936 research outputs found

    Factors associated with self-perceived health status in Portugal: Results from the National Health Survey 2014

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    Background: Self-perceived health is an important indicator of illness and mortality. This study aims at identifying a wide range of factors that can influence self-perceived health status among a representative sample in Portugal. Methods: We used the 2014 National Health Survey (n = 17,057), whereby participants were required to assess their health status from “Very good,” “Good,” “Fair,” “Poor” to “Very poor.” We grouped the answers “Very good” and “Good,” and “Poor” and “Very poor,” respectively. Multinomial logistic regression was used to compare participants' characteristics across groups by computing odds ratio and corresponding 95% confidence intervals. Models included Socioeconomic/demographic characteristics, objective health status, healthcare use, functional disability, barriers to healthcare services utilization, lifestyle variables, mental health status, social support, and satisfaction with life as potential factors that can affect self-perceived health. Models were adjusted for sex, age, educational level, degree of urbanization, and presence of chronic diseases. Results: About 45% of participants reported good/very good, 39% reported fair, while ~16% reported poor/very poor health perception. Poor/very poor health was more reported by women when compared to men (19.1 vs. 11.4%, respectively, p < 0.001). A higher prevalence of poor/very poor health status was reported by participants living in thinly populated areas or among older populations. Lower educational levels, lower income, as well as unemployment, were found to increase the risk of reporting poor/very poor health status. Utilizing healthcare services more frequently, experiencing barriers to access healthcare services, having depressive symptoms or activity limitations, or lacking social support were found to be significantly associated with poor/very poor self-perceived health. Conclusion: Subjects living in Portugal tend to report less good/very good health status and more poor/very poor health when compared to the rest of Europe. This study stresses the importance of socioeconomic factors, chronic illness, barriers to access healthcare services, social isolation, and mental health status in influencing self-perceived health and highlights the urgent need for social-informed policies, strategies, and interventions to reduce health inequalities in Portugal. Copyright © 2022 Shaaban, Martins and Peleteiro.Funding text 1: This study was funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology—FCT (Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education) under the Department of Global Health and Tropical Medicine (GHTM)—The Portuguese Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (IHMT)—NOVA University of Lisbon (UNL); the Ph.D. Grants PD/BD/128066/2016 (AS) co-funded by FCT, the IHMT, FCT, and the POCH/FSE Program, FEDER through the Operational Programme Competitiveness and Internationalization and national funding from the Foundation for Science and Technology—FCT (Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education) under the Unidade de Investigação em Epidemiologia—Instituto de Saúde Pública da Universidade do Porto (EPIUnit) (POCI- 01-0145-FEDER-006862; Ref. UID/DTP/04750/2013). ; Funding text 2: The authors thank the Instituto Nacional de Estat ística (INE) for providing the data. The Inquérito Nacional de Saúde 2014 was conducted under the supervision of the Departamento de Estat ísticas Demográficas e Sociais/Serviço de Estat ísticas das Condições de Vida from INE, with the collaboration of the Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge and Unit F5 Education, health and social protection of Eurostat

    Diarrhoeal outcomes in young children depend on diarrhoeal cases of other household members: a cross-sectional study of 16,025 people in rural Uganda

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    Background: There is a limited understanding of how diarrhoeal cases across other household members influence the likelihood of diarrhoea in young children (aged 1–4 years). Methods: We surveyed 16,025 individuals from 3421 households in 17 villages in Uganda. Using logistic regressions with standard errors clustered by household, diarrhoeal cases within households were used to predict diarrhoeal outcomes in young children. Regressions were adjusted for socio-demographic, water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), and ecological covariates. Selection bias for households with (1632/3421) and without (1789/3421) young children was examined. Results: Diarrhoeal prevalence was 13.7% (2118/16,025) across all study participants and 18.5% (439/2368) in young children. Young children in households with any other diarrhoeal cases were 5.71 times more likely to have diarrhoea than young children in households without any other diarrhoeal cases (95% CI: 4.48–7.26), increasing to over 29 times more likely when the other diarrhoeal case was in another young child (95% CI: 16.29–54.80). Diarrhoeal cases in older household members (aged ≥ 5 years) and their influence on the likelihood of diarrhoea in young children attenuated with age. School-aged children (5–14 years) had a greater influence on diarrhoeal cases in young children (Odds Ratio 2.70, 95% CI: 2.03–3.56) than adults of reproductive age (15–49 years; Odds Ratio 1.96, 95% CI: 1.47–2.59). Diarrhoeal cases in individuals aged ≥ 50 years were not significantly associated with diarrhoeal outcomes in young children (P > 0.05). These age-related differences in diarrhoeal exposures were not driven by sex. The magnitude and significance of the odds ratios remained similar when odds ratios were compared by sex within each age group. WASH factors did not influence the likelihood of diarrhoea in young children, despite influencing the likelihood of diarrhoea in school-aged children and adults. Households with young children differed from households without young children by diarrhoeal prevalence, household size, and village WASH infrastructure and ecology. Conclusions: Other diarrhoeal cases within households strongly influence the likelihood of diarrhoea in young children, and when controlled, removed the influence of WASH factors. Future research on childhood diarrhoea should consider effects of diarrhoeal cases within households and explore pathogen transmission between household members

    Neutrino Spin Flavor Precession and Leptogenesis

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    We argue that \Delta L=2 neutrino spin flavor precession, induced by the primordial magnetic fields, could have a significant impact on the leptogenesis process that accounts for the baryon asymmetry of the universe. Although the extra galactic magnetic fields is extremely weak at present time (about 10^{-9} Gauss), the primordial magnetic filed at the electroweak scale could be quite strong (of order 10^{17} Gauss). Therefore, at this scale, the effects of the spin flavor precession are not negligible. We show that the lepton asymmetry may be reduced by 50% due to the spin flavor precession. In addition, the leptogenesis will have different feature from the standard scenario of leptogenesis, where the lepton asymmetry continues to oscillate even after the electroweak phase transition.Comment: 5 pages, one figure. References adde


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    Serviceability behavior of Normal Strength Concrete (NSC) and High Strength Concrete (HSC) T-beams was experimentally evaluated. The crack pattern was observed, the effect of flange dimensions (breadth and thickness) on the crack pattern and load-deflection response was evaluated experimentally for 10 beams comprising the two studied groups, NSC and HSC T-beams. The short-term deflections were measured experimentally and predicted empirically under mid-span concentrated loading. It was found that increasing the flange width and thickness resulted in higher loads and lower deflections under service loads to a different extent. Prior to failure, the increment in the maximum loads was up to 22% while the deflection reduced by 31% for NSC and 23% for HSC beams. The available equations for determining the effective moment of inertia (Ie) were reviewed and used in predicting the Ie of the cracked beam. The results were compared with the experimental values (Iexp). The Ie showed a noticeable difference, especially for the HSC T-beams. New equations were proposed in which the tensile reinforcement ratio was considered. Compared with the other available equations, the proposed equations demonstrated a better agreement and repeatability of predicting experimental results studied herein. In addition, the proposed equations were used to predict the Ie for experimentally tested T-beams available in the literature. The proposed models showed a high degree of accuracy

    Effect of geometrical properties on strength of externally prestressed steel-concrete composite beams

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    A parametric study was carried out to investigate the structural behaviour of composite steel-concrete T-beams under different prestressing conditions. The studied parameters include different cases of loading, tendon profiles, beam spans, initial prestressing levels and different dimensions of steel sections and concrete deck. The studied beams were modelled by the finite-element software Ansys. The effect of three geometrical parameters was investigated for three different tendon profiles. It was found that straight tendon profiles are more appropriate for beams under distributed loads, whereas a draped tendon profile is more convenient for beams under concentrated loads. In addition, the ratio of the tension flange area to the compression flange area is the most effective geometrical parameter on the ultimate resistance of the studied prestressed beams. For instance, increasing this ratio from 1 to 3 resulted in increasing the additional resistance of the beam due to prestressing from 15·4 to 46·1%. For composite beams, the presence of the concrete slab prevented the lateral-torsional buckling and accordingly minimised the effect of the span. Moreover, increasing the slab thickness-to-width ratio resulted in enhancing the average increase in beam strength from 13·5 to 19·9%

    Histopathological Changes in the Kidney following Congestive Heart Failure by Volume Overload in Rats

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    Background. This study investigated histopathological changes and apoptotic factors that may be involved in the renal damage caused by congestive heart failure in a rat model of infrarenal aortocaval fistula (ACF). Methods. Heart failure was induced using a modified approach of ACF in male Wistar rats. Sham-operated controls and ACF rats were characterized by their morphometric and hemodynamic parameters and investigated for their histopathological, ultrastructural, and apoptotic factor changes in the kidney. Results. ACF- induced heart failure is associated with histopathological signs of congestion and glomerular and tubular atrophy, as well as nuclear and cellular degeneration in the kidney. In parallel, overexpression of proapoptotic Bax protein, release of cytochrome C from the outer mitochondrial membrane into cell cytoplasm, and nuclear transfer of activated caspase 3 indicate apoptotic events. This was confirmed by electron microscopic findings of apoptotic signs in the kidney such as swollen mitochondria and degenerated nuclei in renal tubular cells. Conclusions. This study provides morphological evidence of renal injury during heart failure which may be due to caspase-mediated apoptosis via overexpression of proapoptotic Bax protein, subsequent mitochondrial cytochrome C release, and final nuclear transfer of activated caspase 3, supporting the notion of a cardiorenal syndrome

    Low energy consequences from supersymmetric models with left-right symmetry

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    We consider several low energy consequences arising from a class of supersymmetric models based on the gauge groups SU(2)L×SU(2)R×U(1)BLSU(2)_L\times SU(2)_R \times U(1)_{B-L} and SU(4)C×SU(2)L×SU(2)RSU(4)_C\times SU(2)_L \times SU(2)_R in which the gauge hierarchy and μ\mu problems have been resolved. There are important constraints on the MSSM parameters tanβ(mt/mb)\tan \beta (\simeq m_t/m_b), BB and μ\mu, and we discuss how they are reconciled with radiative electroweak breaking. We also consider the ensuing sparticle and Higgs spectroscopy, as well as the decays bsγb\to s \gamma and μeγ\mu \to e \gamma. The latter process may be amenable to experimental tests through an order of magnitude increase in sensitivity.Comment: 17 pages, latex2

    v-SNARE transmembrane domains function as catalysts for vesicle fusion.

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    Vesicle fusion is mediated by an assembly of SNARE proteins between opposing membranes, but it is unknown whether transmembrane domains (TMDs) of SNARE proteins serve mechanistic functions that go beyond passive anchoring of the force-generating SNAREpin to the fusing membranes. Here, we show that conformational flexibility of synaptobrevin-2 TMD is essential for efficient Ca(2+)-triggered exocytosis and actively promotes membrane fusion as well as fusion pore expansion. Specifically, the introduction of helix-stabilizing leucine residues within the TMD region spanning the vesicle's outer leaflet strongly impairs exocytosis and decelerates fusion pore dilation. In contrast, increasing the number of helix-destabilizing, ß-branched valine or isoleucine residues within the TMD restores normal secretion but accelerates fusion pore expansion beyond the rate found for the wildtype protein. These observations provide evidence that the synaptobrevin-2 TMD catalyzes the fusion process by its structural flexibility, actively setting the pace of fusion pore expansion