305 research outputs found

    Ammonium inhibition of nitrate uptake by phytoplankton: A new relation based on similarity and hyperbolicity

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    A theoretical formulation based on the properties of similarity and hyperbolicity is given for ammonium inhibition of nitrate uptake by phytoplankton. It leads to a new kinetic relation for ammonium inhibition, which is found to represent the data of nitrogen kinetics experiments of McCarthy et al. in the northwest Indian Ocean more accurately than the earlier relations of Wroblewski and O'Neill et al. Analysis of the Æ’-ratio (new production/the sum of new and regenerated production) implied by the three relations shows that there is a qualitative difference among the three. The relation of Wroblewski tends to underestimate the new production, while that of O'Neill et al. tends to overestimate it

    Energy Efficient Error Rate Optimization Transmission in Wireless Sensor Network

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    Wireless Sensor Network is a collection of independent nodes and create a network for monitoring purposes in various scenarios like military operation, environmental operation etc. WSN network size is increasing very rapidly these days, due to large network size energy consumption is also increased and it has small battery, lifetime of network   decreases due to early death of nodes and it impact the overall system performance. Clustering is a technique for enhance the network lifetime in WSN. Here in this paper we propose a new multi-objective adaptive swarm optimization (MASO) technique for clustering and computes the maximum number of clusters, which is best suited for the network. Each cluster has cluster head and cluster members and performed the task of local information extraction. Cluster head gathers all the extracted information from member nodes and send it to the base station, where base station performed global information extraction from all the cluster head nodes and generate some useful result. In MASO technique, object is used to find the best global position for the node and compare with existing position value. If new value is better than the old value, than node moves to a new position and object update their table for this new position. We are considering error probability in transmission of data packet in one hop communication. Here obtained the results are compared with other research in terms of overall network lifetime and effect on network lifetime when the size of the network is changed. We have fine tuned the node’s decay rate and throughput of the network

    Study of Manyasharira w.s.r. to anatomical changes in Greevakasheruka in Manyastambha (Cervical Spondylosis)

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    Manya is Chala i.e. locomotor part of the body. In Amarkosha ‘Manya’ is described as ‘Greevapaschat Sira’. Cervical spine due to its position, complex structure and great mobility is vulnerable to injuries. In present era human being is prone to numerous degenerative diseases, because of stressful and fast lifestyles. ‘Manyastambha’ is one of such lifestyle disorder which is originated from excessive use of vehicle, excessive travelling, continuous sitting and working for hours, jobs that requires heavy lifting or a lot of bending and twisting, lack of exercise, unhealthy food habits and suppression of natural urges. Manyastambha is Vataja Nanatmaja Vyadhi. The main symptoms of Manyastambha are Ruk (pain) and Stambha (stiffness and restricted movements). It can be clinically co-related with cervical spondylosis. Manyastambha is a degenerative disorder as well as it may be due to occupational hazard. Loss of curvature, Reduction of disc space, Osteophytes formation are main anatomical changes associated with Manyastambha in the present sample study of patients. We have found that, the most common disc space reduced at the level of C5-C6 and C6-C7. In the present observational study, housewives are more prone to develop Manyastambha (cervical spondylosis), followed by clerk, tailor, farmer. We have found that most of patients had sedentary work and Diwaaswapa, lack of exercise, causing Tridosha Prakopa dominanatly Kapha Prakopa, thereby leading to Agnimandya and Aama. Margavrodhjanaya Vaata Prakopa is the result of such Samprapti

    A coupled physical-biological-chemical model for the Indian Ocean

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    A coupled physical-biological-chemical model has been developed at C-MMACS. for studying the time-variation of primary productivity and air-sea carbon-dioxide exchange in the Indian Ocean. The physical model is based on the Modular Ocean Model, Version 2 (MOM2) and the biological model describes the nonlinear dynamics of a 7-component marine ecosystem. The chemical model includes dynamical equation for the evolution of dissolved inorganic carbon and total alkalinity. The interaction between the biological and chemical model is through the Redfield ratio. The partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) of the surface layer is obtained from the chemical equilibrium equations of Penget al 1987. Transfer coefficients for air-sea exchange of CO2 are computed dynamically based on the wind speeds. The coupled model reproduces the high productivity observed in the Arabian Sea off the Somali and Omani coasts during the Southwest (SW) monsoon. The entire Arabian Sea is an outgassing region for CO2 in spite of high productivity with transfer rates as high as 80 m-mol C/m2 /day during SW monsoon near the Somali Coast on account of strong winds

    Morphological variations of the thyroid gland

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    Background:The knowledge of various morphological & developmental anomalies of thyroid gland will help the surgeons in better planning of safe & effective surgery. Considering these facts we studied the variations of thyroid gland.Methods:The material for the present study was collected from the department of forensic medicine, MMC & RI, Mysore, which includes 56 male and 33 female adult postmortem cadavers aged between 18 to 80 years. A dissection was carried out to expose thyroid glands & variations were observed in the morphology of thyroid gland.Results: 1) 9% of specimens had agenesis of isthmus. 2) 46% of specimens had pyramidal lobe. 3) 41% of specimens had levator glanduli thyroidae. 4) 2.24 % of specimens had accessory thyroid tissue.Conclusion:This study highlights the various morphological anomalies of the thyroid gland which forms cornerstone to safe & effective surgery

    Congenital malformations in multiple births

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    Objective: The present study was done to know and compare the incidence of congenital malformations in singleton and multiple births in our hospital & compare with other studies.Methods: A retrospective study done by collecting the data from parturition register from Jan 2008 to Dec 2011 (4yrs) from Cheluvamba Hospital attached to Mysore Medical College and Research Institute. Total number of the live births, still births, and abortions> 20 wks were collected. Details of multiple births such as maternal age, gestational age, sex & birth weight of the babies, U/S reports and congenital anomalies (CA) were noted.Results: The total number of singleton births were 48700 and number of babies who had congenital malformations were 235 (48.25/10,000 births).Total number of multiple births were 579 including 10 triplets and number of babies who had CA were 11 (189.98/10,000 births, P<0.0001). In the present study sex of the babies were noted in all multiple births and zygosity could not be recorded. Among 579 multiple births 404 were of the Same Sex (SS) and 165 were of Opposite Sex (OS) in twins and 6 were of the same sex and 4 were of opposite sex in triplets. According to Weinberg formula 50% of same sex (SS) twins are monozygotic and 50% are dizygotic twins. Among the 11 babies with CA, 4 monozygotic twins had anomalies related to twinning such as Acardia with TRAP sequence (3 twins), and Thoracophagus (1 twin).5 babies had CNS anomalies, 1 with cystic hygroma, 1 baby with multiple system affected.Conclusion: The incidence of birth defects is more in multiple births and especially in monozygotic twins. In the present days increase in twinning rate due to advanced maternal age, hereditary factors and use of ovulation inducing drugs, which results in premature and low birth wt babies associated with poor lung maturity

    Radix formation between median and musculocutaneous nerves: embryological, morphological and clinical correlation

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    In ours study we report radix formation between median nerve and musculocutaneous nerves. The study was conducted in the Department of Anatomy, Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, Narketpally, Nalgonda Dt., Andhra Pradesh, India. During routine cadaveric dissections in the upper limbs, we observed an anastomosis (radix) between median and musculocutaneous nerves in the arm. Variations in the origin, course, branching pattern, communications was observed. These variations have clinical significance in brachial plexus block and surgical procedures

    Role of biology in the air-sea carbon flux in the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea

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    A physical-biological-chemical model (PBCM) is used for investigating the seasonal cycle of air-sea carbon flux and for assessing the effect of the biological processes on seasonal time scale in the Arabian Sea (AS) and Bay of Bengal (BoB), where the surface waters are subjected to contrasting physical conditions. The formulation of PBCM is given in Swathi et al (2000), and evaluation of several ammonium-inhibited nitrate uptake models is given in Sharada et al (2005). The PBCM is here first evaluated against JGOFS data on surface pCO2 in AS, Bay of Bengal Process Studies (BoBPS) data on column integrated primary productivity in BoB, and WOCE Il data on dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and alkalinity (ALK) in the upper 500 meters at 9°N in AS and at 10°N in BoB in September-October. There is good qualitative agreement with local quantitative discrepancies. The net effect of biological processes on air-sea carbon flux on seasonal time scale is determined with an auxiliary computational experiment, called the abiotic run, in which the biological processes are turned off. The difference between the biotic run and abiotic run is interpreted as the net effect of biological processes on the seasonal variability of chemical variables. The net biological effect on air-sea carbon flux is found to be highest in southwest monsoon season in the northwest AS, where strong upwelling drives intense new production. The biological effect is larger in AS than in BoB, as seasonal upwelling and mixing are strong in AS, especially in the northeast, while coastal upwelling and mixing are weak in BoB

    Role of Micro Finance in Financial Inclusion

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    Financial Inclusion (FI) is delivery of banking services at an affordable cost to the vast sections of disadvantaged and low income groups. When bankers do not give the desired attention to certain areas, the regulators have stepped into remedy the situation. This is the reason why the RBI is placing a lot of emphasis on Financial Inclusion

    Angiosomes of medial cord of brachial plexus

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    This anatomical study analyzed the neurovascular relationship of the brachial plexus. Ten formalized specimens of brachial plexuses were examined after injection of lead oxide in to the subclavian artery. The vascular, anatomical features of the brachial plexus were documented .The specimens were analyzed by dissection method, subjected for microscopic study. The vascular supply was markedly rich, often with true anastomotic channels found within the nerves. There was much variation in supply, depending on the branching pattern of subclavian artery
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