831 research outputs found

    The criteria and potential adaptive reuse of pre-war shophouses

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    Pre-war shophouses in some town areas of Malaysia are among national heritage buildings which require conservation efforts, among other through adaptive reuse. Adaptive reuse, in line with sustainability principles, is a process to revitalise or reinvent disused or ineffective existing buildings including old or historical buildings for new use, purpose or function. The aim of this study is to propose the decisionmaking in selecting the optimal reuse of pre-war shophouses by considering the importance criteria that are influenced the adaptive reuse process. A questionnaire survey among four (4) selective respondents consist of town planner from local authorities, valuer from valuation and property service department (JPPH), architects and building owners conducted to achieve the objectives. From the analysis, five (5) potential new uses which are new shophouses, pharmacy hotel, rental house anda restaurant were identified as a very suitable. Thirty-three (33) criteria were classified into six aspects which are economic, environment, social, architecture, technology, and legislative. Out of them, sixteen (16) criteria were identified as very important to be considered in deciding adaptive reuse for pre-war shophouses. The outcome of this study is a conceptual framework that can assist stakeholders, especially local authorities, Valuation and Property Service Department (JPPH), architects and building owners, in adaptive reuse decision-making process. This conceptual framework proposedly can be used by architects as the main actors in adaptive reuse process, building owners since they are the most entitle person to decide any conversion on their buildings, and government bodies since they are involved directly in preparing the guidelines for conservation of pre-war shophouse

    Rawatan larut resapan menggunakan penjerap media komposit karbon teraktif, zeolit, batu kapur dan enapcemar sisa kertas

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    Kajian ini dijalankan bagi meneroka potensi WPS dan LS untuk menggantikan sebahagian AC dan ZEO dalam penghasilan media komposit baharu. Nisbah optimum AC-WPS (media hidrofobik) adalah 2:2, manakala ZEO-LS (media hidrofilik) adalah 25:15. Nisbah optimum 4:4 media hidrofobik-hidrofilik dipilih berdasarkan ciri-ciri penjerapan NH3-N dan COD, dan 30 % OPC telah digunakan sebagai bahan pengikat. Media komposit ZELPA telah dihasilkan dan pencirian sifat fizikal-kimia dilakukan. ZELPA digunakan dalam kajian isoterma penjerapan NH3-N, COD dan warna pada keadaan optimum pH 7, kelajuan goncangan 200 rpm, saiz partikel 1.18-2.36 mm dan masa sentuhan 120 minit. Setelah ujian kelompok dilaksanakan, ujikaji isoterma penjerapan dan kinetik penjerapan dilakukan. Kapasiti penjerapan untuk kesemua parameter (dalam mg/g) masing-masing 27.55, 48.08 dan 34.48. Kajian perbandingan menunjukkan keupayaan penjerapan ZELPA terhadap NH3-N dan COD adalah lebih baik daripada ZEO dan AC, dan setanding dengan AC bagi penjerapan warna. Kajian kinetik penjerapan mendapati ZELPA mengikuti hampir kesemua model yang dikaji iaitu pseudo tertib pertama dan kedua, Elovich dan pembauran intra-partikel. Kajian penjerapan turus dengan menggunakan model EBCT menunjukkan penyingkiran sebanyak 99 % untuk NH3-N dan 98 % untuk COD dan warna. Kapasiti bolos dan masa tepu didapati makin berkurangan dengan berlakunya peningkatan terhadap kadar aliran. Didapati data uji kaji lebih mematuhi Model Thomas dan Yoon-Nelson berbanding Adams-Bohart. ZELPA boleh digunakan semula selepas menjalani ujikaji regenerasi dengan larutan 0.5 M NaCl pada pH 11-12 (dilaras dengan 1 M NaOH). Dengan kapasiti penjerapan untuk NH3-N, COD dan warna (dalam mg/L) masing-masing 32.26, 38.76 dan 31.95. Gabungan media alternatif WPS dan LS menunjukkan impak positif dalam penjerapan larut resapan. Penggunaan WPS dalam teknologi penjerapan secara tidak langsung berupaya menangani masalah pelupusan sisa kertas yang tidak boleh dikitar semula

    Dasar Dan Perancangan Pendidikan Negara Sejak 52 Tahun Kemerdekaan Malayasia: Satu Sorotan Dan Refleksi

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    Dasar dan Perancangan Pendidikan di Malaysia boleh dibahagi kepada lima peringkat;(1) Zaman Sebelum Mencapai Kemerdekaan (i) Dasar Pecah dan Perintah (1786 -1957) dengan Period Awal (1786 - 1941) dan Period Kedua (1941 -1957), (2). Zaman Selepas Mencapai Kemerdekaan, (ii) Dasar Memperkasakan Pendidikan Kebangsaan (1957 - 1970), (3) Dasar Memperkasakan Perpaduan Kaum melalui memperkukuhkan Dasar Pendidikan Kebangsaan (1970 - 1990), (4) Dasar Memperkasakan Pendidikan bertaraf Dunia (1991 - 2000), dan (5) Dasar Melonjakkan Kecemerlangan Pendidikan Bertaraf Dunia (2001 - 2020)

    Sikap dan persepsi guru sains terhadap penggunaan komputer dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran di makmal sains

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    Perlaksanaan Program “Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains dan Matematik dalam Bahasa Inggeris” oleh Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia merupakan program yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan penguasaan kemahiran Bahasa Inggeris serta pengintegrasian teknologi komputer di dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran sains dan matematik. Ini bermakna semua guru matematik dan sains dikehendaki mengajar menggunakan Bahasa Inggeris serta teknologi komputer. Perlaksanaan program ini dipercayai telah memberikan tekanan kepada guru-guru sains dan matematik di negara ini. Oleh itu, adalah perlu untuk menjalankan kajian bagi mengenalpasti sikap kumpulan guru-guru in terhadap proses pengintegrasian teknologi komputer dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran sains dan matematik. Fokus kajian ini adalah terhadap proses pengintegrasian teknologi komputer dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran sains di makmal sains. Objektif utama kajian yang dijalankan ini adalah seperti berikut: a) untuk mengenalpasti sikap guru-guru sains terhadap penggunaan teknologi komputer dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran sains di makmal sains, b) untuk mengenalpasti persepsi guru-guru terhadap peranan mereka (sama ada berpusatkan guru atau berpusatkan pelajar) dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran di makmal sains, dan c) untuk mengenalpasti tahap penggunaan teknologi komputer dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran di makmal sains

    The Relationship of Quality of Work Life Programmes and the Influence of Socio-Demographic Factors with Employee Job Satisfaction and Job Involvement: A Case Study of SIRIM

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    The objectives of the study were to examine the level of effectiveness in quality of work life (QWL) programmes and the influence of socio-demographic factors on employee job satisfaction and job involvement in Standards and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia (SIRIM). The findings indicated that SIRIM had effective QWL programmes. However, its employees were found to be moderately satisfied with their job and they were also involved in their jobs. In addition, its effective QWL programmes had significantly influenced 43 percent of the variance in employee job satisfaction ratings, with a positive relationship on adequate and fair compensation, continued growth and security, and safe and healthy working conditions, as significant predictors. These findings also explained 25 percent of the variance in employee job involvement ratings, with a positive relationship on social relevance of work life, adequate and fair compensation, and an inverse relationship on safe and healthy working conditions, as significant predictors. With effective QWL programmes, the socio-demographic factors were found to have no influence on employee job satisfaction. However, marital status and service tenure both had significant influence on employee job involvement. In order to increase the level of job satisfaction and involvement among the employees, the findings suggest the following recommendation: a) revise its compensation system comparable with the private sector; b) review its assessment of training and development needs; c) initiate fair evaluation of performance; d) review its rewards system; e) encourage job enrichment and job rotation; f) examine work load revision; g) develop effective standard work guideline; h) establish special motivational training for target groups (unmarried employees, and those with service tenure fewer than four or between 10 to 12 years); and i) encourage increasing awareness of the importance of the social relevance of work among employees

    Kesan penggunaan peta konsep terhadap pencapaian sains pelajar tingkatan satu

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    The phenomena of memorizing facts impacted the effectiveness of teaching and learning practises, and had caught the attention of many educational psychologists. This situation had also contributed to misconceptions in various areas in science including environmental science. This study aims to compare teachings using concept map approach based on constructivisme theory with teachings using traditional approach (OHP transparencies) on the topic of ‘Air Around Us’ in form one science subject. This study used both quantitative and qualitative approach. For the quantitative approach, the pre test and post test control group quasi-experiment research design was employed. Two classes were randomly selected from 11 classes within the research site. The sample size for the quantitative approach was 60 students whereby 30 students were in the experimental group and 30 students in the control group. Semi-structured face-to-face interviews were used to collect the qualitataive data whereby eight respondents were purposively selected, four were from the experimental group and four from the control group. The findings show that students who were exposed to concept maps performed better than students who were exposed to to traditional approach. The findings also show that students who were taught using concept maps were able to relate the concepts and shown positive perceptions towards the use of concept maps in learning the topic of ‘Air Around Us’. This study contributes to the field of science education within the context of understanding and construction of science concepts among lower secondary school students. The study also implies that there is a need for science educators in secondary schools to vary their approaches in teaching science concepts as proposed by the Ministry of Education

    Developing a new stock scoring model for Shariah-compliant investment

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    This study aims to develop a new stock scoring model, !_#%&' model, that based on the musharakah parameters by using a momentum technique that separate the out-performing Shariahcompliant stocks from the under-performing. Motivation for this study is centred towards the performance dragged from Shariah-compliant stocks in relative to the conventional stocks during the stock market recovery and the out-performance of Shariah-compliant portfolio attributed by a few stocks only. Hence, separating the out-performing from the under-performing Shariahcompliant stocks will enhance the portfolio returns. In doing so, a quantitative research in time series analysis is designed to measure the momentum, periodical changes, of the musharakah parameters. The essential musharakah parameters identified are industry performance, management style, profitability ratios and capital growth. These musharakah parameters are then represented by the financial indicators such as sector return, book value, cash flow, equity return, asset return, total assets and enterprise value to determine the momentum of stock price returns. There are several main findings based on the quantitative analysis of the research results. First, this study has evidenced that musharakah parameters explain stock price returns since they have monotonic positive relationship with the newly developed !_#%&' model. Second, the model improves its statistical significance when the financial indicators are progressively added into the equation. Importantly, the !_#%&' model requires all musharakah parameters to be included in generating robust results. Third, there has been no concern on the temporal issue in the !_#%&' model since it responds well to every stock market cycle and to diverse investment horizons. Fourth, the !_#%&' model also has monotonic positive relationship with company size, stock orientations, trading volume, stock price or leverage position. Fifth, the predictive power has improved substantially when the !_#%&' model employs active investment strategies i.e. long-only and long-short and has further improved when the restriction is relaxed by allowing short selling. On another note, this study has contributed in several ways. On theoretical side; in contrast to efficient market hypothesis theory, the !_#%&' model shows that stock market is inefficient and therefore, stock price returns are predictable. Although past performance is no guarantee of future returns, historical data remains the ideal tool to forecast the stock prices. As on the empirical side; the !_#%&' model captures most of the financial information and helps process recent information better. When applied to various portfolio strategies, the !_#%&' model has shown that active investing produces higher excess returns than passive investing. Moreover, the !_#%&' model does not discriminate stock specific characteristics like the company size, value or growth orientation, liquidity, stock price and leverage position. On methodological side; unlike many other models, using momentum of multiple financial indicators on !_#%&' model has addressed the concern of single variable biasness. Furthermore, the !_#%&' model does not require long historical data to produce robust results. In addition, the model is flexible to handle missing values and can withstand the outliers. Accordingly, this study discovers that the !_#$%&' model can assist those investing in Shariah-compliant stocks to make informed investment decisions by using the model as an alternative investment analysis tool to forecast stock price returns, to determine market timing and to construct profitable stock portfolio returns

    Analisis Kesalahan Bahasa Melayu di Kalangan Pelajar-Pelajar Tingkatan Enam di Sekolah Menengah: Satu Kajian Kes

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    Kajian lni dijalankan dengan tujuan memperoleh maklumat tentang pencapaian Bahasa Melayu di kalangan pelajar-pelajar tingkatan enam di Sekolah Menengah Maxwell, Jalan Tun Ismail, Kuala Lumpur, Sekolah Menengah Tinggi Setapak, Kuala Lumpur, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Teluk Datuk, Banting, Kuala Langat, Seiangor Darnl Ehsan dan Sekolah Menengah Gombak Setia, Gombak, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Populasi kajian ini terdiri daripada pelajar-pelajar tingkatan enam dan berjumlah 160 orang. Mereka merupakan pelajar tingkatan enam rendah pada tahun 1994. Dalam proses pembelajaran secara formal, pengkaji melakukan analisis data melalui kesalahan tatabahasa terhadap karangan para pelajar. Dalam proses pembelajaran secara tidak formal pengkaji melakukan tinjauan berdasarkan soal selidik. Dapatan telah menunjukkan bahawa pelajar-pelajar melakukan kesalahan tatabahasa iaitu aspek perkataan, frasa dan ayat. Kumpulan sampel lelaki didapati melakukan kesalahan yang lebih besar jumlahnya datipada kumpulan sampel perempuan. Selain itu, kumpulan status sosioekonomi rendah didapati lebih banyak melakukan kesalahan jika dibandingkan dengan kumpulan status sosioekonomi sederhana dan tinggi. Seterusnya dapatan membuktikan bahawa kesalahan aspek perkataan yang paling banyak dilakukan oleh para pelajar yang menjadi sampel kajian ini. Ini diikuti oleh kesalahan aspek frasa dan ayat. Sementara itu, dapatan datipada soal selidik menunjukkan bahawa para pelajar yang kurang melakukan latihan aspek-aspek tatabahasa didapati mempunyai pencapaian yang lemah dalam aspek-aspek tersebut

    Prototype Security Door Access System

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    Security Door Access System (SDA System) is a network device for validating, monitoring and controlling the security within buildings. The ultimate purpose of developing an SDA System is to enforce security features of the entire building structure, equipped with appropriate management control, particularly the network communication services. The basic mechanism of an SDA System is to secure all entrance doors within the entire building. This research proposed the SDA System to solve problems of illegal breaking and entering that are commonly happened due to lacking of attention to the security issues. One of the most pressing issues at hand is that many companies do not enforce a proper security management services for the entrance doors, despite them being the most obvious passing point. The SDA System focuses on the security and safety of the entire building, precisely the effective way of managing and organizing the security and works collaboratively with other subsystems by means of local area network (LAN) communication