112 research outputs found

    Pengawal Lampu Trafik Dengan Pengesan Menggunakan FPGA

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    This project is to design a traffic light with sensor using FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array). This design of traffic light is using sensor for the entire road in the junction. The sensor will sense the vehicle in that junction and will control the system depending on the vehicle that will be sense by the sensor. This project can be use for 24 hour and can be classified with other condition. The idea for this project was started from the beginning and the idea will presented to block diagram. From the block diagram this project will be designing using Xilinx. The design of this project will transfer to IC EPROM and the objective for this project will be seen on the board Xilinx. This system can function very effective and can be used for many other conditions

    Kesan Pendekatan Konkrit-Gambar-Abstrak Berbantukan Collaborative Lesson Research Terhadap Profisiensi Murid Tahun Empat Dalam Ukuran

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    Kajian adalah bertujuan untuk menyiasat sama ada pendekatan konkrit, gambar dan abstrak (KGA) dengan menggunakan Collaborative Lesson Research (CLR) memberikan impak terhadap profisiensi murid tahun empat dalam ukuran

    Index of Soil Moisture Using Raw Landsat Image Digital Count Data in Texas High Plains

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    The growth and yield of crops in the arid and semi-arid regions of the world is driven by the amount of soil moisture available to the crop through rainfall and irrigation. Various methods have been developed for quantifying the soil moisture status of agricultural crops. Recent technological advances in remote sensing have shown that soil moisture can be measured with a variety of remote sensing techniques, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. In this study, building on of the strengths of multispectral satellite imagery, a new approach is suggested for estimating soil moisture content. A soil moisture index, the Perpendicular Soil Moisture Index (PSMI), is proposed; it is evaluated using raw image digital count (DC) data in the red, near-infrared, and thermal infrared spectral bands. To test this approach, soil moisture was measured in 18 agricultural fields in the semi-arid Texas High Plains over two years and compared to corresponding PSMI values determined from Landsat image data. These results showed that PSMI was strongly correlated (R2 = 0.79) with observed soil moisture. It was further demonstrated that maps of PSMI developed from Landsat imagery could be constructed to show the relative spatial distribution of soil moisture across a region. While further study is needed to determine the exact relationship between PSMI and soil moisture in larger areas with different climates, this study suggests that PSMI is a good indicator of soil moisture and has potential for operationally monitoring soil moisture conditions at the field to regional scales

    Laporan akhir cadangan menaiktaraf rekabentuk ruang dalaman Designer Music No 11, Persiaran Kampar, 30250, Ipoh Perak / Siti Fairos Ahamad Shafian

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    Pembentukan sebuah rekabentuk adalah berdasarkan apa yang dilihat, apa yang dikaji serta penelitian tajam bagi menghasilkan suatu rekabentuk yang berjaya. la haruslah dilihat dari pelbagai aspek samada aspek luaran ataupun dalaman. Penggunaan elemen - elemen yang sesuai amat penting dalam penghasilan sesuatu projek bagi mendapatkan ketepatan konsep yang ingin ditonjolkan. Ini adalah kerana dengan menggunakan cara ini, sesebuah rekabentuk itu dapat dihasilkan dengan kesempurnaan yang maksima. Pusat Muzik ini ditubuhkan sebagai salah satu badan yang menyokong serta merupakan salah satu usaha dalam menaikkan taraf industri muzik tanah air khususnya dan antarabangsa amnya. Oleh itu, rekabentuknya haruslah menyentuh pada praktikaliti dan juga nilain - nilai estetik. Denagn adanya Pusat Muzik ini, ianya dijangka bukan sahaja dapat menarik peminat muzik sahaja malah mampu menjadi daya tarikan kepada orang ramai tidak kira umur dan bangsa. Ianya juga boleh menjadi salah satu aktiviti riadah dan aktiviti sosial yang sihat

    Relationships Of Adolescents’ Usage Of Snss To Their Academic Performance And Face-To-Face Interaction With Family Members

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    Laman sosial menyediakan platform untuk berkomunikasi, bersosial dan berkongsi maklumat kepada pengguna internet. Remaja menghabiskan banyak masa dan sering melayari laman sosial. Menggunakan kerangka teori anjakan masa dan teori sistem keluarga, kajian ini mengkaji hubungan antara penggunaan laman sosial (jumlah masa diluangkan dan kekerapan log masuk) dengan prestasi akademik. Interaksi bersemuka antara remaja dengan ahli keluarga turut dikaji untuk memberi gambaran keseluruhan mengenai perkaitan antara penggunaan laman sosial dan interaksi keluarga dalam kalangan remaja di peringkat awal dan akhir remaja. Pengkaji turut mengkaji pembolehubah demografi seperti umur, jantina, lokasi kediaman, pendapatan bulanan ibu bapa dan juga latar belakang pendidikan ibu bapa yang mungkin memoderasikan hubungan antara pembolehubah bebas dengan pembolehubah bersandar. Sampel kajian ini terdiri daripada 434 orang pelajar Tingkatan 1 dan Tingkatan 4 daripada empat buah sekolah di Kuala Lumpur dan Selangor. SNSs provide internet users with a platform to communicate, socialize and share information. Adolescents spend a significant amount of time and frequently log in on SNSs. Using the framework of time displacement theory and family systems theory, the present study examined the relationship of SNSs usage (time spent and frequency of login) to academic performance. Adolescents’ face-to-face interaction with family members was also examined to give an overall view of the association between SNSs usage and family interaction among early and late adolescents. The researcher also examined demographic variables such as age, gender, residential location, parents’ monthly income and parents’ educational background that might moderate the relationships between the independent and dependent variables. The sample of the present study consisted of 434 Form 1 and Form 4 students from four selected schools in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor

    Unmanned aerial systems-based remote sensing for monitoring sorghum growth and development

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    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Systems (UAV or UAS) have become increasingly popular in recent years for agricultural research applications. UAS are capable of acquiring images with high spatial and temporal resolutions that are ideal for applications in agriculture. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of a UAS-based remote sensing system for quantification of crop growth parameters of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) including leaf area index (LAI), fractional vegetation cover (fc) and yield. The study was conducted at the Texas A&M Research Farm near College Station, Texas, United States. A fixed-wing UAS equipped with a multispectral sensor was used to collect image data during the 2016 growing season (April±October). Flight missions were successfully carried out at 50 days after planting (DAP; 25 May), 66 DAP (10 June) and 74 DAP (18 June). These flight missions provided image data covering the middle growth period of sorghum with a spatial resolution of approximately 6.5 cm. Field measurements of LAI and fc were also collected. Four vegetation indices were calculated using the UAS images. Among those indices, the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) showed the highest correlation with LAI, fc and yield with R2 values of 0.91, 0.89 and 0.58 respectively. Empirical relationships between NDVI and LAI and between NDVI and fc were validated and proved to be accurate for estimating LAI and fc from UAS-derived NDVI values. NDVI determined from UAS imagery acquired during the flowering stage (74 DAP) was found to be the most highly correlated with final grain yield. The observed high correlations between UAS-derived NDVI and the crop growth parameters (fc, LAI and grain yield) suggests the applicability of UAS for withinseason data collection of agricultural crops such as sorghum

    Aggregation of Partially Hydrophilic Silica Nanoparticles in Porous Media: Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis

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    In this experimental work, the adsorption of partially hydrophilic silica nanoparticles, SiO2 has been investigated to determine the degree of silica nanoparticle aggregation in the porous media. An integrated quantitative and qualitative method was used by flowing silica nanoparticles into Buff Berea cores and glass micromodel. Water wet Buff Berea cores were flooded with 5 pore volumes of 0.05% silica nanoparticles solution followed by 10 pore volumes of brine post flush subjected to 30 and 60°C. The pressure drops increased rapidly at the initial stage of silica nanoparticles injection indicated the adsorption had taken place. Pressure drops reached the maximum value of ~3.1 psi and between 26.6–82.6 psi at 30 and 60°C respectively. Pressure drops gradually declined and stabilized in between ~0.4 and ~0.7 psi after couple of pore volumes of brine post flush, suggesting complete reversible and irreversible adsorption. Micromodel test provide qualitative information where the straining or log-jamming observed in the form of gelled-like suspension when silica nanoparticles in contact with brine. The adsorption is considered reversible when the suspension decreased after post flooded with brine. Silica nanoparticles used in this experimental work shows minimal aggregation that can be beneficial as improved oil recovery agent

    Kajian terhadap ruang interstisial dan pendekatan pembangunannya dalam konteks pembandaran

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    Dalam menghadapi proses urbanisasi, pertumbuhan penduduk, peningkatan keperluan penduduk dan perubahan gaya hidup yang moden, pembangunan infrastruktur di pusat-pusat bandar di seluruh dunia turut berkembang pesat. Perkembangan dalam membangunkan ruang bandar ini ada antaranya yang bersifat tidak dikoordinasi dengan baik dan telah meninggalkan kesan ruang sisa, terbiar ataupun ruang interstisial dalam konteks bandar. Ramai pengkaji dan tokoh dalam bidang pembandaran berpendapat bahawa ruang sisa yang tidak terkoordinasi ini meninggalkan pelbagai impak yang merugikan terhadap bandar dan masyarakat di dalam bandar. Lantaran daripada itu, ramai pengkaji dan tokoh dari bidang yang pelbagai terutamanya dalam bidang reka bentuk bandar telah memberi sumbangan keilmuan terhadap pelbagai penyelesaian dan peluang untuk memanfaatkan ruang-ruang interstisial ini. Kajian mendapati pelbagai pendekatan telah diambil untuk memanfaatkan ruang interstisial ini dengan melakukan pelbagai strategi intervensi yang memberi kesan yang berbeza terhadap kualiti keberjayaan mengaktifkan ruang ini. Makalah ini mengkaji konsep ruang interstisial yang wujud bersama proses pembandaran, kualiti ruang awam dalam bandar berdasarkan perkembangan teori oleh tokoh pengkaji terdahulu dan juga mengkaji kajian kes sebenar secara empirikal dalam pendekatan membangun ruang interstisial ke arah ruang yang memberi manfaat kepada bandar dan masyarakat didalamnya. Pemeriksaan empirikal menggunakan kerja lapangan yang komprehensif yang dijalankan melalui beberapa kajian kes yang dianalisis dan dibandingkan berdasarkan teori tokoh berkenaan kualiti ruang awam di bandar –bandar utama yang berkepadatan tinggi.Kat

    Self-Assessment of Clinical Skills in Medical Internship

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    Background and Objectives: Self-assessment of clinical performance in a clinical setting is defined as the process of collecting internal and external data, interpreting the data on personal performance, and comparing them with a set of standards. The current study aimed at analyzing self-assessment of clinical skills among medical interns at Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran, and determining the relationship between practical skills and theoretical knowledge. Methods: The current cross sectional, descriptive, analytical study was conducted in 2014 on a total of 141 interns from Kerman University of Medical Sciences selected via census sampling. Data were collected using a checklist including the main procedural skills of medical students and analyzed using the Mann-Whitney and the Kruskal-Wallis tests with SPSS. Results: The majority of participants were female (n = 79; 56%). The mean score of males‘ clinical skills was higher than that of females, and the difference was statistically significant (P = 0.001). Analysis of the relationship between internship duration and clinical skill scores showed that the mean score of interns who had completed 6 months of their internship was higher than that of the ones who had not; the difference was statistically significant (P = 0.001). Conclusions: Since the performance of future general practitioners highly depends on their learning and mastery of clinical skills, acquisition of these essential skills during internships is an important objective of medical students. Correct and complete training of clinical skills, especially during internships, is integrated into the medical curriculum, although its implementation requires careful planning and compliance with the medical standards. Keywords: Internship Period, Medical Students, Self-Assessment, Clinical Skill