors and molecular mechanisms of speciation. To characterize phenotypes of sterile hybrid males in the Anopheles gambiae complex, we performed crosses between laboratory strains of An. merus and either An. gambiae or An. coluzzii. The reproductive tracts had normal external morphology in hybrid males from crosses between female An. merus and male An. gambiae or An. coluzzii. Despite being sterile, these males could copulate with females for a normal period of time and could transfer a mating plug to induce female oviposition and monogamy. In contrast, the entire reproductive tracts in hybrid males from crosses between female An. gambiae or An. coluzzii and male An. merus were severely underdeveloped. These males had atrophic testes and reduced somatic organs of the reproductive system including male accessary glands and ejaculatory duct. In addition, hybrid males with underdeveloped reproductive tracts displayed a shorter copulation time with females and failed to induce female oviposition and monogamy due to their inability to form and transfer a plug to females during mating. The asymmetry of the phenotypes associated with hybrid male sterility suggests that different genetic factors and molecular mechanisms are responsible for reproductive isolation in reciprocal crosses among species of the An. gambiae complex

    A Comprehensive Characterization of the Honeybees in Siberia (Russia)

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    A comprehensive study of some populations of honeybee (332 colonies) in Siberia (Tomsk region, Krasnoyarsk Krai (Yenisei population), Altai) using morphometric and molecular genetic methods was conducted. Infestation of bees (132 colonies) by Nosema has also been studied. Three variants of the COI-COII mtDNA locus were registered: PQQ, PQQQ (typical for Apis m. mellifera), and Q (specific for southern races). It was established that 64% of bee colonies from the Tomsk region and all colonies studied from the Krasnoyarsk and the Altai territories originate from Apis m. mellifera on the maternal line. According to the morphometric study, the majority of bee colonies of the Tomsk region are hybrids; in some colonies the mismatch of morphometric and mtDNA data was observed. Moreover, the majority of bee colonies infected by Nosema were hybrids. Yenisei population may be considered as a unique Apis m. mellifera population. Microsatellite analysis (loci Š008, Ap049, AC117, AC216, Ap243, H110, A024, A113) showed the specific distribution of genotypes and alleles for some loci in the bees, which differ by geographical location. Loci A024 and Ap049 are of considerable interest for further study as candidate markers for differentiation of subspecies; locus A008 can be considered informative for determining of different ecotypes of Apis m. mellifera

    The role of chromosome-nuclear envelope attachments in 3D genome organization

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    Chromosomes are intricately folded and packaged in the cell nucleus and interact with the nuclear envelope. This complex nuclear architecture has a profound effect on how the genome works and how the cells function. The main goal of review is to highlight recent studies on the effect of chromosomeā€“nuclear envelope interactions on chromatin folding and function in the nucleus. The data obtained suggest that chromosomeā€“nuclear envelope attachments are important for the organization of nuclear architecture in various organisms. A combination of experimental cell biology methods with computational modeling offers a unique opportunity to explore the fundamental relationships between different aspects of 3D genome organization in greater details. This powerful interdisciplinary approach could reveal how the organization and function of the genome in the nuclear space is affected by the chromosomeā€“nuclear envelope attachments and will enable the development of novel approaches to regulate gene expression

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    The mrjp3 gene is a member of the mrjp-family that encodes Major Royal Jelly Proteins in bees. In the structure of the mrjp3 gene coding part, a repetitive region, designated as a microsatellite mrjp3 locus, is described. The variability of the mrjp3 microĀ­satellite locus in 575 honeybees from Siberia (Russia) was studied. In honeybees of different origin (evolutionary branches M and C) inhabited Siberia, the differences in the frequency of allele registration were revealed. The significance of the mrjp3 locus for determining the honeybee subspecies and/or royal jelly productivity of the bee colonies is discussed

    Improving the population genetics toolbox for the study of the African malaria vector Anopheles nili: microsatellite mapping to chromosomes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Anopheles nili </it>is a major vector of malaria in the humid savannas and forested areas of sub-Saharan Africa. Understanding the population genetic structure and evolutionary dynamics of this species is important for the development of an adequate and targeted malaria control strategy in Africa. Chromosomal inversions and microsatellite markers are commonly used for studying the population structure of malaria mosquitoes. Physical mapping of these markers onto the chromosomes further improves the toolbox, and allows inference on the demographic and evolutionary history of the target species.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Availability of polytene chromosomes allowed us to develop a map of microsatellite markers and to study polymorphism of chromosomal inversions. Nine microsatellite markers were mapped to unique locations on all five chromosomal arms of <it>An. nili </it>using fluorescent <it>in situ </it>hybridization (FISH). Probes were obtained from 300-483 bp-long inserts of plasmid clones and from 506-559 bp-long fragments amplified with primers designed using the <it>An. nili </it>genome assembly generated on an Illumina platform. Two additional loci were assigned to specific chromosome arms of <it>An. nili </it>based on <it>in silico </it>sequence similarity and chromosome synteny with <it>Anopheles gambiae</it>. Three microsatellites were mapped inside or in the vicinity of the polymorphic chromosomal inversions <it>2Rb </it>and <it>2Rc</it>. A statistically significant departure from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, due to a deficit in heterozygotes at the <it>2Rb </it>inversion, and highly significant linkage disequilibrium between the two inversions, were detected in natural <it>An. nili </it>populations collected from Burkina Faso.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our study demonstrated that next-generation sequencing can be used to improve FISH for microsatellite mapping in species with no reference genome sequence. Physical mapping of microsatellite markers in <it>An. nili </it>showed that their cytological locations spanned the entire five-arm complement, allowing genome-wide inferences. The knowledge about polymorphic inversions and chromosomal locations of microsatellite markers has been useful for explaining differences in genetic variability across loci and significant differentiation observed among natural populations of <it>An. nili</it>.</p

    A Chromosome 7 Pericentric Inversion Defined at Single-Nucleotide Resolution Using Diagnostic Whole Genome Sequencing in a Patient with Hand-Foot-Genital Syndrome.

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    Next generation sequencing methodologies are facilitating the rapid characterisation of novel structural variants at nucleotide resolution. These approaches are particularly applicable to variants initially identified using alternative molecular methods. We report a child born with bilateral postaxial syndactyly of the feet and bilateral fifth finger clinodactyly. This was presumed to be an autosomal recessive syndrome, due to the family history of consanguinity. Karyotype analysis revealed a homozygous pericentric inversion of chromosome 7 (46,XX,inv(7)(p15q21)x2) which was confirmed to be heterozygous in both unaffected parents. Since the resolution of the karyotype was insufficient to identify any putatively causative gene, we undertook medium-coverage whole genome sequencing using paired-end reads, in order to elucidate the molecular breakpoints. In a two-step analysis, we first narrowed down the region by identifying discordant read-pairs, and then determined the precise molecular breakpoint by analysing the mapping locations of "soft-clipped" breakpoint-spanning reads. PCR and Sanger sequencing confirmed the identified breakpoints, both of which were located in intergenic regions. Significantly, the 7p15 breakpoint was located 523 kb upstream of HOXA13, the locus for hand-foot-genital syndrome. By inference from studies of HOXA locus control in the mouse, we suggest that the inversion has delocalised a HOXA13 enhancer to produce the phenotype observed in our patient. This study demonstrates how modern genetic diagnostic approach can characterise structural variants at nucleotide resolution and provide potential insights into functional regulation

    Genome mapping and characterization of the Anopheles gambiae heterochromatin

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Heterochromatin plays an important role in chromosome function and gene regulation. Despite the availability of polytene chromosomes and genome sequence, the heterochromatin of the major malaria vector <it>Anopheles gambiae </it>has not been mapped and characterized.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To determine the extent of heterochromatin within the <it>An. gambiae </it>genome, genes were physically mapped to the euchromatin-heterochromatin transition zone of polytene chromosomes. The study found that a minimum of 232 genes reside in 16.6 Mb of mapped heterochromatin. Gene ontology analysis revealed that heterochromatin is enriched in genes with DNA-binding and regulatory activities. Immunostaining of the <it>An. gambiae </it>chromosomes with antibodies against <it>Drosophila melanogaster </it>heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) and the nuclear envelope protein lamin Dm<sub>0 </sub>identified the major invariable sites of the proteins' localization in all regions of pericentric heterochromatin, diffuse intercalary heterochromatin, and euchromatic region 9C of the 2R arm, but not in the compact intercalary heterochromatin. To better understand the molecular differences among chromatin types, novel Bayesian statistical models were developed to analyze genome features. The study found that heterochromatin and euchromatin differ in gene density and the coverage of retroelements and segmental duplications. The pericentric heterochromatin had the highest coverage of retroelements and tandem repeats, while intercalary heterochromatin was enriched with segmental duplications. We also provide evidence that the diffuse intercalary heterochromatin has a higher coverage of DNA transposable elements, minisatellites, and satellites than does the compact intercalary heterochromatin. The investigation of 42-Mb assembly of unmapped genomic scaffolds showed that it has molecular characteristics similar to cytologically mapped heterochromatin.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results demonstrate that <it>Anopheles </it>polytene chromosomes and whole-genome shotgun assembly render the mapping and characterization of a significant part of heterochromatic scaffolds a possibility. These results reveal the strong association between characteristics of the genome features and morphological types of chromatin. Initial analysis of the <it>An. gambiae </it>heterochromatin provides a framework for its functional characterization and comparative genomic analyses with other organisms.</p

    Arm-specific dynamics of chromosome evolution in malaria mosquitoes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The malaria mosquito species of subgenus <it>Cellia </it>have rich inversion polymorphisms that correlate with environmental variables. Polymorphic inversions tend to cluster on the chromosomal arms 2R and 2L but not on X, 3R and 3L in <it>Anopheles gambiae </it>and homologous arms in other species. However, it is unknown whether polymorphic inversions on homologous chromosomal arms of distantly related species from subgenus <it>Cellia </it>nonrandomly share similar sets of genes. It is also unclear if the evolutionary breakage of inversion-poor chromosomal arms is under constraints.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To gain a better understanding of the arm-specific differences in the rates of genome rearrangements, we compared gene orders and established syntenic relationships among <it>Anopheles gambiae, Anopheles funestus</it>, and <it>Anopheles stephensi</it>. We provided evidence that polymorphic inversions on the 2R arms in these three species nonrandomly captured similar sets of genes. This nonrandom distribution of genes was not only a result of preservation of ancestral gene order but also an outcome of extensive reshuffling of gene orders that created new combinations of homologous genes within independently originated polymorphic inversions. The statistical analysis of distribution of conserved gene orders demonstrated that the autosomal arms differ in their tolerance to generating evolutionary breakpoints. The fastest evolving 2R autosomal arm was enriched with gene blocks conserved between only a pair of species. In contrast, all identified syntenic blocks were preserved on the slowly evolving 3R arm of <it>An. gambiae </it>and on the homologous arms of <it>An. funestus </it>and <it>An. stephensi</it>.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results suggest that natural selection favors specific gene combinations within polymorphic inversions when distant species are exposed to similar environmental pressures. This knowledge could be useful for the discovery of genes responsible for an association of inversion polymorphisms with phenotypic variations in multiple species. Our data support the chromosomal arm specificity in rates of gene order disruption during mosquito evolution. We conclude that the distribution of breakpoint regions is evolutionary conserved on slowly evolving arms and tends to be lineage-specific on rapidly evolving arms.</p

    Cellular mechanisms regulating synthetic sex ratio distortion in the Anopheles gambiae germline

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    Genetic control strategies aimed to bias the sex of progenies towards males present a promising new paradigm to eliminate malaria-transmitting mosquitoes. A synthetic sex-ratio distortion (SD) system was successfully engineered in Anopheles gambiae by exploiting the meiotic activity of the I-PpoI endonuclease targeting ribosomal DNA (rDNA) repeats, exclusively located on the X chromosome. Males carrying the SD construct produce highly male-biased progenies without evident reduction in fertility. In this study, we investigated the fate of X and Y chromosomes in these SD males and found that ratios of mature X:Y-bearing sperm were comparable to wild-type insects, indicating absence of selection mechanisms during sperm maturation. We therefore tested the effect of meiotic cleavage of both X and Y chromosomes in a lab-generated SD strain carrying rDNA on both sex chromosomes, showing fertility comparable to wild-type and a reduced male-bias compared to SD males in which only the X is targeted. Exposure of Y-linked rDNA to I-PpoI cleavage for consecutive generations rapidly restored the male-bias to typical high frequencies, indicating a correlation between the number of cleavable targets in each sex chromosome and the sex-ratios found in the progeny. Altogether our results indicate that meiotic cleavage of rDNA repeats, located in the sex chromosomes of A. gambiae SD males, affects the competitiveness of mature sperm to fertilize the female oocyte, thereby generating sex-biased progenies. We also show that the presence of rDNA copies on the Y chromosome does not impair the effectiveness of engineered synthetic SD systems for the control of human malaria mosquitoes
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