341 research outputs found

    Status of ψ\psi (3686), ψ\psi (4040), ψ\psi (4160), Y (4260), ψ\psi (4415) and X (4630) charmonia like states

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    We examine the status of charmonia like states by looking into the behaviour of the energy level differences and regularity in the behaviour of the leptonic decay widths of the excited charmonia states. The spectroscopic states are studied using a phenomenological Martin-like confinement potential and their radial wave functions are employed to compute the di-leptonic decay widths. Their deviations from the expected behaviour provide a clue to consider them as admixtures of the nearby S and D states. The present analysis strongly favour \\backslash$psi \$ (3686) as admixture of $c \bar{c}$ (2S) and $c \bar{c}$g (4.1 GeV) hybrid, \\backslashpsi$(4040)and$psi \$ (4040) and \$\backslashpsi$(4160)asadmixturestatesofcharmonia(3S,3D)stateswithmixingangle$psi \$ (4160) as admixture states of charmonia (3S, 3D) states with mixing angle \$\backslashtheta$=11theta \$ = 11^\circand45 and 45^\circrespectively.WeidentifyY(4260)asapure respectively. We identify Y (4260) as a pure c \bar{c}(4S)statewhoseleptonicdecayispredictedas0.65keV.WhileX(4630)isclosertothe (4S) state whose leptonic decay is predicted as 0.65 keV. While X(4630) is closer to the c \bar{c}(6S)state.Thestatusof$ (6S) state. The status of \$\backslash$psi \$ (4415) is still not clear as it does not fit to be pure or admixture state


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    Depression is the most prevalent mood disorder among pregnant women. Only 50% of women seek intervention during gestation. Untreated during pregnancy, depression can induce obstetric and neonatal complications, most commonly, anhedonia, suboptimal weight gain, suicidal behavior, pre-term birth, and/or spontaneous miscarriage. The babies more often suffer cognitive deficits, low birth weight, and growth delay. The mothers subsequently also experience an increased risk for significant degrees of postpartum depression. Those with relatively milder cases of depression should initially receive psychotherapy. Otherwise, there are many antidepressant medications available for the pharmacotherapy of depression. However, treating pregnant females with depression is a challenge because of potential teratogenic effects caused by many pharmaceuticals. Physicians should know the recommended guidelines for treating depressed women during a time of gestation. It is crucial to identify women suffering from depression during pregnancy, and electing those that warrant pharmacotherapy while picking the best and safest medication is a complex process with paramount significance. Before prescribing an antidepressant drug, explain the advantages and disadvantages of the interventions. Whenever prescribing during these circumstances, more than conventionally close obstetric, emotional, and medication monitoring is to be provided. This would also include an emphasis on diet, exercise, psychotherapy, and avoidance of any non-critical medicinal or other substance exposures

    Difference in clinical profile between juvenile onset and adult-onset systemic lupus erythematosus: a meta-analysis

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    The aim was to systematically review the studies that compared clinical and serological variation between adult-onset systematic lupus erythematosus (aSLE) andjuvenile-onset systematic lupus erythematosus (jSLE). A comprehensive literature search was done, in various available electronic databases for relevant publication that compared juvenile onset SLE and adult onset SLE. The data of adverse clinical features, serological profile and mortality were extracted. Juvenile onset was defined as 18 years. The methodological quality of study was assessed by Newcastle Ottawa scale (NOS) criteria and R version 3.3.1 was used for analysis and ORs and 95% CIs, were used as statistical parameter. A total of 14,920 patients; (12,230: aSLE, and 2,690: jSLE) were included. Renal involvement especially nephritis was significantly more in j-SLE OR: 2.18, 95% CI: [1.81;2.62]; I2=10.8% whereas musculoskeletal was significant in aSLE O.R: 0.64; C.I: [0.44; 0.93]; I2=83.4%. Seizure and malar rash were significantly higher in J-SLE OR:1.69, CI: [1.31; 2.18]; I2=31.1%,1.43; C.I [1.04; 1.97]; I2=82%, respectively. Raynaud’s phenomenon and pleuritis were significantly higher in adult onset SLE. Anemia and thrombocytopenia were significantly higher in juvenile onset SLE. Anti-ds DNA, anti-histone, and anti-ribosomal-P were more frequent in juvenile-onset SLE while, anti-Ro was more common in adult-onset disease. The cause of mortality was not significantly different in both groups. Renal biopsy of class III and IV combined and class V were significantly more in adult-onset SLE. SLEDAI was higher in j-SLE. Meta-analysis indicated that, regardless of many similar clinical and serological manifestations, there is still some variation between adult-onset SLE and juvenile-onset SLE. Although, SLE disease is continuum from juvenile to adult but disease aggressive in juvenile onset SLE

    Machine-Learning Techniques for Predicting Phishing Attacks in Blockchain Networks: A Comparative Study

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    Security in the blockchain has become a topic of concern because of the recent developments in the field. One of the most common cyberattacks is the so-called phishing attack, wherein the attacker tricks the miner into adding a malicious block to the chain under genuine conditions to avoid detection and potentially destroy the entire blockchain. The current attempts at detection include the consensus protocol; however, it fails when a genuine miner tries to add a new block to the blockchain. Zero-trust policies have started making the rounds in the field as they ensure the complete detection of phishing attempts; however, they are still in the process of deployment, which may take a significant amount of time. A more accurate measure of phishing detection involves machine-learning models that use specific features to automate the entire process of classifying an attempt as either a phishing attempt or a safe attempt. This paper highlights several models that may give safe results and help eradicate blockchain phishing attempts

    Impact of Online Communities on Civic Engagement: An Inclusivity Assessment Using the Civic Engagement Test

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    With a mean age of 32.4 years and a balanced gender distribution (55% male, 45% female), we present findings based on a diverse participant sample in this data-intensive study evaluating the "Impact of Online Communities on Civic Engagement: An Inclusivity Assessment Using the Civic Engagement Test," demonstrating the inclusivity of these digital spaces. In online communities, users demonstrated active participation, with an average of 45 posts, 60 likes, and 18 comments. Furthermore, a solid grasp of civic concerns was demonstrated by the civic engagement test results (average score of 82), with 40% exhibiting advanced civic knowledge. The results of inclusiveness evaluations showed that various kinds of communities exhibited variable degrees of inclusivity, highlighting the significance of community design in fostering diversity. These observations highlight the transformational power of online networks in promoting knowledgeable civic involvement and stress the significance of inclusion for the advancement of digital civic engagement

    Understanding the Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Non-suicidal Self-Injury in Youth: A Systematic Review

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    Objective: Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI), defined as a deliberate destruction of one’s own body without a suicidal intent, is a global public health issue. Adverse childhood events (ACEs) have been shown to be associated with various mental illnesses; however, to date the impact of such events on NSSI in youth has not been reviewed. Methods: We conducted a systematic review, searched 5 databases for published articles evaluating ACE and NSSI in youth less than or equal to 21 years of age. After screening 247 articles, we included 21 unique articles in this systematic review. Results: Increasing ACE score, physical, sexual or emotional abuse, parental neglect and substance use, parental separation or dysfunctional family, and death of a close family member had statistically significant correlation with NSSI. Conclusion: Non-suicidal self-injury is an impairing diagnosis with far reaching psychiatric manifestations and repercussions. Practitioners having high clinical suspicion for ACEs in youth with NSSI must intervene early by administering the ACEs questionnaire. Effective treatment of NSSI in those with ACEs with psychotherapy significantly improves outcomes and prevents suicide in youth

    Safety of medication use in primary care

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    © 2014 Royal Pharmaceutical Society.BACKGROUND: Medication errors are one of the leading causes of harmin health care. Review and analysis of errors have often emphasized their preventable nature and potential for reoccurrence. Of the few error studies conducted in primary care to date, most have focused on evaluating individual parts of the medicines management system. Studying individual parts of the system does not provide a complete perspective and may further weaken the evidence and undermine interventions.AIM AND OBJECTIVES: The aim of this review is to estimate the scale of medication errors as a problem across the medicines management system in primary care. Objectives were: To review studies addressing the rates of medication errors, and To identify studies on interventions to prevent medication errors in primary care.METHODS: A systematic search of the literature was performed in PubMed (MEDLINE), International Pharmaceutical Abstracts (IPA), Embase, PsycINFO, PASCAL, Science Direct, Scopus, Web of Knowledge, and CINAHL PLUS from 1999 to November, 2012. Bibliographies of relevant publications were searched for additional studies.KEY FINDINGS: Thirty-three studies estimating the incidence of medication errors and thirty-six studies evaluating the impact of error-prevention interventions in primary care were reviewed. This review demonstrated that medication errors are common, with error rates between 90%, depending on the part of the system studied, and the definitions and methods used. The prescribing stage is the most susceptible, and that the elderly (over 65 years), and children (under 18 years) are more likely to experience significant errors. Individual interventions demonstrated marginal improvements in medication safety when implemented on their own.CONCLUSION: Targeting the more susceptible population groups and the most dangerous aspects of the system may be a more effective approach to error management and prevention. Co-implementation of existing interventions at points within the system may offer time- and cost-effective options to improving medication safety in primary care.Peer reviewe

    Minimal hepatic encephalopathy: consensus statement of a working party of the Indian National Association for study of the liver

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    Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is a major complication that develops in some form and at some stage in a majority of patients with liver cirrhosis. Overt HE occurs in approximately 30-45% of cirrhotic patients. Minimal HE (MHE), the mildest form of HE, is characterized by subtle motor and cognitive deficits and impairs health-related quality of life. The Indian National Association for Study of the Liver (INASL) set up a Working Party on MHE in 2008 with a mandate to develop consensus guidelines on various aspects of MHE relevant to clinical practice. Questions related to the definition of MHE, its prevalence, diagnosis, clinical characteristics, pathogenesis, natural history and treatment were addressed by the members of the Working Party
