17 research outputs found

    Research of emergency cascade processes on simulation models of test and real electric power systems

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    In this work, a heterogeneous electric power system (EPS) is investigated for the possible occurrence of cascade emergency processes. In the process of computational experiments, simulation models of test and real EPS were created in which of voltages of 6, 35, 110, 500 kV is presented. The calculation of the trajectories of the possible occurrence and development of a cascade process in the event of a disturbance (N-1) in the EPS has been performed. For the investigated EPS, a model of visual representation of the heterogeneous surface of the parameters that affect the possibility of the occurrence and development of cascade processes in the EPS has been created. The study carried out on the basis of the developed methods (search for paths of the emergence and development of cascade processes, visual representation of the heterogeneous surface of EPS parameters) allows projecting the results obtained for making effective management decisions to improve survivability when designing the development of real power systems


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    The aim is to construct the theory of the single-sideband communication with single-sideband frequency and phase modulations, to develop the methods for formation and processing of the signals with single-sideband angle modulation (SSAM). The theory of single-sideband communication systems with angle modulation has been constructed. The theories of signal transmitters and receivers with SSAM and also the theoriem of the frequency multipliers and dividers on base of the single-sideband modulation have been developed. The circuits of signal transmitters and receivers with single-sideband angle modulation and methods of their designing have been developed. The monography and text-book for fields 2301 and 2308 have been publishedAvailable from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio

    Economic efficiency of facts devices in increasing vitality of electric power systems

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    The article proposes a model of an electric power system (EPS), in which the calculation of normal and emergency modes is carried out, possible trajectories of the development of cascade processes of an emergency nature are determined. On the basis of experimental calculations, a tool is proposed to increase the survivability and reduce the risk of the possibility of the occurrence and development of cascade processes in the EPS. This approach allows you to make sound technical and economic decisions at the design and development stage of the EPS. In accordance with the results of the study, a technical and economic comparison of the options for increasing the survivability of the EPS was carried out