33 research outputs found

    A New Self-Tuning Nonlinear PID Motion Control for One-Axis Servomechanism with Uncertainty Consideration

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    This paper introduces a new study for one-axis servomechanism with consideration the parameter variation and system uncertainty. Also, a new approach for high-performance self-tuning nonlinear PID control was developed to track a preselected profile with high accuracy. Moreover, a comparison study between the proposed control technique and the well-known controllers (PID and Nonlinear PID). The optimal control parameters were determined based on the COVID-19 optimization technique. The parameters of the servomechanism system changed randomly at a preselected range through the online simulation. The change of these parameters acts as the nonlinearity resources (friction, backlash, environmental effects) and system uncertainty. A comparative study between the linear and nonlinear models had been accomplished and investigated. The results show that the proposed controller can track several operating points with high accuracy, low rise time, and small overshoot

    Adaptive Controller with PID, FOPID, and NPID Compensators for Tracking Control of Electric – Wind Vehicle

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    This paper presents a new combination between the Model Reference Adaptive Control (MRAC) with several types of PID’s controllers (PID, Fractional order PID (FOPID), and Nonlinear PID (NPID)) optimized using a new Covid-19 algorithm. The proposed control techniques had been applied on a new model for an electric-wind vehicle, which can catch the wind that blows in the opposite direction of a moving vehicle to receive wind; a wind turbine is installed on the vehicle’s front. The generator converts wind energy into electricity and stores it into a backup battery to switch it when the primary battery is empty. The simulation results prove that the new model of electric–wind vehicles will save power and allow the vehicle to continue moving while the other battery charges. In addition, a comparative study between different types of control algorithms had been developed and investigated to improve the vehicle dynamic response. The comparison shows that the MRAC with the NPID compensator can absorb the nonlinearity (air resistance and wheel friction) where it has a minimum overshoot, rise time, and settling time (35 seconds) among other control techniques compensators (PID and FOPID).

    Parallel distribution compensation PID based on Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model applied on egyptian load frequency control

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    This paper presents a new technique for a Takagi-Sugeno (TS) fuzzy parallels distribution compensation-PID'S (TSF-PDC-PID'S) to improve the performance of Egyptian load frequency control (ELFC). In this technique, the inputs to a TS Fuzzy model are the parameters of the change of operating points. The TS Fuzzy model can definite the suitable PID control for a certain operating point. The parameters of PID'S controllers are obtained by ant colony optimization (ACO) technique in each operating point based on an effective cost function. The system controlled by the proposed TSF-PDC-PID’S is investigated under different types of disturbances, uncertainty and parameters variations. The simulation results ensure that the TSF-PDC-PID'S can update the suitable PID controller at several operating points so, it has a good dynamic response under many types of disturbances compared to fixed Optimal PID controller

    Effect of Nitrophoska® and irrigation interval on root and sugar yield of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.), Gezira State, Sudan

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    Sugar beet is one of the promising crops in the Sudan due to its high root, sugar yield and by-products as an industrial crop. The crop is also a promising alternative energy crop for the production of ethanol. An experiment was conducted at the experimental Farm of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Gezira, Wad Medani, Sudan, during seasons 2012/13 and 2013/14. The objective was to investigate the effects of irrigation intervals (7, 14 and 21 days) and Nitrophoska (NPK compound fertilizer) rates (0, 100, 150 and 200 kg/ha) on root and sugar yield of sugar beet (Ballade cultivar) under Gezira conditions. Split-plot design with three replicates was used. Irrigation intervals were allotted to the main plots and Nitrophoska rates to the subplots. Results showed that shortening irrigation intervals from 21 to 14 and 7 days increased root diameter, root weight and root and sugar yields in both seasons. In addition, Nitrophoska rate of 150 kg/ha substantially improved most of the studied root characters and sugar yield in both seasons. Depending on the results of this study, to obtain high root and sugar yields from sugar beet Ballade cultivar, it could be recommended  to apply 150 kg/ha of  Nitrophoska  and  irrigate every 7 to14 days.   بنجر السكر من المحاصيل الواعدة في السودان وذلك نسبة لإنتاجيته العالية من الجذور والسكر ومنتجاته كمحصول صناعي. بنجر السكر من محاصيل الطاقة البديلة الواعدة لإنتاج الإيثانول. أجريت التجربة في المزرعة التجريبية، كلية العلوم الزراعية، جامعة الجزيرة، وادمدني، السودان في الموسمين 2012/ 13 و 2013/14م على التوالي. الهدف من التجربة هو دراسة تأثير فترات الري (7 و14 و21 يوم) ومعدلات سماد النيتروفوسكا المركب (0 و100 و150 و200 كجم للهكتار) على إنتاجية الجذور والسكر لبنجر السكر (صنف بلدي) تحت ظروف الجزيرة. تم إستخدام تصميم القطع المنشقة بثلاث تكرارات. أوضحت النتائج أن تقليل فترات الري من 21 الي 14 و7 زاد قطر الجذر ووزن الجذر وإنتاجية الجذور والسكر في كلا الموسمين. زيادة معدلات سماد النيتروفوسكا المركب من 0 الى أكثر 150 كجم للهكتار حسن بشكل كبير أغلب الصفات المدروسة للجذر وإنتاجية السكر في كلا الموسمين. إعتماداً على نتائج هذه الدراسة للحصول على أعلى إنتاجية من الجذور والسكر لمحصول بنجر السكر نوصي بإضافة سماد النيتروفوسكا بمعدل 150 كجم/هكتار على أن يروى المحصول كل 7 إلى 14 يو

    Exploring the antibacterial potential of plant extracts and essential oils against Bacillus thermophilus in beet sugar for enhanced sucrose retention: a comparative assessment and implications

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    Sugar beet is one of the greatest sources for producing sugar worldwide. However, a group of bacteria grows on beets during the storage process, leading to a reduction in sucrose yield. Our study focused on identifying common bacterial species that grow on beets during manufacturing and contribute to sucrose loss. The ultimate goal was to find a potential antibacterial agent from various plant extracts and oils to inhibit the growth of these harmful bacteria and reduce sucrose losses. The screening of bacterial species that grow on beet revealed that a large group of mesophilic bacteria, such as Bacillus subtilis, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Escherichia coli, Acinetobacter baumannii, Staphylococcus xylosus, Enterobacter amnigenus, and Aeromonas species, in addition to a dominant thermophilic species called Bacillus thermophilus, were found to be present during the manufacturing of beets. The application of 20 plant extracts and 13 different oils indicated that the extracts of Geranium gruinum, Datura stramonium, and Mentha spicata were the best antibacterials to reduce the growth of B. thermophilus with inhibition zones equal to 40, 39, and 35 mm, respectively. In contrast, the best active oils for inhibiting the growth of B. thermophilus were Mentha spicata and Ocimum bacilicum, with an inhibitory effect of 50 and 45 mm, respectively. RAPD-PCR with different primers indicated that treating sugar juice with the most effective oils against bacteria resulted in new recombinant microorganisms, confirming their roles as strong antibacterial products. The characterization of Mentha spicata and Ocimum bacilicum oils using GC/MS analysis identified cis-iso pulegone and hexadecanoic acid as the two main bioactive compounds with potential antibacterial activity. An analysis of five genes using DD-PCR that have been affected due to antibacterial activity from the highly effective oil from Mentha spicata concluded that all belonged to the family of protein defense. Our findings indicate that the application of these pure antibacterial plant extracts and oils would minimize the reduction of sucrose during sugar production.Peer Reviewe

    Prevalence and Determinants of Metabolic Syndrome in Qatar: Results from a National Health Survey

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    OBJECTIVES: To determine optimum measurements for abdominal obesity and to assess the prevalence and determinants of metabolic syndrome in Qatar. DESIGN: National health survey. SETTING: Qatar National STEPwise Survey conducted by the Supreme Council of Health during 2012. PARTICIPANTS: 2496 Qatari citizens aged 18-64 representative of the general population. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: Measure of obesity (body mass index, waist circumference or waist-to-height ratio) that best identified the presence of at least 2 other factors of metabolic syndrome; cut-off values of waist circumference; frequency of metabolic syndrome. RESULTS: Waist circumference ≥102 for men and ≥94 cm for women was the best predictor of the presence of other determinants of metabolic syndrome (raised blood pressure, fasting blood glucose, triglycerides and reduced high-density lipoprotein cholesterol). Using these values, we identified 28% of Qataris with metabolic syndrome, which is considerably lower than the estimate of 37% calculated using the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) criteria. Restricting the analysis to participants without known elevated blood pressure, elevated blood sugar or diabetes 16.5% would be classified as having metabolic syndrome. In a multivariable logistic regression analysis, the prevalence of metabolic syndrome increased steadily with age (OR=3.40 (95% CI 2.02 to 5.74), OR=5.66 (3.65 to 8.78), OR=10.2 (5.98 to 17.6) and OR=18.2 (7.01 to 47.5) for those in the age group \u2730-39\u27, \u2740-49\u27, \u2750-59\u27, \u2760-64\u27 vs \u2718-29\u27; p CONCLUSIONS: Waist circumference was the best measure of obesity to combine with other variables to construct a country-specific definition of metabolic syndrome in Qatar. Approximately 28% of adult Qatari citizens satisfy the criteria for metabolic syndrome, which increased significantly with age. Education and physical activity were inversely associated with this syndrome

    SLC4A10 mutation causes a neurological disorder associated with impaired GABAergic transmission

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    SLC4A10 is a plasma-membrane bound transporter which utilizes the Na+ gradient to drive cellular HCO3- uptake, thus mediating acid extrusion. In the mammalian brain, SLC4A10 is expressed in principal neurons and interneurons, as well as in epithelial cells of the choroid plexus, the organ regulating the production of cerebrospinal fluid. Using next generation sequencing on samples from five unrelated families encompassing ten affected individuals, we show that biallelic SLC4A10 loss-of-function variants cause a clinically recognizable neurodevelopmental disorder in humans. The cardinal clinical features of the condition include hypotonia in infancy, delayed psychomotor development across all domains and typically severe intellectual impairment. Affected individuals commonly display traits associated with autistic spectrum disorders including anxiety, hyperactivity and stereotyped movements. In two cases isolated episodes of seizures were reported in the first few years of life, and a further affected child displayed bitemporal epileptogenic discharges on EEG without overt clinical seizures. While occipitofrontal circumference was reported to be normal at birth, progressive postnatal microcephaly evolved in 7 out of 10 affected individuals. Neuroradiological features included a relative preservation of brain volume compared to occipitofrontal circumference, characteristic narrow sometimes 'slit-like' lateral ventricles and corpus callosum abnormalities. Slc4a10 -/- mice, deficient for SLC4A10, also display small lateral brain ventricles and mild behavioral abnormalities including delayed habituation and alterations in the 2-object novel object recognition task. Collapsed brain ventricles in both Slc4a10-/- mice and affected individuals suggests an important role of SLC4A10 in the production of the cerebrospinal fluid. However, it is notable that despite diverse roles of the cerebrospinal fluid in the developing and adult brain, the cortex of Slc4a10-/- mice appears grossly intact. Co-staining with synaptic markers revealed that in neurons, SLC4A10 localizes to inhibitory, but not excitatory, presynapses. These findings are supported by our functional studies which show the release of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA is compromised in Slc4a10-/- mice, while the release of the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate is preserved. Manipulation of intracellular pH partially rescues GABA release. Together our studies define a novel characteristic neurodevelopmental disorder associated with biallelic pathogenic variants in SLC4A10 and highlight the importance of further analyses of the consequences of SLC4A10 loss-of-function for brain development, synaptic transmission and network properties

    Design of Auto-Tuning Nonlinear PID Tracking Speed Control for Electric Vehicle with Uncertainty Consideration

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    This study presents a new auto-tuning nonlinear PID controller for a nonlinear electric vehicle (EV) model. The purpose of the proposed control was to achieve two aims. The first aim was to enhance the dynamic performance of the EV regarding internal and external disturbances. The second aim was to minimize the power consumption of the EV. To ensure that these aims were achieved, two famous controllers were implemented. The first was the PID controller based on the COVID-19 optimization. The second was the nonlinear PID (NPID) optimized controller, also using the COVID-19 optimization. Several driving cycles were executed to compare their dynamic performance and the power consumption. The results showed that the auto-tuning NPID had a smooth dynamic response, with a minimum rise and settling time compared to other control techniques (PID and NPID controllers). Moreover, it achieved low continuous power consumption throughout the driving cycles

    Brushless DC motor tracking control using self-tuning fuzzy PID control and model reference adaptive control

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    This paper compares the performance of two different control techniques applied to high performance brushless DC motor. The first scheme is self-tuning fuzzy PID controller and the second scheme is model reference adaptive control (MRAC) with PID compensator. The purpose of the control algorithm was to force the rotor speed to follow the desired reference speed with good accuracy all time. This objective should be achieved for different speed/time tracks regardless of load disturbance and parameter variations. The simulation results presented show that the second control scheme has better performance

    Brushless DC motor tracking control using self-tuning fuzzy PID control and model reference adaptive control

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    This paper compares the performance of two different control techniques applied to high performance brushless DC motor. The first scheme is self-tuning fuzzy PID controller and the second scheme is model reference adaptive control (MRAC) with PID compensator. The purpose of the control algorithm was to force the rotor speed to follow the desired reference speed with good accuracy all time. This objective should be achieved for different speed/time tracks regardless of load disturbance and parameter variations. The simulation results presented show that the second control scheme has better performance. Keywords: Brushless DC (BLDC) motor, Model reference adaptive control (MRAC