751 research outputs found

    HIF-1β Positively Regulates NF-κB Activity via Direct Control of TRAF6

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    NF-B signalling is crucial for cellular responses to inflammation but has also been associated with the hypoxia response. NF-B and HIF transcription factors possess an intense molecular crosstalk. Although it is known that HIF-1beta modulates NF-kappaB transcriptional response, very little is understood regarding how HIF-1beta contributes to NF-kappaB signalling. Here, we demonstrate that HIF-1beta is required for full NF-kappaB activation in cells following canonical and non-canonical stimuli. We found that HIF-1beta specifically controls TRAF6 expression in human cells but also in Drosophila melanogaster. HIF-1beta binds to the TRAF6 gene and controls its expression independently of HIF-1alpha. Furthermore, exogenous TRAF6 expression is able to rescue all of the cellular phenotypes observed in the absence of HIF-1beta. These results indicate that HIF-1beta is an important regulator of NF-kappaB with consequences for homeostasis and human disease.</jats:p

    Reinforced Concrete Beams with Drop-in- Ends of Vertical and Inclined Reinforcement and having Pockets Loaded by In-Plane Static Forces

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    This research presents an experimental investigation on the behaviour of RC dapped end beams with loaded openings that have been strengthened initially with four different techniques including steel fibre concrete, inclined crossed bars, jacketing with steel plates and the composite section technique. Ten specimens with a rectangular opening at the midspan are tested under in-plane point load within opening. Such beams are categorized into two groups with five specimens per group. The dapped end zone of the first group is reinforced with standard vertical stirrups, while for the other groups inclined bar reinforcement has been used. Two main parameters have been considered which are the detailing of the reinforcement around the opening and the effect of inclusion of the dapped ends. The response has been discussed in terms the first cracking load, ultimate load, maximum deflection, failure modes, load-deflection curves, crack patterns, crack width, to recognize the optimum strengthening proposal of the opening. Results indicated that the modified reinforcement configurations of the dapped ends yielded better response and the ultimate load increased when adopting the composite section method in (21-23%) relative to the conventional beams.  Regarding strengthening by steel SFRC method, an improvement in load capacity by (8-10%) has been observed. Whereas, strengthening with crossed inclined bars yielded an enhancement of (8.5-11%). Furthermore, using steel plates increases the load capacity by about (11-13%)

    Reinforced Concrete Beams with Drop-in- Ends of Vertical and Inclined Reinforcement and having Pockets Loaded by In-Plane Static Forces

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    This research presents an experimental investigation on the behaviour of RC dapped end beams with loaded openings that have been strengthened initially with four different techniques including steel fibre concrete, inclined crossed bars, jacketing with steel plates and the composite section technique. Ten specimens with a rectangular opening at the midspan are tested under in-plane point load within opening. Such beams are categorized into two groups with five specimens per group. The dapped end zone of the first group is reinforced with standard vertical stirrups, while for the other groups inclined bar reinforcement has been used. Two main parameters have been considered which are the detailing of the reinforcement around the opening and the effect of inclusion of the dapped ends. The response has been discussed in terms the first cracking load, ultimate load, maximum deflection, failure modes, load-deflection curves, crack patterns, crack width, to recognize the optimum strengthening proposal of the opening. Results indicated that the modified reinforcement configurations of the dapped ends yielded better response and the ultimate load increased when adopting the composite section method in (21-23%) relative to the conventional beams.  Regarding strengthening by steel SFRC method, an improvement in load capacity by (8-10%) has been observed. Whereas, strengthening with crossed inclined bars yielded an enhancement of (8.5-11%). Furthermore, using steel plates increases the load capacity by about (11-13%)

    Numerical analysis of the Taylor Galerkin Pressure Correction (TGPC) finite element method for Newtonian fluid

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    In this study, a time stepping Taylor Galerkin Pressure Correction finite element scheme (TGPC) is investigated on the basis of incompressible Newtonian flows. Naiver-Stoke partial differential equations have been used to describe the motion of the fluid. The equations consist of a time-dependent continuity equation for conservation of mass and time-dependent conservation of momentum equations. Examples considered include a start-up of Poiseuille flow in a rectangular channel for the Newtonian fluid. In that context, three different meshes 2×2, 5×5 and 10×10 are implemented to investigate the effect mesh refinements on the accuracy of the solution. In addition, the behaviour of velocity and pressure are reported in this study. Keywords: Finite element methods, Taylor expansion, Naiver-Stoke equations, Newtonian fluid, Galerkin metho

    Molecular Localization of Epstein Barr Virus and Rb Tumor Suppressor Gene Expression in Tissues from Prostatic Adenocarcinoma and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

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    Background Epstein- Barr virus (EBV) is a ubiquitous in that infecting more than 90% of adult population worldwide. Recently, EBV has been linked to the development of variety of human malignancies including prostate tissues that range from benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) to prostatic adenocarcinoma (PAC). Somatic point mutations in Rb gene have been detected in prostate cancer and are involved in progression steps of prostate carcinogenesis. Objective: To analyze the distribution and impact of concordant Rb expression and latent EBV infection on a group of prostate adenocarcinoma and benign prostatic hyperplasia. Patients and methods: Seventy- two (72) formalin-fixed, paraffin- embedded  prostatic tissues were obtained in this study; (40) biopsies from prostatic carcinoma and  (20) from benign prostate hyperplasia as well as (12) apparently normal prostatic  autopsies control group. Detection of EBV-EBERs was done by ultra sensitive version of in situ hybridization method where as immunohistochemistry detection system was used to demonstrate the expression of Rb gene. Results: Detection of EBV-EBERs -ISH reactions in tissues with PAC was observed in 19 out of 40 (47.5%), while in the tissues from BPH was detected in 10% (2 out of 20). No EBV-EBERs positive – ISH reaction was detected in healthy prostate tissues in the control group.   The differences between the percentages of EBERs detection in tissues PAC and each of BPH &amp; control groups were statistically highly significant (P value = &lt; 0.0001). Positive Rb immunohistochemical (IHC) reactions were observed in 19 PAC cases (47.5%) and in 2 BPH cases (10%). Conclusions: Our results indicate that the EBV might contribute to the development of subset of prostate tumors. In addition, the significant percentage of expression of possible Rb gene as well as EBV in prostate adenocarcinoma could indicate for an important role of these molecular and viral factors in prostatic carcinogenesis. Key word: EBV; prostate adenocarcinoma, benign prostatic hyperplasia, in situ hybridization

    Top soil layer equi-electrical conductivity and pollution with salts mapping for a region located within Baghdad city

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    This research deals with the study of top soil electrical conductive regions located within Baghdad City. The research included measuring the dissolved soil material extraction Electrical Conductivity (EC) with an aqueous solution for the top (0-30 cm) soil layer of the study area. As the electrical conductivity values increase by increasing the amount of dissolved salts in principle, we can consider that the aim of this research is to predict the amount and distribution of (soil contamination with salts) which is represented by the (Salt Index), this factor calculated for each soil representative sample taken from the region with a depth of (30 cm). Laboratory (EC) test values measured by the use of solutions (EC) digital meter for the extract of the dissolved soils with a distilled de-ionized water using the ratio of (2:1) .The distributed (EC) values for the field representative soil samples used lately to plot a contour equi-electrical conductivity map and EC soil fluctuation profiles, in which reflected the top soil layer salinity distribution according to Tigris river position in the study area , also it reflects the increase and decrease of this layer salinity in a relation to the river position. This study concluded that the highest soil salinity concentrations located at the southern east part of the study area, while the lowest concentrations are located on the intersection areas with Tigris river stream, other areas in which are few kilometers far from the river stream showed moderate salinity concentrations. These results could be helpful for Environmental and agricultural benefits, through identifying the salty soil pollution region and look for ways of treatment

    Incidence of reexploration in cardiac surgery under cardio pulmonary bypass

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    INTRODUCTION: Cardiac Surgery being the most modern and conceptualized surgery which involves cardiopulmonary bypass Clotting Mechanism, Temperature Control, Haemodilution and Cardiolegic arrest, etc. The failure off any off these mechanisms ends up in a cascading effect of morbidity and mortality of the patients. The complications associated in the post operative period like cardiac failure renal dysfunction, pulmonary dysfunction and cerebrovascular accident play a major role in determining the outcome. Post operative bleeding and Reexploration are inherent complications associated with cardiac surgery. The Adverse out come as a result of postoperative bleeding and Reexploration has been the subject of the present study. AIMS OF THE STUDY: The present study was primarily undertaken to study the incidence off Reexploration in Cardiac Surgery among patients subjected to cardio pulmonary bypass at department off cardio thoracic surgery, Madras Medical College, Chennai. Thereby identifying the factors contributing to Reexploration and adapting suitable measures to reduce the incidence of Reexploration. Reexploration remains a inherent complication associated with open heart surgery which in turn contributes towards increased morbidity, prolonged hospitalization infection, multiple organ dysfunction and even death. OBJECTIVES: To assess mortality and risk factors associated with Reexploration for hemorrhage in patients under going open heart surgery. To initiate appropriate steps in reducing the incidence of Reexploration. During the course of this study an effort has been made to highlight the cost off hospitalization resulting from Reexploration. The incidence of complications resulting from the same and the their management. The pre, intra and post operative measures that play a vital role have been stressed upon. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The present study was conducted at Department of Cardio thoracic Surgery, Madras Medical College, Govt. General Hospital, Chennai. From September 2004 to March 2007. Among 1131 patients who underwent cardiac surgery under cardio pulmonary bypass. Patients who had problem of bleeding underwent Reexploration. An overall incidence of Reexploration was 2.12% (24 / 1131) of patients. Patients included in the study belonged to both sexes and age groups varying from 11 to 68 years. The patients were subjected to routine investigations. CONCLUSIONS: Attention towards meticulous haemostasis prior to closure is Mandatory. Sound surgical technique will reduce incidence of bleeding from sites of Cannulation and Anastomosis. Adoption OFF PUMP CABG has shown to reduce incidence of post operative bleeding and Morbidity when compare to ON PUMPCABG. Adoption of Hemostatic Technique for internal mammary artery anastomotic bleeding by which hemostasis can be achieved without the risk of anastomotic stenosis or aggravation of the bleeding, as it avoids placing sutures over the anastomotic suture line. Patients predicted to have increased risks of bleeding may benefit from prophylactic use of aprotinin, aminocaproic acid, or other agents shown to reduce hemorrhage. The inherent risk of complications in a patient undergoing Open Heart Surgery can the avoided by encouraging TRANSCATHETER, MITRAL VALVOPLASTY, AORTIC VALVOPLASTY, PULMONARY VALVOPLASTY, and clam shell closure of ATRIAL SEPTAL DEFECT

    Influence of Cold Plasma on Sesame Paste and the Nano Sesame Paste Based on Co-occurrence Matrix

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    يهدف البحث الى معرفة تأثير البلازما الباردة على البكتيريا المزروعة على راشي السمسم في جسيماته الطبيعية وحجم جسيمات النانو. بدءًا من استخدام عملية تجزئة الصور اعتمادًا على طريقة العتبة، يتم استخدامها للتخلص من انعكاس الشرائح الزجاجية التي توضع عليها عينات السمسم. تم تنفيذ عملية التصنيف لفصل راشي السمسم الطبيعي عن غير الطبيعي. الراشي غير الطبيعي يظهرعندما نمت البكتيريا على راشي السمسم بعد تركه  لمدة يومين في الهواء، ان عملية التصنيف الموجه  معدل k-  استخدمت  لتصنيف المنطقة المصابة والمنطقة الطبيعية والمنطقة المعالجة. والبكتريا المعالجة بالبلازما الباردة، مدة التعرض دقيقتان. تم حساب الميزات التركيبية المتعلقة بمصفوفة التدرج اللوني ذات المستوى الرمادي للنسيج الطبيعي وغير الطبيعي والمعالج، ومن الواضح أن مجموعة  النسيج المعالج لها أفضل الميزات مقارنة باالمجاميع  الأخرى. أظهرت النتيجة أن راشي السمسم المعالج بالبلازما له نتائج جيدة مقارنة مع راشي السمسم النانوي  المعالج بالبلازما. وذلك لأن البلازما تزود راشي السمسم بالحرارة وتجعل جزيئات السمسم النانوية تتجمع معًا.The aim of the research is to investigate the effect of cold plasma on the bacteria grown on texture of sesame paste in its normal particle and nano particle size. Starting by using the image segmentation process depending on the threshold method, it is used to get rid of the reflection of the glass slides on which the sesame samples are placed.  The classification process implemented to separate the sesame paste texture from normal and abnormal texture. The abnormal texture appears when the bacteria has been grown on the sesame paste after being left for two days in the air, unsupervised k-mean classification process used to classify the infected region, the normal region and the treated region. The bacteria treated with cold plasma, the time exposure is two minutes. The textural features related to gray level co-occurrence matrix are calculated for the normal, abnormal and the treated texture, it is obvious that the treated texture class has the best features compared with the other classes. The result shows the sesame paste treated with plasma has good result compared with nano sesame paste treated with plasma.  This is because the plasma provides the sesame paste with heat and makes the sesame nano particle congregate together

    Clarity and Visual Ratios of the Vibrant Place Making

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    One of the most important components of the city is the place, which generates interest in it being the city’s basic urban structure, This concern has led to the emergence of a new concept, the placemaking, where the concept of placemaking is not based on the dimensions of physical space, but also focuses on social dimensionsand the satisfaction of the population and their wishes and needs, And emerged several trends for the urban placemaking, and because the center of the city of Diwaniya suffers from neglect and deterioration and the migration of activities to the outskirts of the city, Where it is necessary to find a trend that reinvigorates thecenter, which is the orientation of the vibrant placemaking, which deals exclusively with the centers of cities and combines within it several other directions for the placemaking, The problem of research is reflected in the lack of clarity of the relationship between urban planning and urban design and the assumption that the relationship between design and urban planning is produced through the vibrant placemaking, and in order to determine the relationship and build indicators from the relationship between urban planning and urban design for the vibrant placemaking, The main vocabulary, which has been tested with the tasks and objectives of urban planning and urban design standards to extract the final indicators, which interact as a system and integrated unit, Two quantitative indicators, which are directly measurable and qualitative indicators, measured by the questionnaire, And the most important conclusions and recommendations increase the amount of diversity in activities and intensities and exclusion of inappropriate uses and attention to individuals and buildings heritage and the positive interaction resulting from the establishment of rituals, which creates perception and memory Assembly, Enhancing the spatial character through the human scale, adopting a clear methodology for urban development, preparing detailed plans, raising the functional efficiency of the planningstaff, and attracting large investments for the purpose of the vibrant placemaking in the city center of Diwaniyah city