340 research outputs found

    Quantum non-demolition measurement enables macroscopic Leggett-Garg tests

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    We show how a test of macroscopic realism based on Leggett-Garg inequalities (LGIs) can be performed in a macroscopic system. Using a continuous-variable approach, we consider quantum non-demolition (QND) measurements applied to atomic ensembles undergoing magnetically-driven coherent oscillation. We identify measurement schemes requiring only Gaussian states as inputs and giving a significant LGI violation with realistic experimental parameters and imperfections. The predicted violation is shown to be due to true quantum effects rather than to a classical invasivity of the measurement. Using QND measurements to tighten the "clumsiness loophole" forces the stubborn macrorealist to re-create quantum back action in his or her account of measurement

    Quantum atom-light interfaces in the gaussian description for spin-1 systems

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    We extend the covariance-matrix description of atom--light quantum interfaces, originally developed for real and effective spin-1/2 atoms, to include "spin alignment" degrees of freedom. This allows accurate modeling of optically-probed spin-1 ensembles in arbitrary magnetic fields. We also include technical noise terms that are very common in experimental situations. These include magnetic field noise, variable atom number and the effect of magnetic field inhomogeneities. We demonstrate the validity of our extended model by comparing numerical simulations to a free--induction decay (FID) measurement of polarized 87^{87}Rb atoms in the f=1f = 1 ground state. We qualitatively and quantitatively reproduce experimental results with all free parameters of the simulations fixed. The model can be easily extended to larger spin systems, and adapted to more complicated experimental situations.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figure

    The use of local anaesthesia for intrauterine device insertion by health professionals in the UK

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    Background Pain associated with the insertion of an intrauterine device (IUD) is a known barrier to intrauterine contraception use in the UK. It is good practice for health professionals to discuss pain relief and use with women prior to the insertion of an IUD. Objectives This study aimed to determine the prevalence of and reasons for and against the use of local anaesthesia (LA) for IUD insertion. Methods A survey was undertaken using paper questionnaires to determine LA use for IUD insertion by UK health professionals. Results Overall, approximately one quarter (n=129) of all respondents use LA routinely, one quarter hardly ever or never use LA, while the remaining half use it sometimes. Use of LA was more prevalent among health professionals who worked in integrated sexual and reproductive health and contraception-only services, compared to general practice. UK health professionals who hardly ever or never used LA for the insertion of IUDs were more likely to be working in general practice. Conclusions The results of this survey suggest that more UK health professionals need to routinely discuss pain relief and offer this to their patients prior to IUD insertion as part of the care pathway for patients who choose to use intrauterine contraception

    Propagation of electromagnetic fields in the coastal ocean with applications to underwater navigation and communication

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    We examine the propagation of low-frequency electromagnetic (EM) waves in the coastal ocean produced by controlled or motional impressed sources. Four important modes are the direct, up-over-down, down-over-up, and “beach” modes. The analyses of these modes are complicated by the varying bathymetry in the coastal region. We derive criteria to determine (1) which modes are important for given parameters; (2) a “matched phase” condition describing both when the up-over-down and down-over-up modes interfere constructively in the shallow zone and when the beach mode becomes important; and (3) a low-frequency cutoff, below which the EM fields are not sensitive to the details of the coastal geometry. We verify the theoretically derived criteria with numerical examples and finally discuss the importance of our results in designing navigation and communications applications for subsurface vehicles and instruments

    Importance of small fishes and invasive crayfish in otter Lutra lutra diet in an English chalk stream

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    The diet composition of the European otter Lutra lutra was assessed using spraint analysis in the Hampshire Avon, a lowland chalk stream in Southern England, over an 18 month period. Small cyprinid fishes were the main prey item taken in all seasons, with bullhead Cottus gobio and stone loach Barbatula barbatula also important; there were relatively few larger fishes of interest to fisheries found. There were significant seasonal differences in diet composition by season, with signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus only being prominent prey items in warmer months and amphibians in winter, revealing that non-fish resources were seasonally important dietary components. Reconstructed body lengths of prey revealed the only species present in diet >350 mm was pike Esox lucius. These dietary data thus provide important information for informing conservation conflicts between otters and fishery interest