20 research outputs found

    Compromised Mitochondrial Fatty Acid Synthesis in Transgenic Mice Results in Defective Protein Lipoylation and Energy Disequilibrium

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    A mouse model with compromised mitochondrial fatty acid synthesis has been engineered in order to assess the role of this pathway in mitochondrial function and overall health. Reduction in the expression of mitochondrial malonyl CoA-acyl carrier protein transacylase, a key enzyme in the pathway encoded by the nuclear Mcat gene, was achieved to varying extents in all examined tissues employing tamoxifen-inducible Cre-lox technology. Although affected mice consumed more food than control animals, they failed to gain weight, were less physically active, suffered from loss of white adipose tissue, reduced muscle strength, kyphosis, alopecia, hypothermia and shortened lifespan. The Mcat-deficient phenotype is attributed primarily to reduced synthesis, in several tissues, of the octanoyl precursors required for the posttranslational lipoylation of pyruvate and a-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complexes, resulting in diminished capacity of the citric acid cycle and disruption of energy metabolism. The presence of an alternative lipoylation pathway that utilizes exogenous free lipoate appears restricted to liver and alone is insufficient for preservation of normal energy metabolism. Thus, de novo synthesis of precursors for the protein lipoylation pathway plays a vital role in maintenance of mitochondrial function and overall vigo

    Water velocity preferences of Coho Salmon during the parr-smolt transformation

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    Juvenile Coho Salmon undergo many physiological changes during their springtime transformation from a freshwater parr to a migratory, seawater-capable smolt. Although field observations indicate smolts moving towards the surface and across the breadth of their streams to either swim or drift downstream with the current, water-velocity preferences of these developing cohos are unknown. Using video analysis of their swimming patterns in a calibrated, laboratory flow table with a velocity gradient, groups of three cohos generally increased their preferred water velocity through the springtime study period, to a late-May peak (daytime data, change-point regression analysis, p < 0.05) and over the entire period (nighttime data, regression analysis, p < 0.05). Moving to swifter currents should facilitate the downstream movements of these young cohos, as they develop through the parr-smolt transformation period. This information should assist managers of regulated watersheds and salmon hatcheries in optimizing juvenile salmon survival (e.g., with timely, late-spring water releases producing 0.1–0.3 m s−1 downstream water velocities)

    Mitochondrial DNA sequence associations with dementia and amyloid-β in elderly African Americans

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    Mitochondrial dysfunction occurs early in the course of several neurodegenerative diseases, and is potentially related to increased oxidative damage and amyloid-\u3b2 (A\u3b2) formation in Alzheimer's disease. The goals of this study were to assess mtDNA sequence associations with dementia risk, 10-year cognitive change, and markers of oxidative stress and A\u3b2 among 1089 African-Americans in the population-based Health, Aging, and Body Composition Study. Participants were free of dementia at baseline, and incidence was determined in 187 (18%) cases over 10 to 12 follow-up years. Haplogroup L1 participants were at increased risk for developing dementia (odds ratio = 1.88, 95% confidence interval = 1.23-2.88, p = 0.004), lower plasma A\u3b242 levels (p = 0.03), and greater 10-year decline on the Digit Symbol Substitution Test (p = 0.04) when compared with common haplogroup L3. The p.V193I, ND2 substitution was associated with significantly higher A\u3b242 levels (p = 0.0012), and this association was present in haplogroup L3 (p = 0.018) but not L1 (p = 0.90) participants. All associations were independent of potential confounders, including APOE\u3b54 status and nuclear genetic ancestry. Identification of mtDNA sequence variation associated with dementia risk and cognitive decline may contribute to the development of new treatment targets and diagnostic tests that identify responders to interventions targeting mitochondria

    Mitochondrial DNA Sequence Variation Associated With Peripheral Nerve Function in the Elderly

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    BACKGROUND. Mitochondrial dysfunction is a prominent hallmark of many sensory neuropathies. The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of mitochondrial DNA sequence variation on peripheral nerve function in the population-based Health, Aging, and Body Composition Study. METHODS. We investigated the role of common mitochondrial DNA variation (n = 1,580) and complete mitochondrial DNA sequences (n = 138) on peroneal motor nerve conduction velocity and amplitude, average vibration detection threshold, and monofilament sensitivity. RESULTS. Nominal associations among common mitochondrial DNA variants and haplogroups were identified but were not statistically significant after adjustment for multiple comparisons. Sequence-based approaches were used to identify aggregate variant associations across the 16S rRNA (weighted-sum, p = 2E-05 and variable threshold, p = 9E-06) for nerve conduction velocity. Several of these rare 16S variants occurred at or near sites with earlier disease associations and are also in close proximity to the peptidyl transferase center, which is the catalytic center of the 16S rRNA CONCLUSIONS. These results suggest that sequence variation related to mitochondrial protein synthesis/assembly is associated with peripheral nerve function and may provide insight into targets for intervention or new clinical strategies to preserve nerve function in late life

    Mitochondrial DNA Heteroplasmy Associations With Neurosensory and Mobility Function in Elderly Adults

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    BACKGROUND. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) heteroplasmy is a mixture of normal and mutated mtDNA molecules in a cell. High levels of heteroplasmy at specific mtDNA sites lead to inherited mitochondrial diseases with neurological, sensory, and movement impairments. Here we test the hypothesis that heteroplasmy levels in elderly adults are associated with impaired function resembling mild forms of mitochondrial disease. METHODS. We examined platelet mtDNA heteroplasmy at 20 disease-causing sites for associations with neurosensory and mobility function among 137 participants from the community-based Health, Aging, and Body Composition Study. RESULTS. Elevated mtDNA heteroplasmy at four mtDNA sites in complex I and tRNA genes was nominally associated with reduced cognition, vision, hearing, and mobility: m.10158T>C with Modified Mini-Mental State Examination score (p = .009); m.11778G>A with contrast sensitivity (p = .02); m.7445A>G with high-frequency hearing (p = .047); and m.5703G>A with 400 m walking speed (p = .007). CONCLUSIONS. These results indicate that increased mtDNA heteroplasmy at disease-causing sites is associated with neurosensory and mobility function in older persons. We propose the novel use of mtDNA heteroplasmy as a simple, noninvasive predictor of age-related neurologic, sensory, and movement impairments