1,240 research outputs found

    Karst geomorphology, cave development and hydrogeology in the Kashmir valley, Western Himalaya, India

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    Surface and underground karst features, such as karren, dolines, sinking streams, caves and large freshwater and thermal springs are developed in Triassic Limestone in the southern Kashmir Valley. The rock formation has a high hydraulic conductivity (K), up to 1,000 m d-1 and constitutes one of the most productive aquifers in the region. Springs discharging from this aquifer supply pristine water to more than one million people, but the regional karst system is still poorly understood. The present study is really a first and preliminary study of an important but remote and previously unstudied area, with the goal to provide a first overview and inventory of karst phenomena, as a basis for more detailed (and more “scientific”) studies in the future. Results suggest that karstification is developed along tectonic joints and bedding planes. Karstification shows distinct variation with altitude and is more developed towards the valley floor. The study also revealed that erosion of the alluvium along streams pushed karstification downwards and caused drying up of formerly phreatic cave passages. Reconstruction of karst evolution on the basis of geomorphological, geological and climatic conditions of the region suggests that karstification has started during Plio-Pleistocene. The present surface and subsurface karstification is directly related to the tectono-sedimentational history of the Himalaya and the climatic conditions that prevailed after the Himalayan Orogeny.Key words: Triassic Limestone, karstification, freshwater supply, Himalaya, Kashmir Valley.Kraška geomorfologija, razvoj jam in hidrogeologija v Kašmirski dolini, Zahodna Himalaja, IndijaPovršinske in podzemne kraške oblike, kot so škraplje, vrtače, reke ponikalnice, jame ter veliki sladkovodni in termalni izviri, so v južni Kašmirski dolini nastale v triasnih apnencih. Ti imajo visoko hidravlično prevodnost (K) do 1000 m d-1 in so med najbolj produktivnimi vodonosniki v regiji. Izviri, ki drenirajo ta vodonosnik, prispevajo neoporečno vodo več kot milijon ljudem. Kljub temu hidrogeologijo regionalnega kraškega sistema še vedno slabo razumemo. Ta študija je prva in preliminarna študija pomembnega, a oddaljenega in predhodno neraziskanega območja ter poskuša zagotoviti prvi pregled in popis kraških pojavov kot podlaga za podrobnejše (in bolj »znanstvene«) študije. Rezultati kažejo, da je zakrasevanje razvito vzdolž tektonskih prelomov in lezik. Zakrasevanje se razlikuje glede na nadmorsko višino in je bolj razvito proti dnu doline. Študija je pokazala tudi, da je erozija aluvija vzdolž vodotokov potisnila zakrasevanje v globino vodonosnika in povzročila fosilizacijo predhodno freatičnih jamskih kanalov. Rekonstrukcija kraškega razvoja na podlagi geomorfoloških, geoloških in klimatskih razmer v regiji nakazuje, da se je zakrasevanje začelo med Plio-Pleistocenom. Sedanje površinsko in podzemno zakrasevanje je neposredno povezano s tektonsko-sedimentacijsko zgodovino Himalaje in podnebnimi razmerami, ki so prevladovale po himalajski orogenezi.Ključne besede: triasni apnenec, zakrasevanje, oskrba z vodo, Himalaja, dolina Kašmir.

    Quantitative and qualitative changes in human Meissner’s corpuscle at different ages: a light microscopic analysis

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    Background:Meissner’s corpuscle is the most complex sensory receptors of the skin; providing information about rapidly fluctuating mechanical forces acting on the hairless skin. Aim of current study was to study density and structural changes in human Meissner’s corpuscles at different agesMethods:Samples were obtained from finger tips of fifteen persons and divided into three groups according to age: group A <15years; group B: 16-45 years and group C: 46-72 years. 5 µm thick sections were prepared, impregnated with silver and observed under compound light microscope. Density of Meissner’s corpuscles (Mcs) was studied by calculating Meissner’s Index (MI).Results:In group A, the MI was 0.86-0.90, which increased to 0.96 in group B and dropped in group C to 0.4 (in the seventh decade). The analysis of variance showed significant difference (P = 0.019) in MIs of the three age groups. The size of the Mcs was largest in group B, followed by group C and smallest in group A. The analysis of variance showed that there was highly significant difference (P = 0.003) between the size of Mcs in all the three age groups. It was observed that morphology of Mcs alter with age. In children these consisted of rudimentary coil of nerve fibers around collection of cells. In adults the intra-corpuscular nerve fibers were compressed into a tight spiral and modifications of nerve fibers, like end bulbs, varicosities and networks, were well developed. In old age Mcs were attenuated consisting of tangled mass of nerve fibers.  Conclusion:It can be concluded that in adults the Mcs are greater in number, larger in size and complicated in structure, compared to young and old people.

    Structural organization and pattern of innervations of human Meissner’s corpuscle: a light microscopic study

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    Background: Human glabrous skin has very rich nerve supply in the form of specialized nerve endings like Meissner’s corpuscles, Pacinian corpuscles, Krause end bulbs etc for carrying sensory information to brain. Aim of study: To study the structure, pattern of innervations and nerve terminations of human Meissner’s corpuscle. Methods: Skin samples from sixty human beings (age range 2 to 72 years) were taken, sections prepared and stained with a cytological (Haematoxylin – Eosin and Vongieson’s stains) and a neural stain (Silver Impregnation). Results: With cytological stain, Meissner’s corpuscles were seen in dermal papillae of glabrous skin, each consisting of a cellular structure having a peripheral capsule and central core of transversely arranged cells. With neural stain, each corpuscle was seen to be oval, globular or cylindrical structure, having a capsule surrounding the core of spirally arranged nerve fibers, sandwiched by Schwann cells. In between nerve fibers of the core were seen small bundles of collagen fibers. 2-6 nerve fibers innervated each Mc from the sub corial plexus of nerves and formed various patterns of nerve endings like networks, end bulbs and varicosities inside the Meissner’s corpuscle. Conclusion: Meissner’s corpuscle is a complex structure composed of capsule - consisting of spindle shaped capsular cells interspersed in collagen fibers, surrounding a core of helically arranged nerve fibers, Schwann cells and collagen fibers

    Effects of lithium carbonate on the microanatomy of thyroid gland of albino rats

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    Background: Lithium is routinely used to treat mania and other psychiatric disorders. It prevents the mood swing changes in bipolar disorders and the treatment is usually prolonged. Aim of current study was to observe histological changes in the thyroid gland of lithium carbonate treated albino rats.Methods: Sixty albino rats were taken and divided into two groups, group A (control group) of 15 animals, were fed with normal diet and group B of 45 animals, were fed normal diet along with lithium carbonate at the dose of 30mg/kg body weight daily. The animals were sacrificed at four, eight and twelve week’s interval, 5µm sections prepared and stained with haematoxylin and eosin stain.Results: Microscopic changes in thyroid gland of albino rats were evident after 8 weeks of drug administration which include marked pleomorphism, shrinkage in size of thyroid follicles, excess of colloid and marked vacuolations in acini. At 12th week of study, follicles were found both macro and micro follicular, with variable lining epithelium and hyperchromatic nuclei. Lining epithelium of some follicles was disrupted. The stroma was infiltrated with lymphocytes and eosinophils and there were some interfollicular hemorrhages. Conclusions: Lithium given over prolonged period will cause macro and micro follicular goiter with hyperplastic epithelium and hyper chromatic nuclei, hyperplasia of stroma with increased vascularity, sometimes hemorrhages and finally may lead to thyroiditis like picture. So, it is advised that patients on lithium therapy should be periodically evaluated for thyroid dysfunction.

    Dermatoglyphics: in health and disease - a review

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    Dermatoglyphics is the study of finger print patterns and the term was coined by Harold Cummins in 1926. Finger prints are imprints of epidermal ridges, which are formed in early embryonic life, during 10th to 16th week of intrauterine life and remain permanent during whole life. Dermatoglyphic patterns have polygenic inheritance and are affected by environmental factors in the uterus. Finger print patterns are mainly of three types: arches whorls and loops; though there are more than 100 ridge characteristics, called Galton’s details, in a single rolled finger print. Dermatoglyphics is not only used in the identification of an individual but also serves as a mirror of one’s potential and talent. In this review, we will be discussing Dermatoglyphics and its important role in the diagnosis of chromosomal disorders and other diseases which have some genetic bases

    Cultural, morphological, pathogenic and molecular characterization of Alternaria mali associated with Alternaria leaf blotch of apple

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    Alternaria blotch (Alternaria mali) causes severe foliar damage to apple trees in Kashmir. Twenty one (21) isolates of A. mali were collected from different locations and characterized for cultural, morphological, pathogenic and molecular variations. A. mali colonies varied in their cultural behaviour ranging from velvety to cottony, mostly appressed, with regular to irregular margins. Colour of colonies ranged between light to dark olivacious. Isolates impregnated media with colour ranging between grey to brown. Growth rate of isolates was between 5.86 to 8.21 mm/day with fast growth in isolate Am-13 and least in Am-5. Morphological variations in size, shape and septation of hyphae, conidiophore and conidia were observed in the isolates with significant variations in conidiophore and conidial septation. Average conidial size ranged from 21.36 to 31.74 x 8.34 to 14.48 μm. Isolates exhibited variations in incubation period, number and size of the lesions were produced. The dendrogram analysis, based on cultural, morphological and pathogenic studies, revealed variation within A. mali population. At 67% similarity matrix, all the isolates formed 2 clusters with 12 and nine isolates in cluster I and II, respectively. However, dendrogram on molecular (random amplification of polymorphic DNA, RAPD) basis revealed five clusters at 68% Dice similarity coefficient. There was no congruence between RAPD pattern and cultural, morphological and pathogenic characters. Isolates identical for one spectrum were often dissimilar for other spectrum. The results demonstrate existence of considerable variation in cultural, morphological, pathogenic and molecular characters of A. mali isolates prevalent in Kashmir valley.Keywords: Apple, Alternaria mali, variability, cultural, morphological, pathogenic, RAPDAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(4), pp. 370-38

    Characteristics of Local Health Departments Associated with Implementation of Electronic Health Records and Other Informatics Systems

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    Objective: Assessing local health departments’ (LHDs’) informatics capacities is important, especially within the context of broader, systems-level health reform. We assessed a nationally representative sample of LHDs’ adoption of information systems and the factors associated with adoption and implementation by examining electronic health records, health information exchange, immunization registry, electronic disease reporting system, and electronic laboratory reporting. Methods: We used data from the National Association of County and City Health Officials’ 2013 National Profile of LHDs. We performed descriptive statistics and multinomial logistic regression for the five implementation-oriented outcome variables of interest, with three levels of implementation (implemented, plan to implement, and no activity). Independent variables included infrastructural and financial capacity and other characteristics associated with informatics capacity. Results: Of 505 LHDs that responded to the survey, 69 (13.5%) had implemented health information exchanges, 122 (22.2%) had implemented electronic health records, 245 (47.5%) had implemented electronic laboratory reporting, 368 (73.0%) had implemented an electronic disease reporting system, and 416 (83.8%) had implemented an immunization registry. LHD characteristics associated with health informatics adoption included provision of greater number of clinical services, greater per capita public health expenditures, health information systems specialists on staff, larger population size, decentralized governance system, one or more local boards of health, metropolitan jurisdiction, and top executive with more years in the job. Conclusion: Many LHDs lack health informatics capacity, particularly in smaller, rural jurisdictions. Cross-jurisdictional sharing, investment in public health informatics infrastructure, and additional training may help address these shortfalls

    Development of the Malocclusion Impact Questionnaire (MIQ) to measure the oral health-related quality of life of young people with malocclusion: part 2 - cross-sectional validation.

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    OBJECTIVE: To test the items, identified through qualitative inquiry that might form the basis of a new Malocclusion Impact Questionnaire (MIQ) to measure the oral health-related quality of life (OHQoL) of young people with malocclusion. METHODS: Piloting with 13 young people reduced the number of items from 37 to 28. Cross-sectional testing involved a convenience sample aged 10-16 years, attending the Orthodontic Department of the Charles Clifford Dental Hospital, Sheffield. The fit and function of the initial MIQ questions were examined using item response theory. RESULTS: 184 participants (113 females; 71 males) completed a questionnaire (response 85%), seven participants were excluded due to missing responses. The mean age of participants was 12·9 years (SD 1·4) and they had a wide range of malocclusions. The majority were White British (67·4%). Data from 47 participants were used to analyse test-retest reliability. Rasch analysis was undertaken, which further reduced the number of items in the questionnaire from 28 to 17. Unidimensionality of the scale was confirmed. The analysis also identified that the original 5-point response scale could be reduced to three points. The new measure demonstrated good criterion validity (r = 0·751; P < 0·001) and construct validity with the two global questions ('Overall bother' ρ = 0·733 and 'Life overall' ρ = 0·701). Internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = 0·906) and test-retest reliability Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC = 0·78; 95% CI 0·61-0·88) were also good. CONCLUSION: Cross-sectional testing has shown the new MIQ to be both valid and reliable. Further evaluation is required to confirm the generalisability as well as the ability of the new measure to detect change over time (responsiveness)

    Aggregation Bias: A Proposal to Raise Awareness Regarding Inclusion in Visual Analytics

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    Data is a powerful tool to make informed decisions. They can be used to design products, to segment the market, and to design policies. However, trusting so much in data can have its drawbacks. Sometimes a set of indicators can conceal the reality behind them, leading to biased decisions that could be very harmful to underrepresented individuals, for example. It is challenging to ensure unbiased decision-making processes because people have their own beliefs and characteristics and be unaware of them. However, visual tools can assist decision-making processes and raise awareness regarding potential data issues. This work describes a proposal to fight biases related to aggregated data by detecting issues during visual analysis and highlighting them, trying to avoid drawing inaccurate conclusions

    A multipurpose immobilized biocatalyst with pectinase, xylanase and cellulase activities

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The use of immobilized enzymes for catalyzing various biotransformations is now a widely used approach. In recent years, cross-linked enzyme aggregates (CLEAs) have emerged as a novel and versatile biocatalyst design. The present work deals with the preparation of a CLEA from a commercial preparation, Pectinex™ Ultra SP-L, which contains pectinase, xylanase and cellulase activities. The CLEA obtained could be used for any of the enzyme activities. The CLEA was characterized in terms of kinetic parameters, thermal stability and reusability in the context of all the three enzyme activities.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Complete precipitation of the three enzyme activities was obtained with n-propanol. When resulting precipitates were subjected to cross-linking with 5 mM glutaraldehyde, the three activities initially present (pectinase, xylanase and cellulase) were completely retained after cross-linking. The V<sub>max</sub>/K<sub>m </sub>values were increased from 11, 75 and 16 to 14, 80 and 19 in case of pectinase, xylanase and cellulase activities respectively. The thermal stability was studied at 50°C, 60°C and 70°C for pectinase, xylanase and cellulase respectively. Half-lives were improved from 17, 22 and 32 minutes to 180, 82 and 91 minutes for pectinase, xylanase and cellulase respectively. All three of the enzymes in CLEA could be reused three times without any loss of activity.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A single multipurpose biocatalyst has been designed which can be used for carrying out three different and independent reactions; 1) hydrolysis of pectin, 2) hydrolysis of xylan and 3) hydrolysis of cellulose. The preparation is more stable at higher temperatures as compared to the free enzymes.</p