92 research outputs found


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    Weather proverbs are, unquestionably, a very rich and extensive part of the collection of saying we find in every culture. They are short and easy to remember sentences in which our ancestors put their knowledge and ability to predict the weather and its changes. The author of this paper aims to emphasize the interest of these proverbs in the Jordanian country life by studying, analyzing and translating sayings referred to meteorological phenomena like rain, snow and wind. Another aim is arousing interest in the Arab culture and paremiology. The corpus is preceded by the exhibition of some theoretical foundations related to weather proverbs, and a brief introduction of the climatological context of Jordan.Los refranes meteorológicos forman, indudablemente, un rico y extenso apartado dentro del refranero general de cualquier cultura en el mundo. Constituyen sentencias breves fáciles de recordar y producir a través de las cuales nuestros abuelos nos transmitieron sus conocimientos y habilidades a la hora de pronosticar el tiempo. El autor de este trabajo pretende señalar la importancia de este grupo de refranes en la vida rural en Jordania mediante el estudio, el análisis y la traducción al español de los refranes que se refieren a fenómenos atmosféricos como la lluvia, la nieve y el viento. Asimismo, otro objetivo es despertar el interés por la cultura y paremiología árabe. El corpus está precedido por la exposición de algunos fundamentos teóricos relacionados con esta tipología de refranes y una breve introducción al contexto climatológico de Jordania

    La imagen del perro en la paremiología jordana : traducción y contraste con el español

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    The primary objective of this paper is to examine, in the Jordanian Arabic dialect as in Castilian, those sayings that refer to the dog, trying to find convergences and divergences between the two linguistic codes in this particular domain. In this sense we try to emphasize the reflection of the cultural codes of a given nation in linguistic codes, by investigating those sayings about the dog in the Jordanian and Spanish paremiology and the motivation behind them. We have chosen to classify the collected sayings based on the significant burden and / or the connotations they carry. The dog was chosen as the basis for this work because the proverbs production is remarkably rich about this animal both in the Jordanian dialect as in Spanish. This work is limited to considering only the sayings that have to do with the dog, without addressing the many idioms related to the animal, in order to make this work more concrete and specific

    Los hechos de comer y beber en la fraseología y la paremiología de Jordania : un estudio analítico

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    El objetivo primordial que trata de conseguir el autor mediante el presente artículo es demostrar la riqueza de la fraseología relacionada con los hechos de comer y beber en el dialecto árabe de Jordania. Basándonos en la irrefutable realidad de la lengua como fiel reflejo de la cultura, se trata de aprovechar este trabajo para reflejar la manera según la cual perciben los jordanos al mundo que los rodea mediante los hábitos, costumbres, rituales relacionados con la comida y la bebida y el componente social y cultural relacionado ellos. Otro objetivo es el de crear una base para ulteriores trabajos sobre el léxico y la fraseología relacionados con la comida y la bebida en el dialecto jordano.The main goal of the author through this article is to demonstrate the richness of phraseology, related to eating and drinking in the Arabic dialect of Jordan. Based on the irrefutable reality of language as a faithful reflection of the culture, this work aims to reflect the way in which the Jordanians perceive the surrounding world through the habits, customs and rituals related to food and drink and social and cultural issues related to it. Another objective is to create a basis for further work on the lexicon and phraseology related to food and drink in the Jordanian dialect

    Can we afford to forget the old killer (tuberculosis) in this COVID-19 pandemic: a case report of scrofula with COVID-19 in a health care worker

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    In the current scenario of COVID-19 pandemic, we are encountering COVID-19 patients with vague symptoms and in association with many other diseases. We are reporting such a case where neglecting other cause of pyrexia in a patient of COVID-19 would have resulted in disastrous consequences. A young 22 years aged female was admitted to our hospital as COVID-19 with right supraclavicular lymphadenopathy, she was subjected to FNAC of right supraclavicular lymph node. In RT-PCR Mycobacterium Tuberculosis was detected. After three days of starting on Antitubercular drugs she became afebrile. It is important to ensure early diagnosis and continuity of services for tuberculosis along with effective and rapid response to COVID-19 pandemic, so that anticipated increase in TB related deaths during this pandemic can be prevented

    Analysis of the trading relations between Iran and the UK, US and EU in light of the 2016 international sanctions’ partial lifting

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    International trade involves many factors to ensure its growth and sustainability. Liberalization, globalization and technological advancements are key for the success of international commerce; however, trading across borders requires the consideration of all legal frameworks regulating the international business environment. Enterprises that are willing to operate internationally by way of expansion adopt specific strategies to achieve such goal. Nevertheless, attaining such a goal does not rely solely on implementing the economic strategies but rather it is the political situation that determines the extent to which international trade can develop at a given country. Many countries seek to create new markets internationally and the UK government sets an example. The UK took considerable steps in expanding its trade relationships on the international level and particularly with the Islamic Republic of Iran, (“Iran”) as a new commercial opportunity arising after partially lifting the sanctions. Iran has found itself in a situation where it had to deal with unfavorable complex relationships that involve major economic powers from the Western part of the world including the United States of America, (the “U.S.”) and the United Kingdom, (the “UK”). Considering the amount of power and influence these Western governments wield, Iran and all its affiliations have suffered major blows in their economy witnessed in the devaluation of the national currency, the Iranian Rial, (the “Rial”). The UK, the European Union, (“EU”), and the U.S. have partially lifted the most recent sanctions that saw the Rial lose more than a hundred percent of its value, a move which opens up a window of opportunities for UK businesses and those from other countries which play on the international markets. However, striking the right balance between conducting international business in a sanctioned country while avoiding penalties of violating international sanctions, is the hurdle which creates the highest level of risks for UK businesses wishing to do business with Iran. Accordingly, careful interpretation of the relevant laws and business practices is of paramount importance


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    This paper has as its primary purpose the contrastive study of somatic expressions about ‘eye’ between Peninsular Spanish and colloquial Jordanian Arabic. This research is based on cognitivism, especially in those theories related to metaphor and metonymy. Another theory is taken into consideration is related to the body experience which produce fixed expressions that transmit the human perception of the world around us and our relationship with it. It is also our intention to point meetings and disagreements between the Spanish and the Jordanian dialect in relation to somatic expressions about this part of the human body.El presente artículo tiene como objeto primordial el estudio contrastivo de la fraseología somática articulada sobre la voz “ojo” entre el español peninsular y el árabe coloquial jordano. Este trabajo de investigación se basa en el cognitivismo, principalmente en aquellas teorías relacionadas con la metáfora y la metonimia. Otra de las teorías que se toma en cuenta es la relacionada con la experiencia corpórea, productora de expresiones fijas que transmiten la percepción humana del mundo que le rodea y su relación con éste. Asimismo, es nuestra intención señalar los encuentros y los desencuentros entre el español peninsular y el árabe dialectal jordano en relación con los somatismos que desarrolla esta parte del cuerpo humano

    Intercultural translation. The reflection of the religious notions of qadar and rizq in Arabic paremiology and phraseology

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es indagar la plasmación de las realidades cultu-rales en hechos lingüísticos mediante el estudio de los refranes y expresiones árabes que se refieren explícitamente a los conceptos religiosos de qadar y rizq, dos palabras clave tan arraigadas en la cultura arabo islámica que dan lugar a un abundante caudal paremiológico. La exposición de estas cuestiones se abordará teniendo muy en cuenta la traducción de los referentes culturales y los equivalentes funcionales. Para ello, se ha seguido la siguiente metodología: ejemplo en árabe, traducción funcional al castellano propia de los autores y un análisis-comentario. Los resultados globales logrados en este estudio han respondido a su objetivo principal, que aspiraba a reflejar la existencia de numerosos rituales sociales, a través de la paremiología y fraseología, que los árabes aplican a la hora de afrontar los dis-tintos acontecimientos, que transcurren a lo largo de su vida. Como conclusión, se puede comprobar, una vez más la interdependencia entre la cultura y el lenguaje, haciendo hinca-pié en que una asimilación correcta de los códigos lingüísticos de una determinada socie-dad deberá pasar inexorablemente por la comprensión de los componentes culturales que subyacen a ellos.The aim of this paper is to investigate the reflection of cultural realities in linguistic facts by studying Arabic proverbs and expressions that refer explicitly to the religious concepts of qadar and rizq, two key words so deeply rooted in the Islamic Arab culture that they have given rise to a great abundance of paremiology. These questions are addressed while taking into account the translation of cultural references and their functional equivalents. For this purpose, the following methodology has been used: an example in Arabic is given, then a functional translation into Spanish by the authors is provided, and this is followed by an analysis-comment. The overall results obtained in this study have fulfilled the main objective, which was to demonstrate the existence of numerous social rituals, through paremiology and phraseology, that Arabs apply when facing different situations in their lives. In conclusion, this research confirms, once again, the interdependence between culture and language, emphasizing that the correct assimilation of the linguistic codes of any given society requires a thorough understanding of the cultural components underlying them