69 research outputs found

    Colorimetric study of absorption behavior of madder natural dye on nylon using scanner

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    A scanner has been used as a low-cost instrument for measuring the colorimetric parameters of dyed nylon. The nylonfabric is dyed with madder natural dye using non-mordanting, pre-mordanting, and meta-mordanting. Then, the dyedsamples are scanned by a scanner and the RGB values of obtained image are converted to CIELab and HSL color spaces. Itis found that the scanner is able to evaluate the colorimetric characteristics of dyed samples. The obtained results are foundcomparable to the spectrophotometer results

    Mathematical modeling of absorption behavior of acid dye onto wool fibre using law of conservation of mass

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    The absorption behavior of acid dye on wool fibre has been studied using isotherm, absorption kinetic and law of mass conservation equations. The Langmuir, Freundlich and Freundlich-Langmuir isotherm equations are used to represent the adsorption isotherm of acid dyes on wool. The findings show that the best fit to the adsorption isotherms for acid dyes by wool fibres is obtained by Freundlich-Langmuir model. The pseudo- first and second-order models of absorption kinetics are used to investigate the absorption behavior of acid dye on wool fibre. The obtained result shows good agreement between the practical data and the pseudo- second-order model of absorption kinetic. Also, the law of conservation of mass has been used for modeling the acid dye distribution during dyeing process and the rate of dye uptake by wool fibre. The performance of suggested mathematical model is acceptable

    Effect of TiO2 nanoparticle on light fastness and degradation of dyedfabric with direct dye

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    The photocatalytic degradation of various dye solutions has been studied using nanoTiO2 (NTO) as a catalyst. The effect ofNTO on the light fastness of dyed cotton fabric has been studied using two different dyes, namely Direct Blue 71 and Direct Red 31with high and low light fastness respectively. After dyeing, the fabric is coated with NTO using a dip-pad–dry-cure process. Thecoated fabrics are then exposed to UV light for different periods of time. The results indicate that the coated cotton fabrics show asignificant photo-oxidative activity under UV light. The color change of cotton fabric dyed with Direct Blue 71 with high lightfastness is found less than that of the sample dyed with Direct red 31 with low light fastness

    Fabrication and Characterization of Covalently Functionalized poly Caprolactone Scaffold for Bone Tissue Engineering Application

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    Background: Healing bone involves osteoconductive and osteoinductive components as well as a scaffold with adequate porosity to allow good cell infiltration.Materials and Methods: Herein, cytocompatibility and osteogenic induction potential of polycaprolactone (PCL) nanofibrous electrospun scaffold with different electron microscopy, MTT assay, DAPI and alizarin porosities (35%-90%) and chemical bonding was assessed through scanning red S staining, calcium content and alkaline phosphatase assay. Moreover, the relative expression of three important osteogenic-related genes Col I, RUNX 2 and osteocalcin was studied.Results: Covalent bonding played a more significant osteogenic role in scaffolds in scaffolds with lower porosity, namely H35cov. Although low porosity limits cell infiltration, substrate with lower porosities were easier to handle. On the other hand, substrates with higher porosity showed higher levels of cell proliferation, mineralization as well as osteogenic differentiation.Conclusion: Results indicated that PCL scaffold with higher porosity degree up to 90%, covalently functionalized by collagen, and hydroxyapatite nanoparticles was a good candidate for bone tissue engineering applications

    Dramapedagoške tehnike u razvijanju govora u nastavi njemačkog kao stranog jezika

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    Das Thema dieser Arbeit sind dramapädagogische Techniken zur Förderung des Sprechens im Deutschunterricht als Fremdsprache. Die Arbeit besteht aus zwei Haupteilen, dem theoretischen und dem empirischen Teil. Im theoretischen Teil bespricht man die Grundbedeutung „Dramapädagogik“ und ihre historische Entwicklung, führt die Versuche ihrer Bedeutungsbestimmung und ihre Verbindung mit Theater auf und gibt konkrete Beschreibungen von dramapädagogischen Aufgaben zur „Aufwärmung“ und dramapädagogische Techniken im Unterricht. Der empirische Teil beginnt mit einer Einleitung in die Aktionsforschung und ihren Zweck. Darauffolgend wird die Methodologie der Aktionsforschung vorgestellt, ihre Resultate und die Diskussion über die gewonnenen Daten. Das Hauptziel der Aktionsforschung war die Förderung des Sprechens bei Schülern auf Deutsch durch die Anwendung von dramapädagogischen Techniken. Im Einklang mit den Merkmalen und Charakteristiken der Aktionsforschungen wurde eine Unterrichtstunde entworfen, in der Länge von 45 Minuten, gedacht für die zweite Klasse einer Mittelschule. Die Resultate der Aktionsforschung zeigen, dass die dramapädagogischen Aktivitäten den Schülern interessant sind und ihre Motivation zum aktiven Sprechen im Fremdsprachenunterricht fördern. Die Schüler kamen in Situationen, die nicht nur ihre geistig- sprachlichen Fähigkeiten erfordern, sondern auch die Körpersprache, gemeinsame Aushandlung von Bedeutung und emotionales Verständnis. Durch die Anwendung und Realisierung des dramapädagogischen Zugangs wird das Erlernen einer Fremdsprache auf ein höheres Niveau gebracht, weil es unter anderem die Phantasie, Kreativität, Spontanität und Originalität der Schüler weckt. Somit kann man darauf schließen, dass der dramapädagogische Zugang viel mehr Vorteile aufweist, als der herkömmliche Unterricht, der auf Inhalt und Fakten basiert.Tema ovog rada su dramapedagoške tehnike u procesu razvoja govora u nastavi njemačkog kao stranog jezika. Rad je podijeljen u dvije osnovne cjeline, teorijski i empirijski dio. U teorijskom dijelu rada polazi se od temeljnog pojma „Dramapädagogik“, povijesnog razvoja ove metode, pokušaja definiranja pojma, pojašnjenja temelja dramapedagogije te njezinih poveznica s kazalištem i nastavom stranog jezika. Navedeni dio završava opisom konkretnih dramapedagoških vježbi za „zagrijavanje“ i dramapedagoških tehnika u nastavi. U empirijskom se dijelu daje uvod u akcijsko istraživanje i njegovu svrhu, daje opis metodologije akcijskog istraživanja, prikazuju se rezultati i diskutira o dobivenim podatcima. Osnovni je cilj istraživanja bio unaprijediti i potaknuti razvoj govora učenika na njemačkom jeziku korištenjem dramapedagoških tehnika. U skladu s obilježjima i karakteristikama akcijskog istraživanja, osmišljen je jedan nastavni sat njemačkog jezika kroz dramapedagoški pristup, u trajanju od 45 minuta. Navedeni je sat ostvaren s učenicima drugog razreda srednje škole. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su kako su dramapedagoške aktivnosti učenicima zabavne te da promiču njihovu interakciju i motivaciju za aktivnim sudjelovanjem i govorom u nastavi stranog jezika. Učenici su se našli u situacijama koje nisu zahtijevale primjenu samo njihovih intelektualnih vještina, već i govor tijela, zajedničko konstruiranje značenja te emocionalno razumijevanje. Ostvarivanjem dramapedagoškog pristupa u nastavi učenje stranog jezika podiže se na višu razinu jer se, između ostaloga, razvija i učenikova mašta, kreativnost, spontanost i originalnost. Prema tome može se zaključiti kako dramapedagoški pristup nastavi ima puno više prednosti u odnosu na konvencionalnu, tradicionalnu nastavu koja je usmjerena samo na sadržaj i činjenično znanje

    Wnt-signalling pathways and microRNAs network in carcinogenesis: experimental and bioinformatics approaches

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    Over the past few years, microRNAs (miRNAs) have not only emerged as integral regulators of gene expression at the post-transcriptional level but also respond to signalling molecules to affect cell function(s). miRNAs crosstalk with a variety of the key cellular signalling networks such as Wnt, transforming growth factor-? and Notch, control stem cell activity in maintaining tissue homeostasis, while if dysregulated contributes to the initiation and progression of cancer. Herein, we overview the molecular mechanism(s) underlying the crosstalk between Wntsignalling components (canonical and non-canonical) and miRNAs, as well as changes in the miRNA/Wnt-signalling components observed in the different forms of cancer. Furthermore, the fundamental understanding of miRNAmediated regulation of Wnt-signalling pathway and vice versa has been significantly improved by high-throughput genomics and bioinformatics technologies. Whilst, these approaches have identified a number of specific miRNA(s) that function as oncogenes or tumour suppressors, additional analyses will be necessary to fully unravel the links among conserved cellular signalling pathways and miRNAs and their potential associated components in cancer, thereby creating therapeutic avenues against tumours. Hence, we also discuss the current challenges associated with Wnt-signalling/miRNAs complex and the analysis using the biomedical experimental and bioinformatics approaches

    Electrospinning and optical properties of polyacrylonitrile / carbon quantum dots fluorescent nanocomposite nanofibres  

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    The optical properties and structural characteristics of polyacrylonitrile nanofibres containing two different types of fluorescent compounds, prepared by an electrospinning technique have been studied. The electrospinning solution has been prepared by dissolving the PAN powder at various concentrations in N,N- dimethyl formamide. Carbon quantum dots nanoparticles (CQD) as a fluorescent agent, and Disperse Blue 354 as a fluorescent dye, have been used to produce fluorescent composite nanofibres. The effect of the fluorescent agent on the optical properties of the nanofibres has been evaluated by producing nanofibres with fluorescent dye or CQD nanoparticles at various concentrations. The structural and optical properties of the collected composites nanofibres are characterized using polarizing optical microscopy, field emission-scanning electron microscopy and photoluminescence spectrometry. The results show that the emission and fluorescent properties of the nanofibres depend on the nanofibres diameter, and the type and concentration of the fluorescent materials. The fluorescence intensity is increased with decreasing diameter of the fluorescent nanofibres. In addition, the emission of the nanofibres containing the CQDs is greater than that of the pure nanofibres and nanofibres with the fluorescent dy

    A Study into Theoretical Basics of Self-Ownership in Cosmetic Surgery in the Light of Iranian Criminal Law

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    The response to the complicated issue of the scope of self-ownership has shed light on the issues like unnecessary cosmetic surgery, gender reassignment surgery, and organ transplant in the convicts of execution. From the viewpoint of Islamic jurisprudential doctrines, there are a myriad of disagreements over the subject of whether men are the owners of their organs or not. The resulted approach is that Islamic viewpoint, contrary to western ideologies which are humanistic, does not completely accept self-ownership. From the viewpoint of Islamic jurisprudence, freedom of men and their dominance on their body is an axiom but cannot expose them to unreasonable harm. From the standpoint of western legal theory, the proponents of self-ownership believe men are the owners of their organs and thus maintain that this law faces some limitations in the framework of natural law. Moreover, they hold that criminalization of unreasonable harm to self is not to be justified. In contrast, those who believe in the moral patriarchal theory object to self-ownership and justify the criminalization of such conducts. The present article analyzes the afore-mentioned standpoints through a descriptive method and then compares unreasonable cosmetic surgery in the criminal law of Iran with those of England and

    Concise review: Emerging Drugs Targeting Epithelial Cancer Stem-like Cells

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    Increasing evidence suggests that cancer cell populations contain a small proportion of cells that display stem‐like cell properties and which may be responsible for overall tumor maintenance. These cancer stem‐like cells (CSCs) appear to have unique tumor‐initiating ability and innate survival mechanisms that allow them to resist cancer therapies, consequently promoting relapses. Selective targeting of CSCs may provide therapeutic benefit and several recent reports have indicated this may be possible. In this article, we review drugs targeting CSCs, in selected epithelial cell‐derived cancers

    Morphological alterations of cultured human colorectal matched tumour and healthy organoids.

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    Organoids have extensive applications in many fields ranging from modelling human development and disease, personalised medicine, drug screening, etc. Moreover, in the last few years, several studies have evaluated the capacity of organoids as transplantation sources for therapeutic approaches and regenerative medicine. Nevertheless, depending on the origin of the cells and anatomical complications, an organoid transplant may make tissue regeneration difficult. However, some essential aspects of organoids including the morphological alterations and the growth pattern of the matched tumour and their healthy derived organoids have received less attention. Therefore, the current work focused on culturing matched healthy and tumour organoids from the same patient with colorectal cancer (CRC) and assessed their timed growth and structural differences on a daily basis. The healthy organoids underwent proliferation and branching morphogenesis, while the tumour organoids did not follow the same pattern, and the majority of them developed cystic structures instead. However, the number and size of tumour organoids were different from one patient to another. The differential morphological changes of the healthy versus human colonic tumour organoids likely linked to distinct molecular and cellular events during each day. Thus, while their specific structural features provide valuable in vitro models to study various aspects of human intestinal/colon tissue homeostasis and CRC which avoid or replace the use of animals in research, this model may also hold a great promise for the transplantation and regenerative medicine applications