980 research outputs found

    Comparative Evaluation for the Performance of Big Stream Processing Systems

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    Andmete hulk kasvab tänapäeval meeletu kiirusega ning seda andmete hulka tuleb korrektselt töödelda, et saavutada kontroll andmete üle. Antud olukord sunnib meid mõtlema andmevoo töötlemise peale. Enamasti nõuavad andmemahuline pettuse tuvastus-, kaubandus-, tootmis-, sõjanduse ja luure süsteemid pidevat andmete analüüsi (reaalajas). Sellist tüüpi süsteemid nõuavad kõrgetasemel ist mustrite sobitamist ja korrelatsioone. Aja jooksul on ilmnenud erinevaid andmevoo töötlemise võimalusi. Antud lõputöös tehakse jõudlustest Apache Flink, Apache Storm, Heron, Kafka ja Apache Spark andmevoo töötlemismootoritega ning tulemusi võrreldakse ja vastandatakse omavahel. Nendes rakendustes ja domeenides on väga oluline nõue koguda, menetleda ning analüüsida olulisi andmevooge, et eraldada sealt väärtusliku informatsiooni. Antud magistritöö eesmärk on läbi viia empiiriline hindamine ning võrdlemine kõrgtasemel andmevoo töötlemissüsteemide vahel.Nowadays data is growing with tremendous acceleration, and this growing data must be processed properly if we want to have control over it. It pushes us to think about data stream processing. Most of the time, a data-intensive fraud detecting, trading, manufacturing, military and intelligence systems require processing data immediately (real-time). These kinds of systems need considerably ssophisticated pattern matching and correlations. However, other uses of stream processing have also emerged over time. In this thesis, we will benchmark to compare and contrast Apache Flink, Apache Storm, Heron, Kafka an Apache Spark stream processing engines. In these applications and domains, there is a crucial requirement to collect, process, and analyze significant streams of data to extract valuable information. This thesis aims to conduct an empirical evaluation and benchmarking of the state-of-the-art of big stream processing systems

    Bandwidth Based Methodology for Designing a Hybrid Energy Storage System for a Series Hybrid Electric Vehicle with Limited All Electric Mode

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    The cost and fuel economy of hybrid electrical vehicles (HEVs) are significantly dependent on the power-train energy storage system (ESS). A series HEV with a minimal all-electric mode (AEM) permits minimizing the size and cost of the ESS. This manuscript, pursuing the minimal size tactic, introduces a bandwidth based methodology for designing an efficient ESS. First, for a mid-size reference vehicle, a parametric study is carried out over various minimal-size ESSs, both hybrid (HESS) and non-hybrid (ESS), for finding the highest fuel economy. The results show that a specific type of high power battery with 4.5 kWh capacity can be selected as the winning candidate to study for further minimization. In a second study, following the twin goals of maximizing Fuel Economy (FE) and improving consumer acceptance, a sports car class Series-HEV (SHEV) was considered as a potential application which requires even more ESS minimization. The challenge with this vehicle is to reduce the ESS size compared to 4.5 kWh, because the available space allocation is only one fourth of the allowed battery size in the mid-size study by volume. Therefore, an advanced bandwidth-based controller is developed that allows a hybridized Subaru BRZ model to be realized with a light ESS. The result allows a SHEV to be realized with 1.13 kWh ESS capacity. In a third study, the objective is to find optimum SHEV designs with minimal AEM assumption which cover the design space between the fuel economies in the mid-size car study and the sports car study. Maximizing FE while minimizing ESS cost is more aligned with customer acceptance in the current state of market. The techniques applied to manage the power flow between energy sources of the power-train significantly affect the results of this optimization. A Pareto Frontier, including ESS cost and FE, for a SHEV with limited AEM, is introduced using an advanced bandwidth-based control strategy teamed up with duty ratio control. This controller allows the series hybrid’s advantage of tightly managing engine efficiency to be extended to lighter ESS, as compared to the size of the ESS in available products in the market

    Characterization of three-phase flow and WAG injection in oil reservoirs

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    Large quantities of oil usually remain in oil reservoirs after conventional water floods. A significant part of this remaining oil can still be economically recovered by Water- Alternating-Gas (WAG) injection. WAG injection involves drainage and imbibition processes taking place sequentially, hence the numerical simulation of the WAG process requires reliable knowledge of three-phase relative permeability (kr) accounting for cyclic hysteresis effects. In this study, the results of a series of unsteady-state two-phase displacements and WAG coreflood experiments were employed to investigate the behaviour of three-phase kr and hysteresis effects in the WAG process. The experiments were carried out on two different cores with different characteristics and wettability conditions, using a low IFT (interfacial tension) gas–oil system. The first part of this study, evaluates the current approach used in the oil industry for simulation of the WAG process, in which the two-phase relative permeability data are employed to generate three-phase kr values using correlations (e.g. Stone, Baker). The performance of each of the existing three-phase relative permeability models was assessed against the experimental data. The results showed that choosing inappropriate three-phase kr model in simulation of the WAG experiments can lead to large errors in prediction of fluid production and differential pressure. While some models perform better than others, all of the three-phase kr models examined in this study failed to adequately predict the fluid production behaviour observed in the experiments. The continued production of oil after the breakthrough of the gas, which was one of the features of gas and WAG injection experiments at low gas-oil IFT, was not captured with these models. The second aim of this research was to develop a method for obtaining the values of three-phase relative permeabilities directly from WAG core flood experiments. For this purpose, a new history matching method was devised based on a Genetic Algorithm to estimate three-phase kr from unsteady-state coreflood experiments. Based on this methodology, a three-phase coreflood optimizer was developed that generates best kr values by matching the experimentally obtained production and pressure data. First, the iii integrity of the developed software was successfully verified by using two sets of experimental three-phase kr data published in the literature. Then, the program was used to determine three-phase relative permeability of various cycles of the WAG experiments performed at different wettability conditions. Two key parameters affecting the WAG performance, including the hysteresis phenomena occurring between kr of the different WAG cycles and the impact of wettability of the rock, have been investigated. The data have been used to evaluate the existing hysteresis models published in the literature. Some of the shortcomings associated with the existing methods have been revealed and discussed. In the latter part of the thesis, a new methodology is proposed for modelling of threephase relative permeability for WAG injection. This approach addresses the hysteresis effects in the three-phase kr taking place during the WAG process and attempts to reduce the inadequacies observed in the existing models. The integrity of this technique has been validated against the three-phase kr data obtained from our WAG experiments

    About the Different Kinds of Meanings of a Sentence

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    The article investigates a sentence. It states that a sentence is a unit of speech whose grammatical structure conforms to the laws of the language; it serves as a chief means of conveying the thought. The works regarding English grammar by foreign and Azerbaijani linguists such as O. I. Musayev, V. L. Kaushanskaya, R. L. Kovner, J. Lyons, F. R. Palmer, S.Potter and others have been studied by the author and theories suggested by them have been thoroughly considered. The author also writes about the importance of the the sentence not only the means of communicating something about reality but also a means of showing the speaker’s attitude to it. The author explains the differences between declarative, interrogative, negative sentences using various linguistic sources as well. She comes to the conclusion that the kinds of sentences are very important to be used either in speech or in written language

    Outer approximations of core points for integer programming

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    For several decades the dominant techniques for integer linear programming have been branching and cutting planes. Recently, several authors have developed core point methods for solving symmetric integer linear programs (ILPs). An integer point is called a core point if its orbit polytope is lattice-free. It has been shown that for symmetric ILPs, optimizing over the set of core points gives the same answer as considering the entire space. Existing core point techniques rely on the number of core points (or equivalence classes) being finite, which requires special symmetry groups. In this paper we develop some new methods for solving symmetric ILPs (based on outer approximations of core points) that do not depend on finiteness but are more efficient if the group has large disjoint cycles in its set of generators.Comment: Clean up presentation, fix a few minor issue

    Characterization,kinetic,andisothermdata for Cr(VI)removalfromaqueoussolution by Populusalba biochar modified byacationicsurfactant

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    Populusalba is fastandauto-growingtreewhichprofoundlyacces- sibleinaroundtheworld.Theusageofthewastesofthistreewould be admirablefromenvironmentalandsolidwastemanagementpoint of view.Thus,herein,thisdatasetpresentsafacilemethodforpro- viding anadsorbentfromwastesof P. alba tree.Thepreparedadsor- bent wasmodified bythecationicsurfactantof(C16H33)N(CH3)3Br and appliedtoremoveCr(VI)fromaqueoussolution.Thecharacterization dataofthemodified adsorbentwereanalyzedusingFTIRandSEM methods.Theinformationregardingkinetics,isotherms,andther- modynamicsofchromiumionsadsorptionwerelisted.Thedata impliedthatthemaximumadsorptioncapacityofadsorbentto uptakeCr(VI)fromaqueoussolutionwasobtained52.63mg/g.The acquireddataindicatedthattheadsorptionofCr(VI)bytheadsorbent preparedfrom P. alba is anpromisingtechniquefortreating Cr-bearingwastewaters

    The Possible Role of Urinary Tract Infection in Urinary Stone Formation in Children

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    Background and Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate urinary metabolic features as a risk factor in stone formation. Methods: In this case-control study, 222 children ranging from 6 months to 16 years old suffering from urolithiasis in our university hospitals in Iran in 2019-2020 were selected through random sampling and were subsequently evaluated. The research group  were cchildren with urinary stones and urinary tract infection and the control group encompassed children with urinary stones and without urinary tract infection. Data was analyzed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 16 (SPSS Inc. Chicago, IL) for windows. Results: The ratio of average amounts of calcium, magnesium, oxalate, cystine, uric acid, and citrate   to creatinine showed no significant differences between the two groups. Conclusion: Urinary tract infection cannot be considered as a factor for stone formation in the urinary tract due to changes in urinary biochemical characteristics. &nbsp