712 research outputs found

    Autonomic and brain morphological predictors of stress resilience

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    Stressful life events are an important cause of psychopathology. Humans exposed to aversive or stressful experiences show considerable inter-individual heterogeneity in their responses. However, the majority does not develop stress-related psychiatric disorders. The dynamic processes encompassing positive and functional adaptation in the face of significant adversity have been broadly defined as resilience. Traditionally, the assessment of resilience has been confined to self-report measures, both within the general community and putative high-risk populations. Although this approach has value, it is highly susceptible to subjective bias and may not capture the dynamic nature of resilience, as underlying construct. Recognizing the obvious benefits of more objective measures of resilience, research in the field has just started investigating the predictive value of several potential biological markers. This review provides an overview of theoretical views and empirical evidence suggesting that individual differences in heart rate variability (HRV), a surrogate index of resting cardiac vagal outflow, may underlie different levels of resilience toward the development of stress-related psychiatric disorders. Following this line of thought, recent studies describing associations between regional brain morphometric characteristics and resting state vagally-mediated HRV are summarized. Existing studies suggest that the structural morphology of the anterior cingulated cortex (ACC), particularly its cortical thickness, is implicated in the expression of individual differences in HRV. These findings are discussed in light of emerging structural neuroimaging research, linking morphological characteristics of the ACC to psychological traits ascribed to a high-resilient profile and abnormal structural integrity of the ACC to the psychophysiological expression of stress-related mental health consequences. We conclude that a multidisciplinary approach integrating brain structural imaging with HRV monitoring could offer novel perspectives about brain-body pathways in resilience and adaptation to psychological stres

    instrumental objective measurement of veal calves carcass colour at slaughterhouse

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    A total of 6700 veal calves were used to compare the ability of chromameter CR300 in measuring the veal meat colour on-line at slaughterhouse and to develop a prediction equation of colour score based on relationship between instrumental and visual assessments. A total of 5000 carcasses were used to develop equation of prediction while 1700 were used to test it. The meat colour was assessed subjectively in 3 different slaughterhouses by the slaughterhouse's judges 10h post mortem and objectively by chromameter CR300 45 post mortem on the Rectus abdominis. The prediction equation classified correctly 79% of carcasses and was characterized by an R2 of 78%. Furthermore it has to be underlined that the chroma contributes to the total R2 with a 0.21 partial R2. This data confirmed that chromameter CR300 can be used on-line to measure objectively veal meat colour at the end of the slaughter line

    Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment and Cardiovascular Autonomic Parameters in Rugby Players: A Randomized, Sham-Controlled Trial

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) on cardiovascular autonomic parameters after a rugby match. Methods: Resting and reactivity (ie, response to orthostasis) measures of mean arterial pressure, heart rate, and heart rate variability were assessed in 23 male players after a single session of OMT, both 18 to 20 hours after a rugby match and in a corresponding no-match condition, in a randomized, sham-controlled, crossover design. Results: Signs of reduced heart rate variability and elevated mean arterial pressure and heart rate were found 18 to 20 hours after a rugby match compared with the no-match condition. A significant increase in heart rate variability and a significant reduction in mean arterial pressure were observed after OMT in both the after-match and no-match conditions. Heart rate and heart rate variability responses to orthostasis were not affected by previous match competition, but were significantly larger after OMT compared with sham treatment. Conclusion: This study suggests the presence of cardiovascular autonomic alterations in rugby players after a competitive match, which may be indicative of prolonged fatigue and incomplete recovery. In these players, favorable changes in cardiovascular autonomic parameters were observed following a single session of OMT

    Effects of Administration of Three Different By-Pass Lipids on Growth Performance, Rumen Activity and Feeding Behaviour of Beef Cattle

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    A study was carried out on beef cattle to compare three different by-pass lipids administration in relation to their intake, performance, bunk behaviour and rumen fermentation characteristics. Ninety-six Charolaise males were subdivided into three groups. Each group was fed a specific diet including differentiated sources of rumen by-pass fats. The first group received 500 g/head/day of calcium salts (CaS), the second and the third received 420 g/head/day of hydrogenated fatty acids (HF) and triglycerides (AL), respectively. The three by-pass fats differ in fatty acids composition, chain length and mean particle size. AL group had average daily gain significantly greater (P = 0.0005) than animals fed calcium soaps. No difference was observed between AL and HF groups (P = 0.08) and between HF and CaS groups. Final body weights of AL animals were significantly higher (P = 0.005) than CaS group. There were no differences between AL group and HF group and between HF group and CaS group. Average dry matter intake (DMI) was higher (P < 0.05) in AL and HF groups compared with CaS group. Feed conversion rate was better for AL and CaS groups (P<0.05) compared with HF group. Evaluating their behaviours in approaching feed, the animals seemed to prefer hydrogenated fats flavour as regard to calcium soaps. No differences were highlighted in ruminal pH and ruminal volatile fatty acids composition among the three groups. When high dosage of fat is included into a beef cattle diet, the administration of hydrogenated triglycerides, characterized by a pleasant flavour and a small mean particle size, is likely to prove more suitable than adding calcium soaps or hydrogenated free fatty acids, probably thanks to its higher DMI and feed conversion rate, respectively. With regard to the latter higher rate, it could be only supposed that it is related to the smaller mean particle size of hydrogenated triglycerides

    Day-to-day variation of salivary cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in children from a rural Dominican community

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    This study examines day-to-day patterns of salivary cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) under baseline conditions and in response to mild stress among 59 children residing in a rural Caribbean village. Cortisol secretion showed the typical circadian variation with high levels in the morning. Children showed significant increases of cortisol before and during a videotaped interview when compared to routine days. DHEA levels were positively associated with cortisol levels; however, within-day secretion of salivary DHEA was more stable than cortisol and DHEA levels did not change significantly during the day. Average DHEA concentrations were positively associated with age but did not show the sharp increase that is usually observed at the onset of adrenarche. These results highlight both similarities and differences in the secretion of cortisol and DHEA during childhood among rural and industrialized human populations

    Quality of Imported Argentine Beef

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    A total of 8 lots of vacuum-packed bovine rump hearts (Gluteus medius muscle) imported in Italy from Argentina were submitted to microbiological (total bacterial count, Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas spp., Lactobacilli, sulfite-reducing Clostridia, Listeria monocytogenes) and physicochemical analyses (pH, total volatile basic nitrogen, color measurement and shear force) after different storage times (35, 75 and 100 days). Lactobacilli were the predominant microbial population (about 6 log cfu/cm2), causing a microbial stabilization and acidification of meat. Seventy-three Lactobacilli isolates were submitted to random amplified polymorphic DNA-polymerase chain reaction and identified, showing a high prevalence of Lactobacillus sakei (in all the samples) and Lactobacillus curvatus (in samples stored for 75 or 100 days). We observed high total volatile basic nitrogen levels (>27 mgN/100 g) in all the samples and a discoloration of beef after the opening of the packs. Our results suggest the need for a higher standardization of production conditions. Practical Applications Vacuum-packed raw beef from Argentina is globally commercialized, and it is frequently shipped to European markets. Considering the perishability of this product and the very long shelf life assigned, the availability of microbiological and physicochemical data could be useful for quality evaluations purposes. Our data indicate that a long shelf life (3–4 months) is potentially achievable, but the application of the best hygienic practices during meat production and an optimal stabilization of microflora by the selection (or addition) of lactic acid bacteria must be assured. As protein degradation and microbial population showed to be stable during the shelf life, quality characteristics that are perceived by the consumer (such as color indexes) become important parameters for a proper evaluation of meat quality

    Mediterranean Connectivity tra Aquileia e l’Africa provincia in età tardoantica. Spunti da un nuovo documento

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    The article presents a new Late Antique funerary iscription on a clay support from Aquileia that offers the opportunity to investigate a community of foreigners from Africa and their activities in the Late Antique city. At the same time, hypotheses can also be advanced on the location of the Christian slab.Il contributo presenta una nuova testimonianza funeraria aquileiese tardoantica su supporto in argilla che offre lo spunto per indagare su una comunità di stranieri originari dall’Africa, e sul loro operato nella città tardoantica. Al contempo si possono avanzare anche ipotesi sulla collocazione della lastrina di epoca cristiana

    Replacing sodium bicarbonate with half amount of calcareous marine algae in the diet of beef cattle

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    This study evaluated the effects of feeding calcareous marine algae or sodium bicarbonate as rumen buffer on the performance, behaviour, in vitro diet digestibility, and meat quality of beef cattle. A total of 180 Charolaise bullocks (536-38 kg; 14-1 months of age) were divided into two homogeneous groups and fed a diet with a mineral mix containing 40% sodium bicarbonate or 20% calcareous marine algae (CMA) for the entire fattening period (130 days). Of the in vivo and in vitro parameters evaluated, CMA supplementation improved average daily gain and feed conversion ratio and reduced the prevalence of bloat and lameness. Bullocks fed CMA tended to exhibit a calmer behaviour while in the pen. Supplementation with CMA improved rumen pH and in vitro digestion. Meat from bullocks fed CMA showed a lower pH and higher lightness and tenderness. The results suggest that CMA is more effective than sodium bicarbonate in buffering beef cattle, with a positive impact on growth performance, feed efficiency, health, and meat quality

    Antidepressant-like effects of pharmacological inhibition of FAAH activity in socially isolated female rats

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    Pharmacological inhibition of the enzyme fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH), which terminates signaling of the endocannabinoid N-arachidonoylethanolamine (or anandamide, AEA), exerts favourable effects in rodent models of stress-related depression. Yet although depression seems to be more common among women than men and in spite of some evidence of sex differences in treatment efficacy, preclinical development of FAAH inhibitors for the pharmacotherapy of stress-related depression has been predominantly conducted in male animals. Here, adult female rats were exposed to six weeks of social isolation and, starting from the second week, treated with the FAAH inhibitor URB694 (0.3 mg/kg/day, i.p.) or vehicle. Compared to pair-housed females, socially isolated female rats treated with vehicle developed behavioral (mild anhedonia, passive stress coping) and physiological (reduced body weight gain, elevated plasma corticosterone levels) alterations. Moreover, prolonged social isolation provoked a reduction in brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and AEA levels within the hippocampus. Together, these changes are indicative of an increased risk of developing a depressive-like state. Conversely, pharmacological inhibition of FAAH activity with URB694 restored both AEA and BDNF levels within the hippocampus of socially isolated rats and prevented the development of behavioral and physiological alterations. These results suggest a potential interplay between AEA-mediated signaling and hippocampal BDNF in the pathogenesis of depression-relevant behaviors and physiological alterations and antidepressant action of FAAH inhibition in socially isolated female rats
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