41 research outputs found

    Automatic Classification of Bright Retinal Lesions via Deep Network Features

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    The diabetic retinopathy is timely diagonalized through color eye fundus images by experienced ophthalmologists, in order to recognize potential retinal features and identify early-blindness cases. In this paper, it is proposed to extract deep features from the last fully-connected layer of, four different, pre-trained convolutional neural networks. These features are then feeded into a non-linear classifier to discriminate three-class diabetic cases, i.e., normal, exudates, and drusen. Averaged across 1113 color retinal images collected from six publicly available annotated datasets, the deep features approach perform better than the classical bag-of-words approach. The proposed approaches have an average accuracy between 91.23% and 92.00% with more than 13% improvement over the traditional state of art methods.Comment: Preprint submitted to Journal of Medical Imaging | SPIE (Tue, Jul 28, 2017

    An adaptive framework for real-time data reduction in AMI

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    In existing Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), data collection intervals for each smart meter (SM) typically vary from 15 to 60 min. If we have 1 million SMs that transmit data every 15 min, these SMs will export 4 million records per hour. This leads to dramatically increasing bandwidth usage, energy consumption, traffic cost and I/O congestion. In this work, we present an adaptive framework for minimizing the amount of data transfer from SMs. The reduction in the framework is forecasting-based; when an SM reading is close to the forecasted value, the SM does not transmit the reading. In order for the framework to be adaptive to the ever-changing pattern of SM data, it is provided with a pool of forecasting methods. A supervised-learning scheme is employed to switch in real-time to the forecasting method most suitable to the current data pattern. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed framework achieves data reduction rates up to 98% with accuracy 96%, depending on the operational parameters of the framework and consumer behavior (statistical features of SM data)

    Combining omnidirectional vision with polarization vision for robot navigation

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    La polarisation est le phénomène qui décrit les orientations des oscillations des ondes lumineuses qui sont limitées en direction. La lumière polarisée est largement utilisée dans le règne animal,à partir de la recherche de nourriture, la défense et la communication et la navigation. Le chapitre (1) aborde brièvement certains aspects importants de la polarisation et explique notre problématique de recherche. Nous visons à utiliser un capteur polarimétrique-catadioptrique car il existe de nombreuses applications qui peuvent bénéficier d'une telle combinaison en vision par ordinateur et en robotique, en particulier pour l'estimation d'attitude et les applications de navigation. Le chapitre (2) couvre essentiellement l'état de l'art de l'estimation d'attitude basée sur la vision.Quand la lumière non-polarisée du soleil pénètre dans l'atmosphère, l'air entraine une diffusion de Rayleigh, et la lumière devient partiellement linéairement polarisée. Le chapitre (3) présente les motifs de polarisation de la lumière naturelle et couvre l'état de l'art des méthodes d'acquisition des motifs de polarisation de la lumière naturelle utilisant des capteurs omnidirectionnels (par exemple fisheye et capteurs catadioptriques). Nous expliquons également les caractéristiques de polarisation de la lumière naturelle et donnons une nouvelle dérivation théorique de son angle de polarisation.Notre objectif est d'obtenir une vue omnidirectionnelle à 360 associée aux caractéristiques de polarisation. Pour ce faire, ce travail est basé sur des capteurs catadioptriques qui sont composées de surfaces réfléchissantes et de lentilles. Généralement, la surface réfléchissante est métallique et donc l'état de polarisation de la lumière incidente, qui est le plus souvent partiellement linéairement polarisée, est modifiée pour être polarisée elliptiquement après réflexion. A partir de la mesure de l'état de polarisation de la lumière réfléchie, nous voulons obtenir l'état de polarisation incident. Le chapitre (4) propose une nouvelle méthode pour mesurer les paramètres de polarisation de la lumière en utilisant un capteur catadioptrique. La possibilité de mesurer le vecteur de Stokes du rayon incident est démontré à partir de trois composants du vecteur de Stokes du rayon réfléchi sur les quatre existants.Lorsque les motifs de polarisation incidents sont disponibles, les angles zénithal et azimutal du soleil peuvent être directement estimés à l'aide de ces modèles. Le chapitre (5) traite de l'orientation et de la navigation de robot basées sur la polarisation et différents algorithmes sont proposés pour estimer ces angles dans ce chapitre. A notre connaissance, l'angle zénithal du soleil est pour la première fois estimé dans ce travail à partir des schémas de polarisation incidents. Nous proposons également d'estimer l'orientation d'un véhicule à partir de ces motifs de polarisation.Enfin, le travail est conclu et les possibles perspectives de recherche sont discutées dans le chapitre (6). D'autres exemples de schémas de polarisation de la lumière naturelle, leur calibrage et des applications sont proposées en annexe (B).Notre travail pourrait ouvrir un accès au monde de la vision polarimétrique omnidirectionnelle en plus des approches conventionnelles. Cela inclut l'orientation bio-inspirée des robots, des applications de navigation, ou bien la localisation en plein air pour laquelle les motifs de polarisation de la lumière naturelle associés à l'orientation du soleil à une heure précise peuvent aboutir à la localisation géographique d'un véhiculePolarization is the phenomenon that describes the oscillations orientations of the light waves which are restricted in direction. Polarized light has multiple uses in the animal kingdom ranging from foraging, defense and communication to orientation and navigation. Chapter (1) briefly covers some important aspects of polarization and explains our research problem. We are aiming to use a polarimetric-catadioptric sensor since there are many applications which can benefit from such combination in computer vision and robotics specially robot orientation (attitude estimation) and navigation applications. Chapter (2) mainly covers the state of art of visual based attitude estimation.As the unpolarized sunlight enters the Earth s atmosphere, it is Rayleigh-scattered by air, and it becomes partially linearly polarized. This skylight polarization provides a signi cant clue to understanding the environment. Its state conveys the information for obtaining the sun orientation. Robot navigation, sensor planning, and many other applications may bene t from using this navigation clue. Chapter (3) covers the state of art in capturing the skylight polarization patterns using omnidirectional sensors (e.g fisheye and catadioptric sensors). It also explains the skylight polarization characteristics and gives a new theoretical derivation of the skylight angle of polarization pattern. Our aim is to obtain an omnidirectional 360 view combined with polarization characteristics. Hence, this work is based on catadioptric sensors which are composed of reflective surfaces and lenses. Usually the reflective surface is metallic and hence the incident skylight polarization state, which is mostly partially linearly polarized, is changed to be elliptically polarized after reflection. Given the measured reflected polarization state, we want to obtain the incident polarization state. Chapter (4) proposes a method to measure the light polarization parameters using a catadioptric sensor. The possibility to measure the incident Stokes is proved given three Stokes out of the four reflected Stokes. Once the incident polarization patterns are available, the solar angles can be directly estimated using these patterns. Chapter (5) discusses polarization based robot orientation and navigation and proposes new algorithms to estimate these solar angles where, to the best of our knowledge, the sun zenith angle is firstly estimated in this work given these incident polarization patterns. We also propose to estimate any vehicle orientation given these polarization patterns. Finally the work is concluded and possible future research directions are discussed in chapter (6). More examples of skylight polarization patterns, their calibration, and the proposed applications are given in appendix (B). Our work may pave the way to move from the conventional polarization vision world to the omnidirectional one. It enables bio-inspired robot orientation and navigation applications and possible outdoor localization based on the skylight polarization patterns where given the solar angles at a certain date and instant of time may infer the current vehicle geographical location.DIJON-BU Doc.électronique (212319901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Highway Network Block with Gates Constraints for Training Very Deep Networks

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    In this paper, we propose to reformulate the learning of the highway network block to realize both early optimization and improved generalization of very deep networks while preserving the network depth. Gate constraints are duly employed to improve optimization, latent representations and parameterization usage in order to efficiently learn hierarchical feature transformations which are crucial for the success of any deep network. One of the earliest very deep models with over 30 layers that was successfully trained relied on highway network blocks. Although, highway blocks suffice for alleviating optimization problem via improved information flow, we show for the first time that further in training such highway blocks may result into learning mostly untransformed features and therefore a reduction in the effective depth of the model; this could negatively impact model generalization performance. Using the proposed approach, 15-layer and 20-layer models are successfully trained with one gate and a 32-layer model using three gates. This leads to a drastic reduction of model parameters as compared to the original highway network. Extensive experiments on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, Fashion-MNIST and USPS datasets are performed to validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Particularly, we outperform the original highway network and many state-ofthe- art results. To the best our knowledge, on the Fashion-MNIST and USPS datasets, the achieved results are the best reported in literature


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    Deep neural networks inherently have large representational power for approximating complex target functions. However, models based on rectified linear units can suffer reduction in representation capacity due to dead units. Moreover, approximating very deep networks trained with dropout at test time can be more inexact due to the several layers of non-linearities. To address the aforementioned problems, we propose to learn the activation functions of hidden units for very deep networks via maxout. However, maxout units increase the model parameters, and therefore model may suffer from overfitting; we alleviate this problem by employing elastic net regularization. In this paper, we propose very deep networks with maxout units and elastic net regularization and show that the features learned are quite linearly separable. We perform extensive experiments and reach state-of-the-art results on the USPS and MNIST datasets. Particularly, we reach an error rate of 2.19% on the USPS dataset, surpassing the human performance error rate of 2.5% and all previously reported results, including those that employed training data augmentation. On the MNIST dataset, we reach an error rate of 0.36% which is competitive with the state-of-the-art results

    Flexible Feedback System for Posture Monitoring and Correction

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    In this paper, we propose a framework for guiding patients and/or users in how to correct their posture in real-time without requiring a physical or a direct intervention of a therapist or a sports specialist. In order to support posture monitoring and correction, this paper presents a flexible system that continuously evaluates postural defects of the user. In case deviations from a correct posture are identified, then feedback information is provided in order to guide the user to converge to an appropriate and stable body condition. The core of the proposed approach is the analysis of the motion required for aligning body-parts with respect to postural constraints and pre-specified template skeleton poses. Experimental results in two scenarios (sitting and weight lifting) show the potential of the proposed framework

    Facial Expression Recognition via Joint Deep Learning of RGB-Depth Map Latent Representations

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    Humans use facial expressions successfully for conveying their emotional states. However, replicating such success in the human-computer interaction domain is an active research problem. In this paper, we propose deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) for joint learning of robust facial expression features from fused RGB and depth map latent representations. We posit that learning jointly from both modalities result in a more robust classifier for facial expression recognition (FER) as opposed to learning from either of the modalities independently. Particularly, we construct a learning pipeline that allows us to learn several hierarchical levels of feature representations and then perform the fusion of RGB and depth map latent representations for joint learning of facial expressions. Our experimental results on the BU-3DFE dataset validate the proposed fusion approach, as a model learned from the joint modalities outperforms models learned from either of the modalities

    Key-Skeleton Based Feedback Tool for Assisting Physical Activity

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    This paper presents an intuitive feedback tool able to implicitly guide motion with respect to a reference movement. Such a tool is important in multiple applications requiring assisting physical activities as in sports or rehabilitation. Our proposed approach is based on detecting key skeleton frames from a reference sequence of skeletons. The feedback is based on the 3D geometry analysis of the skeletons by taking into account the key-skeletons. Finally, the feedback is illustrated by a color-coded tool, which reflects the motion accuracy