100 research outputs found

    TDCOSMO. XI. New lensing galaxy redshift and velocity dispersion measurements from Keck spectroscopy of eight lensed quasar systems

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    We have measured the redshifts and single-aperture velocity dispersions of eight lens galaxies using the data collected by the Echellette Spectrograph and Imager (ESI) and Low Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (LRIS) at W.M. Keck observatory on different observing nights spread over three years (2018-2020). These results, combined with other ancillary data, such as high-resolution images of the lens systems, and time delays, are necessary to increase the sample size of the quasar-galaxy lens systems for which the Hubble constant can be measured, using the time-delay strong lensing method, hence increasing the precision of its inference. Typically, the 2D spectra of the quasar-galaxy lens systems get spatially blended due to seeing by ground-based observations. As a result, the extracted lensing galaxy (deflector) spectra become significantly contaminated by quasar light, which affects the ability to extract meaningful information about the deflector. To account for spatial blending and extract less contaminated and higher signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) 1D spectra of the deflectors, a forward modeling method has been implemented. From the extracted spectra, we have measured redshifts using prominent absorption lines and single aperture velocity dispersions using the penalized pixel fitting code pPXF. In this paper, we report the redshifts and single aperture velocity dispersions of eight lens galaxies - J0147+4630, B0445+123, B0631+519, J0659+1629, J0818-2613, J0924+0219, J1433+6007, and J1817+2729. Among these systems, six do not have previously measured velocity dispersions; for the other two, our measurements are consistent with previously reported values. Additionally, we have measured the previously unknown redshifts of the deflectors in J0818-2613 and J1817+2729 to be 0.866±0.0020.866 \pm 0.002 and 0.408±0.0020.408 \pm 0.002, respectively.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables; accepted in A&

    The Hubble Constant determined through an inverse distance ladder including quasar time delays and Type Ia supernovae

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    Context. The precise determination of the present-day expansion rate of the Universe, expressed through the Hubble constant H0H_0, is one of the most pressing challenges in modern cosmology. Assuming flat Λ\LambdaCDM, H0H_0 inference at high redshift using cosmic-microwave-background data from Planck disagrees at the 4.4σ\sigma level with measurements based on the local distance ladder made up of parallaxes, Cepheids and Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia), often referred to as "Hubble tension". Independent, cosmological-model-insensitive ways to infer H0H_0 are of critical importance. Aims. We apply an inverse-distance-ladder approach, combining strong-lensing time-delay-distance measurements with SN Ia data. By themselves, SNe Ia are merely good relative distance indicators, but by anchoring them to strong gravitational lenses one can obtain an H0H_0 measurement that is relatively insensitive to other cosmological parameters. Methods. A cosmological parameter estimate is performed for different cosmological background models, both for strong-lensing data alone and for the combined lensing + SNe Ia data sets. Results. The cosmological-model dependence of strong-lensing H0H_0 measurements is significantly mitigated through the inverse distance ladder. In combination with SN Ia data, the inferred H0H_0 consistently lies around 73-74 km s1^{-1} Mpc1^{-1}, regardless of the assumed cosmological background model. Our results agree nicely with those from the local distance ladder, but there is a >2σ\sigma tension with Planck results, and a ~1.5σ\sigma discrepancy with results from an inverse distance ladder including Planck, Baryon Acoustic Oscillations and SNe Ia. Future strong-lensing distance measurements will reduce the uncertainties in H0H_0 from our inverse distance ladder.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, A&A letters accepted versio

    TDCOSMO XI. Automated Modeling of 9 Strongly Lensed Quasars and Comparison Between Lens Modeling Software

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    To use strong gravitational lenses as an astrophysical or cosmological probe, models of their mass distributions are often needed. We present a new, time-efficient automation code for uniform modeling of strongly lensed quasars with GLEE, a lens modeling software, for high-resolution multi-band data. By using the observed positions of the lensed quasars and the spatially extended surface brightness distribution of the lensed quasar host galaxy, we obtain a model of the mass distribution of the lens galaxy. We apply this uniform modeling pipeline to a sample of nine strongly lensed quasars with HST WFC 3 images. The models show in most cases well reconstructed light components and a good alignment between mass and light centroids. We find that the automated modeling code significantly reduces the user input time during the modeling process. The preparation time of required input files is reduced significantly. This automated modeling pipeline can efficiently produce uniform models of extensive lens system samples which can be used for further cosmological analysis. A blind test through a comparison with the results of an independent automated modeling pipeline based on the modeling software Lenstronomy reveals important lessons. Quantities such as Einstein radius, astrometry, mass flattening and position angle are generally robustly determined. Other quantities depend crucially on the quality of the data and the accuracy of the PSF reconstruction. Better data and/or more detailed analysis will be necessary to elevate our automated models to cosmography grade. Nevertheless, our pipeline enables the quick selection of lenses for follow-up monitoring and further modeling, significantly speeding up the construction of cosmography-grade models. This is an important step forward to take advantage of the orders of magnitude increase in the number of lenses expected in the coming decade.Comment: 36 pages, 13 figures, submitted to A&

    STRIDES: a 3.9 per cent measurement of the Hubble constant from the strong lens system DES J0408-5354

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    We present a blind time-delay cosmographic analysis for the lens system DES J0408-5354. This system is extraordinary for the presence of two sets of multiple images at different redshifts, which provide the opportunity to obtain more information at the cost of increased modelling complexity with respect to previously analysed systems. We perform detailed modelling of the mass distribution for this lens system using three band Hubble Space Telescope imaging. We combine the measured time delays, line-of-sight central velocity dispersion of the deflector, and statistically constrained external convergence with our lens models to estimate two cosmological distances. We measure the 'effective' time-delay distance corresponding to the redshifts of the deflector and the lensed quasar DΔ t eff=3382-115+146 Mpc and the angular diameter distance to the deflector Dd = 1711-280+376 Mpc, with covariance between the two distances. From these constraints on the cosmological distances, we infer the Hubble constant H0= 74.2-3.0+2.7 km s-1 Mpc-1 assuming a flat ΛCDM cosmology and a uniform prior for ωm as \Omega m ∼ \mathcal {U(0.05, 0.5). This measurement gives the most precise constraint on H0 to date from a single lens. Our measurement is consistent with that obtained from the previous sample of six lenses analysed by the H0 Lenses in COSMOGRAIL's Wellspring (H0LiCOW) collaboration. It is also consistent with measurements of H0 based on the local distance ladder, reinforcing the tension with the inference from early Universe probes, for example, with 2.2σ discrepancy from the cosmic microwave background measurement. © 2020 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

    Time-Delay Cosmography: Measuring the Hubble Constant and other cosmological parameters with strong gravitational lensing

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    Multiply lensed sources experience a relative time delay in the arrival of photons. This effect can be used to measure absolute distances and the Hubble constant (H0H_0) and is known as time-delay cosmography. The methodology is independent of the local distance ladder and early-universe physics and provides a precise and competitive measurement of H0H_0. With upcoming observatories, time-delay cosmography can provide a 1% precision measurement of H0H_0 and can decisively shed light on the current reported 'Hubble tension'. This paper presents the theoretical background and the current techniques applied for time-delay cosmographic studies and the measurement of the Hubble constant. The paper describes the challenges and systematics in the different components of the analysis and strategies to mitigate them. The current measurements are discussed in context and the opportunities with the anticipated data sets in the future are laid out.Comment: 30 pages, 11 figures, accepted to Space Science Reviews, Topical Collection 'Strong Gravitational Lensing', eds. J. Wambsganss et a

    Strong Lensing by Galaxies

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    Strong gravitational lensing at the galaxy scale is a valuable tool for various applications in astrophysics and cosmology. Some of the primary uses of galaxy-scale lensing are to study elliptical galaxies’ mass structure and evolution, constrain the stellar initial mass function, and measure cosmological parameters. Since the discovery of the first galaxy-scale lens in the 1980s, this field has made significant advancements in data quality and modeling techniques. In this review, we describe the most common methods for modeling lensing observables, especially imaging data, as they are the most accessible and informative source of lensing observables. We then summarize the primary findings from the literature on the astrophysical and cosmological applications of galaxy-scale lenses. We also discuss the current limitations of the data and methodologies and provide an outlook on the expected improvements in both areas in the near future

    H0LiCOW - IX. Cosmographic analysis of the doubly imaged quasar SDSS 1206+4332 and a new measurement of the Hubble constant

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    We present a blind time-delay strong lensing (TDSL) cosmographic analysis of the doubly imaged quasar SDSS 1206+4332. We combine the relative time delay between the quasar images, Hubble Space Telescope imaging, the Keck stellar velocity dispersion of the lensing galaxy, and wide-field photometric and spectroscopic data of the field to constrain two angular diameter distance relations. The combined analysis is performed by forward modelling the individual data sets through a Bayesian hierarchical framework, and it is kept blind until the very end to prevent experimenter bias. After unblinding, the inferred distances imply a Hubble constant H0=68.85.1+5.4H_0 = 68.8^{+5.4}_{-5.1} kms1^{-1}Mpc1^{-1}, assuming a flat Lambda cold dark matter cosmology with uniform prior on Ωm\Omega_{\rm m} in [0.05, 0.5]. The precision of our cosmographic measurement with the doubly imaged quasar SDSS 1206+4332 is comparable with those of quadruply imaged quasars and opens the path to perform on selected doubles the same analysis as anticipated for quads. Our analysis is based on a completely independent lensing code than our previous three H0LiCOW systems and the new measurement is fully consistent with those. We provide the analysis scripts paired with the publicly available software to facilitate independent analysis. The consistency between blind measurements with independent codes provides an important sanity check on lens modelling systematics. By combining the likelihoods of the four systems under the same prior, we obtain H0=72.52.3+2.1H_0 = 72.5^{+2.1}_{-2.3}kms1^{-1}Mpc1^{-1}. This measurement is independent of the distance ladder and other cosmological probes.Comment: 30 pages, 17 figures, MNRAS published likelihood available here: http://shsuyu.github.io/H0LiCOW/site/notebooks/H0_from_lenses.html, all modeling and analysis scripts available upon reques

    Time-Delay Cosmography: Measuring the Hubble Constant and Other Cosmological Parameters with Strong Gravitational Lensing

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    peer reviewedMultiply lensed images of a same source experience a relative time delay in the arrival of photons due to the path length difference and the different gravitational potentials the photons travel through. This effect can be used to measure absolute distances and the Hubble constant (H0) and is known as time-delay cosmography. The method is independent of the local distance ladder and early-universe physics and provides a precise and competitive measurement of H0. With upcoming observatories, time-delay cosmography can provide a 1% precision measurement of H0 and can decisively shed light on the current reported `Hubble tension'. This manuscript details the general methodology developed over the past decades in time-delay cosmography, discusses recent advances and results, and, foremost, provides a foundation and outlook for the next decade in providing accurate and ever more precise measurements with increased sample size and improved observational techniques

    TDCOSMO:IV. Hierarchical time-delay cosmography – joint inference of the Hubble constant and galaxy density profiles

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    The H0LiCOW collaboration inferred via gravitational lensing time delays a Hubble constant H0=73.31.8+1.7H_0=73.3^{+1.7}_{-1.8} km s1Mpc1^{-1}{\rm Mpc}^{-1}, describing deflector mass density profiles by either a power-law or stars plus standard dark matter halos. The mass-sheet transform (MST) that leaves the lensing observables unchanged is considered the dominant source of residual uncertainty in H0H_0. We quantify any potential effect of the MST with flexible mass models that are maximally degenerate with H0. Our calculation is based on a new hierarchical approach in which the MST is only constrained by stellar kinematics. The approach is validated on hydrodynamically simulated lenses. We apply the method to the TDCOSMO sample of 7 lenses (6 from H0LiCOW) and measure H0=74.56.1+5.6H_0=74.5^{+5.6}_{-6.1} km s1Mpc1^{-1}{\rm Mpc}^{-1}. In order to further constrain the deflector mass profiles, we then add imaging and spectroscopy for 33 strong gravitational lenses from the SLACS sample. For 9 of the SLAC lenses we use resolved kinematics to constrain the stellar anisotropy. From the joint analysis of the TDCOSMO+SLACS sample, we measure H0=67.43.2+4.1H_0=67.4^{+4.1}_{-3.2} km s1Mpc1^{-1}{\rm Mpc}^{-1}, assuming that the TDCOSMO and SLACS galaxies are drawn from the same parent population. The blind H0LiCOW, TDCOSMO-only and TDCOSMO+SLACS analyses are in mutual statistical agreement. The TDCOSMO+SLACS analysis prefers marginally shallower mass profiles than H0LiCOW or TDCOSMO-only. While our new analysis does not statistically invalidate the mass profile assumptions by H0LiCOW, and thus their H0H_0 measurement relying on those, it demonstrates the importance of understanding the mass density profile of elliptical galaxies. The uncertainties on H0H_0 derived in this paper can be reduced by physical or observational priors on the form of the mass profile, or by additional data, chiefly spatially resolved kinematics of lens galaxies.Comment: accepted by A&A. Full analysis available at https://github.com/TDCOSMO/hierarchy_analysis_2020_public updated permanent analysis script link