1,126 research outputs found

    Anatomy of a Governance Transformation: The Case of Daimler-Benz

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    Logue and Seward examine the evolutionary transformation in the corporate governance structure of Daimler-Benz AG, the largest German industrial company. Over the last several years, Daimler-Benz has taken numerous steps toward prioritizing shareholder value more intensely than ever before

    A compendium of sources of fracture toughness and fatigue crack growth data for metallic alloys, part 3

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    This Technical Memorandum presents sources of fracture toughness and fatigue crack growth data for metallic alloys. This is Part 3 of a three volume report

    The impact of alternative bank monitoring policies on corporate investment and financing decisions

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    Much of the benefit from bank loans is generated by the specialized monitoring and information gathering role provided by financial institutions, including their role in facilitating the reorganization of firms experiencing financial distress. Despite these numerous benefits, it is somewhat surprising that aggregate trends suggest that the corporate sector has decreased its reliance on bank loans. We model the relationship between alternative bank monitoring policies and corporate investment and financing decisions. Rather than taking the monitoring characteristics of the bank as fixed, we examine the effects of changes in bank monitoring policies. We provide insights into how the banking sector evolves through time.Banks and banking ; Corporations - Finance

    CHANDRA Observations of the X-ray Halo around the Crab Nebula

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    Two Chandra observations have been used to search for thermal X-ray emission from within and around the Crab Nebula. Dead-time was minimized by excluding the brightest part of the Nebula from the field of view. A dust-scattered halo comprising 5% of the strength of the Crab is clearly detected with surface brightness measured out to a radial distance of 18 arcminutes. Coverage is 100% at 4 arcminutes, 50% at 12 arcminutes, and 25% at 18 arcminutes. The observed halo is compared with predictions based on 3 different interstellar grain models and one can be adjusted to fit the observation. This dust halo and mirror scattering form a high background region which has been searched for emission from shock-heated material in an outer shell. We find no evidence for such emission. We can set upper limits a factor of 10-1000 less than the surface brightness observed from outer shells around similar remnants. The upper limit for X-ray luminosity of an outer shell is about 10e34 erg/s. Although it is possible to reconcile our observation with an 8-13 solar mass progenitor, we argue that this is unlikely.Comment: 26 pages, 12 figures, accepted by Ap

    A new mechanical characterization method for thin film microactuators and its application to NiTiCi shape memory alloy

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    In an effort to develop a more full characterization tool of shape memory alloys, a new technique is presented for the mechanical characterization of microactuators and applied to SMA thin films. A test instrument was designed to utilize a spring-loaded transducer in measuring displacements with resolution of 1.5 pm and forces with resolution of 0.2 mN. Employing an out-of-plane loading method for freestanding SMA thin films, strain resolution of 30{mu}{epsilon} and stress resolution of 2.5 MPa were achieved. This new testing method is presented against previous SMA characterization methods for purposes of comparison. Four mm long, 2 {micro}m thick NiTiCu ligaments suspended across open windows were bulk micromachined for use in the out-of-plane stress and strain measurements. The fabrication process used to micromachine the ligaments is presented step-by-step, alongside methods of fabrication that failed to produce testable ligaments. Static analysis showed that 63% of the applied strain was recovered while ligaments were subjected to tensile stresses of 870 MPa. In terms of recoverable stress and recoverable strain, the ligaments achieved maximum recovery of 700 MPa and 3.0% strain. No permanent deformations were seen in any ligament during deflection measurements. Maximum actuation forces and displacements produced by the 4 mm ligaments situated on 1 cm square test chips were 56 mN and 300 {micro}m, respectively. Fatigue analysis of the ligaments showed degradation in recoverable strain from 0.33% to 0.24% with 200,000 cycles, corresponding to deflections of 90 {micro}m and forces of 25 mN. Cycling also produced a wavering shape memory effect late in ligament life, leading to broad inconsistencies of as much as 35% deviation from average. Unexpected phenomena like stress-induced martensitic twinning that leads to less recoverable stress and the shape memory behavior of long life devices are addressed. Finally, a model for design of microactuators using shape memory alloys is presented to illustrate how results obtained from these tests can be interpreted and applied to the creation of MEMS devices

    Chandra view of Kes 79: a nearly isothermal SNR with rich spatial structure

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    A 30 ks \chandra ACIS-I observation of Kes 79 reveals rich spatial structures, including many filaments, three partial shells, a loop and a ``protrusion''. Most of them have corresponding radio features. Regardless of the different results from two non-equilibrium ionization (NEI) codes, temperatures of different parts of the remnant are all around 0.7 keV, which is surprisingly constant for a remnant with such rich structure. If thermal conduction is responsible for smoothing the temperature gradient, a lower limit on the thermal conductivity of ∌\sim 1/10 of the Spitzer value can be derived. Thus, thermal conduction may play an important role in the evolution of at least some SNRs. No spectral signature of the ejecta is found, which suggests the ejecta material has been well mixed with the ambient medium. From the morphology and the spectral properties, we suggest the bright inner shell is a wind-driven shell (WDS) overtaken by the blast wave (the outer shell) and estimate the age of the remnant to be ∌\sim 6 kyr for the assumed dynamics. Projection is also required to explain the complicated morphology of Kes 79.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures (3 in color), ApJ, in press, April 20, 200

    Optimizing Electrode Configuration for Electrical Impedance Measurements of Muscle via the Finite Element Method

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    Electrical impedance myography (EIM) is a technique for the evaluation of neuromuscular diseases, including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and muscular dystrophy. In this study, we evaluated how alterations in the size and conductivity of muscle and thickness of subcutaneous fat impact the EIM data, with the aim of identifying an optimized electrode configuration for EIM measurements. Finite element models were developed for the human upper arm based on anatomic data; material properties of the tissues were obtained from rat and published sources. The developed model matched the frequency-dependent character of the data. Of the three major EIM parameters, resistance, reactance, and phase, the reactance was least susceptible to alterations in the subcutaneous fat thickness, regardless of electrode arrangement. For example, a quadrupling of fat thickness resulted in a 375% increase in resistance at 35 kHz but only a 29% reduction in reactance. By further optimizing the electrode configuration, the change in reactance could be reduced to just 0.25%. For a fixed 30 mm distance between the sense electrodes centered between the excitation electrodes, an 80 mm distance between the excitation electrodes was found to provide the best balance, with a less than 1% change in reactance despite a doubling of subcutaneous fat thickness or halving of muscle size. These analyses describe a basic approach for further electrode configuration optimization for EIM

    A spectral and spatial analysis of eta Carinae's diffuse X-ray emission using CHANDRA

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    The luminous unstable star (star system) eta Carinae is surrounded by an optically bright bipolar nebula, the Homunculus and a fainter but much larger nebula, the so-called outer ejecta. As images from the EINSTEIN and ROSAT satellites have shown, the outer ejecta is also visible in soft X-rays, while the central source is present in the harder X-ray bands. With our CHANDRA observations we show that the morphology and properties of the X-ray nebula are the result of shocks from fast clumps in the outer ejecta moving into a pre-existing denser circumstellar medium. An additional contribution to the soft X-ray flux results from mutual interactions of clumps within the ejecta. Spectra extracted from the CHANDRA data yield gas temperatures kT of 0.6-0.76 keV. The implied pre-shock velocities of 670-760 km/s are within the scatter of the velocities we measure for the majority of the clumps in the corresponding regions. Significant nitrogen enhancements over solar abundances are needed for acceptable fits in all parts of the outer ejecta, consistent with CNO processed material and non-uniform enhancement. The presence of a diffuse spot of hard X-ray emission at the S condensation shows some contribution of the highest velocity clumps and further underlines the multicomponent, non-equilibrium nature of the X-ray nebula. The detection of an X-ray ``bridge'' between the northern and southern part of the X-ray nebula and an X-ray shadow at the position of the NN bow can be attributed to a large expanding disk, which would appear as an extension of the equatorial disk. No soft emission is seen from the Homunculus, or from the NN bow or the ``strings''.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, accepted by A&A; paper including images with full resolution available at http://www.astro.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/kweis/publications.htm
