56 research outputs found

    Effects of Germination Time and Varieties of Unmilled Rice on Blood Cholesterol in Sprague-Dawley Male Rats

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    Brown rice (unmilled rice) and pre-germinated brown rice are known to contain various functional compounds such as γ-oryzanol, dietary fiber and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) with substantial benefits for human health. The objectives of this study were to investigate the effect of pre-germination time of different unmilled rice varieties on GABA composition, and evaluate the hypocholesterolemic properties of selected pre-germinated unmilled rice varieties containing different GABA levels in rats. The results revealed a high variation in GABA contents in different unmilled rice varieties. GABA contents in Malaysian unmilled rice seeds ranged 0.01 to 0.1 (mg/g). MRQ74 and MR 220 showed the highest GABA contents among thirty five Malaysian unmilled rice varieties analyzed; while MR 232 had the least GABA content. It was also concluded that the effect of pre-germination on GABA content clearly was dependent on unmilled rice variety and pre-germination times, thus reflecting the longer pre-germination time provided higher GABA concentration level. Moreover, it was revealed that the GABA contents in pre-germinated samples were dependent on the initial GABA content of its source. In this study, the hypocholesterolemic properties of selected pre-germinated unmilled rice varieties containing different GABA levels in rats were investigated. Hypercholesterolemia and elevation of LDL-Cholesterol were successfully ameliorated by most of the unmilled rice and pre-germinated unmilled rice diets. Germinated unmilled rice showed more cardioprotective effect than non-germinated unmilled rice in hypercholesterolemic rats. Moreover, it was found that longer germination times had better effect on lipid profile of hypercholesterolemic rats. In addition to lipid profile, the hypoglycemic effects of unmilled rice and pre-germinated unmilled rice were found to be remarkable. The significant (p < 0.05) main effects of unmilled rice variety, germination time and their interaction on lipid and glucose profile were observed in the present study. A negative correlation between GABA content and the serum levels of TC and a positive correlation between GABA content and HDL-C were observed. Conversely, no correlation was shown between GABA content and LDL-C, TG and glucose levels. Although GABA played a role for prediction of lipid profile changes, this study was not capable to show a causative effect for this component. Therefore further extensive investigations are needed to clarify the main chemical(s) responsible for hypocholesterolemic effect of unmilled rice and pre-germinated unmilled rice. This study recommends that the unmilled rice and pre-germinated unmilled rice with excellent functional properties can be used instead of polished rice in Malaysian diet

    Optimization of textural properties and formulation of reduced fat Cheddar cheeses containing fat replacers.

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    Cheese is becoming one of the most widely utilized food ingredients. Raised awareness of people on healthy lifestyle has led to an increased demand for low-calorie foods, particularly for low and reduced fat cheeses. Although low and reduced fat cheese exhibits poor texture and body compared to full fat ones, consumers expect to have all the characteristics of full-fat cheese in its low and reduced fat counterpart. Reduction of fat content significantly increased hardness, gumminess, springiness and chewiness of the cheeses. Fat replacers are ingredients intended to be used instead of the fats and they have less caloric value and provide functional properties of the fat to foods. The main objective of this study was to optimize the low and reduced fat Cheddar cheese formulation by using protein- and carbohydrate-based fat mimetics. A full factorial design used to determine the most suitable amounts of fat mimetics (xanthan gum and sodium caseinate) with the objective of obtaining reduced fat Cheddar cheese with satisfactory yield and texture profiles. The results indicated that the type and concentration of fat mimetics significantly (p < 0.05) affected the textural properties of reduced fat Cheddar cheese. The results obtained by multiple optimizations revealed that the reduced fat Cheddar cheese containing 0.045% (w/ w) xanthan gum, 0.000% (w/w) sodium caseinate and 2.000% (w/w) fat provided the high textural desirability (0.90065%). This study revealed that the low and reduced fat Cheddar cheese produced with xanthan gum as a carbohydrate-based fat mimetics simulated the functions of fat better than sodium caseinate as a protein-based fat mimetics

    Anti-diabetic activity of red pitaya (Hylocereus polyrhizus) fruit

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    This study investigated the anti-insulin resistant activity of red pitaya (Hylocereus polyrhizus) fruit. Fresh pitaya along with two heat-processed pitaya samples with different proportions of phenolic contents, scavenging activities, and soluble dietary fibers were tested in insulin resistant rats over 6 weeks of treatment in a cause-effect study to investigate the anti-insulin resistant components of red pitaya. The results showed that fresh pitaya significantly (p < 0.05) attenuated the insulin resistance, hypertriglyceridemia and atherosclerotic changes induced by fructose supplement in rats. Thermally-treated pitaya at 95 °C for 30 min (containing a low antioxidant content) significantly (p < 0.05) improved hyperinsulinemia. Thermally-treated pitaya at 105 °C for 60 min (containing a low antioxidant and soluble dietary fiber content) fed to rats had no significant effect on insulin resistance, dyslipidemia and atherogenesis. Based on this study, the anti-insulin resistant effect of red pitaya can be attributed to its antioxidant and soluble dietary fiber contents

    Electron spin resonance as a tool to monitor the influence of novel processing technologies on food properties

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    Nowadays, electron spin resonance (ESR) is widely used as a powerful, non-destructive and very sensitive technique for the detection of free radicals in food systems. It can be applied for the direct identification of highly reactive oxygen species, organic and inorganic paramagnetic species and screening of food for potential toxicity. Its applications cover investigating food oxidative stability and properties of irradiated foods including fruits and vegetables, meats and fishes, spices, cereal grains, and oil seeds.publishe

    Effect of pre-germination time on amino acid profile and Gamma Amino Buytric Acid (GABA) contents in different varieties of Malaysian brown rice.

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    Eighteen varieties of Malaysian brown rice were evaluated for their crude protein, total glutamic acid, and gamma amino butyric acid contents after pre-germination at different times. The crude protein and total glutamic acid content increased significantly in all the varieties after pre-germination. Gamma amino butyric acid content increased dramatically with time during the pre-germination process. A significant (p < 0.05) positive correlation was observed between protein, glutamic acid, and gamma amino butyric acid contents before and after pre-germination. The brown rice varieties containing higher glutamic acid and/or protein content before the pre-germination process provided more gamma amino butyric acid content during pre-germination

    Effect of hypocholesterolemic properties of brown rice varieties containing different gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) levels on Sprague-Dawley male rats.

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    Brown rice (BR) or unmilled rice is the whole grain of rice, from which the germ and outer layers containing the bran have not been removed. Brown rice seeds are rich in more nutritional components, such as dietary fibers, vitamins B and E, gamma (γ)-oryzanol and γ-amino butyric acid (GABA) than the ordinary milled rice grains. GABA or 4-aminobutyrate is a well known non-protein-based amino acid that is one of the major inhibitory neurotransmitters in the sympathetic nervous system. In the present study, the influence of brown rice varieties containing different GABA levels on blood cholesterol in Sprague-Dawley male rats was investigated. Quantitative analysis of GABA, Gamma oryzanol, dietary fiber, protein and fat was carried out using appropriate method. Hypercholesterolemia and elevation of LDL-cholesterol was successfully ameliorated by most of the brown rice diets (p < 0.05). A significant negative correlation (p < 0.05) between serum TC level and γ-oryzanol content of diets was observed. Moreover, a significant negative correlation (p < 0.05) between serum LDL-C level and dietary fiber content of diets was observed. In contrast, there was no correlation between GABA content and TC, LDL-C, HDL-C and glucose levels. Although no correlation was found between GABA content and lipid profile suppression, this study suggests that the changes of blood cholesterol can be modulated by using brown rice varieties instead of polished rice in human diet. Even though GABA not played a role for prediction of lipid profile changes, this study was capable to show the hypercholesterolemic effect of brown rice verities

    Primjena ekstrakta proteina sirutke u proizvodnji smrznutog mliječnog deserta

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    The aim of this work was to substantiate the use of whey protein extract (WPE), a by-product of dairy industry, combined with different berry purees in the formulation of a whipped frozen dairy dessert (WFDD). After freezing, the swelling ability of WPE decreased significantly while at higher temperatures of the dispersion medium, the degree of swelling increased. A mixture containing 55±2 % WPE and 45±2 % milk presented a homogeneous consistency while the further processing did not improve the structure of the mixture. Final formulations of WFDD containing different berry purees (i.e. 10 % black¬currant puree, 25 % cherry puree, or 30 % strawberry puree) were proposed for which the nutritional facts were calculated. Recommended shelf life of the developed desserts at -18 °C is suggested to be 20 days. Regulatory requirements and recommendations for the production of WFDD in an industrial scale were also developed. Recommended shelf life of the developed desserts at -18 °C is suggested to be 20 days. In conclusion, a WFDD was developed using WPE as a by-product of dairy industry.Svrha ovog rada bila je ispitati mogućnost primjene kombinacije pirea bobičastog voća i ekstrakta proteina sirutke (WPE), inače nusproizvoda mljekarske industrije, u proizvodnji smrznutog mliječnog deserta (WFDD). Nakon smrzavanja, sposobnost bubrenja WPE značajno je pala, međutim pri višim temperaturama medija za raspršivanje sposobnost bubrenja ponovno je rasla. U pogledu konzistencije najboljom se pokazala mješavina koja se sastojala od 55±2 % WPE i 45±2 % mlijeka te daljnja prera¬da nije rezultirala poboljšanjem teksture mješavine. Za konačne recepture WFDD s različitim udjelima pirea bobičastog voća (10 % pirea crnog ribizla, 25 % pirea višnje ili 30 % pirea jagode) napravljeni su izračuni prehrambene vrijednosti. Preporučeni rok trajanja za proizvedene deserte iznosio je 20 dana na temperaturi čuvanja -18 °C. Osim toga, uspostavljeni su zahtjevi sukladno zakonskim propisima kao i odgovarajuće preporuke za proizvodnju WFDD u industrijskom mjerilu. Zaključno, razvoj proizvodnje WFDD uključuje primjenu nusprizvoda mljekarske industrije - WPE

    Primjena ekstrakta proteina sirutke u proizvodnji smrznutog mliječnog deserta

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    The aim of this work was to substantiate the use of whey protein extract (WPE), a by-product of dairy industry, combined with different berry purees in the formulation of a whipped frozen dairy dessert (WFDD). After freezing, the swelling ability of WPE decreased significantly while at higher temperatures of the dispersion medium, the degree of swelling increased. A mixture containing 55±2 % WPE and 45±2 % milk presented a homogeneous consistency while the further processing did not improve the structure of the mixture. Final formulations of WFDD containing different berry purees (i.e. 10 % black¬currant puree, 25 % cherry puree, or 30 % strawberry puree) were proposed for which the nutritional facts were calculated. Recommended shelf life of the developed desserts at -18 °C is suggested to be 20 days. Regulatory requirements and recommendations for the production of WFDD in an industrial scale were also developed. Recommended shelf life of the developed desserts at -18 °C is suggested to be 20 days. In conclusion, a WFDD was developed using WPE as a by-product of dairy industry.Svrha ovog rada bila je ispitati mogućnost primjene kombinacije pirea bobičastog voća i ekstrakta proteina sirutke (WPE), inače nusproizvoda mljekarske industrije, u proizvodnji smrznutog mliječnog deserta (WFDD). Nakon smrzavanja, sposobnost bubrenja WPE značajno je pala, međutim pri višim temperaturama medija za raspršivanje sposobnost bubrenja ponovno je rasla. U pogledu konzistencije najboljom se pokazala mješavina koja se sastojala od 55±2 % WPE i 45±2 % mlijeka te daljnja prera¬da nije rezultirala poboljšanjem teksture mješavine. Za konačne recepture WFDD s različitim udjelima pirea bobičastog voća (10 % pirea crnog ribizla, 25 % pirea višnje ili 30 % pirea jagode) napravljeni su izračuni prehrambene vrijednosti. Preporučeni rok trajanja za proizvedene deserte iznosio je 20 dana na temperaturi čuvanja -18 °C. Osim toga, uspostavljeni su zahtjevi sukladno zakonskim propisima kao i odgovarajuće preporuke za proizvodnju WFDD u industrijskom mjerilu. Zaključno, razvoj proizvodnje WFDD uključuje primjenu nusprizvoda mljekarske industrije - WPE

    Recent advances in the application of pulsed light processing for improving food safety and increasing shelf life

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    peer-reviewedBackground New technologies of non-thermal disinfection such as pulsed light (PL) have emerged lately as an alternative to traditional (thermal and chemical) disinfection and preservation methods. PL can be used to decontaminate a great variety of foods as well as to decontaminate contact surfaces, thus improving safety in foods and extending their shelf life. Moreover, this technology can prevent or reduce some of the detrimental effects of traditional methods on nutrients and bioactive compounds of food products. Scope and approach The combination of PL with other techniques such as ultraviolet light (UV), thermosonication (TS), pulsed electric fields (PEF), manothermosonication (MTS), etc., can improve the effectiveness of the decontamination process. Therefore, in this review, some of the most relevant studies evaluating the potential application of PL treatments to decontaminate food samples, and its impact of nutritional and physicochemical quality parameters will be discussed. Key findings and conclusions PL treatments are suitable for microbial decontamination in transparent drinks and for surface contaminated foods without complex microstructures. They also can be used for meat, fish and their by-products However, it is still necessary to evaluate the appropriate treatment conditions (number of light flashed, voltage, distance between sample and flash light, spectral range of light flashes and contamination) for each food and microorganism separately to improve the effectiveness and minimize the appearance of negative attributes reducing the quality of product as, in some cases, PL can have a negative effect on the photosensitive compounds and sensory characteristics of food products

    Physicochemical and textural properties of reduced fat cheddar cheese formulated with xanthan gum and/or sodium caseinate as fat replacers.

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    Cheese is becoming one of the most widely utilized food ingredients. Raised awareness of people on healthy lifestyle has led to an increased demand for low-calorie foods particularly for low and reduced fat cheeses. Although low and reduced fat cheese exhibits poor texture and body compared to full fat ones, consumers expect to have all the characteristics of full-fat cheese in its low and reduced fat counterpart. Fat replacers are ingredients intended to be used instead of the fats and they have less caloric value and provide functional properties of the fat to foods. The effect of xanthan gum and sodium caseinate as fat replacers on textural properties and organoleptic attributes of reduced fat cheddar cheeses was studied. The results indicated that type and concentration of fat mimetic significantly affected on characteristics of cheeses. Generally the low-fat cheeses produced with xanthan gum simulated the functions of fat better than the sodium caseinate. The results revealed that, by decreasing the fat content of cheese milk and increasing xanthan gum level, the values of moisture and protein content significantly (P<0.05) increased. Separately applying high level of xanthan gum (0.045%) (w/w) or in combination with low level of sodium caseinate in cheese formulation decreased the hardness and gumminess in reduced fat samples. Fat reduction led to increase in the cohesiveness and springiness of fresh Cheddar cheese. Electronic nose for evaluation of volatile flavor compounds showed positive effects of high level of xanthan gum on flavor release of reduced fat cheeses. These results indicated that applying high level of xanthan gum had positive effects on economic consequences such as increase in yield besides acceptable textural properties. Incorporation of xanthan gum allowed a considerable fat reduction with no detrimental effect on Cheddar cheese overall quality