353 research outputs found

    Hydroelastic vibration analysis of partially liquid-filled shells using a series representation of the liquid

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    A series representation of the oscillatory behavior of incompressible nonviscous liquids contained in partially filled elastic tanks is presented. Each term is selected on the basis of hydroelastic vibrations in circular cylindrical tanks. Using a complementary energy principle, the superposition of terms is made to approximately satisfy the liquid-tank interface compatibility. This analysis is applied to the gravity sloshing and hydroelastic vibrations of liquids in hemispherical tanks and in a typical elastic aerospace propellant tank. With only a few series terms retained, the results correlate very well with existing analytical results, NASTRAN-generated analytical results, and experimental test results. Hence, although each term is based on a cylindrical tank geometry, the superposition can be successfully applied to noncylindrical tanks

    An investigation of hydraulic-line resonance and its attenuation

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    An investigation of fluid resonance in high-pressure hydraulic lines has been made with two types of fluid dampers (or filters) installed in the line. One type involved the use of one or more closed-end tubes branching at right angles from a main line, and the other type was a fluid muffler installed in-line. These devices were evaluated in forced vibration tests with oscillatory disturbances over a 1000-Hz range applied to one end of the line and with oscillatory pressures measured at various stations along the main pipe. Limited applications of acoustic-wave theory to the branched systems are also included. Results show varying attenuations of pressure perturbations, depending on the number and location of branches and the type of muffler. Up to three branches were used in the branch-resonator study, and the largest frequency range with maximum attenuation was obtained for a three-branch configuration. The widest frequency ranges with significant attenuations were obtained with two types of fluid mufflers

    Vibration characteristics of 1/8-scale dynamic models of the space-shuttle solid-rocket boosters

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    Vibration tests and analyses of six 1/8 scale models of the space shuttle solid rocket boosters are reported. Natural vibration frequencies and mode shapes were obtained for these aluminum shell models having internal solid fuel configurations corresponding to launch, midburn (maximum dynamic pressure), and near endburn (burnout) flight conditions. Test results for longitudinal, torsional, bending, and shell vibration frequencies are compared with analytical predictions derived from thin shell theory and from finite element plate and beam theory. The lowest analytical longitudinal, torsional, bending, and shell vibration frequencies were within + or - 10 percent of experimental values. The effects of damping and asymmetric end skirts on natural vibration frequency were also considered. The analytical frequencies of an idealized full scale space shuttle solid rocket boosted structure are computed with and without internal pressure and are compared with the 1/8 scale model results

    Wind tunnel results of the high-speed NLF(1)-0213 airfoil

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    Wind tunnel tests were conducted to evaluate a natural laminar flow airfoil designed for the high speed jet aircraft in general aviation. The airfoil, designated as the High Speed Natural Laminar Flow (HSNLF)(1)-0213, was tested in two dimensional wind tunnels to investigate the performance of the basic airfoil shape. A three dimensional wing designed with this airfoil and a high lift flap system is also being evaluated with a full size, half span model

    The value of the spineless monkey orange tree (Strychnos madagascariensis) for conservation of northern sportive lemurs (Lepilemur milanoii and L. ankaranensis)

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    Tree hollows provide shelters for a large number of forest-dependent vertebrate species worldwide. In  Madagascar, where high historical and ongoing rates of deforestation and forest degradation are  responsible for a major environmental crisis, reduced availability of tree hollows may lead to declines in hollow-dwelling species such as sportive lemurs, one of the most species-rich groups of lemurs. The identification of native tree species used by hollow-dwelling lemurs may facilitate targeted management interventions to maintain or improve habitat quality for these lemurs. During an extensive survey of sportive lemurs in northern Madagascar, we identified one tree species, Strychnos madagascariensis (Loganiaceae), the spineless monkey orange tree, as a principal sleeping site of two species of northern sportive lemurs, Lepilemur ankaranensis and L. milanoii (Lepilemuridae). This tree species represented 32.5% (n=150) of the 458 sleeping sites recorded. This result suggests that S. madagascariensis may be valuable for the conservation of hollow-dwelling lemurs. De nombreux vertébrés forestiers à travers le monde trouvent refuge dans des cavités et des trous  d’arbres. À Madagascar, les taux de déforestation historiques et actuels sont responsables d’une crise environnementale majeure. Dans ce contexte, une disponibilité réduite d’arbres pourvus de cavités  pourrait entrainer le déclin des espèces dépendant de ces abris comme par exemple les lépilemurs, un des groupes de lémuriens les plus riches en espèces. L’identification des espèces d’arbres indigènes creusés de trous et utilisés par les lémuriens pourrait faciliter la mise en place d’actions de conservation ayant pour but de maintenir ou améliorer l’habitat de ces lémuriens. Au cours d’une étude réalisée dans le Nord de Madagascar, nous avons observé que Strychnos madagascariensis  (Loganiaceae) était   fréquemment utilisé comme site dortoir par les deux espèces de lépilemurs présentes, Lepilemur   ankaranensis and L. milanoii (Lepilemuridae). Cette espèce d’arbre concernait 32,5% (n = 150) des 458  sites dortoirs enregistrés. Ce résultat suggère que S. madagascariensis pourrait être important pour la  conservation des lémuriens dépendant de sites dortoirs

    Superconductors with Magnetic Impurities: Instantons and Sub-gap States

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    When subject to a weak magnetic impurity potential, the order parameter and quasi-particle energy gap of a bulk singlet superconductor are suppressed. According to the conventional mean-field theory of Abrikosov and Gor'kov, the integrity of the energy gap is maintained up to a critical concentration of magnetic impurities. In this paper, a field theoretic approach is developed to critically analyze the validity of the mean field theory. Using the supersymmetry technique we find a spatially homogeneous saddle-point that reproduces the Abrikosov-Gor'kov theory, and identify instanton contributions to the density of states that render the quasi-particle energy gap soft at any non-zero magnetic impurity concentration. The sub-gap states are associated with supersymmetry broken field configurations of the action. An analysis of fluctuations around these configurations shows how the underlying supersymmetry of the action is restored by zero modes. An estimate of the density of states is given for all dimensionalities. To illustrate the universality of the present scheme we apply the same method to study `gap fluctuations' in a normal quantum dot coupled to a superconducting terminal. Using the same instanton approach, we recover the universal result recently proposed by Vavilov et al. Finally, we emphasize the universality of the present scheme for the description of gap fluctuations in d-dimensional superconducting/normal structures.Comment: 18 pages, 9 eps figure

    Nonlinear modeling of venous leg ulcer healing rates

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The purpose of this manuscript was to determine whether the change in wound surface area over time could be described through nonlinear mathematics.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We studied 3,588 serial wound tracings of 338 venous leg ulcers (VLUs) that had been followed during a controlled, prospective, randomized trial of two topical wound treatments.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A majority (72%) of VLUs exhibited surface area reduction via an exponential decay model, particularly during the early stages of healing. These results were consistent with the mechanics of wound contraction and epithelial cell proliferation, supported by the higher frequency at which exponential surface area reduction associated with full wound closure (35% of wounds that fit the exponential model healed vs. 21% of wounds that did not fit the exponential model completely healed during the study period, p = 0.018). Goodness-of-fit statistics suggested that much of the individual variation in healing could be described as nonlinear variation from the exponential model.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We believe that parameter estimates from a mathematical model may provide a more accurate quantification of wound healing rates, and that similar models may someday reach routine use in comparing the efficacy of various treatments in routine practice and in product registration trials.</p

    Near-infrared camera for the Clementine mission

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    The Clementine mission provided the first ever complete, systematic surface mapping of the moon from the ultra-violet to the near-infrared regions. More than 1.7 million images of the moon, earth and space were returned from this mission. The near-infrared (NIR) multi-spectral camera, one of two workhorse lunar mapping cameras (the other being the UV/visible camera), provided {approximately}200 in spatial resolution at 400 km periselene, and a 39 km across-track swath. This 1.9 kg infrared camera using a 256 x 256 InSb FPA viewed reflected solar illumination from the lunar surface and lunar horizon in the 1 to 3 {micro}m wavelength region, extending lunar imagery and mineralogy studies into the near infrared. A description of this light-weight, low power NIR camera along with a summary of lessons learned is presented. Design goals and preliminary on-orbit performance estimates are addressed in terms of meeting the mission`s primary objective for flight qualifying the sensors for future Department of Defense flights
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