90 research outputs found

    Preparation and optimization of ibuprofen-loaded nanoemulsion formulation

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    Nanoemulsion containing ibuprofen was developed. However, the composition and method to prepare nanoemulsion were not consistent and needed to be optimised. In this study, nanoemulsion containing a mixture of palm kerneloil esters (PKOE), ibuprofen,Tween 80 (T80), and water was modified from the previous report. It was prepared by a combination of two methods, including low energy and high energy emulsification methods. The composition of nanoemulsion was optimised by a Mixture of Experimental Design (MED), where PKOE, T80, and water were set as variables while droplet size was a response. A total of 15 run experiments were evaluated. An optimum formulation was validated, and the composition of 3.0 wt % of PKOE, 15.0 wt% of Tween 80, 2.0 wt % of ibuprofen and 80.0 wt. % of water with the droplet size of 97.26 nm was obtained.The formulation is stable in the storage at room temperature (25 ± 2 ºC) within 3 months against coalescence process. The polydispersity index and zeta potential of the optimized formulation were 0.271 and -19.8 mV, respectively

    Parametric and thermal analysis of horizontal jet flames

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    Jet fire occurrence in an industrial installation can be severe as it can trigger a series of related events. The main hazard associated with jet fire occurrence is the heat released by radiation, which can be very high at a very short distance. The evaluation of jet flame geometry could assist the safety officer to prevent flame impingement on the nearby equipment and therefore, reduce the inventory losses and structural collapse. Previous observation indicates that the horizontal jet fire poses more significant thermal hazards as compared to that of other types of fire. However, to date, scarce and limited data are available as a reference on a jet flame for horizontal orientation, particularly for parametric characteristics and correlation model development. Thus, this study aims to investigate the thermal radiation and geometrical flame features of buoyant horizontal jet fires. Two scenarios were considered for this work i.e. free jet fires and jet fire impingement. This study used propane as the fuel that was released from a circular nozzle with a diameter of 7.15 mm and 9.8 mm. The jet fire tests were performed with different ranges of flow rates between 30 – 600 g/min at a release distance of 0.8 m and 1.2 m. Differences in flame shapes are evaluated with the use of the MATLAB. Meanwhile, linear correlations of the main geometrical parameters of interest are determined as a function of Reynolds number and Froude number (i.e. lift-off distance, projected flame length, flame height, flame trajectory, flame width). For thermal radiation analysis measurement, semi-empirical model prediction of the line-source (LSM) model was adopted to account the flame geometrical features. From the findings, it was found that the lift-off length, Lf estimation from this work was in a good agreement with Bradley’s correlation for both free and impinging jet release with R2 of 0.95. Due to the flame Froude number value is between 0.8 to 3.5, it signifies that the flame is controlled by buoyancy and momentum, thus flame trajectory, Lt was proposed to be used to estimate the radiant heat release. Using the flame trajectory, Lt for radiant heat estimation, it was observed that Lt could give a better prediction of radiant heat release for free jet fire release with R2 of 0.99 as compared to projected flame length, Lp (horizontal kite flame shape) (R2 = 0.94). It also gave consistent results with the measured data for an impinging jet release with R2=0.99 for all release scenario, using a similar approach. It can be deduced that the modified LSM using the flame trajectory parameter is a reliable method for radiant heat prediction, on both scenario in this work; free jet release and impinging jet. Implicitly, it can be suggested that the applicability of LSM becomes wider to include the effects of buoyancy and impingement scenario. Furthermore, it offers additional provision to determine the minimum spacing distance of the equipment sitting for the plant layout

    [The Contemporary Challenges of Public Management by Women Celebrities in Malaysia] Cabaran Kontemporari di Era Globalisasi dalam Pengurusan Masyarakat oleh Pendakwah Selebriti Wanita di Malaysia

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    Today's world sees globalization leaving a huge impact on women's lives. Globalization is shaping a complex life with positive and negative impacts. For female celebrity preachers, globalization has its own challenges when it comes to managing society. Qualitative methods were used in this study with a case study approach and in-depth interview method. In terms of sampling, the informants selected were two female celebrity preachers in Malaysia: Isfadiah Mohamed and Norhafizah Musa. Studies have found that the challenges they face are ambiguity, complexity, complexity, volatility and uncertainty. Dunia hari ini menyaksikan globalisasi meninggalkan impak yang besar dalam kehidupan wanita. Globalisasi mencorakkan kehidupan serba kompleks dan mempunyai impak positif dan negatif. Bagi pendakwah selebriti wanita, globalisasi mempunyai cabaran tersendiri dalam mendepani pengurusan masyarakat. Metode kualitatif digunakan dalam kajian ini dengan pendekatan kajian kes dan menggunakan metod temubual secara mendalam. Dari segi persampelan, informan yang dipilih adalah dua orang pendakwah selebriti wanita di Malaysia iaitu Isfadiah Mohamed dan Norhafizah Musa. Kajian mendapati antara cabaran yang dihadapi oleh mereka adalah kekaburan (ambiguity), kerumitan (complexity), perubahan mendadak (volatility) dan ketidakpastian (uncertainty)

    Implimentasi elemen motivasi intrinsik terhadap pembangunan diri remaja di Pusat Motivasi Alihan Pelajar (MAP): analisis dari perspektif Islam

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    Remaja adalah generasi penting kepada masa depan negara. Walau bagaimanapun, dalam menelusuri cabaran era globalisasi kini, negara amat memerlukan remaja yang membangun secara holistik dari aspek spiritual, emosi, intelek, sosial dan fizikal. Motivasi intrinsik yang sejajar dengan tuntutan Islam menjadi keperluan penting kepada remaja untuk mendepani cabaran tersebut. Dalam hal ini, pendidikan sepanjang hayat menerusi program motivasi bermodul adalah salah satu pendekatan yang berperanan membentuk motivasi remaja dalam ruang lingkup agama. Namun, sejauhmana peranan tersebut digalas dengan baik masih kurang dibincangkan. Sehubungan itu, makalah ini akan mengupas elemen motivasi intrinsik dalam modul pembangunan diri yang telah digunapakai oleh Pusat Motivasi Alihan Pelajar (MAP). Sebagai satu pusat motivasi yang berkonsep Islam, MAP telah bertanggungjawab memastikan konsistensi penggunaan modul pembangunan diri selama lebih dari lima belas tahun untuk membangunkan motivasi cemerlang dalam kalangan remaja muslim. Dengan menggunakan metode analisis kandungan modul, temubual dan pemerhatian turut serta, setiap elemen motivasi intrinsik dikupas daripada modul tersebut menurut perspektif Islam. Berdasarkan dapatan analisis, beberapa tema telah dikenalpasti daripada kesemua sebelas slot yang dimuatkan dalam modul tersebut iaitu pembangunan potensi diri, matlamat hidup, keupayaan menilai dan membuat keputusan berdasarkan sunnatullah dan syariatullah serta pengantungan kepada Allah. Kesemua tema ini didapati telah menerapkan keempat-empat elemen motivasi intrinsik daripada perspektif Islam iaitu niat, al-Thabat, iltizam dan penghayatan serta elemen al-'Afaf. Oleh yang demikian, paradigma yang digunakan di dalam modul ini boleh menjadi rujukan kepada semua pihak yang bertanggungjawab untuk membentuk pembangunan diri remaja yang lebih holistik

    Dato' Haji Sidek Haji Jamil / Nurul Nadrah Abdul Kader, Nur Shahidah Mohamad Ali and Siti Hajar Mat Arsat

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    Dato 'Haji Sidek bin Haji Jamil is a former Director General of the National Archives. He started his career in the field of archives from 1974 to present. Throughout his involvement in this field, he was awarded several honorary awards for significant contributions that have been given by him. Contributions made by him not only in the country but have reached up to international level. Throughout his involvement in this field, namely from 1974 until now, he has contributed many ideas and best service. He also contributed a lot of energy and screaming pain in upholding the National Archives. Among them are, he is often chosen as a representative of a meeting or conference at the international level. In addition, he is also heavily involved in presenting papers are held in and outside the country. He is also part of the board of directors and the many contributions in the field outside the department either within or outside the country

    Heart rate variability biofeedback training protocol for measure discipline and responsibility among student

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    This paper describes an eight steps of heart rate variability (HRV) biofeedback protocol we have used in this research. In this step have three activities and four recovery time. This protocol was refined in a study of biofeedback to measure discipline and responsibility among student. These methods have been used for various therapy such as anxiety, depression and other psychophysiological disorders. The aim of biofeedback is to measure and improve the conscious control of individual’s involuntary physiological activity. Research has shown that this biofeedback protocol can measure stage of discipline and responsibility among student

    Kesan hedonisme kepada generasi muda: kajian kes di Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, kampus Pagoh

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    Hedonisme merupakan budaya baru yang wujud kesan daripada proses globalisasi yang berlaku dengan pesat. Tujuan kajian ini dijalankan adalah untuk mengenalpasti faktor dan kesan hedonisme ini mudah menyerap dalam semua peringkat umur khususnya kanak-kanak dan remaja. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif iaitu menggunakan borang kaji selidik dan 150 orang responden yang terdiri daripada mahasiswa dan mahasiswi Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia telah dipilih. Dapatan kajian dianalisa oleh pengkaji dengan membuat peratusan terhadap data yang diperoleh. Secara keseluruhan, hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa terdapat lima faktor utama penularan hedonisme ini iaitu diri sendiri, pengaruh institusi kekeluargaan, rakan sebaya, media massa dan persekitaran. Selain itu, terdapat pelbagai implikasi daripada penularan budaya ini yang boleh menganggu gugat kemaslahatan masyarakat seperti kemakmuran dan kesejahteraan negara tergugat, peningkatan terhadap kes jenayah, sikap boros dan bermewah, melahirkan masyarakat yang semakin malas serta peningkatan dalam kadar pengaganguran

    Pendekatan dan pengaplikasian motivasi agama dalam modul pembangunan diri remaja: kajian terhadap Program Motivasi Alihan Pelajar (MAP)

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    Remaja adalah suatu fasa dalam peringkat kehidupan yang perlu diberi perhatian. Ketidakstabilan keadaan psikologikal remaja boleh menimbulkan pelbagai konflik dan kecelaruan sekiranya tidak diurus dengan baik. Dalam suatu proses pembangunan diri, remaja akan berdepan dengan pelbagai cabaran yang berupaya menjejaskan motivasi diri mereka. Justeru, suntikan motivasi agama yang bersifat komprehensif dan sistematik amat diperlukan. Dengan menggunakan metode analisis kandungan secara holistik dan pemerhatian, kertas ini akan menghuraikan pendekatan motivasi agama berserta pengaplikasiannya menerusi modul pembangunan diri remaja dalam Program Motivasi Alihan Pelajar. Berdasarkan analisis, kesemua sebelas slot yang terkandung dalam modul tersebut telah menggunakan pendekatan motivasi agama yang terdiri daripada langkah pertama iaitu; pengurusan emosi dan pemikiran dan langkah kedua; konsistensi amal. Kajian ini merumuskan, intervensi pembangunan diri remaja melalui dua pendekatan motivasi agama ini didapati lebih komprehensif dan integratif sesuai dengan keperluan psikologikal remaja. Justeru pendekatan ini amat wajar diaplikasikan dalam membantu proses pembangunan diri remaja secara holistik

    Business Planning : N4M Collection / Muhd Hafeez Abd Hai ...[et al.]

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    Our company name is N4M COLLECTION and the form of our business is partnership. This company is situated in Pasir Puteh, Kelantan. This business is a service to the customer especially for student, businessman / women and people who like stylish. Our mission is very simple which is to become one of the company that will deal directly with the future athlete and any people that interested to know a lot of information about world of Islamic fashion. In the same time we also make it services is to provide all material about clothes. It is include give the information about how to choose a good clothes for our identity, give new knowledge about fashion, also try to help them that interested to wear our traditional clothes. The core objective is try to fulfill all the material that user need especially in Kelantan as we know, a country we call as “Serambi Mekah”. Following by the decision-making we are ready to start the business operation on 4th April 2008. This business will become one of the great boutique center based on the future prospect here such as sustainable and well establish among the communit

    Potential use of fruit seeds and plant leaves as coagulation agent in water treatment

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    The treatment of turbid water by coagulation-flocculation was found to be the most common and cost-effective method. Over the years, chemical coagulants have been widely applied to enhance the coagulation process. However, the utilisation of chemical coagulants exhibits several drawbacks, including generation of voluminous sludge and being non-biodegradable as well as toxic compounds to aquatic life. Due to global concerns over the harmful effects, the application of natural coagulants is a promising solution. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the potential of plant-based natural coagulants to replace chemical coagulants for water treatment. Fruit seeds (Carica papaya, Nephelium mutabile, and Euphoria malaiense seeds) and plant leaves (Pandanus, Centella asiatica, and Cymbopogon citratus leaves) were selected as natural coagulants in this study. A series of jar tests were performed using raw water from a water treatment plant. The effects of pH and coagulant dosage were evaluated based on the turbidity removal and coagulation activity. Of all the examined plants, the Carica papaya seeds appeared to be the best coagulant for water treatment. An optimum dose of 130 mg/L of this coagulant resulted in a 95.5% turbidity removal and 94% coagulation activity, at optimum pH 7.5. Overall, this study reveals the potential use of fruit seeds and plant leaves as coagulation agents in the water treatment process