154 research outputs found

    Choice of gauge in 2-photon 1s-2s transition in atomic hydrogen and pseudostate expansions

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    The problem of gauge choice in multiphoton transitions in connection with the proper choice of the unperturbed wave functions require to insure gauge invariance was considered. J. Bassani, J. J. Forney, and A. Quattropani considered the case of 2-photon 1s-2s transition rate for hydrogen, using gauges vector E x vector r and vector A x vector p. Exactly the same results were obtained for the two gauges, but the findings indicate that the vector E x vector r interaction tends to the final result with a small number of intermediate states and is therefore the one to be used in any approximate calculation. Whether the so-called pseudostate expansion method works equally well with either gauge was tested. To accomplish this task, in addition to researching the problem, the FORTRAN programming was learned and a FORTRAN program was constructed for the calculation of the dimensionless 2-photon transition probability amplitude D(v) for 1s-2s transition in Hydrogen as a function as a function of the incident photon frequency v in gauge vector E x vector p at certain values of v, using the pseudostate method. However, some puzzling unresolved difficulties were experienced in the calculation. Then should the pseudostate calculations prove successful for gauge vector E x vector r the method will be applied to gauge vector A x vector p. If successful, then the problem is complete

    Teachers\u27 Perception of Common Core State Standards on Students with Learning Disabilities

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    The Common Core State Standards were written and implemented to prepare all students for college or career readiness including students with disabilities. Students with learning disabilities often have significant difficulties and face challenges when the instruction is framed within The Common Core State Standards. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the perceptions of special educators on teaching students with learning disabilities using The Common Core State Standards. The two conceptual frameworks used in this study were the Universal Design for Learning and The Zone of Proximal Development. The research questions focused on teachers\u27 perception regarding students with learning disabilities being instructed with Common Core instructions, how teachers perceive providing Common Core instructions to students with learning disabilities is preparing them for college and career readiness, and also, what teachers perceived to be the missing components for providing specialized instructions using Common Core to students with learning disabilities. In this qualitative case study participants were selected using recommendations of school district administrators. Data was collected using face-to-face interviews. Data collection also include observations and samples of students work. Additional data to establish trustworthiness of the study was obtained through observations and analysis of artifacts collected during the study. The intended outcome of the study was to bring about change in the instructional strategies adopted when using Common core State standards in teaching students with disabilities and that to ultimately pave a way for social change

    An Identity Healing: Socialization and African-Centered Practices with At-Risk Youth

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    African-Centered practices are being regarded as valuable therapeutic healing methods within the African-diaspora. However, there is limited research that examines the propitious advantages and psychotherapeutic use of Afrocentric movement of two very distinctive, yet possible complementary systems, the Katherine Dunham technique and Kemetic Yoga. The research available on these African-based movement practices recognizes them as holistic and encompassing a mind/body/soul connection. Ritualistic practices in counseling remains a growing interest to mental health practitioners of all cultures, to ensure that clients are provided with an experience of client-centered psychotherapy. Therapeutic African-centered practices align with Carl Rogers’ person-centered approach and the psychotherapeutic practice of African-centered psychology, as these two procedures focus on the client achieving greater independence, an increased knowledge-of-self and “embodying a cultural identity” of their own. The goal of using African-centered practices in expressive therapy and in dance-movement therapy is to bring more awareness to its therapeutic use. Augmenting this topic, required that both movement systems be utilized interrelatedly and approached from a developmentally appropriate perspective for at-risk youth. Dunham’s Isolations, Kemetic yoga poses, and African masks were used for character development with clients ages 7-11, grades 2nd-5th, at a traditional Elementary Public-School Program. The youths’ passionate spirit and instantly recognizable involvement with the African practices applied, indicates that younger populations, specifically those affected by trauma can benefit from ritualistic based African-centered practices which endorses the need for future research, acknowledgement and application

    Carefully Constructed Pictures of Nobodies: Shakespeare\u27s and Cesaire\u27s Ariels

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    Critical scholarship of William Shakespeare\u27s The Tempest and AimŽ CŽsaire\u27s adaptation Une Tempte frequently neglects to examine Ariel\u27s place within colonialist discourse. Ariel\u27s ambiguity in both texts undoubtedly contributes to this unjust marginalization. An understanding of the function of Ariel within the texts is critical in understanding the placement of both plays in colonialist discourse. This thesis proposes a reading of the Ariels that reestablishes their place within the dialogue. Shakespeare\u27s Ariel problematizes views of the colonized as content to live under the domination of the colonizer. Using subversive tactics--principally his invisibility--Ariel disguises himself as unimportant and attains his freedom. Caliban, on the other hand, spends much of the text resisting Prospero\u27s authority, but ultimately convinces himself of the wisdom of his own servitude. In moving from Shakespeare to CŽsaire, it is necessary to examine the place of other discourses in the creation of CŽsaire\u27s adaptation. Just as his mulatto Ariel represents the physical interconnectedness of races, CŽsaire\u27s negritude represents the intermingling of black liberation discourses. CŽsaire\u27s Ariel complicates the idea of an embracement of negritude as the best method by which to gain freedom. Although CŽsaire\u27s portrayal of Caliban illustrates his dissatisfaction with Shakespeare\u27s portrayal of the colonized, CŽsaire\u27s portrayal of Ariel highlights the implications inherent in the original text. My reading of Ariel ultimately suggests that he, by virtue of his ambiguity, is similar to The Tempest--open to any number of readings

    Black women, White campus: Students living through invisibility.

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    Thesis (Ph.D.) - Indiana University, School of Education, 2015The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of African American female students at predominantly White institutions (PWI's), with emphasis on their perception of the institutional climate and availability of support. The experiences of Black female students at PWI's have often been examined through the lens of research on Black as a homogenous group. Exploration of the unique challenges Black women face negotiating their identity, their perceptions of the campus climate as well as the institutional support that is available to them is limited. Through semi-structured interviews, eleven African American women shared their stories and experiences of being Black and female at a PWI. The details of their experiences were analyzed and produced a series of themes that describe the essence of the Black women experience at a predominantly White institution. Themes included the impact of childhood and pre-college experiences with race and gender; experiences that are overshadowed by stereotyping and invisibility; and how Black women endure the college journey with various support systems, staying encouraged, and using survival/coping strategies. Findings of this study revealed: experiencing racism and/or sexism prior to being enrolled in college impacted how they responded to incidents in college; Black females perception of the campus climate include recurring experiences with stereotyping and invisibility inside and outside the classroom; although Black women share a common standpoint, there is still heterogeneity in their experiences; despite the challenges, they persist by internal and external motivations, support systems, and imploring survival/coping strategies; and perceptions of institutional support is that it is lacking for Black women but is greatly needed. This study also includes an update on the status of the participants as well as recommendations for institutional support and future research

    Isometries of Besov Type Spaces among Composition Operators

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    Let Bp,alpha for p \u3e1 and alpha \u3e1 be the Besov type space of holomorphic functions on the unit disk D. Given Phi, a holomorphic self map of D, we show the composition operator CPhi is an isometry on Bp,alpha if and only if the weighted composition operator WPhiPhi, is an isometry on the weighted Bergman space Ap,alpha. We then characterize isometries among composition operators in Bp,alpha in terms of their Nevanlinna type counting function. Finally, we find that the only isometries among composition operators on Bp,alpha, except on B 2,0, are induced by rotations. This extends known results by Martin, Vukotic and by Allen, Heller and Pons on certain Besov spaces

    Pierre avec du Chocolat

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