28 research outputs found

    Fast image decompression for telebrowsing of images

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    Progressive image transmission (PIT) is often used to reduce the transmission time of an image telebrowsing system. A side effect of the PIT is the increase of computational complexity at the viewer's site. This effect is more serious in transform domain techniques than in other techniques. Recent attempts to reduce the side effect are futile as they create another side effect, namely, the discontinuous and unpleasant image build-up. Based on a practical assumption that image blocks to be inverse transformed are generally sparse, this paper presents a method to minimize both side effects simultaneously

    The Performance of Intercultural Communication: China\u27s New Face and the 2008 Beijing Olympics

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    This dissertation explores Chinese communication practices. I focus on the performance of intercultural communication and how the New Face of China was performed to the world and in day-to-day intercultural communication encounters during the 2008 Olympics. I analyze the Olympic Volunteer Training Manual as performative text as well as interviewed Beijing Olympic volunteers about their encounters with international visitors. Specifically, I discuss why the Olympics were a crucial moment for China to unveil its New Face to the world, what the New Face of China entails, and the reasons why China is in need of a new image on the world stage. I argue that we need to use Chinese concepts and conceptualizations to understand the cultural context, political climate, and deeply complex historical foundations China has when we question Chinese communication practices and performances. I reconceptualize the concept of face with Performance theory to show how the presentation of New China and the New Face of China during the Olympics was a performance based on harmony and the Confucian values of ren (humanism) and li (ritual propriety). Furthermore, I concentrate on how the New Face of China and harmony were actually performed by Olympic volunteers on the ground in both public and hidden transcripts. While the Volunteer Training Manual works to performatively generate an image of New China, volunteers on the ground doing intercultural communication that they had learned during training sessions also generated an image of China on the ground, contrary to images in the U.S. imaginary, and in day to day encounters. Although China went to great efforts to present China as a harmonious society, on the ground we see that within harmony there is difference (in communication, performance, and practice) and negotiation through the struggles of everyday life Chinese deal with. More importantly, we find new possibilities and yearnings for peaceful coexistence

    On the dc Magnetization, Spontaneous Vortex State and Specific Heat in the superconducting state of the weakly ferromagnetic superconductor RuSr2_{2}GdCu2_{2}O8_{8}

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    Magnetic-field changes << 0.2 Oe over the scan length in magnetometers that necessitate sample movement are enough to create artifacts in the dc magnetization measurements of the weakly ferromagnetic superconductor RuSr2_{2}GdCu2_{2}O8_{8} (Ru1212) below the superconducting transition temperature TcT_{c} \approx 30 K. The observed features depend on the specific magnetic-field profile in the sample chamber and this explains the variety of reported behaviors for this compound below TcT_{c}. An experimental procedure that combines improvement of the magnetic-field homogeneity with very small scan lengths and leads to artifact-free measurements similar to those on a stationary sample has been developed. This procedure was used to measure the mass magnetization of Ru1212 as a function of the applied magnetic field H (-20 Oe \le H \le 20 Oe) at T<TcT < T_{c} and discuss, in conjunction with resistance and ac susceptibility measurements, the possibility of a spontaneous vortex state (SVS) for this compound. Although the existence of a SVS can not be excluded, an alternative interpretation of the results based on the granular nature of the investigated sample is also possible. Specific-heat measurements of Sr2_{2}GdRuO6_{6} (Sr2116), the precursor for the preparation of Ru1212 and thus a possible impurity phase, show that it is unlikely that Sr2116 is responsible for the specific-heat features observed for Ru1212 at TcT_{c}.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    The English and Chinese student's assistant, or colloquial phrases, letters &c, in English and Chinese /

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    Special collection from London Missionary Society.; Also available in an electronic version via the Internet at http://nla.gov.au/nla.gen-vn420206

    [[alternative]]The Study of Cooperative Movement Between Knee

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    [[abstract]]本研究的目的在探討雙手插腰垂直跳起跳期,膝、踝關節聯合運動的現象 。以十五位男性運動員與十五位男性非運動員為受試者,以 KINEMETRIX 3D 動作分析系統為主要研究儀器,經資料處理歸納為以下結論: (一)在角度上:膝關節彎曲範圍自平均 173.94 度至平均 61.06 度, 伸展範圍自平均 61.06 度至平均 158.29 度;踝關節彎曲範圍自平均 118.30 度至平均 85.17度;伸展範圍自平均85.17度至平均143.97度。 (二)在時間上:膝關節的彎曲時間平均為 0.63 秒,伸展時間平均為 0.28 秒; 踝關節的彎曲時間平均為 0.59 秒,伸展時間平均為 0.27 秒。 (三)在關節屈、伸時間比率上:膝、踝關節的屈、伸時間比率約為 7:3。 (四)在相對時間比率上:膝關節開始彎曲時踝關節慢了 6﹪的膝總動作 時間才開始彎曲;於 69﹪膝總動作時間時,膝關節彎曲達最小角度,踝 關節則是在 70﹪膝總動作時間時彎曲達最小角度;最後在 100﹪膝總動 作時間時,腳尖離地。 (五)優秀運動員較非運動員在動作上具有較大的腳尖離地角度、較快的 關節伸展速度及較一致的膝、踝關節屈、伸時間比率等特徵。 The purpose of this study was to explore the phenomenon of the cooperative movement between knee and ankle joints during takeoff phase of vertical jumping performance with arms akimboed. 15 elit male athletes and 15 male non-athletes were subjects at this study . KINEMETRIX 3D motion analysis system were used to collect data . After data treatment , the results were reached followings: 1.In angles:The range of knee bending was from average 173.94° to 61.06°;knee extending was{EMBED Equation.2 \* mergeformat| from average 61.06° to 158.29°; ankle bending was from } average 118.30° to 85.17°;ankle extending was from average 85.17°to 143.97°. 2. In motion times:The average time of knee bending was 0.63 second , knee extending was 0.28 second ;ankle bending was 0.59 second , ankle extending was 0.27 second . 3. In time ratio betwen joint bending and extending :The time ratio between bending and extending of knee and ankle joints was 7:3 . 4. In relative time ratios:Knee joint started bending at first, and then ankle joint started bending after 6 ﹪total motion time of knee joint (TKM);at the time of 69 ﹪TKM , knee joint bended to the smallest angle, ankle joint bended to the same situation at 70﹪ TKM;finally, toe leaved the ground at the time of 100﹪ TKM. 5. By comparing with non-athletes , the characteristics of elit athletes' motion were larger joint angles of toe-off , faster joint extending velocity and more constent time ratio of bending and extending of knee and ankle joint . The purpose of this study was to explore the phenomenon of the

    A Kalman Filtering and Nonlinear Penalty Regression Approach for Noninvasive Anemia Detection with Palpebral Conjunctiva Images

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    Noninvasive medical procedures are usually preferable to their invasive counterparts in the medical community. Anemia examining through the palpebral conjunctiva is a convenient noninvasive procedure. The procedure can be automated to reduce the medical cost. We propose an anemia examining approach by using a Kalman filter (KF) and a regression method. The traditional KF is often used in time-dependent applications. Here, we modified the traditional KF for the time-independent data in medical applications. We simply compute the mean value of the red component of the palpebral conjunctiva image as our recognition feature and use a penalty regression algorithm to find a nonlinear curve that best fits the data of feature values and the corresponding levels of hemoglobin (Hb) concentration. To evaluate the proposed approach and several relevant approaches, we propose a risk evaluation scheme, where the entire Hb spectrum is divided into high-risk, low-risk, and doubtful intervals for anemia. The doubtful interval contains the Hb threshold, say 11 g/dL, separating anemia and nonanemia. A suspect sample is the sample falling in the doubtful interval. For the anemia screening purpose, we would like to have as less suspect samples as possible. The experimental results show that the modified KF reduces the number of suspect samples significantly for all the approaches considered here

    The GAAP Differences between U.S.A. and Taiwan:Evidence from Taiwanese Companies listed in the United States

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    本研究利用2002年至2006年台灣赴美上市發行ADR之公司的20-F調節表,探討台灣會計準則和美國會計準則的差異程度,藉以發現實際上對財務報表影響重大之準則差異為何,以及這些差異在研究期間內的演變趨勢。由於主導我國會計準則制訂的會計研究發展基金會自1999年即捨棄以往以美國會計準則為依歸之方向,改為加快腳步朝向與國際會計準則接軌,而美國會計準則和國際會計準則也積極調合,在國際會計整合的潮流下,是否可以預期台灣和美國會計準則間某些差異將因此逐漸消弭,此為本研究重心所在。 研究結果發現台灣和美國會計準則整體差異在樣本期間是具有顯著性的,而且分別以盈餘、股東權益、每股盈餘、股東權益報酬率來看,四種會計變數的整體差異皆呈現逐年減少的趨勢。為分析上述造成整體差異具重大性的原因,遂找出對報表數字影響最大的幾個調節類別,並配合調節類別發生的次數,歸納出樣本期間台灣和美國會計準則差異最為重大的七個調節類別,分別是員工分紅和董監事酬勞、可轉換公司債、商譽攤銷和減損、長期投資價值減損、衍生性金融商品、股份基礎給付酬勞、固定資產減損,以及金融商品投資評價調整,當中除了員工分紅和董監事酬勞、股份基礎給付酬勞外,其他項目在樣本期間內都因為台灣和國際會計準則接軌而發佈新公報或修訂公報,由於其所參考之國際會計準則和美國會計準則的相關規定大致相同,進而使我國和美國會計準則部份原有重大差異隨之消失,呼應前述整體差異減少的趨勢結果。目錄試委員會審定書i謝ii文摘要iii文摘要iv一章 緒論1一節 研究動機與目的1二節 研究問題4三節 論文架構5二章 相關背景介紹及文獻探討7一節 美國存託憑證之介紹7二節 國際會計制度之競合13三節 會計準則差異比較之相關文獻17三章 研究方法21一節 比較台灣和美國會計準則差異方法之架構21二節 研究期間與樣本選取23三節 不同會計準則間差異之衡量方法24四節 會計準則整體差異趨勢之衡量方法27四章 台灣和美國會計準則差異之衡量與分析29一節 台灣和美國會計準則整體差異之重大性29二節 影響台灣和美國會計準則整體差異之重大調節類別33三節 重大調節類別分析36四節 台灣和美國會計準則整體差異之趨勢92五章 結論及建議97一節 研究結論97二節 研究限制與建議100考文獻101錄一109錄二111目錄1.1 台灣、美國和國際會計準則間整合示意圖31.2 研究架構流程圖6 2.1 20-F調節表的實例-台積電2006年133.1 研究方法之架構224.3.3.1 台灣和美國商譽攤銷和減損規定之演變574.3.3.2 我國企業合併可採行的三種會計處理方法594.3.7.1 台灣和美國有價證券投資會計準則沿革圖87目錄1.1 國內赴美發行ADR公司台美2002年財報盈餘差異12.1.1 美國存託憑證的分類102.1.2 發行ADR之台灣上市公司一覽表123.2 樣本公司基本資料彙整243.3 樣本公司20-F調節表主要調節項目264.1.1 樣本公司Index of Comparability彙整表304.1.2 聯電樣本期間的股東權益調節表324.2.1 調節類別Partial Comparability Index分析表354.3.1.1 員工分紅和董監事酬勞台美會計準則主要差異整理表364.3.1.2 20-F盈餘調節表-員工分紅與董監事酬勞374.3.1.3 20-F股東權益調節表-員工分紅與董監事酬勞384.3.1.4 台積電員工分紅和董監事酬勞差異調節金額424.3.1.5 台積電歷年盈餘分配結果424.3.2.1 20-F調節表盈餘調節金額-發行可轉換公司債474.3.2.2 20-F調節表股東權益調節金額-發行可轉換公司債474.3.3.1 20-F盈餘調節表-商譽減損與攤銷494.3.3.2 20-F股東權益調節表-商譽減損與攤銷494.3.3.3 權益結合法與購買法的比較544.3.3.4 台積電分次併購德碁之台美會計方法比較624.3.3.5 台積電2000年~2006年與併購相關的調節項目624.3.4.1 20-F盈餘調節表-衍生性商品684.3.4.2 20-F股東權益調節表-衍生性商品684.3.5.1 非限制條件股票選擇權與激勵性股票選擇權之比較724.3.5.2 20-F盈餘調節表-股份基礎給付酬勞764.3.5.3 20-F股東權益調節表-股份基礎給付酬勞764.3.5.4 台積電20-F盈餘調節表-員工認股選擇權734.3.6.1 美國SFAS No.141繼續使用資產和待處分資產會計處理差異824.3.6.2 20-F盈餘調節表-固定資產減損834.3.6.3 20-F股東權益調節表-固定資產減損834.3.7.1 20-F盈餘調節表-金融商品公平價值評價調整854.3.7.2 20-F股東權益調節表-金融商品公平價值評價調整864.3.7.3 我國以往長期投資及短期投資之會計評價方法874.3.8.1 20-F盈餘調節表調節-長期投資價值減損904.3.8.2 20-F股東權益調節表調節-長期投資價值減損914.4.1 台灣和美國會計準則整體差異之趨勢測試954.4.2 樣本公司台灣和美國會計準則整體差異結果彙整表965.1 重大差異調整類別彙總9

    The study of residents' perception of quality change of environment and developing performance cognition-Yongchun Station urban renewal base as case study

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    都市更新伴隨著都市的成長週期而產生需求,而都市更新的目的在於改善因老舊而生的機能退化,以及隨之而來的環境衛生、治安、防災機能惡化等問題,可說都市更新的目的便是改善都市環境,這可視為都市更新公共利益的一部份,然而在都市更新推動的過程中,公共利益與私人產權會有摩擦與衝突,都市更新的實施過程中,有時並不會使居民對環境的滿意度提升,規劃者及居民對於環境品質的認知,往往具有相當程度的分歧,而都市更新對環境的影響效果,也會對居民對環境品質認知產生影響。   永春站都市更新案施工進度遲緩,對周遭環境品質造成不小的影響,本研究關注焦點在於都市更新基地本身於周遭環境的效果,對附近區域居民的認知產生何種影響,以結構方程模式進行實證,以信任與互惠理論及新自由主義為立論基礎,利用因素分析,分出四大潛在變數對都市更新的印象、對都市更新權利分配的認知、政府的執行力及對環境品質的認知,驗證結果發現對都市印象、對權利分配的認知、政府的執行力皆對環境品質的認知有影響關係,對都市更新的印象透過權利分配認知、執行力,對環境品質認知產生影響,說明附近居民對都市更新的期待及認知,以及對政府協助推動都市更新的期許,確實會對附近居民的環境品質認知產生影響。Urban renewal is accompanied by urban growth cycle, and urban renewal is aimed at improving degradation of city, deterioration of environmental sanitation, security, and disaster prevention. The aim is to improve the urban environment, which can be seen as part of the public interest of urban renewal. However, in the process of urban renewal, there is friction and conflict between public interests and private property rights. Sometimes, it doesn’t satisfy residents’ need. It often has considerable disagreement on perception of environmental quality between residents and planners. Besides, urban renewal itself has impact on residents’ perception. MRT Yunchun Station renewal base construction progress had been delayed , and it has large impact on surrounding environment. This paper focus on the environmental effect made by the base , to the degree which of the influence on residents’ perception of the environment. This paper uses the structural equation model to make empirical study model, based on trust and reciprocity theory and neo-liberalism. Using factor analysis classify four potential variables. They are “the impression of urban renewal”, “the cognition of urban renewal rights”, “the executive power of government”, “the perception of environmental quality”. The results show that the impression of urban image, the cognition of the distribution of rights, the executive power of the government have an impact on the perception of environmental quality. The impression of urban renewal is influenced by cognition of rights distribution, executive power and cognition of environmental quality. The expectation and understanding of urban renewal and the expectation of the government to help promote urban renewal will indeed have an impact on the environmental quality of nearby residents