2,649 research outputs found

    Imipenem resistance in clinical Escherichia coli from Qom, Iran

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    OBJECTIVE: The emergence of metallo-\u3b2-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae is a worldwide health concern. In this study, the first evaluation of MBL genes, bla IMP and bla VIM , in Escherichia coli resistant to imipenem isolated from urine and blood specimens in Qom, Iran is described. Three hundred urine and blood specimens were analysed to detect the presence of E. coli. Resistance to imipenem and other antimicrobials was determined by disk diffusion and MIC. MBL production was screened using CDDT. PCR was also carried out to determine the presence of bla IMP and bla VIM genes in imipenem-resistant isolates. RESULTS: In total, 160 E. coli isolates were collected from March to May 2016. According to disk diffusion, high-level of resistance (20%) to cefotaxime was observed, whereas the lowest (1%) was detected for tetracycline. In addition, five isolates showed resistance to imipenem with a MIC\u2009 65\u20094 \ub5g/mL. CDDT test confirmed that five isolates were MBL-producing strains, but no bla IMP and bla VIM genes were detected. Results of this study show a very low level of resistance to imipenem in our geographical area

    Sound-Induced Flash Illusion is Resistant to Feedback Training

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    A single flash accompanied by two auditory beeps tends to be perceived as two flashes (Shams et al. Nature 408:788, 2000, Cogn Brain Res 14:147–152, 2002). This phenomenon is known as ‘sound-induced flash illusion.’ Previous neuroimaging studies have shown that this illusion is correlated with modulation of activity in early visual cortical areas (Arden et al. Vision Res 43(23):2469–2478, 2003; Bhattacharya et al. NeuroReport 13:1727–1730, 2002; Shams et al. NeuroReport 12(17):3849–3852, 2001, Neurosci Lett 378(2):76–81, 2005; Watkins et al. Neuroimage 31:1247–1256, 2006, Neuroimage 37:572–578, 2007; Mishra et al. J Neurosci 27(15):4120–4131, 2007). We examined how robust the illusion is by testing whether the frequency of the illusion can be reduced by providing feedback. We found that the sound-induced flash illusion was resistant to feedback training, except when the amount of monetary reward was made dependent on accuracy in performance. However, even in the latter case the participants reported that they still perceived illusory two flashes even though they correctly reported single flash. Moreover, the feedback training effect seemed to disappear once the participants were no longer provided with feedback suggesting a short-lived refinement of discrimination between illusory and physical double flashes rather than vanishing of the illusory percept. These findings indicate that the effect of sound on the perceptual representation of visual stimuli is strong and robust to feedback training, and provide further evidence against decision factors accounting for the sound-induced flash illusion

    Band-edge Bilayer Plasmonic Nanostructure for Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy

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    Spectroscopic analysis of large biomolecules is critical in a number of applications, including medical diagnostics and label-free biosensing. Recently, it has been shown that Raman spectroscopy of proteins can be used to diagnose some diseases, including a few types of cancer. These experiments have however been performed using traditional Raman spectroscopy and the development of the Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) assays suitable for large biomolecules could lead to a substantial decrease in the amount of specimen necessary for these experiments. We present a new method to achieve high local field enhancement in surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy through the simultaneous adjustment of the lattice plasmons and localized surface plasmon polaritons, in a periodic bilayer nanoantenna array resulting in a high enhancement factor over the sensing area, with relatively high uniformity. The proposed plasmonic nanostructure is comprised of two interacting nanoantenna layers, providing a sharp band-edge lattice plasmon mode and a wide-band localized surface plasmon for the separate enhancement of the pump and emitted Raman signals. We demonstrate the application of the proposed nanostructure for the spectral analysis of large biomolecules by binding a protein (streptavidin) selectively on the hot-spots between the two stacked layers, using a low concentration solution (100 nM) and we successfully acquire its SERS spectrum

    Large eddy simulation of cavitation inception in a high speed flow over an open cavity

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    Large-eddy simulation of flow over an open cavity corresponding to the experimental setup of Liu and Katz [1] is performed. The flow Reynolds number based on the cavity length and the free stream velocity is 170;000. The filtered, incompressible Navier-Stokes equations are solved using a co-located grid finite-volume solver with the dynamic Smagorinsky model for subgrid scale closure. The computational grid consists of around five million grid points with two million points clustered around the shear layer and the wall-layer over the leading edge is resolved. The only input from the experimental data is the mean velocity profile at the inlet condition. The mean flow is superimposed with turbulent velocity fluctuations generated by solving a forced periodic duct flow at free-stream Reynolds number. The flow statistics, including mean and rms velocity fields and pressure coefficients, are compared with the experimental data to show reasonable agreement. Cavitation inception is investigated using two approaches: (i) a discrete bubble model wherein the bubble dynamics is computed by solving the Rayleigh-Plesset and the bubble motion equations using an adaptive time-stepping procedure, and (ii) a scalar transport model for the liquid volume fraction with source and sink terms for phase change. The cavitation inception occurs near the trailing edge similar to that observed in the experiments. A periodic growth and decay of bubble size and liquid vapor fraction is observed above the trailing edge owing to local variations in pressure minima. The dynamic interactions between traveling vortices in the shear layer and the trailing edge affect the value and location of the pressure minima.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/84268/1/CAV2009-final73.pd

    Discrete alpha-skew-Laplace Distribution

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    Classical discrete distributions rarely support modelling data on the set of whole integers. In this paper, we shall introduce a flexible discrete distribution on this set, which can, in addition, cover bimodal as well as unimodal data sets. The proposed distribution can also be fitted to positive and negative skewed data. The distribution is indeed a discrete counterpart of the continuous alpha-skew-Laplace distribution recently introduced in the literature. The proposed distribution can also be viewed as a weighted version of the discrete Laplace distribution. Several distributional properties of this class such as cumulative distribution function, moment generating function, moments, modality, infinite divisibility and its truncation are studied. A simulation study is also performed. Finally, a real data set is used to show applicability of the new model comparing to several rival models, such as the discrete normal and Skellam distributions
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